BREAKING: Judge Sides With Kari Lake---- Grants Her Request to Examine Maricopa County Ballots

The problem in our entire election system is technology. Nobody trusts it on either side when they lose. Get rid of all technology, hand count every ballot right from the beginning, and that will restore at least some faith for the voting public. They still vote that way in some parts of Europe and never had a problem with it.

It's not who votes, it's who counts the votes that matter.
I do believe that that ship has sailed. Lake lost...and then she lost again..and then....well, you get the picture~
Do you even care that "only 42% have some confidence, and just 16% are very confident." (in our election system)....

BTW, that means a fair portion of your fellow Democrats have lost confidence in the election system as well....You proud of that?
Do you even care that "only 42% have some confidence, and just 16% are very confident." (in our election system)....

BTW, that means a fair portion of your fellow Democrats have lost confidence in the election system as well....You proud of that?
Hmm...I do care..that this distrust has been deliberately ginned up by Trump and his minions..out of nothing but pique from losing the election. That distrust and squarely on those folks...and based on little more than nothing.
BTW..not a Democrat--although people here seem to go to great lengths to portray me as one...LOL!
It's not that I align with Democrat party lines..but that I so disagree and distrust the Fringe elements..the Q-berts represented here~
Hmm...I do care..that this distrust has been deliberately ginned up by Trump and his minions..out of nothing but pique from losing the election. That distrust and squarely on those folks...and based on little more than nothing.

Well, that is your opinion, certainly not fact...Trump is in the process of making himself the punch line of a joke, but as for the people that voted for him, not all are on board with his rhetoric...What they loved is how he got things done, and put the country on the right track. Unlike currently where only 37% of American's believe the country is on the right track...

BTW..not a Democrat--although people here seem to go to great lengths to portray me as one...LOL!
It's not that I align with Democrat party lines..but that I so disagree and distrust the Fringe elements..the Q-berts represented here~

Oh I see....So, those that disagree with you aren't supposed to lump you in with Democrats, even as you lump everyone who doesn't agree with you is lumped in with QAnon? Wow....What a jerk....
Well, that is your opinion, certainly not fact...Trump is in the process of making himself the punch line of a joke, but as for the people that voted for him, not all are on board with his rhetoric...What they loved is how he got things done, and put the country on the right track. Unlike currently where only 37% of American's believe the country is on the right track...

Oh I see....So, those that disagree with you aren't supposed to lump you in with Democrats, even as you lump everyone who doesn't agree with you is lumped in with QAnon? Wow....What a jerk....
LOL..and where did I state "everyone who disagrees with me is Q-anon"? You might want to check the tendency to jerk your knee.
I do indeed stand by my distaste with the Fringie types overly-repped on this site. Many who disagree with me share that distaste.
Conspiracy theorists are whackadoodle..and they should be mocked at every opportunity.

As for my being a jerk..well...depends on the context. People who double-down on stupid do bring out the worst in me.

BTW..I hear that stat a lot..X number of people believe the country is on the right track. Has it occured to you that the track they are referring to is the division and distrust engendered by BOTH parties? The angst and feelings of powerlessness may well have zip to do with Right/Left..just sayin'--a large proportion of my friends are of the "A pox on both their houses' point of view.
LOL..and where did I state "everyone who disagrees with me is Q-anon"? You might want to check the tendency to jerk your knee.
I do indeed stand by my distaste with the Fringie types overly-repped on this site. Many who disagree with me share that distaste.
Conspiracy theorists are whackadoodle..and they should be mocked at every opportunity.

As for my being a jerk..well...depends on the context. People who double-down on stupid do bring out the worst in me.

BTW..I hear that stat a lot..X number of people believe the country is on the right track. Has it occured to you that the track they are referring to is the division and distrust engendered by BOTH parties? The angst and feelings of powerlessness may well have zip to do with Right/Left..just sayin'--a large proportion of my friends are of the "A pox on both their houses' point of view.
Well, constant rejection of our system as it exists does nothing to help….it’s just constant complaining.
This is huge!


Check the date, genius. Old news. :itsok:

This was before the case was dismissed. So, nope. Kari Lake is still a loser.
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Do you even care that "only 42% have some confidence, and just 16% are very confident." (in our election system)....
No. Nothing that will happen short of your candidate winning (by "your" I mean you personally) will give you confidence that the election was on the up and up. Your Pokemon card salesman has bitched about massive election fraud since 2016. He's proven none of it. So you guys are delusional that you buy this tax cheat's word instead of evidence.

So there is no reason for anyone with two working brain cells to worry a out the thoughts of election guys don't live in reality.
Ooops. My mistake. Saw the activity on the thread and thought it was new.

So, did Kari Lake ever get to inspect the ballots?

she did, and the result is she is still an unemployed news anchor.
she did, and the result is she is still an unemployed news anchor.
Well, then let's listen to how the Irish see us lately.. no, not from our little Irish hothead.. and enjoy the accent!:
Or watch:
No. Nothing that will happen short of your candidate winning (by "your" I mean you personally) will give you confidence that the election was on the up and up. Your Pokemon card salesman has bitched about massive election fraud since 2016. He's proven none of it. So you guys are delusional that you buy this tax cheat's word instead of evidence.

So there is no reason for anyone with two working brain cells to worry a out the thoughts of election guys don't live in reality.
Making presumptions about people you’ve never met just makes you look more stupid….if that’s possible.
Making presumptions about people you’ve never met just makes you look more stupid….if that’s possible. didn't say I was wrong about any of that.

Here's proof that what I said was true.

The GOP took the house. Were any of those elections that the GOP candidate won fraudulent? Are you calling for recounts on top of recounts? Of course you aren't you dishonest fuck. Because, JUST AS I SAID, unless your candidate wins, you scream like a little bitch that you were cheated. You have the intellectual equivalence of a 5 year old. didn't say I was wrong about any of that.

Here's proof that what I said was true.

The GOP took the house. Were any of those elections that the GOP candidate won fraudulent? Are you calling for recounts on top of recounts? Of course you aren't you dishonest fuck. Because, JUST AS I SAID, unless your candidate wins, you scream like a little bitch that you were cheated. You have the intellectual equivalence of a 5 year old.
Oh, and I am sure you have called for recounts of Demo's right? Fraud....

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