BREAKING: Judge Sides With Kari Lake---- Grants Her Request to Examine Maricopa County Ballots

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This is huge!


If there is a trial, it's 150 randomly selected ballots.

"It is unclear how envelopes would violate any secrecy as the envelopes are separated from ballots and therefore cannot disclose who they voted for, but simply verify their signature as having voted, which is public record. This inspection is also simply afforded as an opportunity to prepare for trial:"

"This order, however, is dependent on Kari Lake’s petition surviving the motions to dismiss that will be filed over this weekend. Katie Hobbs’ Motion to Dismiss was submitted earlier today and it is still pending a ruling."
This is great news but still doesn't address the fact that thousands of voters were disenfranchised by either incompetence or nefarious rigging.
It also won't get to the bottom of the mules dropping off ballots by the dozens, lies coming from the RINO Maricopa Supervisors or the fact the ballots were left with a 3rd party & no chain of custody.

Hopefully, this is enough to provide the proof the massive grift that is our modern election system
This is huge!


A bit of a nothing-burger actually. Just a routine granting of a pre-trial motion. Not really a victory at all.
I understand guys have to grasp at any straw. note point #5.

Arizona’s Secretary of State turned Governor-elect Katie Hobbs (D) told a judge that the court “should not indulge” losing candidate Kari Lake’s (R) lawsuit asking to reverse her “insurmountable” 17,117-vote defeat “a minute longer than it takes to dismiss it.”
“Lake’s contest fails at every level,” Hobbs’s lawyer Alexis E. Danneman wrote 19-page motion to dismiss on Thursday. “All of her claims either are barred by laches, fall outside the scope of the election contest statute, or fail to allege any actual misconduct.”
A legal principle that proved fatal to several of former President Donald Trump’s election lawsuits, the doctrine of laches discourages litigants from unreasonable delay by sitting on their rights.
“These legal deficiencies—independently and collectively—are fatal to the contest,” the motion to dismiss continues. “Even if the Court could entertain these allegations, they fall far short of the statutory standard for nullifying or reversing an election. To trigger these extraordinary remedies, a contestant must demonstrate either fraud or that official misconduct or illegal votes altered the outcome of the election. Lake cannot show either. Instead of alleging actual facts and real numbers, Lake’s contest rests on rank speculation and a cynical mistrust of Arizona’s election officials.”
Like Trump before her, Lake claimed that Hobbs only beat her because “hundreds of thousands” of “illegal votes” tipped her rival to victory and “infected the election in Maricopa County.”
But Hobbs countered that Lake forgot to include something crucial in her complaint: evidence.
“Rather than plead particular circumstances of fraud, Lake simply airs baseless suspicions that someone—maybe even everyone—involved in the election was out to get her,” the motion states. “That is not enough to trigger the legal machinery for an election contest.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah, just like the 4,000 breathless "Breaking" posts the Trump rube cult posted about judicial procedures that the rubes thought would overturn the 2020 election that never happened.

Here's the ruling. It takes a whole 10 seconds to find, and not much more to read.

II. Sufficiency of Petition​
Plaintiff requests the following inspection items pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-677(B):​
1) Fifty randomly selected “ballot-on-demand” (BOD) printed ballots cast on Election Day from six vote centers in Maricopa County chosen by her representative,​
2) Fifty randomly selected early ballots cast in the 2022 general election from six separate Maricopa County batches chosen by her representative,​
3) Fifty randomly selected early ballot envelopes for early ballots cast in Maricopa County in the 2022 general election, and​
4) Fifty randomly selected BOD printed ballots that were marked spoiled on Election Day from six separate Maricopa County vote centers chosen by her representative.​
The Defendants correctly emphasize that “election contests are purely statutory,” see Grounds v. Lawe, 67 Ariz. 176, 186 (1948), and so are dependent on statutory provisions for their conduct, see Fish v. Redeker, 2 Ariz. App. 602, 605 (1966). Arizona’s election contest statutes provide that, “[a]fter the statement of contest has been filed and the action is at issue, either party​
may have the ballots inspected before preparing for trial.” A.R.S. § 16-677(A). To do so, the applying party must “file with the clerk of the court a verified petition stating that he cannot properly prepare for trial without an inspection of the ballots. A.R.S. § 16-677(B).​
The Defendants do not challenge that Plaintiff “stat[ed]” in her petition “that he cannot properly prepare for trial without an inspection of the ballots,” see A.R.S. § 16-677(B), but they argue she still fails to meet that statutory requirement because ballot inspection cannot help her prepare to prosecute the specific allegations of her election contest, and the legislature intended​

that ballot inspection should only be allowed “when such inspection really is necessary” to prepare for trial. They support this assertion of the legislature’s intent by noting that Arizona law generally prohibits public inspection of ballots and that statutory grounds to contest elections that involve ballots include challenges to information included on ballots. See A.R.S. § 16-672(4) (on account of illegal votes) and (5) (erroneous count of votes). ...​
Plaintiff’s specific inspection requests (1), (2), and (4) are for a limited number of ballots unlikely to unduly burden Maricopa County or require much time before trial to complete. They are requests for ballot inspections as the statute requires. However, request (3), for inspection of early ballot envelopes, moves beyond the statutory scope of permitted inspection. Early-ballot return envelopes are not themselves ballots, even if they arrive as a “package” as Plaintiff argues. The defendants are correct that ballots—unlike the return envelopes—do not contain signatures. Indeed, they cannot, as the Arizona Constitution requires that “secrecy in voting shall be preserved,” by any voting method prescribed by the legislature. See Ariz. Const. Art. 7 § 1. Thus, inspection request (3) is denied because it is not authorized by the inspection statute and such an inspection would violate the Arizona Constitution. Plaintiff is entitled to her other three requests.​

IOW, they're going to inspect 150 ballots because, hey, why not? It doesn't provide a burden on the state and they have that right anyways.

Keep clinging, rubes!

Wow, we might finally have a judge who throws out fraudulent votes.

It's very odd that a court get involved in any election. Apparently this judge believes something was really amiss to look at this under a microscope, and with every reason to believe it's problematic. From what I read, one out of ever six voting machines and/or printers had problems; problems that were easily avoided with proper procedure and pre-voting testing that obviously didn't take place, almost as if intentional.
I would be shocked if all thr ballots were turned over, if some / records were not destroyed...
If there is a trial, it's 150 randomly selected ballots.

"It is unclear how envelopes would violate any secrecy as the envelopes are separated from ballots and therefore cannot disclose who they voted for, but simply verify their signature as having voted, which is public record. This inspection is also simply afforded as an opportunity to prepare for trial:"

"This order, however, is dependent on Kari Lake’s petition surviving the motions to dismiss that will be filed over this weekend. Katie Hobbs’ Motion to Dismiss was submitted earlier today and it is still pending a ruling."
You can see the difference between the two candidates. And many more Progs are not that good than Republicans. And Republicans also have many shills who are closet democrats when needed. The game is fixed and for a long time. Freedom is near free if you do not turn a nation into a victim class.
This is huge!


The cheat is already in. All those last minute ballots without custody plus the Evidence and Fact democRats have no low they will not go. It's time for the cartridge box.

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