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Breaking- Its Manafort -Indicted

Another Trump campaign official falls:

Ex-Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to making false statement - CNNPolitics

A former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser has pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI after he lied about his interactions with foreign officials close to the Russian government, the campaign's clearest connection so far to Russia's efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.

In court records unsealed on Monday, the FBI said George Papadopoulos "falsely described his interactions with a certain foreign contact who discussed 'dirt' related to emails" concerning Hillary Clinton.

Yep, getting dirt from a foreigner isn't illegal, but lying to the FBI about it is. What a dummy.
Trump's trying to pretend he doesn't know Manafort. :lol:

Trump's also tossing out red herrings about Clinton, hoping they will fly. :lol:

He's in full panic mode.
Another Trump campaign official falls:

Ex-Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to making false statement - CNNPolitics

A former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser has pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI after he lied about his interactions with foreign officials close to the Russian government, the campaign's clearest connection so far to Russia's efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.

In court records unsealed on Monday, the FBI said George Papadopoulos "falsely described his interactions with a certain foreign contact who discussed 'dirt' related to emails" concerning Hillary Clinton.

Yep, getting dirt from a foreigner isn't illegal, but lying to the FBI about it is. What a dummy.
Manafort is a paid Russian agent.

Manafort helped get a pro-Russia puppet elected in Ukraine.

Then he helped get a pro-Russia puppet elected in the US.

This is a pattern.
Another Trump campaign official falls:

Ex-Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to making false statement - CNNPolitics

A former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser has pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI after he lied about his interactions with foreign officials close to the Russian government, the campaign's clearest connection so far to Russia's efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.

In court records unsealed on Monday, the FBI said George Papadopoulos "falsely described his interactions with a certain foreign contact who discussed 'dirt' related to emails" concerning Hillary Clinton.

Yep, getting dirt from a foreigner isn't illegal, but lying to the FBI about it is. What a dummy.
Manafort is a paid Russian agent.

Manafort helped get a pro-Russia asshole elected in Ukraine.

Then he helped get a pro-Russia asshole get elected in the US.

This is a pattern.

You show a pattern as well.

LOL... Are there any Righties still out there who still refuse that

1. Russia did collide with our election process

2. Trump campaign had connections to Russia

This is why the democrats have been so pissed since the election.

Russia infiltrated our democracy


Already proven:

The Russians did not change / alter one vote cast for US candidates.

The Russians never attempted to hack state election processes....but Obama and his DHS did.

Obama, Hillary, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (already under investigation for facilitating a Pakistani Spy Ring as DNC Chairwoman) paid over $9 million for a fake report filled with Russian propaganda written by a foreign agent and provided through a Russia-connected firm to use in a US election against a US candidate....that covers 'Collusion' and illegal use of data provided by a foreign agent in a US election.

While snowflakes continue to claim Trump collusion while still having absolutely ZERO evidence to support their lies there IS evidence that proves:

Hillary's campaign funded groups that provided violent protestors to physically attack Trump supporters at Trump rallies
-- Simultaneously Russians were paying Liberal groups like the Black Fist and Black Lives matter to spread racial unrest and violence - as in Ferguson and Baltimore

Hillary took $145 million from the Russian Lead in their effort to purchase US Uranium while she sat on the board responsible for approving or denying the deal

Mueller, the criminal Special Counsel lead, former US AG Holder - 1st Cabinet member in US history to be Censured...for Perjury, and Obama hid the widespread Russian Bribery / Extortion / Intimidation / Influence Peddling / Politician/Agency officials-Purchasing Scandal until after the Uranium One deal went. Holder, who knew all about it, also sat on that committee but never brought the scandal to light before the vote.

Hillary's campaign managed accepted thousands of shares of Russian stock while not reporting it and 2/3rd of his personal company's board of directors were prominent Russian Businessmen who had direct ties to the Kremlin and Putin himself.

His brother, Tony Podesta, WORKED FOR THE KGB BANK AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY the DNC claimed hacked them.

Bill Clinton was also working for the KGB, getting paid 1/2 1 million per speech for Putin's ex-KGB friends.

You want to talk about 'Russian Connections'? Obama, Mueller, Holder, and the Clinton's connections to the Russians dwarfs anything in regards to Trump!
Breaking Update!


Jack Posobiec
Jack Posobiec
I’m told Mueller and Rosenstein scrambled to push up Manafort tax charges immediately after Uranium One FBI story broke
10:48 AM · Oct 30, 2017

More like the opposite.
The uranium story was pushed to provide cover for the impending indictments.

Yes, because we all know you can't have two news stories nor criminal investigations at once.

Of course we also know Democrats don't break the law, okay they break the law, but their supporters don't care.

Those stories broke almost immediately following the news that Mueller was close to taking action. They're nonsense.
Ted Lieu @tedlieu
Dear Paul Manafort & Richard Gates: Here's a fun fact for you. Federal prosecutors have a conviction rate of 93%. https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/924987046334214147 …

10:27 AM - Oct 30, 2017

Presidential pardons have a 100% success rate.

Just a thought. :laugh:

How would that action benefit Trump?

It wouldn't, and there is no reason for pardons in this case. I was merely pointing out who has the ultimate winning percentage.
Another Trump campaign official falls:

Ex-Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to making false statement - CNNPolitics

A former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser has pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI after he lied about his interactions with foreign officials close to the Russian government, the campaign's clearest connection so far to Russia's efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.

In court records unsealed on Monday, the FBI said George Papadopoulos "falsely described his interactions with a certain foreign contact who discussed 'dirt' related to emails" concerning Hillary Clinton.

Yep, getting dirt from a foreigner isn't illegal, but lying to the FBI about it is. What a dummy.
Manafort is a paid Russian agent.

Manafort helped get a pro-Russia puppet elected in Ukraine.

Then he helped get a pro-Russia puppet get elected in the US.

This is a pattern.

IF Trump is so "pro Russia" then why have our relations with Russia been worse than they have been in decades the last 6 months?

Look, I get it, the left hates Trump because he beat Hillary when it was HER TURN. But you idiots have played right into Putin's hands. Russia didn't care who won the election. .They only meddled to sew anger and confusion. It worked better than Putin could have possibly hoped for.

I'll bet you this right now, for every person in the Trump campaign who was contacted by a Russian, there was as person in the Hillary campaign who was contacted by a Russian.

Think about it logically. If the Russians wanted to buy influence in the White House wouldn't they have wanted Hillary who spread her legs for anyone with $5 to donate to the Clinton Foundation elected? Of course they would have, but buying a US President isn't realistic, that's something in a Tom Clancy novel. In the real world, all the Russians wanted to do was cause chaos, and they have. The longer this goes on, the more they win.
Seriously how could Trump not have known about these crimes committed by these guys?.
Probably the same way Barry had no clue how just about every person he nominated to be part of his 1st Term Cabinet were tax evaders and tax cheats, to include his eventual Head of the Treasury, lil' Timmy Tax Cheat Geithner.
Read a. and b. and c. beginning on page 2 of 14.

The "professor" was an agent with connections Russian officials and was interested in Gates because he was a campaign adviser.


I did before. But I like Page 8 #19


19. On or about May 21, 2016, defendant PAPADOPOULOS emailed another high-

ranking Campaign official, with the subject line "Request from Russia to meet Mr. Trump." The
email included the May 4 MFA Email and added: "Russia has been eager to meet Mr. Trump for
quite sometime
and have been reaching out to me to discuss."
Ted Lieu @tedlieu
Dear Paul Manafort & Richard Gates: Here's a fun fact for you. Federal prosecutors have a conviction rate of 93%. https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/924987046334214147 …

10:27 AM - Oct 30, 2017

Presidential pardons have a 100% success rate.

Just a thought. :laugh:

How would that action benefit Trump?

It wouldn't, and there is no reason for pardons in this case. I was merely pointing out who has the ultimate winning percentage.

So you had no point?
Kudos to the liberals on this forum who predicted this spin would be coming this morning.

Spin? You mean the truth?

Manafort is charged with crimes that has nothing to do with Trump.

Yeah impeachment is coming down the road

Why are you certain this is the end of the investigation?

I have no doubt the investigation will continue. But this demonstrates several things

1) the fact that he is indicted for crimes that allegedly took place before the election tells us that they didn't find anything during the election to charge him with.

2) there is still no evidence that gives us even a reasonable suspicion that Trump has done anything illegal or wrong.

In other words, you still have nothing. Assuming that he will have anything on trump is still wishful thinking.
Breaking Update!

Papadopoulos was an unpaid foreign policy campaign adviser who stupidly lied to the “FBI. He wanted Trump to meet Putin, Trump Team said no.”

John Cardillo on Twitter

Not true. They have his email where he discussed with someone else within the campaign saying they should have a low level campaign person meet with the Russians in order to not raise suspicion. They knew what they were doing and that it was wrong.
Thoughts On the Papadopolous Plea

We can’t know these things for sure. But it certainly seems like Mueller was sending a message and sending a shock to the Trump White House by releasing the Papadopolous charges mid-morning. The Manafort/Gates charges are very serious as crimes and bring heavy punishments. They’re a big deal. But they do not connect directly to the campaign’s ties with Russia or even the campaign itself. The White House can accurately say that these are crimes that do not relate to them, as they have. (Set aside for the moment that they are serious crimes undertaken by the campaign chairman while the campaign was underway and that they provide Mueller with immense leverage to extract more information from Manafort.)

The Papadopolous plea is quite different.

It shows a Trump foreign policy advisor in active communication with what appear to be Russian government officials or spies trying to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, arrange meetings with Russian government officials (even Vladimir Putin, rather ludicrously) and solicit Russian support. That an active foreign policy advisor was taking these actions while in active communication with the campaign about those actions is quite damning. An unnamed campaign official sent back word that a meeting with Trump himself was not happening.

Papadopolous was arrested in July and has apparently been cooperating since. He pled guilty I see no purely legal reason why the news of his arrest in July and plea in early October had to be revealed today, other than keeping the news from Manafort. One other potential reason is that one of the ‘campaign officials’ referenced in the Papadopolous plea appears to be Manafort. It sends two clear messages. First, we’re not at all done with collusion and we’re making progress. Second, we arrested Papadopolous in July and he pled out in October and no one knew. So don’t think you have any idea what we have.

This may be projecting too much. But in revealing the Manafort news early, giving time for the White House to respond as you’d expect (nothing to do with us or Russia or the campaign) and then following up by revealing this Papadopolous indictment certainly has the feel of sucker punching the White House.

Thoughts On the Papadopolous Plea

Mueller is a pro. trump is in full blown PANIC
IF Trump is so "pro Russia" then why have our relations with Russia been worse than they have been in decades the last 6 months?

Here's are some better questions:

If Liberals / Democrats / Snowflakes Hate Russia so much and working / colluding with them is so bad, then WHY:

- Did Hillary take $145 Million from the Russian Uranium One Team lead?

- Did her husband work for the KGB, giving $500k-a-pop speeches for them?

- Did her campaign manager take thousands of un-reported Russian stock shares from them and have 1/3rd of his company's board members consist of prominent Russian businessmen who had directly links to the Kremlin and Putin?

- Did Tony Podesta work for both the KGB BANK and the Russian Spy Agency?

- Did Hillary and the DNC give GPS Fusion, the firm that had direct ties to Russia, approx. $9 Million for a fake report / dossier containing Russian Propaganda written by a foreign agent?

- Did Obama give GPS Fusion approx. $1 million?

- Did Mueller, Holder, and Obama keep the Russian scandal secret until after the Uranium One deal wen t through?

- Did Obama override his own Department of Immigration that had banned Vladimir Putin's #1 lawyer from entering the US and give her a special visa to get in the country?

- Did Obama's DOJ whisk a Russia spy who had gotten close to Hillary out of the country once discovered?

There is so much liberal hypocritical bullshit, corruption, and crime intertwined in this whole mess.

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