BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s Business Entity Owasco Made DIRECT Monthly Payments to Joe Biden – WITH RECEIPTS!

They have proof positive that prevails in every court in the universe-
It Was Written on the Memo Line
You cant use bribe money, drug money or any other kind of criminal money to pay back loans, nor can someone knowingly accept such money. These excuses are not going to work.
Who is that ugly fucking gindu in your sig? You know that future criminal doesnt have an IQ above 75.

That's my grandson and you can imagine about the IQ of a soon to be two year old all you like but that's just revealing where you are in your life, fail white. 😄
Nor does it shock me that you put yourself in an IQ competition with a two year old. 😄
I didnt do compare our IQs. I suggested that he looked stupid as fuck. Keep in mind that was before i knew you were related. By the rules, families are off limits, but before you told me, i was convinced that he had down syndrome. If i had known you were related, i never would have told you that bad news. :dunno:
I didnt do that. I suggested that he looked stupid as fuck.
Because you're insecure. Who else but the insecure need to go after two year olds? 😄
Keep in mind that was before i knew you were related. By the rules, families are off limits, but before you told me, i was convinced that he had down syndrome.
Is that the only thing stopping you from really giving my two year old grandson the business? 😄
If i had known you were related, i never would have told you that bad news. :dunno:
I don't mind you telling on yourself. Keep letting us know how insecure you are. 😄
You’re incensed about 3 months of truck payments and not at all curious about Jared getting 2 BILLION. ?
Again, is that an accurate statement? The Saudis gave Jared 2 billion dollars? Jared is a billionaire now?
As noted… you’re not even curious enough about TWO BILLION to Jared to look into it

You havent even told me if he was actually given 2 billion. Ive asked twice now, which clearly demonstrates my curiosity. Why are you refusing to discuss this?
He sent the money to his dad Joe Biden so he could buy more dildoes to shove up his ying yang. It just had to do until Hunter came home and gave his daddy the Whopper :4_13_65:
You havent even told me if he was actually given 2 billion. Ive asked twice now, which clearly demonstrates my curiosity. Why are you refusing to discuss this?
Is your Google machine broken?

Oh that’s right. You don’t care enough to even look into it
He sent the money to his dad Joe Biden so he could buy more dildoes to shove up his ying yang. It just had to do until Hunter came home and gave his daddy the Whopper :4_13_65:
You have an active and depraved imagination.

Also experience in bizarre “areas”
You havent even told me if he was actually given 2 billion. Ive asked twice now, which clearly demonstrates my curiosity. Why are you refusing to discuss this?
First, answer the question of experience running a hedge fund that Jared had before raking in the Billion of Saudi blood money.

Answer will include if he ever managed or operated one before.
Money laundering, influence peddling, espionage, treason, etc. Biden is now busted.

Using banks as a money-laundering tool is about as clever as using a chipmunk to guard your gold. Seriously, has anyone not watched any crime movies or read the occasional headline? Banks are not oblivious bystanders twiddling their thumbs while billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains pass through their hands!

They have entire squads of financial wizards, Sherlock Holmes-level accountants, and suspicious-transaction-sniffing algorithms working tirelessly to catch these smokescreen schemes.

It's like trying to hide behind a tree in broad daylight. Sure, anyone may fool a toddler with that pathetic magic trick, but banks? Nah-uh! They'll track every suspicious movement faster than Sherlock Holmes could solve "The Case of the Dastardly Money Trail."

Do you really think the Biden family is that stupid? Is this the game changer? Probability ==> 50:50. lol. :)


1. Comer Releases Direct Monthly Payments to Joe Biden from Hunter Biden’s Business Entity - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability



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