Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.
No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him.

No surprise.

They said evidence could be forthcoming.

Depends on if Obama Administration holdovers try to stop the evidence from being made public.

You really need to stop being such a worthless hack... or take classes on reading comprehension.
Neither is addressing reality.
Reality is THIS:

Both the Director of the FBI and the Head of the NSA declared before Congress that the only crimes that have been proven to have been committed are the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE committed by the Democrats - the Obama holdovers - and Obama, who illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team that had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE (and thus was protected personal information), distributed that information to 16 Intel agencies, and then illegally leaked that information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / administration.
Obama, who illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team that had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE (and thus was protected personal information), distributed that information to 16 Intel agencies, and then illegally leaked that information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / administration.

Says who?

Like I said, not arguing reality.
Neither of them claimed any crimes were committed. You truly are fucking deranged.
Faun, I have respected your opinions...until now. You have just proven you are either mentally dain bramaged or a liar. Both Comey and the head of the NSA stated before Congress that the illegal leaks perpetrated by the Obama hold-overs in the Intel Agencies constitutes Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE.

When asked if he would assure the American people that he would investigate these crimes and bring those criminals to justice, Comey responded by declaring, "I WILL NOT!"

Comey says leaks could constitute 'espionage'

Comey says leaks could constitute 'espionage'
Don't just post your demented translation of Comey and Rogers.... quote them saying crimes were committed...
“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.
No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him.

No surprise.

They said evidence could be forthcoming.

Depends on if Obama Administration holdovers try to stop the evidence from being made public.

You really need to stop being such a worthless hack... or take classes on reading comprehension.

No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him

Who did?
“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.
No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him.

No surprise.

They said evidence could be forthcoming.

Depends on if Obama Administration holdovers try to stop the evidence from being made public.

You really need to stop being such a worthless hack... or take classes on reading comprehension.

No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him

Who did?
Like fishing in a barrel, this is too easy....
Quote Comey and Rogers saying Obama or his people committed espionage or prove how right I am that you're mentally deranged.
'smatter, Faun? Don't know how to work links? They've been provided.

In a rare public hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, FBI Director James Comey suggested on Monday that recent leaks of classified information to the press are not only criminal – they likely fit the definition of espionage. "Leaks of classified information are serious, serious federal crimes for a reason," Comey said during his opening statement. He added that those behind the leaks "should be investigated and where possible prosecuted in a way that reflects that seriousness so that people understand it simply cannot be tolerated." When Nunes asked whether giving classified information to the press could be considered a violation of the Espionage Act, the FBI director responded with a flat out "yes."

Seeing as how illegally releasing classified information is exactly what Obama's seditious holdovers did, they - according to Comey - committed Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE.

Comey says leaks could constitute 'espionage'

So as I have said, you are either mentally dain bramaged or a liar in trying to defend the criminal left when ignoring the facts. Which is it?
“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.
No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him.

No surprise.

They said evidence could be forthcoming.

Depends on if Obama Administration holdovers try to stop the evidence from being made public.

You really need to stop being such a worthless hack... or take classes on reading comprehension.
Rightard... nothing is proven while the evidence of such is "forthcoming"

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you morons that even simple logic as this eludes you so easily?
It doesn't matter how the information was gathered. The fact still remains that it was gathered and that it was missused.
That what Nunes stated very clearly. Wiretaps aren't the only means of collection.
Hell, you could have won millions in the lottery... you could have used your brain...but there's been no evidence released yet that either of those ever happened.
You COULD have a valid thought / point....if you pulled your head out of your partisan arse and paid attention to the facts.

Obama began 2 simultaneous investigations of Trump (FBI and NSA) under the justification the investigations were for the collection of foreign Intel.... THE PROBLEM WITH THAT is that both the FBI and NSA testified before Congress that their initial 'incidental collections' on Trump and his team revealed NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE! In other words, Obama's justification for starting up 2 investigations of Trump after that was BULLSHIT! There was no reason for them - NO CRIME, NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE!

Obama overstepped his legal authority to conduct illegal investigations / illegal electronic surveillance on the GOP Presidential Candidate during a Presidential election.

He illegally spied on Trump and his team JUST LIKE HE DID reporters, the media, and congress during his earlier time as President!

The only reason any logical person with any common sense refuses to see this - AFTER BOGH COMEY AND THE HEAD OF THE NSA DECLARED THE ONLY CRIMES PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED SO FAR HAS BEEN THE FELONY CRIMES OF ESPIONAGE BY OBAMA LOYALISTS/OBAMA - is because they are so politically partisan that they refuse to acknowledge the facts / truth that have been revealed.
Like fishing in a barrel, this is too easy....

Quote Comey and Rogers saying Obama or his people committed espionage or prove how right I am that you're mentally deranged.

Is that Harry or Lloyd?
Rightard... nothing is proven while the evidence of such is "forthcoming"
"When Nunes asked whether giving classified information to the press could be considered a violation of the Espionage Act, the FBI director responded with a flat out "yes."

CNN already reported - and the NSA has confirmed it through their testimony - that Obama illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team, information that provided no evidence of any crime and had 'NO foreign Intel value' (which means at that point the information was purely personal information that is protected), and illegally gave that information to his holdovers in 16 different Intel Agencies, after which they illegally leaked that information to the press.

Comey made it clear that doing so constitutes Felony crimes of Espionage.

The evidence has been presented and declared to expose criminal acts...

...and nothing you can say can change that.
“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.
No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him.

No surprise.

They said evidence could be forthcoming.

Depends on if Obama Administration holdovers try to stop the evidence from being made public.

You really need to stop being such a worthless hack... or take classes on reading comprehension.
Rightard... nothing is proven while the evidence of such is "forthcoming"

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you morons that even simple logic as this eludes you so easily?
Obviously you have a problem with admitting that Trump was right.
There is a process that is ongoing that pugknockers and Sheep Shaggers like yourself aren't privvy to. Hiding behind the sensitive nature of this investigation so you can distort the truth isn't helping your position and I'm growing tired of it.
Like fishing in a barrel, this is too easy....
Quote Comey and Rogers saying Obama or his people committed espionage or prove how right I am that you're mentally deranged.
'smatter, Faun? Don't know how to work links? They've been provided.

In a rare public hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, FBI Director James Comey suggested on Monday that recent leaks of classified information to the press are not only criminal – they likely fit the definition of espionage. "Leaks of classified information are serious, serious federal crimes for a reason," Comey said during his opening statement. He added that those behind the leaks "should be investigated and where possible prosecuted in a way that reflects that seriousness so that people understand it simply cannot be tolerated." When Nunes asked whether giving classified information to the press could be considered a violation of the Espionage Act, the FBI director responded with a flat out "yes."

Seeing as how illegally releasing classified information is exactly what Obama's seditious holdovers did, they - according to Comey - committed Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE.

Comey says leaks could constitute 'espionage'

So as I have said, you are either mentally dain bramaged or a liar in trying to defend the criminal left when ignoring the facts. Which is it?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

"could" again.


I knew you couldn't quote either of them saying a crime "was" committed.

Thanks for proving you are batshit insane, just as I said.

It doesn't matter how the information was gathered. The fact still remains that it was gathered and that it was missused.
That what Nunes stated very clearly. Wiretaps aren't the only means of collection.

The leakers will be dealt with if they're identified. There is no evidence that they're Obama hold overs or that Obama had anything at all to do with it.
It doesn't matter how the information was gathered. The fact still remains that it was gathered and that it was missused.
That what Nunes stated very clearly. Wiretaps aren't the only means of collection.
Wrong. What Nunes said was all of the surveillance appears to be completely legal and that he's focusing on the unmasking of names.
Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.
No, they said they discovered that Obama was spying on him.

No surprise.

They said evidence could be forthcoming.

Depends on if Obama Administration holdovers try to stop the evidence from being made public.

You really need to stop being such a worthless hack... or take classes on reading comprehension.
Rightard... nothing is proven while the evidence of such is "forthcoming"

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you morons that even simple logic as this eludes you so easily?
Obviously you have a problem with admitting that Trump was right.
There is a process that is ongoing that pugknockers and Sheep Shaggers like yourself aren't privvy to. Hiding behind the sensitive nature of this investigation so you can distort the truth isn't helping your position and I'm growing tired of it.

Trump said his phones in Trump Towers were wiretapped by Obama.

You're nuts to think he was right.
It doesn't matter how the information was gathered. The fact still remains that it was gathered and that it was missused.
That what Nunes stated very clearly. Wiretaps aren't the only means of collection.

The leakers will be dealt with if they're identified. There is no evidence that they're Obama hold overs or that Obama had anything at all to do with it.
If you say so..

He is holding a press conference right now and he categorically stated that TRUMP TOWER WAS NOT WIRETAPPED
But surveillance was done.
Trump’s Wiretap Allegation Was a Self-Inflicted Wound
The national review can go suck a root. This is purely opinion, not fact. Nobody gives a horses ass what liberal journalists think anyway.
All anyone has at this point is opinions. Don't be such a fucking tard

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