Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Gotta hand it to you trumpfluffing crybabies -- you don't care how stupid you look defending the obvious trump team collusion with the ruskies by whimpering that the real crime is exposing it. That's even worse than insisting the conman hairclown himself, isn't a liar and a thief. Or is that the reason you're doing it -- there's still enough wiggle room in admitting this apparent act of treason to pretend you still have some pride? If he claims he's being blackmailed, will you forgive him for that too?
Only an Obama fluffer thinks that all of the leaks that surfaced the first weeks of the Trump presidency was just by accident. Somebody had to have ordered the intel agencies to spy on their political enemy and newly elected president. It's been well known by everyone that Obama has been spying on everyone. Foreign leaders, journalists, or anyone who got in his way. This is why so many were too afraid to go against him, because they didn't want their private lives splashed all over the headlines in the media. Well the problem here is Obama went too far and did it to a sitting president, and he his going to be hounded by this for years until they get to the bottom of it. There has to be a limit to what a president can get away with and Obama has definitely stepped over that limit. My hope is that he is convicted of espionage, and criminal conspiracies, and his Secret Service privileges revoked. He should have to pay for his own security.
Since it appears to be legal surveillance, which would require a valid FISA search warrent request, the ones more likely to be going to prison are members of Trump's campaign who were being surveiled.

Are you claiming
The communications that were being disseminated had nothing to do with Russia, the Russian investigation or any foreign intelligence of any value.

Since it appears to be legal surveillance, which would require a valid FISA search warrent request, the ones more likely to be going to prison are members of Trump's campaign who were being surveiled

Whether it was "legal surveillance" isn't the issue. The names were unmasked and then it was distributed to Whitehouse personnel, both of which are blatantly illegal.

You mean the exact same thing that Nunes did yesterday?

Are you claiming Nunes broke the law?
Answer the question.
It's your description of a crime I responded to, moron.

Do the actions of the chairman fit your description?

Yes/no, why/why not.
He destroyed the credibility of the committee that is supposed to have oversight of the executive by giving evidence to the man they're investigating. He will be removed unless Ryan pusses out.
It's clear that leaks aren’t what they're after, which is were the felonies occured. Why is that?
If you were in an investigation and your coworkers showed no interest at getting to the truth, wouldn't you speak up?????

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.

ROFL! He did nothing of the sort.
It's an oversight committee. He's the chairman.
They have oversight of the executive branch.
The committee is investigating Trump in relation to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
The chairman shared evidence with the guy they're investigating.

You wanna try again, dope?

They are investigating paranoid claims about Russia hacking the election. Trump isn't under indictment, you fucking jackass. Trump is legally authorized to see any material the committee is authorized to see.

He doesn't need to be under indictment to be investigated. The investigation always comes before an indictment, retard.

Trump and the Intel agencies are both in the executive branch. He can get that information any time he likes.
Note what I said: Trump is authorized to see anything the committee is authorized to see. That isn't the same as saying he's authorized to see anything he wants.

If the committee is seeing the work product of the attorney general covering an investigation of the plresident, the president would have be privileged to see it. During the watergate investigations, Nixon couldn't be briefed on the evidence the house committee had against him, until the house committee presented them.

They aren't "investigating the president," you fucking moron. furthermore, there's no legal reason why the President shouldn't see it, even if he was the target of the investigation. In a trial, the defense is entitled to see all the evidence against him. If the House doesn't want the president to see what they got, that's their prerogative. It's also their prerogative to show him whatever they want to show him.

It's just another bullshit legal theory douche bags invented so they can feign outrage.

They aren't, retard?

intel committees investigating Trump - Google Search
A fairy tale conspiracy theory asserting that a presidential candidate and the leader of Russia conspired to rig a presidential election: absolutely ZERO evidence; absurd; and politically motivated.

After a while you cant use the excuse of "1000 connections are just happy coincidences" anymore.
The standard of proof that was established for Hillary's escapades was, as long as there is no conviction in a court of law, the defendant is free and clear of taint and contamination. I see no reason to change that standard now.

Ahh, it's just a coincidence that you agree with the standard you just made up? Very slick.
Oh, I didn't make it up.
It's clear that leaks aren’t what they're after, which is were the felonies occured. Why is that?
If you were in an investigation and your coworkers showed no interest at getting to the truth, wouldn't you speak up?????

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.

ROFL! He did nothing of the sort.
It's an oversight committee. He's the chairman.
They have oversight of the executive branch.
The committee is investigating Trump in relation to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
The chairman shared evidence with the guy they're investigating.

You wanna try again, dope?

They are investigating paranoid claims about Russia hacking the election. Trump isn't under indictment, you fucking jackass. Trump is legally authorized to see any material the committee is authorized to see.

He doesn't need to be under indictment to be investigated. The investigation always comes before an indictment, retard.

Trump and the Intel agencies are both in the executive branch. He can get that information any time he likes.
Until he gets rid of all of the lying Obama scumbags Trump will never get the whole story. As we speak the FBI refuses to cooperate. Now why is that????
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.

ROFL! He did nothing of the sort.
It's an oversight committee. He's the chairman.
They have oversight of the executive branch.
The committee is investigating Trump in relation to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
The chairman shared evidence with the guy they're investigating.

You wanna try again, dope?

They are investigating paranoid claims about Russia hacking the election. Trump isn't under indictment, you fucking jackass. Trump is legally authorized to see any material the committee is authorized to see.

He doesn't need to be under indictment to be investigated. The investigation always comes before an indictment, retard.

Trump and the Intel agencies are both in the executive branch. He can get that information any time he likes.
Until he gets rid of all of the lying Obama scumbags Trump will never get the whole story. As we speak the FBI refuses to cooperate. Now why is that????

Injecting conspiracy to cover your gaps in logic is never a good play. You simply cannot assume and state as fact that "lying Obama scumbags" is the reason for any of this while denying that Trump has the ability to get it himself. It only makes you look ridiculously dumb.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

Shrieks the rightard who thinks Vince Foster's body was exhumed to search for more clues he was actually murdered.

Sorry, dumbfuck. I just can't anything you say seriously.

At all.

In fact, you claiming a crime was committed by Democrats is even an indication there was no such crime.
Shrieks the rightard who thinks Vince Foster's body was exhumed to search for more clues he was actually murdered.Sorry, dumbfuck. I just can't anything you say seriously.
I KNOW you aren't talking to me...never said such a thing... If you are claiming I said that you LIE!
“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Shrieks the rightard who thinks Vince Foster's body was exhumed to search for more clues he was actually murdered.Sorry, dumbfuck. I just can't anything you say seriously.
I KNOW you aren't talking to me...never said such a thing... If you are claiming I said that you LIE!
Sorry, it's hard to tell you rightards apart, but it was a mistake, not a lie. It was MindWars who said that, not you.

Breaking: Autopsy results from Vince Foster's exhumed body cause of death to be changed
“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Maybe someone needs to explain the definition of 'was', as in 'Obama WAS using the COVER of legitimate surveillance to spy on Trump'.

BOTH the Director of the FBI and head of the NSA said the 'incidental collection' of Trump and team member personal data contained NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE; yet, despite that Obama still ILLEGALLY gave the then protected personal Trump and team members information to hos holdovers in 16 INTEL Agencies...which was then ILLEGALLY leaked later. BOTH Comey and the head of the NSA declared these acts to be FELONY CRIMES OF ESPINAGE.

DESPITE the 'incidental collection' showing NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, Obama still had 2 investigations of Trump and his team (FBI and NSA) go on for 9 months now, throughout the election. No crime committed, no reason to investigate, yet Obama spied on - 'monitored' Trump and his team throughout the election.

'Could'? Obama COULD go to jail over this. Obama SHOULD go to jail over this. Obama, however, will not go to jail over this.
Sorry, it's hard to tell you rightards apart, but it was a mistake, not a lie.
If that's your idea of humbly admitting you made a mistake and an apology you suck at it. Apology accepted, though. Mistakes happen.
ROFL! He did nothing of the sort.
It's an oversight committee. He's the chairman.
They have oversight of the executive branch.
The committee is investigating Trump in relation to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
The chairman shared evidence with the guy they're investigating.

You wanna try again, dope?

They are investigating paranoid claims about Russia hacking the election. Trump isn't under indictment, you fucking jackass. Trump is legally authorized to see any material the committee is authorized to see.

He doesn't need to be under indictment to be investigated. The investigation always comes before an indictment, retard.

Trump and the Intel agencies are both in the executive branch. He can get that information any time he likes.
Until he gets rid of all of the lying Obama scumbags Trump will never get the whole story. As we speak the FBI refuses to cooperate. Now why is that????

Injecting conspiracy to cover your gaps in logic is never a good play. You simply cannot assume and state as fact that "lying Obama scumbags" is the reason for any of this while denying that Trump has the ability to get it himself. It only makes you look ridiculously dumb.
The evidence gaps are a constant, because of the sensitive nature of those facts. Common-sense tells the open-minded to smell a rat.
Only dishonest numbnuts like yourself refuse to face up to the truth.
The fact is not only is there a massive conspiracy to impeach Trump which was tipped off several times, but the media is in collusion with Democrats on this conspiracy and ironically in collusion with them to win elections. Only an idiot refuses to read the tea leaves or refuses to even pay fucking attention. The greatest threat Trump poses to the co-conspirators is when he finally replaces enough of Obama's people to bring it to light, some of the facts will be made public and the deniers will get egg on their faces. My guess is they will simply change their stories. What will be your story?

“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
'Could' that Obama's justification for illegal wire-taps/electronic surveillance/investigations?

'Well your honor, the individual in this case COULD be conspiring with the Russians.'

'And the individual COULD be smuggling nuclear weapons to North Korea, beating his wife, and mistreating his dog - do you have any evidence that leads you to this belief?'



Both the Directors of the FBI and NSA clearly declared their 'incidental collections' resulted in NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - no crime, no suspicion of crime, no need for further monitoring, no need for further investigations....but Barry did it anyway under the 'cover of legitimate foreign surveillance'. 'Foreign Surveillance'? AGAIN, both the FBI and NSA stated there was NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE in the initial information collected...
'Could' that Obama's justification for illegal wire-taps/electronic surveillance/investigations?

'Well your honor, the individual in this case COULD be conspiring with the Russians.'

'And the individual COULD be smuggling nuclear weapons to North Korea, beating his wife, and mistreating his dog - do you have any evidence that leads you to this belief?'


View attachment 118347

Both the Directors of the FBI and NSA clearly declared their 'incidental collections' resulted in NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - no crime, no suspicion of crime, no need for further monitoring, no need for further investigations....but Barry did it anyway under the 'cover of legitimate foreign surveillance'. 'Foreign Surveillance'? AGAIN, both the FBI and NSA stated there was NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE in the initial information collected...
Trump is an evil racist *Republican*.....what other justification is needed?

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