Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Do you boo facts when you hear them like the Republicans at the debate ? lol
I didn't watch the have your own problems.........a candidate under FBI investigation and another that proposes 19 Trillion in new taxes over 10 years.
Classified and above Top Secret e mails.
Benghazi rules down with facts ...facts are a liberal scheme

Endorsed by those who actually fought there...........Not by the cover up machine............arms for ISIS........arms for about gun running to Syria ending up in the hands of the enemy........................hmmm
Have you seen the movie? It exonerates the Obama administration.
The Senate will NEVER recess

Right, SCOTUS ruled that the senate must declare that it is in recess, the president can't do it.
Even if you don't let Obama nominate a justice that's great for us in November.

We dare you.

Thank you God. This proves gods a liberal
The Constitution does not give Republicans a right to a permanent Supreme Court Majority.

Any Republican Senator or Representative who indulges in more Republican Obstructionism will be voted out if they are up for re-election.

The American people are sick and tired of Republican Obstruction and we will not tolerate any more of it.
As you have ignored the will of the people who have given the GOP the Congress and Senate...........and for Obstructionism of bills from the House by tactics that Reid employed to prevent bills from getting to Obama's desk........................

Now you want to complain about it after your side has used this tactic repeatedly.........................

You will not get the nomination.............Want it.............Hillary has to win..............Or you will have to make MASSIVE CONSESSIONS in buying the votes from Republicans in Name only for an appointment.........

Perhaps you can nominate a real constitutionalist...........novel idea.
We have bush alito and Roberts. Your turn. Sotomayor not enough. One more.
There you go.........

The Senate will NEVER recess

Right, SCOTUS ruled that the senate must declare that it is in recess, the president can't do it.
Even if you don't let Obama nominate a justice that's great for us in November.

We dare you.

Thank you God. This proves gods a liberal
The Constitution does not give Republicans a right to a permanent Supreme Court Majority.

Any Republican Senator or Representative who indulges in more Republican Obstructionism will be voted out if they are up for re-election.

The American people are sick and tired of Republican Obstruction and we will not tolerate any more of it.
As you have ignored the will of the people who have given the GOP the Congress and Senate...........and for Obstructionism of bills from the House by tactics that Reid employed to prevent bills from getting to Obama's desk........................

Now you want to complain about it after your side has used this tactic repeatedly.........................

You will not get the nomination.............Want it.............Hillary has to win..............Or you will have to make MASSIVE CONSESSIONS in buying the votes from Republicans in Name only for an appointment.........

Perhaps you can nominate a real constitutionalist...........novel idea.
We have bush alito and Roberts. Your turn. Sotomayor not enough. One more.

maybe who says the next president even if from the republicans

wouldn't grant that wish
sure both will use it politically red but who do you see looking like the bad guys there?

depends on which party you support. since 65% of the country doesn't support Obama, you decide who will benefit from this.
I don't believe that 65% stuff Red and even if it was so I'd bet more don't support republicans In any case if repubs turn down 4,5 of obamas choices imho it will only look worse for repubs
65% aren't happy with Obama but 90% aren't happy with Republicans. How else do you explain trump?
The year of the Insurgency............remember that when you select Hillary..............
eagle ,,,,we're used to it Same ol Same ol
The come along for the ride.................Those seats in back are empty.............who said something like that...............

DId I just violate my 21 days...............hmmm...........
And if Republicans tried that the American people would repopulate the Senate with Democrats.

Every Republican Senator and Representative up for re-election would lose.

Because the American people will not stand for any more Republican Obstructionism and they see right through the demands to wait until the Republicans get another shot at it.


You keep forgetting the fact the Dems continue to get shellacked in elections. Perhaps you should be figuring out why that is
Why you ask ?? outside of the 2 elections where obama kicked repub ass it was lack of dem participation We won't make that mistake again ,,sass Get ready for another asskickin

You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance
Low voter turnout. It wasn't because they voted for you. You just turned them off on thinking it matters know it, stop making excuses
Why is trump whipping all the Republicans ass.

Single payer is what we wanted.
Boo Boo stop using facts ...facts are irrelevant....Republicans
What are the facts.................................

The Senate is controlled by the GOP.........
The Dems don't have the votes for confirmation.......
The appointment can't be done without the Senate.........

The Fact is..............unless the GOP folds you don't get the nomination.........

The Facts are that the Dems used tactics to Block Judges under Reagan.........

The Facts are KARMA.
Umm... they may have the votes to confirm on January 3rd of next year. :ack-1:

How the rest of the world views anything is irrelevant. Supreme Court Justices represent America and its Constitution. The Big Government Globalists don't have America's best interests in mind. They don't feel any real allegiance to the country or the Constitution. We definitely don't need more of them serving on our Supreme Court.
Some people, not you, can keep more than one thing in their minds at the same time. America is not the only country that matters, even to Americans.

America is the only country that matters to rational Americans.
Nope. Rational people don't care only about themselves, and their nation. They know other people exist, and are equally important. Infants, like you, not so much.

You clearly don't understand the role of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Clearly, I do. It has to account for more than what happens here, and it does. Case in point: The Paquete Habana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take it to the UN. The U.S. Supreme Court is only about America and its Constitution.

Possible outcomes if Republicans stall on confirmation

1. Republicans win presidency and hold Senate and name a Conservative Justice

2. Republicans win Presidency but Democrats win Senate and refuse to confirm a Conservative nominee

3. Democrats win Presidency but Republicans hold Senate, Republicans refuse to confirm

4. Democrats win both presidency and Senate and name a Liberal
You left out a possiblity....

Republicans win the presidency, Democrats win the Senate, pull the trigger on the nuclear option in the Senate to approve with a simple majority -- and confirm Obama's Liberal nominee before the Republican president is sworn in on January 20th.
Good one I didn't consider

They have almost two weeks before the Republican would be inaugurated
Obamas nominee would still be on the table
I didn't watch the have your own problems.........a candidate under FBI investigation and another that proposes 19 Trillion in new taxes over 10 years.
Classified and above Top Secret e mails.
Benghazi rules down with facts ...facts are a liberal scheme

Endorsed by those who actually fought there...........Not by the cover up machine............arms for ISIS........arms for about gun running to Syria ending up in the hands of the enemy........................hmmm
Have you seen the movie? It exonerates the Obama administration.
And doesn't even mention Hillary, who never gave anything like a stand-down order since, oddly enough, she doesn't run the fucking Pentagon or the CIA.
Some people, not you, can keep more than one thing in their minds at the same time. America is not the only country that matters, even to Americans.

America is the only country that matters to rational Americans.
Nope. Rational people don't care only about themselves, and their nation. They know other people exist, and are equally important. Infants, like you, not so much.

You clearly don't understand the role of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Clearly, I do. It has to account for more than what happens here, and it does. Case in point: The Paquete Habana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take it to the UN. The U.S. Supreme Court is only about America and its Constitution.
I just showed you that is was not. Is it mostly about the US, yep, mostly...
You keep forgetting the fact the Dems continue to get shellacked in elections. Perhaps you should be figuring out why that is
Why you ask ?? outside of the 2 elections where obama kicked repub ass it was lack of dem participation We won't make that mistake again ,,sass Get ready for another asskickin

You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance
Low voter turnout. It wasn't because they voted for you. You just turned them off on thinking it matters know it, stop making excuses
Why is trump whipping all the Republicans ass.

Single payer is what we wanted.

We got a nightmare...thanks to you idiots that voted for Ears...THAT is why you got shellacked.
I didn't watch the have your own problems.........a candidate under FBI investigation and another that proposes 19 Trillion in new taxes over 10 years.
Classified and above Top Secret e mails.
Benghazi rules down with facts ...facts are a liberal scheme

Endorsed by those who actually fought there...........Not by the cover up machine............arms for ISIS........arms for about gun running to Syria ending up in the hands of the enemy........................hmmm
Have you seen the movie? It exonerates the Obama administration.
Not yet but I've seen the interviews...............they say it's spot on..............why the wait from the onset..........those that fought there say they went without does that back up the WH.
Boo Boo stop using facts ...facts are irrelevant....Republicans
What are the facts.................................

The Senate is controlled by the GOP.........
The Dems don't have the votes for confirmation.......
The appointment can't be done without the Senate.........

The Fact is..............unless the GOP folds you don't get the nomination.........

The Facts are that the Dems used tactics to Block Judges under Reagan.........

The Facts are KARMA.
Umm... they may have the votes to confirm on January 3rd of next year. :ack-1:

13 States really at play......................

I think Nevada needs to go Red............
so "we the people" only matters when it's the winger brigade at the far right of the loony spectrum?

okie dokie, nut bar.

hey cry all you want but just because a prezbo picks one

does not mean they get the seat

it is a fact
Recess appointment if the Senate blocks voting on his nominee(s)


the senate controls the >>consent<< part of the deal

you want obamas nominee get the seat

make sure it is one that the republicans like

I hope it is somebody in the middle that isn't so political.

that would be nice

Hopefully with a repub congress and dem pres that is what we get. Any justice too loved by either party probably isn't good for the country.
Why you ask ?? outside of the 2 elections where obama kicked repub ass it was lack of dem participation We won't make that mistake again ,,sass Get ready for another asskickin

You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance
Low voter turnout. It wasn't because they voted for you. You just turned them off on thinking it matters know it, stop making excuses
Why is trump whipping all the Republicans ass.

Single payer is what we wanted.

We got a nightmare...thanks to you idiots that voted for Ears...THAT is why you got shellacked.
Nah. In 2008 & 2012 lots of people showed up and Democrats won. In 2010 and 2014 low voter turnout.

You'll see high voter turnout does not help you
America is the only country that matters to rational Americans.
Nope. Rational people don't care only about themselves, and their nation. They know other people exist, and are equally important. Infants, like you, not so much.

You clearly don't understand the role of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Clearly, I do. It has to account for more than what happens here, and it does. Case in point: The Paquete Habana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take it to the UN. The U.S. Supreme Court is only about America and its Constitution.
I just showed you that is was not. Is it mostly about the US, yep, mostly...

It's only about America. But as you've demonstrated, you Big Government Globalists are confused and mistaken about that. You wanna push your Anti-American Globalism, go work for the UN.
It'll be great to hear all the GOP candidates remind the American people that they want to appoint a judge who could vote to overturn Roe v Wade and same sex marriage rights.
Nope. Rational people don't care only about themselves, and their nation. They know other people exist, and are equally important. Infants, like you, not so much.

You clearly don't understand the role of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Clearly, I do. It has to account for more than what happens here, and it does. Case in point: The Paquete Habana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Take it to the UN. The U.S. Supreme Court is only about America and its Constitution.
I just showed you that is was not. Is it mostly about the US, yep, mostly...

It's only about America. But as you've demonstrated, you Big Government Globalists are confused and mistaken about that. You wanna push your Anti-American Globalism, go work for the UN.
Your dogma, and paranoia, isn't reality. The Court takes many things into consideration, as it should.
You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance
Low voter turnout. It wasn't because they voted for you. You just turned them off on thinking it matters know it, stop making excuses
Why is trump whipping all the Republicans ass.

Single payer is what we wanted.

We got a nightmare...thanks to you idiots that voted for Ears...THAT is why you got shellacked.
Nah. In 2008 & 2012 lots of people showed up and Democrats won. In 2010 and 2014 low voter turnout.

You'll see high voter turnout does not help you

You live in fantasy land and are either incapable of seeing what happened or just outright lying. Come Nov this nation (and most likely the world) will be in a financial crisis. Despite all the BS how great Obama's economy was it's all going to come crashing down...guess who's going to pay the price? Remember Bush and 2008?
The Dems will suddenly be for the Constitutionalist for this selection even though they have gone against it time and time again with their pen and phone. Amnesty for illegals and Sanctuaries.............

Just another election with their standard tactics.

They will be thwarted on getting the nomination. The only question is on what they gain from tactics they will use over it. If the tables were turned they would do the same and have in the past done the exact same thing. Showing that history of their tactics could level the playing field.
EOs have always been constitutional. At least they are when a Republican is president
Not when they openly violate our laws..............Amnesty for illegals is certainly against the are other EPA laws just overturned by SCOTUS
You made SPECIFIC assertions, therefore, if you are honest and informed, you can easily provide SPECIFIC corroboration of your claims.

I challenge you to cite the SPECIFIC EO number from the Disposition Table, the SPECIFIC action taken, which SPECIFICALLY allowed amnesty and cite the SPECIFIC statute(s) that you claim was/were violated.

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