Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition


So Nunes appears to have, in a very short amount of time, torched his own credibility in defense of a clearly false tweet sent out by Donald Trump. And he did all of this at a time when the FBI is investigating evidence that the Trump campaign may have coordinated with Russian efforts to undermine the US election — charges that the House Intelligence Committee is, in theory, supposed to be investigating as well.

This is not normal.
Update to the Review

Nunes Now Unsure Trump Associates Were Surveilled
House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) does not know “for sure” whether President Trump or members of his transition team were even on the phone calls or other communications now being cited as partial vindication for the president’s wiretapping claims against the Obama administration, ABC News reports.

Said a spokesperson:
“He said he’ll have to get all the documents he requested from the about this before he knows for sure.”

Now you know ...the Rest of the Story

That makes total sense. What Nunes did yesterday had nothing to do at all with Trump's wiretapping claims.

His concern was that this surveillance the ONE MORE FUCKING TIME had nothing to do with the Russian investigation, or Russia or foreign intelligence was basically spying on the Trump transition team by whatever methods, garnering information, disseminating information regarding the transition, and his key concerns were the unmasking of individuals and the leaks that occured.
His concern was that this surveillance the ONE MORE FUCKING TIME
This was about providing Political cover to the Nasty Orange Anus
OJ Trump makes his slow motion get away with Kato Kaelin at the wheel

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His concern was that this surveillance the ONE MORE FUCKING TIME had nothing to do with the Russian investigation, or Russia or foreign intelligence was basically spying on the Trump transition team by whatever methods, garnering information, disseminating information regarding the transition, and his key concerns were the unmasking of individuals and the leaks that occured.

In this case finding the recordings of Trump and his associates isn't like looking for a needle in a haystack, since there's no way to go through that much data. Instead it's like the case of 'looking for your keys under the lamp post', or in this case looking for Trump and associates on the other end of the line from known russian intelligence operatives.
If the organization is corrupt you are dutybound by the UCMJ to report any immoral or illegal acts and you are not obligated to carry out illegal orders from your superiors.....including the president.

Your problem is you don't want anyone who's not part of the Borg collective speaking out.

One of the reasons I was selected to go to Special Forces school was because I was smart, athletic, and trustworthy. I exhibited leadership and my honor was tested on more than one occasion.

What corruption?
Nunes is the chairman, fool.
The only obstruction is coming from him.
What obstruction?
You seem to be dancing all over the place on this.

Have you ever heard the expression of using a mole?

Look it up.

Democrats place one or two on every committee and nothing gets done. Nevermind interference from RHINOs.

What corruption? What mole?


Keep pivoting to your conspiracy nonsense to fill your logic gaps.
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing. Nunes pointed out clearly that nothing he saw had anything to do with Russia or national security. It's Watergate. Political operatives trying to find dirt on their opposition. Nothing more. If that isn't corruption then what the fuck is it???
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing.
So the directors of both the FBI and NSA are in on it? :cuckoo:

You're a few grid squares off. The LZ is East of your position.
I was Airborne so it was a DZ.
And yes.....Obama put those cocksuckers in their jobs, so yes, they're in on it.
Gotta hand it to you trumpfluffing crybabies -- you don't care how stupid you look defending the obvious trump team collusion with the ruskies by whimpering that the real crime is exposing it. That's even worse than insisting the conman hairclown himself, isn't a liar and a thief. Or is that the reason you're doing it -- there's still enough wiggle room in admitting this apparent act of treason to pretend you still have some pride? If he claims he's being blackmailed, will you forgive him for that too?
Nunes will get kicked all right.
And how exactly will that happen?

Pissing Russian prostitutes in his room?
Was he caught jerking off in the ladies room?

What's the fucking justification for interference of an ongoing investigation?????

He destroyed the credibility of the committee that is supposed to have oversight of the executive by giving evidence to the man they're investigating. He will be removed unless Ryan pusses out.
It's clear that leaks aren’t what they're after, which is were the felonies occured. Why is that?
If you were in an investigation and your coworkers showed no interest at getting to the truth, wouldn't you speak up?????

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.

ROFL! He did nothing of the sort.
It's an oversight committee. He's the chairman.
They have oversight of the executive branch.
The committee is investigating Trump in relation to Russian efforts to influence our electoral process.
The chairman shared evidence with the guy they're investigating.

You wanna try again, dope?
There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

Since it appears to be legal surveillance, which would require a valid FISA search warrent request, the ones more likely to be going to prison are members of Trump's campaign who were being surveiled.

The communications that were being disseminated had nothing to do with Russia, the Russian investigation or any foreign intelligence of any value.

Since it appears to be legal surveillance, which would require a valid FISA search warrent request, the ones more likely to be going to prison are members of Trump's campaign who were being surveiled

Whether it was "legal surveillance" isn't the issue. The names were unmasked and then it was distributed to Whitehouse personnel, both of which are blatantly illegal.

You mean the exact same thing that Nunes did yesterday?
What corruption?
Nunes is the chairman, fool.
The only obstruction is coming from him.
What obstruction?
You seem to be dancing all over the place on this.

Have you ever heard the expression of using a mole?

Look it up.

Democrats place one or two on every committee and nothing gets done. Nevermind interference from RHINOs.

What corruption? What mole?


Keep pivoting to your conspiracy nonsense to fill your logic gaps.
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing. Nunes pointed out clearly that nothing he saw had anything to do with Russia or national security. It's Watergate. Political operatives trying to find dirt on their opposition. Nothing more. If that isn't corruption then what the fuck is it???
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing.
So the directors of both the FBI and NSA are in on it? :cuckoo:

You're a few grid squares off. The LZ is East of your position.
I was Airborne so it was a DZ.
And yes.....Obama put those cocksuckers in their jobs, so yes, they're in on it.

They didn't pick you up after?
I understand what the methods were in obtaining the data and phone conversations. The problem is when federal agents were tasked to focus on Trump and his team, create reports and then distribute these far and wide with all parties and information unmasked..

Under federal law, there is wide lattitude allowed in impeachable evidence. Even evidence that would be illegal to present as direct, is allowed to impeach claims made. Ex: use of illegal wiretaps, illegal eavesdropping or stolen documents So when Trump and associates said they had no conversations with the Russians, they were merely gathering evidence with which to impeach that claim. And would probably be presentable if the case went to federal court.
The Obama admin made no such request for a warrant.

SO they most likely did this without a warrant.
And the evidence of this ... is ... ?
Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.

Oh this is far worse than a direct wiretap on just Trump's phone. BTW the actual definition of wire tap can mean surveillance of a telegraph as well. Now the term is just used broadly.

No it isn't

Surveillance is a broad term that may include wire tapping.

Wire tapping is a specific term that means listening in on communications. THAT is what Trump claimed


Trump put the words "wire tap" in parenthesis indicating the general term.
He also said his phones were tapped (they weren't).

He also said Trump Towers was tapped (it wasn't).

He said it happened in the run up to the election (it didn't).

So g'head... tell me again how I'm the one struggling with the English language. :cuckoo:
Quit lying, asshole.
He said he was wiretapped. That covers alot of area.
And these latest revelations specifically stated that Trump Tower communications were collected and Trump officials unmasked.

What that means is his phone conversations were monitored and the substance of those communications were revealed illegally.
Bullshit. There has been no indication that Trump Towers was wiretapped.

Somebody should hook electrodes to your balls and zap you every time you lie.
Keep your sexual fetishes to yourself.
But the illegal compilation of data specifically on Trump and his team make Trump the target. Who authorized that? The dissemination of unmasked conversations and transcripts is strictly forbidden and is a felony. Again who authorized that?

Trump and or his afiliates are still the secondaries.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.
But the illegal compilation of data specifically on Trump and his team make Trump the target. Who authorized that? The dissemination of unmasked conversations and transcripts is strictly forbidden and is a felony. Again who authorized that?

Trump and or his afiliates are still the secondaries.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL "reverse targeting" which was done absent a warrant for the reverse target and are multiple felonies by Obama and democrats..
But the illegal compilation of data specifically on Trump and his team make Trump the target. Who authorized that? The dissemination of unmasked conversations and transcripts is strictly forbidden and is a felony. Again who authorized that?

Trump and or his afiliates are still the secondaries.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL felonies by Obama and democrats..
Ok, so you can't answer the question. I figured as much.
But the illegal compilation of data specifically on Trump and his team make Trump the target. Who authorized that? The dissemination of unmasked conversations and transcripts is strictly forbidden and is a felony. Again who authorized that?

Trump and or his afiliates are still the secondaries.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL felonies by Obama and democrats..
Ok, so you can't answer the question. I figured as much.
I answered the question with facts.. to bad you have a problem with them.
Trump and or his afiliates are still the secondaries.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL felonies by Obama and democrats..
Ok, so you can't answer the question. I figured as much.
I answered the question with facts.. to bad you have a problem with them.
Faun has an allergy to facts, Bob.
Trump and or his afiliates are still the secondaries.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL felonies by Obama and democrats..
Ok, so you can't answer the question. I figured as much.
I answered the question with facts.. to bad you have a problem with them.

I asked you to prove your claim that Trump and his people were the target of an "illegal investigation."

Nunes has said he hasn't seen all the evidence yet and that he's so far, not seen

In response to me challenging you for proof of your claim, you answered, "
Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team," which means you have no proof to back your claim and that you're hoping the NSA reveals a bombshell about Obama.

Even worse for you is Nunes saying he's seen nothing to implicate Obama.

Despite your failure to answer my question with actual proof, you try to bluff your way out with a weak, "I answered the question with facts."

You have no facts. Just as I suspected.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL felonies by Obama and democrats..
Ok, so you can't answer the question. I figured as much.
I answered the question with facts.. to bad you have a problem with them.

I asked you to prove your claim that Trump and his people were the target of an "illegal investigation."

Nunes has said he hasn't seen all the evidence yet and that he's so far, not seen

In response to me challenging you for proof of your claim, you answered, "
Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team," which means you have no proof to back your claim and that you're hoping the NSA reveals a bombshell about Obama.

Even worse for you is Nunes saying he's seen nothing to implicate Obama.

Despite your failure to answer my question with actual proof, you try to bluff your way out with a weak, "I answered the question with facts."

You have no facts. Just as I suspected.
Too funny;

Your ignorance of police and investigative maters is apparent.

I wonder how you will explain away the NSA facts tomorrow..
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL felonies by Obama and democrats..
Ok, so you can't answer the question. I figured as much.
I answered the question with facts.. to bad you have a problem with them.

I asked you to prove your claim that Trump and his people were the target of an "illegal investigation."

Nunes has said he hasn't seen all the evidence yet and that he's so far, not seen

In response to me challenging you for proof of your claim, you answered, "
Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team," which means you have no proof to back your claim and that you're hoping the NSA reveals a bombshell about Obama.

Even worse for you is Nunes saying he's seen nothing to implicate Obama.

Despite your failure to answer my question with actual proof, you try to bluff your way out with a weak, "I answered the question with facts."

You have no facts. Just as I suspected.
Too funny;

Your ignorance of police and investigative maters is apparent.

I wonder how you will explain away the NSA facts tomorrow..
Billy_Bob: Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

Faun: Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Billy_Bob: Hang on to your ass.. NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team

You claimed Trump was the target of an "illegal investigation."

Where's your evidence? Saying, wait and see tomorrow, is not evidence and only serves to prove you have no evidence to back your claim.
His concern was that this surveillance the ONE MORE FUCKING TIME had nothing to do with the Russian investigation, or Russia or foreign intelligence was basically spying on the Trump transition team by whatever methods, garnering information, disseminating information regarding the transition, and his key concerns were the unmasking of individuals and the leaks that occured.

In this case finding the recordings of Trump and his associates isn't like looking for a needle in a haystack, since there's no way to go through that much data. Instead it's like the case of 'looking for your keys under the lamp post', or in this case looking for Trump and associates on the other end of the line from known russian intelligence operatives.
Again, the douche bag snow flake makes accusations for which there isn't an iota of proof, but ignores outright crimes committed by Obama operatives.

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