Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Note what I said: Trump is authorized to see anything the committee is authorized to see. That isn't the same as saying he's authorized to see anything he wants.

If the committee is seeing the work product of the attorney general covering an investigation of the plresident, the president would have be privileged to see it. During the watergate investigations, Nixon couldn't be briefed on the evidence the house committee had against him, until the house committee presented them.
Note what I said: Trump is authorized to see anything the committee is authorized to see. That isn't the same as saying he's authorized to see anything he wants.

If the committee is seeing the work product of the attorney general covering an investigation of the plresident, the president would have be privileged to see it. During the watergate investigations, Nixon couldn't be briefed on the evidence the house committee had against him, until the house committee presented them.

They aren't "investigating the president," you fucking moron. furthermore, there's no legal reason why the President shouldn't see it, even if he was the target of the investigation. In a trial, the defense is entitled to see all the evidence against him. If the House doesn't want the president to see what they got, that's their prerogative. It's also their prerogative to show him whatever they want to show him.

It's just another bullshit legal theory douche bags invented so they can feign outrage.
Tell me Moron, what do you call using "incidental collections" and having those conversations transcribed after they have been marked "no intelligence value" and should have been destroyed by federal law and then have the US citizens names unredacted. then publish them in a report of nothing but political activities of the trump campaign. Then have them distributed far and wide to the minions?.

At one point data collected on Mohammad Atta had 'no intelligence value' Circumstances change the assessments. And since the FISA court ruled the data can be legallty retained for five years, your claim it should have been destroyed is not the opinion of the court.
'retained' is a far cry from unmaksing and publishing.. the federal statue states it "shall be destroyed" the court ruling is in direct conflict with current federal statute.
The president has full control of all data and its classification. He can demand and he will be given access.

Are there any levels of classified information that the President of the United States is not authorized to know?
  1. Details of certain Treasury Department investigations - If a political ally or personal friend of the POTUS was under investigation by the SEC or the IRS, it’s exceptionally unlikely that he would be told until shortly before that information was either going announce din the media (when they call for confirmation) or when the agencies are going release details to the media and the public.
They aren't "investigating the president," you fucking moron. furthermore, there's no legal reason why the President shouldn't see it, even if he was the target of the investigation. .

You're denying your own denial. First you say Trump isn't being investigated, then you say he would be allowed to see the work product presented to the committee on the investigations against him.
The president has full control of all data and its classification. He can demand and he will be given access.

Are there any levels of classified information that the President of the United States is not authorized to know?
  1. Details of certain Treasury Department investigations - If a political ally or personal friend of the POTUS was under investigation by the SEC or the IRS, it’s exceptionally unlikely that he would be told until shortly before that information was either going announce din the media (when they call for confirmation) or when the agencies are going release details to the media and the public.
Again.. The president is who decides need to know classifications. Even in your example above, the president can demand and he will be given access. Your example is of notification not of demand.
'retained' is a far cry from unmaksing and publishing...

That sounds like Obama saying you could keep your doctor, but that doesn't mean you get to see your doctor.
Retention is not public and not used for any other purpose or disclosed. When it is used for any other purpose, the laws governing dissemination apply. Unmasking takes high supervisor level access and DOJ authorization before the NSA will unmask. Publishing is unheard of and violates not only federal law but agency protocols.

The fact that a senator now has RAW DATA TRANSCRIPTS of Trump team conversations places the point of dissemination very high on the totem poll.
Retention is not public and not used for any other purpose or disclosed.

Akin to Obama saying "you get to keep your doctor"

When it is used for any other purpose, the laws governing dissemination apply. Unmasking takes high supervisor level access and DOJ authorization before the NSA will unmask. Publishing is unheard of and violates not only federal law but agency protocols.

Akin to Obama saying, but you don't get to see your doctor.
The fact that a senator now has RAW DATA TRANSCRIPTS of Trump team conversations places the point of dissemination very high on the totem poll.

Did you see the whistleblower exception to the prohibition against releasing classified information. Giving classified information to a congressional committee is allowed.
Retention is not public and not used for any other purpose or disclosed.

Akin to Obama saying "you get to keep your doctor"

When it is used for any other purpose, the laws governing dissemination apply. Unmasking takes high supervisor level access and DOJ authorization before the NSA will unmask. Publishing is unheard of and violates not only federal law but agency protocols.

Akin to Obama saying, but you don't get to see your doctor.
Just as I predicted... Clueless and ignorant..
Ok, so you can't answer the question. I figured as much.
I answered the question with facts.. to bad you have a problem with them.

I asked you to prove your claim that Trump and his people were the target of an "illegal investigation."

Nunes has said he hasn't seen all the evidence yet and that he's so far, not seen

In response to me challenging you for proof of your claim, you answered, "
Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team," which means you have no proof to back your claim and that you're hoping the NSA reveals a bombshell about Obama.

Even worse for you is Nunes saying he's seen nothing to implicate Obama.

Despite your failure to answer my question with actual proof, you try to bluff your way out with a weak, "I answered the question with facts."

You have no facts. Just as I suspected.
Too funny;

Your ignorance of police and investigative maters is apparent.

I wonder how you will explain away the NSA facts tomorrow..
Billy_Bob: Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

Faun: Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Billy_Bob: Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team

You claimed Trump was the target of an "illegal investigation."

Where's your evidence? Saying, wait and see tomorrow, is not evidence and only serves to prove you have no evidence to back your claim.

Tell me Moron, what do you call using "incidental collections" and having those conversations transcribed after they have been marked "no intelligence value" and should have been destroyed by federal law and then have the US citizens names unredacted. then publish them in a report of nothing but political activities of the trump campaign. Then have them distributed far and wide to the minions?

This is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject). This practice is ILLEGAL. then to violate federal laws by publishing this information and have it leaked..

This is like arguing with a four year old having a tantrum.. Keep crying and throwing your tantrum.. Your ass is about to get spanked.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
The fact that a senator now has RAW DATA TRANSCRIPTS of Trump team conversations places the point of dissemination very high on the totem poll.

Did you see the whistleblower exception to the prohibition against releasing classified information. Giving classified information to a congressional committee is allowed.

That is why Nunes has it... A whistle-blower gave it to him and he told Trump about what he had obtained.. That is what was circulating and what violated federal law on several levels.
I answered the question with facts.. to bad you have a problem with them.

I asked you to prove your claim that Trump and his people were the target of an "illegal investigation."

Nunes has said he hasn't seen all the evidence yet and that he's so far, not seen

In response to me challenging you for proof of your claim, you answered, "
Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team," which means you have no proof to back your claim and that you're hoping the NSA reveals a bombshell about Obama.

Even worse for you is Nunes saying he's seen nothing to implicate Obama.

Despite your failure to answer my question with actual proof, you try to bluff your way out with a weak, "I answered the question with facts."

You have no facts. Just as I suspected.
Too funny;

Your ignorance of police and investigative maters is apparent.

I wonder how you will explain away the NSA facts tomorrow..
Billy_Bob: Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

Faun: Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Billy_Bob: Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team

You claimed Trump was the target of an "illegal investigation."

Where's your evidence? Saying, wait and see tomorrow, is not evidence and only serves to prove you have no evidence to back your claim.

Tell me Moron, what do you call using "incidental collections" and having those conversations transcribed after they have been marked "no intelligence value" and should have been destroyed by federal law and then have the US citizens names unredacted. then publish them in a report of nothing but political activities of the trump campaign. Then have them distributed far and wide to the minions?

This is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject). This practice is ILLEGAL. then to violate federal laws by publishing this information and have it leaked..

This is like arguing with a four year old having a tantrum.. Keep crying and throwing your tantrum.. Your ass is about to get spanked.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Note what I said: Trump is authorized to see anything the committee is authorized to see. That isn't the same as saying he's authorized to see anything he wants.

If the committee is seeing the work product of the attorney general covering an investigation of the plresident, the president would have be privileged to see it. During the watergate investigations, Nixon couldn't be briefed on the evidence the house committee had against him, until the house committee presented them.

They aren't "investigating the president," you fucking moron. furthermore, there's no legal reason why the President shouldn't see it, even if he was the target of the investigation. In a trial, the defense is entitled to see all the evidence against him. If the House doesn't want the president to see what they got, that's their prerogative. It's also their prerogative to show him whatever they want to show him.

It's just another bullshit legal theory douche bags invented so they can feign outrage.
You didn't just say that.

I asked you to prove your claim that Trump and his people were the target of an "illegal investigation."

Nunes has said he hasn't seen all the evidence yet and that he's so far, not seen

In response to me challenging you for proof of your claim, you answered, "
Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team," which means you have no proof to back your claim and that you're hoping the NSA reveals a bombshell about Obama.

Even worse for you is Nunes saying he's seen nothing to implicate Obama.

Despite your failure to answer my question with actual proof, you try to bluff your way out with a weak, "I answered the question with facts."

You have no facts. Just as I suspected.
Too funny;

Your ignorance of police and investigative maters is apparent.

I wonder how you will explain away the NSA facts tomorrow..
Billy_Bob: Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

Faun: Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Billy_Bob: Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team

You claimed Trump was the target of an "illegal investigation."

Where's your evidence? Saying, wait and see tomorrow, is not evidence and only serves to prove you have no evidence to back your claim.

Tell me Moron, what do you call using "incidental collections" and having those conversations transcribed after they have been marked "no intelligence value" and should have been destroyed by federal law and then have the US citizens names unredacted. then publish them in a report of nothing but political activities of the trump campaign. Then have them distributed far and wide to the minions?

This is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject). This practice is ILLEGAL. then to violate federal laws by publishing this information and have it leaked..

This is like arguing with a four year old having a tantrum.. Keep crying and throwing your tantrum.. Your ass is about to get spanked.
I go by what the investigator says -- there is no evidence yet of any criminal wrong-doing.

I leave be lead by imagination to you.

Like your imagination that I'm crying and throwing a tantrum by challenging to prove your delusions are real. :badgrin:

Instead, the best you can muster is ... wait and see. :rolleyes:
Now your stalking ... Bringing your ignorant tantrums with you.

I keep beating your ass with facts and you keep coming back for further beat down... Priceless..
Your delusions are again noted. :rolleyes:

Want more evidence you're crazy?

You said, "this is exactly what evidence Nunes has. The Obama admin used reverse targeting (using warrants for other subjects to target a un-warrated subject)."

But here's what Nunes said about reverse targeting...

Reporter: Could this have been the result of reverse targeting?

Nunes: I don’t know.

So unless you're speaking from a position of senility, how on Earth do you claim Nunes is in possession of evidence of reverse targeting when Nunes himself did not say he is?

Nunes apologized on Thursday for being a POS.
Trump said," what is this thing called an apology? I never heard of the concept."
Nunes apologized on Thursday for being a POS.
Trump said," what is this thing called an apology? I never heard of the concept."

All he apologized for was not informing the D's on the committee first. He made a hard choice and ran with it.

Now he's set to investigate the investigators. Well done.
Dems flee to CA and secede. What choice have they left themselves? Clearly, they do not want to be in America; they can't follow the rules, they hate the middle class, taxpayers and rural America.


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