Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Under federal law, there is wide lattitude allowed in impeachable evidence. Even evidence that would be illegal to present as direct, is allowed to impeach claims made. Ex: use of illegal wiretaps, illegal eavesdropping or stolen documents So when Trump and associates said they had no conversations with the Russians, they were merely gathering evidence with which to impeach that claim. And would probably be presentable if the case went to federal court.
When did Trump claim they had no conversations with Russians?????

Get your facts straight, dipshit.

Michael Flynn told the VP he had no communications with Russian officials and Trump fired him for that.

I can see that the left feels that nothing the Obama administration did was Obama's fault, but every God Damned thing that a Trump official ever says or does in his entire fucking life, from the VP down to the guy that cleans the friggen toilets, was assisted personally by Donald J. TRUMP.

When did Trump claim they had no conversations with Russians?????

Either Trump is lying about his campaign’s Russia ties or US spies are
Sorry, but we were talking about after the election.....during the transition.
But okay, let's move the goalposts, shall we.

The link is from 16 Feb 17. Even later.
Manafort was fired last Summer. The report only mentioned him.
There are claims that because Manafort had dealings with a Ukrainian business....this must mean he's a Putin lacky.

Quite a stretch from that to Trump knowing everything his people are doing and people he's fired.
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The specifics were shrouded in legalese, but detailed here : Full Text of President Obama's Intelligence Directive

You mean hard words like incidental, warrant, and investigation?
No, that's common English.

It's words like "Clinging to their guns and their religion with antipathy toward other races." Which means in plain American "Redneck Christians who hate my black commie ass".

You found those words confusing?
Non sequitur...

Non reader.
I read it, dickhead

The source is, you guessed it, THE NEW YORK FUCKING TIMES!!!
A fairy tale conspiracy theory asserting that a presidential candidate and the leader of Russia conspired to rig a presidential election: absolutely ZERO evidence; absurd; and politically motivated.

After a while you cant use the excuse of "1000 connections are just happy coincidences" anymore.
The standard of proof that was established for Hillary's escapades was, as long as there is no conviction in a court of law, the defendant is free and clear of taint and contamination. I see no reason to change that standard now.
When did Trump claim they had no conversations with Russians?????

Get your facts straight, dipshit.

Michael Flynn told the VP he had no communications with Russian officials and Trump fired him for that.

I can see that the left feels that nothing the Obama administration did was Obama's fault, but every God Damned thing that a Trump official ever says or does in his entire fucking life, from the VP down to the guy that cleans the friggen toilets, was assisted personally by Donald J. TRUMP.

When did Trump claim they had no conversations with Russians?????

Either Trump is lying about his campaign’s Russia ties or US spies are
Sorry, but we were talking about after the election.....during the transition.
But okay, let's move the goalposts, shall we.

The link is from 16 Feb 17. Even later.

So he's still fucking lying about it after three of his guys already went down because of it.
Three guys?
The story only talked about Manafort's involvement, which is speculative at best.
And how exactly will that happen?

Pissing Russian prostitutes in his room?
Was he caught jerking off in the ladies room?

What's the fucking justification for interference of an ongoing investigation?????

He destroyed the credibility of the committee that is supposed to have oversight of the executive by giving evidence to the man they're investigating. He will be removed unless Ryan pusses out.
It's clear that leaks aren’t what they're after, which is were the felonies occured. Why is that?
If you were in an investigation and your coworkers showed no interest at getting to the truth, wouldn't you speak up?????

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.
If the organization is corrupt you are dutybound by the UCMJ to report any immoral or illegal acts and you are not obligated to carry out illegal orders from your superiors.....including the president.

Your problem is you don't want anyone who's not part of the Borg collective speaking out.

One of the reasons I was selected to go to Special Forces school was because I was smart, athletic, and trustworthy. I exhibited leadership and my honor was tested on more than one occasion.

What corruption?
Nunes is the chairman, fool.
The only obstruction is coming from him.
What obstruction?
You seem to be dancing all over the place on this.

Have you ever heard the expression of using a mole?

Look it up.

Democrats place one or two on every committee and nothing gets done. Nevermind interference from RHINOs.
When did Trump claim they had no conversations with Russians?????

Get your facts straight, dipshit.

Michael Flynn told the VP he had no communications with Russian officials and Trump fired him for that.

I can see that the left feels that nothing the Obama administration did was Obama's fault, but every God Damned thing that a Trump official ever says or does in his entire fucking life, from the VP down to the guy that cleans the friggen toilets, was assisted personally by Donald J. TRUMP.

When did Trump claim they had no conversations with Russians?????

Either Trump is lying about his campaign’s Russia ties or US spies are
Sorry, but we were talking about after the election.....during the transition.
But okay, let's move the goalposts, shall we.

The link is from 16 Feb 17. Even later.
Manafort was fired last Summer. The report only mentioned him.
Thete are claims that because Manafort had dealings with a Ukrainian business....this must mean he's a Putin lacky.

Quite a stretch from that to Trump knowing everything his people are doing and people he's fired.

He destroyed the credibility of the committee that is supposed to have oversight of the executive by giving evidence to the man they're investigating. He will be removed unless Ryan pusses out.
It's clear that leaks aren’t what they're after, which is were the felonies occured. Why is that?
If you were in an investigation and your coworkers showed no interest at getting to the truth, wouldn't you speak up?????

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.
If the organization is corrupt you are dutybound by the UCMJ to report any immoral or illegal acts and you are not obligated to carry out illegal orders from your superiors.....including the president.

Your problem is you don't want anyone who's not part of the Borg collective speaking out.

One of the reasons I was selected to go to Special Forces school was because I was smart, athletic, and trustworthy. I exhibited leadership and my honor was tested on more than one occasion.

What corruption?
Nunes is the chairman, fool.
The only obstruction is coming from him.
What obstruction?
You seem to be dancing all over the place on this.

Have you ever heard the expression of using a mole?

Look it up.

Democrats place one or two on every committee and nothing gets done. Nevermind interference from RHINOs.

What corruption? What mole?


Keep pivoting to your conspiracy nonsense to fill your logic gaps.
It's clear that leaks aren’t what they're after, which is were the felonies occured. Why is that?
If you were in an investigation and your coworkers showed no interest at getting to the truth, wouldn't you speak up?????

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.
If the organization is corrupt you are dutybound by the UCMJ to report any immoral or illegal acts and you are not obligated to carry out illegal orders from your superiors.....including the president.

Your problem is you don't want anyone who's not part of the Borg collective speaking out.

One of the reasons I was selected to go to Special Forces school was because I was smart, athletic, and trustworthy. I exhibited leadership and my honor was tested on more than one occasion.

What corruption?
Nunes is the chairman, fool.
The only obstruction is coming from him.
What obstruction?
You seem to be dancing all over the place on this.

Have you ever heard the expression of using a mole?

Look it up.

Democrats place one or two on every committee and nothing gets done. Nevermind interference from RHINOs.

What corruption? What mole?


Keep pivoting to your conspiracy nonsense to fill your logic gaps.
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing. Nunes pointed out clearly that nothing he saw had anything to do with Russia or national security. It's Watergate. Political operatives trying to find dirt on their opposition. Nothing more. If that isn't corruption then what the fuck is it???
Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.
If the organization is corrupt you are dutybound by the UCMJ to report any immoral or illegal acts and you are not obligated to carry out illegal orders from your superiors.....including the president.

Your problem is you don't want anyone who's not part of the Borg collective speaking out.

One of the reasons I was selected to go to Special Forces school was because I was smart, athletic, and trustworthy. I exhibited leadership and my honor was tested on more than one occasion.

What corruption?
Nunes is the chairman, fool.
The only obstruction is coming from him.
What obstruction?
You seem to be dancing all over the place on this.

Have you ever heard the expression of using a mole?

Look it up.

Democrats place one or two on every committee and nothing gets done. Nevermind interference from RHINOs.

What corruption? What mole?


Keep pivoting to your conspiracy nonsense to fill your logic gaps.
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing. Nunes pointed out clearly that nothing he saw had anything to do with Russia or national security. It's Watergate. Political operatives trying to find dirt on their opposition. Nothing more. If that isn't corruption then what the fuck is it???
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing.
So the directors of both the FBI and NSA are in on it? :cuckoo:

You're a few grid squares off. The LZ is East.
Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.
If the organization is corrupt you are dutybound by the UCMJ to report any immoral or illegal acts and you are not obligated to carry out illegal orders from your superiors.....including the president.

Your problem is you don't want anyone who's not part of the Borg collective speaking out.

One of the reasons I was selected to go to Special Forces school was because I was smart, athletic, and trustworthy. I exhibited leadership and my honor was tested on more than one occasion.

What corruption?
Nunes is the chairman, fool.
The only obstruction is coming from him.
What obstruction?
You seem to be dancing all over the place on this.

Have you ever heard the expression of using a mole?

Look it up.

Democrats place one or two on every committee and nothing gets done. Nevermind interference from RHINOs.

What corruption? What mole?


Keep pivoting to your conspiracy nonsense to fill your logic gaps.
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing. Nunes pointed out clearly that nothing he saw had anything to do with Russia or national security. It's Watergate. Political operatives trying to find dirt on their opposition. Nothing more. If that isn't corruption then what the fuck is it???
You should talk. This fake Russion collusion nonsense is nothing but a cover for what Obama was really doing.
So the directors of both the FBI and NSA are in on it? :cuckoo:

You're a few grid squares off. The LZ is East of your position.
And how exactly will that happen?

Pissing Russian prostitutes in his room?
Was he caught jerking off in the ladies room?

What's the fucking justification for interference of an ongoing investigation?????

He destroyed the credibility of the committee that is supposed to have oversight of the executive by giving evidence to the man they're investigating. He will be removed unless Ryan pusses out.
It's clear that leaks aren’t what they're after, which is were the felonies occured. Why is that?
If you were in an investigation and your coworkers showed no interest at getting to the truth, wouldn't you speak up?????

Nice try.
Nunes did what no other before him has.
He brought into question the credibility of his committee and damaged the ability of the committee to conduct oversight in the future.

Certainly as a green beret you understand the concept of acting so as to not dishonor yourself or your organization.
And after railing about the leaks of secret information during the committee hearings- Nunes may have actually received and used information that was illegally leaked to him- and may have even illegally released secret information himself.

And yes of course went running to Papa Trump with it- rather than his Senate committee members.

So much for independence.
I wonder what would happen if we started publishing all the Democrat connections and conversations and point out what we perceive their criminal activity is.... Now that would be interesting.. Like Podesta's group taking millions from Russian oligarchs and talking with them through the Hillary campaign?

Nunne is a criminal now along with the Orange Clown.
Let me get this Sheep Shaggers claim that Trump wasn't under surveillance...

....but somebody told somebody that they found out that Trump people had talked to Russians.

So this leaked communication was supposed to nail Trump and prove he colluded with Putin to steal the election.....but they can't say how they did it.

So Trump conspired with the Russians and that supposedly gives the government the right to hide their actions from President Trump.

Now Trump tweets that he just found out Obama was bugging Trump Tower.

The left goes he was never under surveillance then demands his resignation.


The left and the FBI Director swears that no evidence exists of any surveillance on Trump.

Then all of the sudden the chairman of the committee investigating Trump says he found evidence that not only were they spying on him, but they were passing out their findings to outsiders who then leaked it to the press comitting several felonies.

But saying there's a mole in the works is a wild conspiracy theory.

Is that tha jist of it????
Let me get this Sheep Shaggers claim that Trump wasn't under surveillance...

....but somebody told somebody that they found out that Trump people had talked to Russians.

So this leaked communication was supposed to nail Trump and prove he colluded with Putin to steal the election.....but they can't say how they did it.

So Trump conspired with the Russians and that supposedly gives the government the right to hide their actions from President Trump.

Now Trump tweets that he just found out Obama was bugging Trump Tower.

The left goes he was never under surveillance then demands his resignation.


The left and the FBI Director swears that no evidence exists of any surveillance on Trump.

Then all of the sudden the chairman of the committee investigating Trump says he found evidence that not only were they spying on him, but they were passing out their findings to outsiders who then leaked it to the press comitting several felonies.

But saying there's a mole in the works is a wild conspiracy theory.

Is that tha jist of it????


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