Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

They aren't "investigating the president," you fucking moron. furthermore, there's no legal reason why the President shouldn't see it, even if he was the target of the investigation. .

You're denying your own denial. First you say Trump isn't being investigated, then you say he would be allowed to see the work product presented to the committee on the investigations against him.

I said he could be, not that he would be. I haven't contradicted anything.
Yesterday, documents surfaced showing that former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort had received at least $750,000 in illegal payments from former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, who is about to be tried for treason in absentia in Ukraine.

Today, Denis Voronenkov was shot to death in the streets of Kiev in broaddaylight, just a few weeks after he said he would testify against Yanukovych and his cohorts — Manafort included.

This is only the latest in a list of Russian dissidents to be murdered or die under mysterious circumstances since the U.S. Election. The timing of Voronenkov’s murder in conjunction with the latest revelations about Manafort — a man he was likely to incriminate — makes this latest tragedy all the more suspect.

News first broke of Manafort’s involvement in Russian criminal activity came in August when Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau revealed that Trump’s then Campaign Chair had been implicated in a shadow accounting scheme that allegedly earned him $12.7 million in illegal payments from President Yanukovych’s Party of Regions.

Manafort resigned four days later, however as we all now know, Russian agents continued to work on behalf of the Trump campaign.
Only one of the documents showing his pay were show to be true. The rest have been debunked as outright fabrications.. The desperation and making shit up is going to bite you in the ass.
And of course, the business deals the hairclown had with russian billionaires to help them launder money and prop up his failing projects involved with russian mafia folks were only being investigate in trump towers because...?

Any of you trumpfluffers know why?

Hint: it had to do with them living there.
Yesterday, documents surfaced showing that former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort had received at least $750,000 in illegal payments from former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, who is about to be tried for treason in absentia in Ukraine.

Today, Denis Voronenkov was shot to death in the streets of Kiev in broaddaylight, just a few weeks after he said he would testify against Yanukovych and his cohorts — Manafort included.

This is only the latest in a list of Russian dissidents to be murdered or die under mysterious circumstances since the U.S. Election. The timing of Voronenkov’s murder in conjunction with the latest revelations about Manafort — a man he was likely to incriminate — makes this latest tragedy all the more suspect.

News first broke of Manafort’s involvement in Russian criminal activity came in August when Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau revealed that Trump’s then Campaign Chair had been implicated in a shadow accounting scheme that allegedly earned him $12.7 million in illegal payments from President Yanukovych’s Party of Regions.

Manafort resigned four days later, however as we all now know, Russian agents continued to work on behalf of the Trump campaign.
Only one of the documents showing his pay were show to be true. The rest have been debunked as outright fabrications.. The desperation and making shit up is going to bite you in the ass.
You mean the document showing where he signed the $10 million contract?
And killing Voronenkov was just another coincidence?

Maybe his bodyguard did it and Obama ordered it?

What about--Last week Fox claimed Obama surveilled Trump through Britain's GCHQ. This week, they won't let that commentator back on the air. What's that about, eh? Protecting state secrets? Talking about "the desperation and making shit up is going to bite you in the ass"??

Ouchie, eh, twinks?
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Only one of the documents showing his pay were show to be true. The rest have been debunked as outright fabrications.. The desperation and making shit up is going to bite you in the ass.

How many do you need to prove a quid pro quo?
Yesterday, documents surfaced showing that former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort had received at least $750,000 in illegal payments from former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, who is about to be tried for treason in absentia in Ukraine.

Today, Denis Voronenkov was shot to death in the streets of Kiev in broaddaylight, just a few weeks after he said he would testify against Yanukovych and his cohorts — Manafort included.

This is only the latest in a list of Russian dissidents to be murdered or die under mysterious circumstances since the U.S. Election. The timing of Voronenkov’s murder in conjunction with the latest revelations about Manafort — a man he was likely to incriminate — makes this latest tragedy all the more suspect.

News first broke of Manafort’s involvement in Russian criminal activity came in August when Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau revealed that Trump’s then Campaign Chair had been implicated in a shadow accounting scheme that allegedly earned him $12.7 million in illegal payments from President Yanukovych’s Party of Regions.

Manafort resigned four days later, however as we all now know, Russian agents continued to work on behalf of the Trump campaign.
Let's say I believe this crap and think it is a big deal. WHY is it such a big deal when Liberals are completely ignoring the fact that:

Bubba was working for Vlad's ex-buddies, Ex-KGB, giving speeches for them at $50k a pop.

Hillary's campaign manager's company's board members were 1/3 made up of Russian businessmen who had direct ties to the Kremlin and was now (reported today) was the potential target of a Russian Influence campaign.

Hillary's campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian spy agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

The Clinton Foundation received donations from key players of the Russian US-uranium purchase she was connected to....not to mention she declared when challenged on receiving foreign contributions that she and Bill would NOT STOP collecting foreign money UNTIL SHE BECAME PRESIDENT (while she was under investigation - the Foundation - fro fraud, corruption, influence peddling, etc...

None of this seems to matter to snowflakes, none of them want this investigated, and they only want the 2 on-going investigations of Trump to continue even though they were begun without / based on no crime having been committed to investigate ('Incidental collections').
Are you claiming
The communications that were being disseminated had nothing to do with Russia, the Russian investigation or any foreign intelligence of any value.

Since it appears to be legal surveillance, which would require a valid FISA search warrent request, the ones more likely to be going to prison are members of Trump's campaign who were being surveiled

Whether it was "legal surveillance" isn't the issue. The names were unmasked and then it was distributed to Whitehouse personnel, both of which are blatantly illegal.

You mean the exact same thing that Nunes did yesterday?

Are you claiming Nunes broke the law?
Answer the question.
It's your description of a crime I responded to, moron.

Do the actions of the chairman fit your description?

Yes/no, why/why not.

#1) The material Nunes showed the president has already been widely distributed. There's no crime in further distributing it, especially to the president.

#2) Trump is not a defendant. He's not on trial. Your belief that he is purely a snowflake fantasy. Trump is authorized to view any material the committee is authorized to view. End of story.
'Could' that Obama's justification for illegal wire-taps/electronic surveillance/investigations?

'Well your honor, the individual in this case COULD be conspiring with the Russians.'

'And the individual COULD be smuggling nuclear weapons to North Korea, beating his wife, and mistreating his dog - do you have any evidence that leads you to this belief?'


View attachment 118347

Both the Directors of the FBI and NSA clearly declared their 'incidental collections' resulted in NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - no crime, no suspicion of crime, no need for further monitoring, no need for further investigations....but Barry did it anyway under the 'cover of legitimate foreign surveillance'. 'Foreign Surveillance'? AGAIN, both the FBI and NSA stated there was NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE in the initial information collected...
The snowflakes are starting to look like deer caught in the headlights. They don't understand that they have been hoisted on their own petard. From here on in it's going to get very bad for them, and especially for former members of the Obama administration. His shadow government is not going to be effective when most of the staff is under indictment.
“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.

So when did you douche bags check the evidence before you accused Trump of treason?

Fucking poltroon.
Liberals are completely ignoring the fact that:

Bubba was working for Vlad's ex-buddies, Ex-KGB, giving speeches for them at $50k a pop.

What are conservatives completely ignoring the fact that:
Clinton did this openly, legally, and didn't lie about what he did.

We see Trumps associates talking with russians, working with russians, and getting paid by the russians, and then changing RNC or american foreign policy.
So when did you douche bags check the evidence before you accused Trump of treason?

Fucking poltroon.

Trump has surrounded himself with Russian operatives. Trump admires Putin, and asked Putin to hack Clintons e-mails. Trump changed RNC foreign policy, and had an associate undermine the Obama sanctions.

How many dots do you need?
Liberals are completely ignoring the fact that:
Bubba was working for Vlad's ex-buddies, Ex-KGB, giving speeches for them at $50k a pop.
What are conservatives completely ignoring the fact that: Clinton did this openly, legally, and didn't lie about what he did.
Is that REALLY your justification for saying this is OK....that Clinton did this 'legally'?

Snowflakes have gone bat-shit crazy resurrecting McCarthy era Russia-connection witch hunts against Trump...and guess what: Neither Trump nor his team have done anything illegally. What they have done is ALSO LEGAL - NO CRIME!

In Trump's case, he has not WORKED FOR RUSSIANS. He has not WORKED FOR VLAD'S BUDDIES - EX-KGB! Can you HONESTLY imagine what liberals / snowflakes would be screaming had there been any connection to Trump and the KGB! Good gawd they would be screaming themselves hoarse about Trump being a traitor!

In Trump's case, 1/3rd of his company's board members are not Russian businessmen linked to the KREMLIN, as Hillary's campaign manager was / is.


You seemingly argue that it is ok for Hillary's husband to work for Ex-KGB because it was 'legal' but NOT ok for Trump / his team to have legal conversations / contact with Russians.

You seem to be saying it's ok for Hillary's campaign manager who was potentially the target of a Russian 'Influence' campaign to be 'in bed' with Kremlin connected business partners but NOT ok for Trump / his team to have legal conversations / contact with Russians.

You seem to be saying it is ok for those close to Hillary and her team to work for the KGB and Russian Spy agencies that hacked the DNC's e-mail but NOT ok for Trump / his team to have legal conversations / contact with Russians.

Really? Is that what you're saying?
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It doesn't matter how the information was gathered. The fact still remains that it was gathered and that it was missused.
That what Nunes stated very clearly. Wiretaps aren't the only means of collection.

The leakers will be dealt with if they're identified. There is no evidence that they're Obama hold overs or that Obama had anything at all to do with it.
ROFL! There's plenty of evidence. Who would be doing it if not Obama's handpicked stooges?
He is holding a press conference right now and he categorically stated that TRUMP TOWER WAS NOT WIRETAPPED
But surveillance was done.
Trump’s Wiretap Allegation Was a Self-Inflicted Wound
The national review can go suck a root. This is purely opinion, not fact. Nobody gives a horses ass what liberal journalists think anyway.
They're neverTrumpers, so that kind of article is no surprise coming from them.
So when did you douche bags check the evidence before you accused Trump of treason?

Fucking poltroon.

Trump has surrounded himself with Russian operatives. Trump admires Putin, and asked Putin to hack Clintons e-mails. Trump changed RNC foreign policy, and had an associate undermine the Obama sanctions.

How many dots do you need?
More totally unsubstantiated accusations. That's all you got, turd: one smear after another.
Liberals are completely ignoring the fact that:

Bubba was working for Vlad's ex-buddies, Ex-KGB, giving speeches for them at $50k a pop.

What are conservatives completely ignoring the fact that:
Clinton did this openly, legally, and didn't lie about what he did.

We see Trumps associates talking with russians, working with russians, and getting paid by the russians, and then changing RNC or american foreign policy.
And we see the Clintons and Obama gutting our defense and shutting down manned space missions at NASA.
Liberals are completely ignoring the fact that:
Bubba was working for Vlad's ex-buddies, Ex-KGB, giving speeches for them at $50k a pop.
What are conservatives completely ignoring the fact that: Clinton did this openly, legally, and didn't lie about what he did.
Is that REALLY your justification for saying this is OK....that Clinton did this 'legally'?

Ronald Reagan made millions in foreign speech money, ex: from the Saudi's, Bush sr, made millions from foreign speeches.

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