Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

The national review can go suck a root. This is purely opinion, not fact. Nobody gives a horses ass what liberal journalists think anyway.
All anyone has at this point is opinions. Don't be such a fucking tard
Apparently not, dickhead.
Nunes has more than an opinion, fucknuts.
I gave you the facts that Nunes stated. I'll even repeat them.

The Surveillance was legal.
The unmasking of names was not.
Trump Tower was not wiretapped.
How could Trump tower be "under surveillance" if it wasn't wiretapped?

Furthermore, distributing any information obtained on American citizens to the Obama administration was illegal.

You're always defending these douche bag snowflakes, yet you claim to be a conservative.
Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.
However, only retards think that's what "wiretapped" means when referring to surveillance by intelligence agencies.
Trump said his phones in Trump Towers were wiretapped by Obama.

You're nuts to think he was right.
Actually he said he had been wiretapped by Obama. Could have been his servers. Could have been his phones. That's what they're in the process of finding out.

It could have only been his phones, since Trumps server, actually just being used by Trump, wasn't located in Trump Tower.
It could have been just his cellphone while they were in Trump Towers.
This is how dishonest liberal assholes on this forum hide from the truth. Even if they are 100% wrong and all the facts spelled out in detail, they'll still look for a way to deny it. Wiretapping is that way for now.

Actually MUD you got it backwards in this thread alone Trumptard ( forgot who posted that) plugged in a lots of lies and dishonesty. Most don't care about the facts and reality but protect a pathological liar president.
Trump has surrounded himself with Russian operatives. ...How many dots do you need?
I REALLY 'need' you to provide the links and evidence to support your claim that Trump's team is 100% proven 'Russian Operatives'.

Again, after 9 months of multiple investigations NO ILLEGAL ACTIVITY has been found, no evidence to support your claim...


Bubba was working for the KGB

Podesta - Hillary's campaign manager - was the probable target of a Russian 'Influence' campaign designed to woo the Hillary camp into being more friendly to Russia while 1/3rd od the members of Podesta's business were prominent Russian Businessmen linked to the Kremlin

Tony Podesta was working for the KGB Bank and the Russian sy agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails

...isn't that 'special'. :p
Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

In the strict denotative meaning I believe that you may be correct, not in the connotative meaning though...

You can't infer more than what he said unless you're asserting that Trump has some sort of disability that makes it difficult for him to express himself clearly.
You have a disability that precludes you from performing simple logic.
I knew you couldn't quote either of them saying a crime "was" committed. Thanks for proving you are batshit insane, just as I said.
What are you talking about? It has already been established that the Intel leaks to the press ARE ILLEGAL. that is not even in questions. Comey was just asked if the leaks to the press are considered 'Espionage', which he answered 'YES'


Leaking Flynn's name to the press was illegal, but utterly justified

Gregg Jarrett: The leak of Flynn's conversations is a crime

Nice try to spin, but FAIL!

You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.


In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.

Ive known you as being dishonest. I watched CNN all the time so why not post the real link where you got your OPINION came from?

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