Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

I knew you couldn't quote either of them saying a crime "was" committed. Thanks for proving you are batshit insane, just as I said.
What are you talking about? It has already been established that the Intel leaks to the press ARE ILLEGAL. that is not even in questions. Comey was just asked if the leaks to the press are considered 'Espionage', which he answered 'YES'


Leaking Flynn's name to the press was illegal, but utterly justified

Gregg Jarrett: The leak of Flynn's conversations is a crime

Nice try to spin, but FAIL!

You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.


In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.
I would submit that Trump has been proven correct in the sentiment of his claims. "tapping" in every sense of the word refers to surreptitiously listening / recording another's communication. This was done! In the antiquated sense of physically connecting one copper wire to another.... likely not done
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CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

If that is your basis for claiming Obama did something illegal, than you are WRONG.
The FISA court ruled that that data can be retained for 5-7 years, the idea it should have been destroyed was rejected by the FISA court.
The ong
CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

If that is your basis for claiming Obama did something illegal, than you are WRONG.
The FISA court ruled that that data can be retained for 5-7 years, the idea it should have been destroyed was rejected by the FISA court.

The ongoing pursuit of information on Trump, through the FISA court section 702 is only one aspect of illegality. What has been discussed in greater depth here is the information already obtained and how it was used, unmasked and disseminated subsequent to its gathering.... then leaked!
I gave you the facts that Nunes stated. I'll even repeat them.

The Surveillance was legal.
The unmasking of names was not.
Trump Tower was not wiretapped.

Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.[/QUOTE]
Explanatory of you, yes.

You're deep in denial.
Tell me Moron, what do you call using "incidental collections" and having those conversations transcribed after they have been marked "no intelligence value" and should have been destroyed by federal law and then have the US citizens names unredacted. then publish them in a report of nothing but political activities of the trump campaign. Then have them distributed far and wide to the minions?

This is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject). This practice is ILLEGAL. then to violate federal laws by publishing this information and have it leaked..

This is like arguing with a four year old having a tantrum.. Keep crying and throwing your tantrum.. Your ass is about to get spanked.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Your delusions are again noted. :rolleyes:

Want more evidence you're crazy?

You said, "this is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject)."

But here's what Nunes said about reverse targeting...

Reporter: Could this have been the result of reverse targeting?

Nunes: I don’t know.

So unless you're speaking from a position of senility, how on Earth do you claim Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?



The physical evidence speaks for itself... Nunes reply was that of not making an assumption before he has all of the facts in hand and not tipping his hand to those who were doing it. It is however painfully obvious to LEO's who have seen it before, like me!

Nunes categorically said he "doesn't know" if it was reverse targeting and he's the one to actually review the evidence, not you. If you were truly law enforcement, you're an embarrassment because qualified law enforcement do not reach conclusions without reviewing the evidence in stark contrast to the opinions of those actually reviewing the evidence.
Are you that incapable of following the evidence? Guess so.. What an idiot. You don't know how surveillance is conducted or how it works, yet you are somehow an expert.. what a fucking retard.
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I gave you the facts that Nunes stated. I'll even repeat them.

The Surveillance was legal.
The unmasking of names was not.
Trump Tower was not wiretapped.

Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.
Explanatory of you, yes.

You're deep in denial.[/QUOTE]

As you can see in MY text above, If you are strictly referring to 'tapping' as the joining of x2 copper wires. YES I concede that you may be correct... Can I be more plain than the first time I said it?

The danger here is semantics and not seeing the forest through the trees... what does "tapping" mean today vs 1930's?
Do you know how digital phones are tapped?

QAM data transmissions are captured in bulk. there is not a physical tap on any one line. Burst identifiers are what identify the data strings and are how the data is recompiled into analog voice coming from the phone. This is also how the tap occurs using the burst identifiers.

You have to know which switches the phone data travels through,would be from the local telephone switch. If you're taping the Russian embassy, it would be in DC, if you were taping Trump Tower it would be in New York. Since it was a FISA authorized interception, that means it was in DC, where the foreign party was located.
You also don't know shit. All I have to do is find the right fiber optic cable for the building or the area switch compiler. The phone data is transmitted in QAM and once I have the phones ID string everything they do in or out I have access to from the data stream.

Hell, if I had the warrant I could go to the regional data hub and just plug in. The NSA has data compilers in every hub station and they transmit all data to storage locations. Every phone call in the US and internet connection is stored as they all pass through these hubs.

The NSA stores a whole lot more than metadata.
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Gotta hand it to you trumpfluffing crybabies -- you don't care how stupid you look defending the obvious trump team collusion with the ruskies by whimpering that the real crime is exposing it. That's even worse than insisting the conman hairclown himself, isn't a liar and a thief. Or is that the reason you're doing it -- there's still enough wiggle room in admitting this apparent act of treason to pretend you still have some pride? If he claims he's being blackmailed, will you forgive him for that too?
Only an Obama fluffer thinks that all of the leaks that surfaced the first weeks of the Trump presidency was just by accident. Somebody had to have ordered the intel agencies to spy on their political enemy and newly elected president. It's been well known by everyone that Obama has been spying on everyone. Foreign leaders, journalists, or anyone who got in his way. This is why so many were too afraid to go against him, because they didn't want their private lives splashed all over the headlines in the media. Well the problem here is Obama went too far and did it to a sitting president, and he his going to be hounded by this for years until they get to the bottom of it. There has to be a limit to what a president can get away with and Obama has definitely stepped over that limit. My hope is that he is convicted of espionage, and criminal conspiracies, and his Secret Service privileges revoked. He should have to pay for his own security.

Boldly whimpered. Too bad it's been repeatedly proven false by those not sucking the hairclown's dick.
Also your hopes and predictions expose silly nonsense that could only be believed by a complete idiot. Is it possible you could have even more idiotic beliefs?
How does one go about boldly whimpering?
Aren't those conflicting terms?
When you cry about "everybody" knowing how "Obama has been spying on everyone," and are thus afraid of his retaliation simply because you wish to ignore intelligence agencies around the world all recognizing that trump's campaign was coordinated with the russians to undermine our democracy by insisting it was really Obama doing something illegal, that is not only bold, but also a whimper.

Feel better now?
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I knew you couldn't quote either of them saying a crime "was" committed. Thanks for proving you are batshit insane, just as I said.
What are you talking about? It has already been established that the Intel leaks to the press ARE ILLEGAL. that is not even in questions. Comey was just asked if the leaks to the press are considered 'Espionage', which he answered 'YES'


Leaking Flynn's name to the press was illegal, but utterly justified

Gregg Jarrett: The leak of Flynn's conversations is a crime

Nice try to spin, but FAIL!

You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.


In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
The ong
CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

If that is your basis for claiming Obama did something illegal, than you are WRONG.
The FISA court ruled that that data can be retained for 5-7 years, the idea it should have been destroyed was rejected by the FISA court.

The ongoing pursuit of information on Trump, through the FISA court section 702 is only one aspect of illegality. What has been discussed in greater depth here is the information already obtained and how it was used, unmasked and disseminated subsequent to its gathering.... then leaked!
I am not arguing that the information was collected illegally.

I am saying that once the NSA and FBI concluded there was 'NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE' in what was 'incidentally collected', there was no reason to give that information to the 16 Intel Agencies. WHY would he give information containing NO INTEL VALUE to Intel agencies...unless it WAS to illegally leak Flynn's identity as having legally communicated with the Russians to support the liberal false narrative that there was collusion between Trump and the Russians?

I am saying the CONTINUED 'monitoring of Trump (according to NSA files) and the 2 on-going, 9-month old NSA and FBI investigations of Trump was, has been, and is without merit because there was never any evidence of any crime that needed to be investigated. Just like when Obama illegally spied on reporters and Congress, using the false justification of 'foreign Intel collection', despite being told there was NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE 'here' Obama continued the 'monitoring' and began the investigation anyway 'under the cover of foreign intel collection'.
The ongoing pursuit of information on Trump, through the FISA court section 702 is only one aspect of illegality. What has been discussed in greater depth here is the information already obtained and how it was used, unmasked and disseminated subsequent to its gathering.... then leaked!

Let's quickly cover each aspect:
Retention has been extened to 5 years by FISA court order, unmasking is allowed under certain conditions, where 'context' makes it relevent, or the secondary is a high ranking government official.

The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant

NSA minimization procedures signed by Holder in 2009 set out that once a target is confirmed to be within the US, interception must stop immediately. However, these circumstances do not apply to large-scale data where the NSA claims it is unable to filter US communications from non-US ones.

The NSA is empowered to retain data for up to five years and the policy states "communications which may be retained include electronic communications acquired because of limitations on the NSA's ability to filter communications".

Domestic communications containing none of the above must be destroyed. Communications in which one party was outside the US, but the other is a US-person, are permitted for retention under FAA rules.

The minimization procedure adds that these can be disseminated to other agencies or friendly governments if the US person is anonymised, or including the US person's identity under certain criteria.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Your delusions are again noted. :rolleyes:

Want more evidence you're crazy?

You said, "this is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject)."

But here's what Nunes said about reverse targeting...

Reporter: Could this have been the result of reverse targeting?

Nunes: I don’t know.

So unless you're speaking from a position of senility, how on Earth do you claim Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?



The physical evidence speaks for itself... Nunes reply was that of not making an assumption before he has all of the facts in hand and not tipping his hand to those who were doing it. It is however painfully obvious to LEO's who have seen it before, like me!

Nunes categorically said he "doesn't know" if it was reverse targeting and he's the one to actually review the evidence, not you. If you were truly law enforcement, you're an embarrassment because qualified law enforcement do not reach conclusions without reviewing the evidence in stark contrast to the opinions of those actually reviewing the evidence.
Are you that incapable of following the evidence? Guess so.. What an idiot. You don't know how surveillance is conducted or how it works, yet you are somehow an expert.. what fucking retard.
Moron, have you seen all the evidence Nunes has seen?

Of course not. So other than dementia, how on Earth could you possibly assert Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?

I knew you couldn't quote either of them saying a crime "was" committed. Thanks for proving you are batshit insane, just as I said.
What are you talking about? It has already been established that the Intel leaks to the press ARE ILLEGAL. that is not even in questions. Comey was just asked if the leaks to the press are considered 'Espionage', which he answered 'YES'


Leaking Flynn's name to the press was illegal, but utterly justified

Gregg Jarrett: The leak of Flynn's conversations is a crime

Nice try to spin, but FAIL!

You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.


In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Did you say something? All I hear is your continued bullshit spin. The fact is Obama's cronies broke the law by 'outing' Flynn when that information was legally protected. Leaking that information to the press is a crime - not only a crime. Comey declared it constitutes 'Felony ESPIONAGE'.

What Obama did was repeat his past performances, when he illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, and illegally spied on Congress. As Nunes stated, 'Obama hid under the cover of legitimate foreign Intel Collection', even though he already KNEW from the FBI and NSA that there was there was no crime and NO GOREIGN INTEL VALUE'

Waste of are the permanent spin-master. (How much is Soros paying you, anyway?)
When you cry about "everybody" knowing how "Obama has been spying on everyone," and are thus afraid of his retaliation simply because you wish to ignore intelligence agencies around the world all recognizing that trump's campaign was coordinated with the russians to undermine our democracy by insisting it was really Obama doing something illegal, that is not only bold, but also a whimper.

Feel better now?

More ignorant liberal crap, PROVEN FACT stated a thousand or more times by all involved agencies,,,>>>> There is >>>>>>NO evidence of any illegal, or unethical activity between Trumps businesses, or his Political team and the Russians.>>>>PROVEN FACT>>>> FISA declined by one judge because of requested WIDE scope to WIRETAP Trump towers communications. SECOND REQUEST Narrowed for same REQUEST APPROVED, Information that was well OUTSIDE THE SCOPE of the investigation was COLLECTED ILLEGALLY, TRANSCRIBED, AND PROTECTED INFORMATION WAS RELEASED TO PUBLIC OUTLETS ILLEGALLY!!! THE REQUEST was issued by none other that the oshitscum administrations lapdogs THAT OPERATE COMPLETELY AT HIS BIDDING!!!!! WE all know this shit stupid liberals including you. So stick your lies up it.
The danger here is semantics and not seeing the forest through the trees... what does "tapping" mean today vs 1930's?

Tapping is the surveillence of a primary individual. The secondary, guy on the other end of the phone call isn't being tapped, he is merely being recorded incident to the conversation..
Yesterday, documents surfaced showing that former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort had received at least $750,000 in illegal payments from former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, who is about to be tried for treason in absentia in Ukraine.

Today, Denis Voronenkov was shot to death in the streets of Kiev in broaddaylight, just a few weeks after he said he would testify against Yanukovych and his cohorts — Manafort included.

This is only the latest in a list of Russian dissidents to be murdered or die under mysterious circumstances since the U.S. Election. The timing of Voronenkov’s murder in conjunction with the latest revelations about Manafort — a man he was likely to incriminate — makes this latest tragedy all the more suspect.

News first broke of Manafort’s involvement in Russian criminal activity came in August when Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau revealed that Trump’s then Campaign Chair had been implicated in a shadow accounting scheme that allegedly earned him $12.7 million in illegal payments from President Yanukovych’s Party of Regions.

Manafort resigned four days later, however as we all now know, Russian agents continued to work on behalf of the Trump campaign.
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Your delusions are again noted. :rolleyes:

Want more evidence you're crazy?

You said, "this is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject)."

But here's what Nunes said about reverse targeting...

Reporter: Could this have been the result of reverse targeting?

Nunes: I don’t know.

So unless you're speaking from a position of senility, how on Earth do you claim Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?



The physical evidence speaks for itself... Nunes reply was that of not making an assumption before he has all of the facts in hand and not tipping his hand to those who were doing it. It is however painfully obvious to LEO's who have seen it before, like me!

Nunes categorically said he "doesn't know" if it was reverse targeting and he's the one to actually review the evidence, not you. If you were truly law enforcement, you're an embarrassment because qualified law enforcement do not reach conclusions without reviewing the evidence in stark contrast to the opinions of those actually reviewing the evidence.
Are you that incapable of following the evidence? Guess so.. What an idiot. You don't know how surveillance is conducted or how it works, yet you are somehow an expert.. what fucking retard.
Moron, have you seen all the evidence Nunes has seen?

Of course not. So other than dementia, how on Earth could you possibly assert Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?

Your Total ignorance of the subject is stunning. LOL.... I cant fix your kind of stupid. Keep believing the shit they are feeding you..
So another release of an UNVETTED document and you state that it is gospel and proves something. ANOTHER LIE by the liberal shit to put some smoke between their GOD and his NOOSE!!!!

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