Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

“the Obama administration…was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump

NSA could provide ‘smoking gun’ proof Obama admin was spying on Trump by Friday - Hot Air

NO Crime committed by Trump and team
NO Foreign Intelligence Value (Personal info collected)
NO reason to investigate Trump and team further
NO reason to illegally distribute personal information to Spy Agencies

Can someone explain the meaning of the word, "could," to the above imbecile?
Is English your second language?
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.

.... and then goes on to say evidence "could" be forthcoming. :cuckoo:

Sane folks check the evidence first and then draw conclusions; but then, no one ever suggested rightards are sane.
A fairy tale conspiracy theory asserting that a presidential candidate and the leader of Russia conspired to rig a presidential election: absolutely ZERO evidence; absurd; and politically motivated.

After a while you cant use the excuse of "1000 connections are just happy coincidences" anymore.
The standard of proof that was established for Hillary's escapades was, as long as there is no conviction in a court of law, the defendant is free and clear of taint and contamination. I see no reason to change that standard now.

Ahh, it's just a coincidence that you agree with the standard you just made up? Very slick.
Oh, I didn't make it up.

Of course not, it's someone elses.
Duh. You don't think a criminal investigation should include investigating the criminal? Ridiculous.


Screw evidence, now you can just declare anyone who you don't like a criminal... just as if they were Nazis or something.

The regressive absurdity never eludes me.
A fairy tale conspiracy theory asserting that a presidential candidate and the leader of Russia conspired to rig a presidential election: absolutely ZERO evidence; absurd; and politically motivated.

After a while you cant use the excuse of "1000 connections are just happy coincidences" anymore.
The standard of proof that was established for Hillary's escapades was, as long as there is no conviction in a court of law, the defendant is free and clear of taint and contamination. I see no reason to change that standard now.

Ahh, it's just a coincidence that you agree with the standard you just made up? Very slick.
Oh, I didn't make it up.

Of course not, it's someone elses.
It's an observation.
After a while you cant use the excuse of "1000 connections are just happy coincidences" anymore.
The standard of proof that was established for Hillary's escapades was, as long as there is no conviction in a court of law, the defendant is free and clear of taint and contamination. I see no reason to change that standard now.

Ahh, it's just a coincidence that you agree with the standard you just made up? Very slick.
Oh, I didn't make it up.

Of course not, it's someone elses.
It's an observation.

Of others, got it.
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.
You're not paying attention or reading, are you? AFTER the FBI and NSA revealed that their 'incidental collections' revealed NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - no crimes, no reason to investigate further - Obama still had Trump 'monitored' (according to NSA documents) and both the NSA and FBI began investigating Trump - for 9 months now...based on NO CRIME having been committed and NO foreign Intel value despite Obama claiming the continued surveillance was part of Foreign Intel collection.

Moron? While inferring that it is someone else that is the moron, your argument reveals the opposite.
It's an oversight committee. He's the chairman.
They have oversight of the executive branch.
The committee is investigating Trump in relation to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
The chairman shared evidence with the guy they're investigating.

You wanna try again, dope?

They are investigating paranoid claims about Russia hacking the election. Trump isn't under indictment, you fucking jackass. Trump is legally authorized to see any material the committee is authorized to see.

He doesn't need to be under indictment to be investigated. The investigation always comes before an indictment, retard.

Trump and the Intel agencies are both in the executive branch. He can get that information any time he likes.
Until he gets rid of all of the lying Obama scumbags Trump will never get the whole story. As we speak the FBI refuses to cooperate. Now why is that????

Injecting conspiracy to cover your gaps in logic is never a good play. You simply cannot assume and state as fact that "lying Obama scumbags" is the reason for any of this while denying that Trump has the ability to get it himself. It only makes you look ridiculously dumb.
The evidence gaps are a constant, because of the sensitive nature of those facts. Common-sense tells the open-minded to smell a rat.
Only dishonest numbnuts like yourself refuse to face up to the truth.
The fact is not only is there a massive conspiracy to impeach Trump which was tipped off several times, but the media is in collusion with Democrats on this conspiracy and ironically in collusion with them to win elections. Only an idiot refuses to read the tea leaves or refuses to even pay fucking attention. The greatest threat Trump poses to the co-conspirators is when he finally replaces enough of Obama's people to bring it to light, some of the facts will be made public and the deniers will get egg on their faces. My guess is they will simply change their stories. What will be your story?

Common-sense tells the open-minded to smell a rat.

Common sense should tell you that you don't know. Instead, you choose to fill the gaps with pure conjecture and attempt to build on that and present it as fact.
That's not only dishonest but dumb.
Look at these two. Dumb and dumber.

One is arguing pure conspiracy nonsense to support Trump.

It's an oversight committee. He's the chairman.
They have oversight of the executive branch.
The committee is investigating Trump in relation to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
The chairman shared evidence with the guy they're investigating.

You wanna try again, dope?

They are investigating paranoid claims about Russia hacking the election. Trump isn't under indictment, you fucking jackass. Trump is legally authorized to see any material the committee is authorized to see.

He doesn't need to be under indictment to be investigated. The investigation always comes before an indictment, retard.

Trump and the Intel agencies are both in the executive branch. He can get that information any time he likes.
Until he gets rid of all of the lying Obama scumbags Trump will never get the whole story. As we speak the FBI refuses to cooperate. Now why is that????

Injecting conspiracy to cover your gaps in logic is never a good play. You simply cannot assume and state as fact that "lying Obama scumbags" is the reason for any of this while denying that Trump has the ability to get it himself. It only makes you look ridiculously dumb.
The evidence gaps are a constant, because of the sensitive nature of those facts. Common-sense tells the open-minded to smell a rat.
Only dishonest numbnuts like yourself refuse to face up to the truth.
The fact is not only is there a massive conspiracy to impeach Trump which was tipped off several times, but the media is in collusion with Democrats on this conspiracy and ironically in collusion with them to win elections. Only an idiot refuses to read the tea leaves or refuses to even pay fucking attention. The greatest threat Trump poses to the co-conspirators is when he finally replaces enough of Obama's people to bring it to light, some of the facts will be made public and the deniers will get egg on their faces. My guess is they will simply change their stories. What will be your story?


The other is arguing conspiracy as well but makes an argument that could be just as easily used against his own thinking.

'Could' that Obama's justification for illegal wire-taps/electronic surveillance/investigations?

'Well your honor, the individual in this case COULD be conspiring with the Russians.'

'And the individual COULD be smuggling nuclear weapons to North Korea, beating his wife, and mistreating his dog - do you have any evidence that leads you to this belief?'


View attachment 118347

Both the Directors of the FBI and NSA clearly declared their 'incidental collections' resulted in NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - no crime, no suspicion of crime, no need for further monitoring, no need for further investigations....but Barry did it anyway under the 'cover of legitimate foreign surveillance'. 'Foreign Surveillance'? AGAIN, both the FBI and NSA stated there was NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE in the initial information collected...

Neither is addressing reality.
'Could' that Obama's justification for illegal wire-taps/electronic surveillance/investigations?

'Well your honor, the individual in this case COULD be conspiring with the Russians.'

'And the individual COULD be smuggling nuclear weapons to North Korea, beating his wife, and mistreating his dog - do you have any evidence that leads you to this belief?'


View attachment 118347

Both the Directors of the FBI and NSA clearly declared their 'incidental collections' resulted in NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - no crime, no suspicion of crime, no need for further monitoring, no need for further investigations....but Barry did it anyway under the 'cover of legitimate foreign surveillance'. 'Foreign Surveillance'? AGAIN, both the FBI and NSA stated there was NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE in the initial information collected...
Hell, you could have won millions in the lottery...

you could have used your brain...

but there's been no evidence released yet that either of those ever happened.

Do you understand now that "could" doesn't mean it did happen -- like you idiotically claimed?

Neither is addressing reality.
Reality is THIS:

Both the Director of the FBI and the Head of the NSA declared before Congress that the only crimes that have been proven to have been committed are the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE committed by the Democrats - the Obama holdovers - and Obama, who illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team that had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE (and thus was protected personal information), distributed that information to 16 Intel agencies, and then illegally leaked that information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / administration.
No. But when did "could" and "possible" become "was??" The moron I posted to said the Obama administration "was" spying on Trump.
You're not paying attention or reading, are you? AFTER the FBI and NSA revealed that their 'incidental collections' revealed NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - no crimes, no reason to investigate further - Obama still had Trump 'monitored' (according to NSA documents) and both the NSA and FBI began investigating Trump - for 9 months now...based on NO CRIME having been committed and NO foreign Intel value despite Obama claiming the continued surveillance was part of Foreign Intel collection.

Moron? While inferring that it is someone else that is the moron, your argument reveals the opposite.
And YOU still posted how evidence could surface to show Obama spied on Trump.

It's really not my problem that you're too mentally handicapped to understand the word, "could."

Hell, it's just more evidence that you are indeed the moron you appear to be. It's not just an act.
Neither is addressing reality.
Reality is THIS:

Both the Director of the FBI and the Head of the NSA declared before Congress that the only crimes that have been proven to have been committed are the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE committed by the Democrats - the Obama holdovers - and Obama, who illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team that had NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE (and thus was protected personal information), distributed that information to 16 Intel agencies, and then illegally leaked that information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / administration.
Neither of them claimed any crimes were committed. You truly are fucking deranged.

See why it was so easy for me to confuse you with that other rightarded moron?

Hell, you could have won millions in the lottery... you could have used your brain...but there's been no evidence released yet that either of those ever happened.
You COULD have a valid thought / point....if you pulled your head out of your partisan arse and paid attention to the facts.

Obama began 2 simultaneous investigations of Trump (FBI and NSA) under the justification the investigations were for the collection of foreign Intel.... THE PROBLEM WITH THAT is that both the FBI and NSA testified before Congress that their initial 'incidental collections' on Trump and his team revealed NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE! In other words, Obama's justification for starting up 2 investigations of Trump after that was BULLSHIT! There was no reason for them - NO CRIME, NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE!

Obama overstepped his legal authority to conduct illegal investigations / illegal electronic surveillance on the GOP Presidential Candidate during a Presidential election.

He illegally spied on Trump and his team JUST LIKE HE DID reporters, the media, and congress during his earlier time as President!

The only reason any logical person with any common sense refuses to see this - AFTER BOGH COMEY AND THE HEAD OF THE NSA DECLARED THE ONLY CRIMES PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED SO FAR HAS BEEN THE FELONY CRIMES OF ESPIONAGE BY OBAMA LOYALISTS/OBAMA - is because they are so politically partisan that they refuse to acknowledge the facts / truth that have been revealed.
Neither of them claimed any crimes were committed. You truly are fucking deranged.
Faun, I have respected your opinions...until now. You have just proven you are either mentally dain bramaged or a liar. Both Comey and the head of the NSA stated before Congress that the illegal leaks perpetrated by the Obama hold-overs in the Intel Agencies constitutes Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE.

When asked if he would assure the American people that he would investigate these crimes and bring those criminals to justice, Comey responded by declaring, "I WILL NOT!"

Comey says leaks could constitute 'espionage'

Comey says leaks could constitute 'espionage'
Hell, you could have won millions in the lottery... you could have used your brain...but there's been no evidence released yet that either of those ever happened.
You COULD have a valid thought / point....if you pulled your head out of your partisan arse and paid attention to the facts.

Obama began 2 simultaneous investigations of Trump (FBI and NSA) under the justification the investigations were for the collection of foreign Intel.... THE PROBLEM WITH THAT is that both the FBI and NSA testified before Congress that their initial 'incidental collections' on Trump and his team revealed NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE! In other words, Obama's justification for starting up 2 investigations of Trump after that was BULLSHIT! There was no reason for them - NO CRIME, NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE!

Obama overstepped his legal authority to conduct illegal investigations / illegal electronic surveillance on the GOP Presidential Candidate during a Presidential election.

He illegally spied on Trump and his team JUST LIKE HE DID reporters, the media, and congress during his earlier time as President!

The only reason any logical person with any common sense refuses to see this - AFTER BOGH COMEY AND THE HEAD OF THE NSA DECLARED THE ONLY CRIMES PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN COMMITTED SO FAR HAS BEEN THE FELONY CRIMES OF ESPIONAGE BY OBAMA LOYALISTS/OBAMA - is because they are so politically partisan that they refuse to acknowledge the facts / truth that have been revealed.
Like fishing in a barrel, this is too easy....

Quote Comey and Rogers saying Obama or his people committed espionage or prove how right I am that you're mentally deranged.
And YOU still posted how evidence could surface to show Obama spied on Trump.
That has already been proven.

After the FBI and NSA 'incidental collections' proved NO CRIME - NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE - the Obama administration continued to 'monitor' ('electronic surveillance') Trump. 2 investigations - based on no crime - of Trump began and has continued for 9 months without fiding any evidence of criminal action by Trump.

Obama claimed the investigations were a matter of foreign intel surveillance' - FOR WHAT? The NSA and FBI had already declared there was NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE! So both the FBI and NSA exposed Obama's BS justification for illegally spying on Trump throughout the election.

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