BREAKING - Kathy Griffin FIRED by CNN

No, it absolutely does NOT. Inspiring the crazies to commit murder is not protected by the First Amendment.

Well hell - you can say the bible inspires people to commit murder. The Old Testament is about the bloodiest book every written.
This makes no sense. CNN is All Hate Trump All the Time. She is the perfect spokesman for them.

Sure, but there was so much backlash they had to can her even though they completely approve of what she did.
No, it absolutely does NOT. Inspiring the crazies to commit murder is not protected by the First Amendment.

Well hell - you can say the bible inspires people to commit murder. The Old Testament is about the bloodiest book every written.
Well, good luck with that, but BACK ON TOPIC, holding the severed head of the sitting president is NOT protected Free Speech.
The Old Testament is about the bloodiest book every written.
What you're citing is the OT as a HISTORY book.

Because the Bible RECORDS wars and crimes does not mean the Bible advocates those things

So you support the crimes you "record" in your threads?
Maybe a better image would be a woman with a bloody coat hanger because funds from Planned Parenthood were reduced. Or an elderly man spitting blood because his health insurance was cancelled thanks to the bullshit 'healthcare' bill being pushed by Trump and the Republicans. Or the REAL bloody heads of the two men killed while defending a Muslim woman from a racist right-wing loser.

No for cons it's the fake image of a fake Trump's head that is outrageous. They gravitate to the fake these days. What Kathy Griffin did wasn't real.

Oh please, you on the left complained when we made fun of Dumbama's Dumbo ears. I could imagine the outrage if that were Clint Eastwood doing the same thing with an Obama pumpkin head.

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I do not agree with Kathy Griffin's bad taste image but.... after twenty five years of demonizing Hillary Clinton on Fox and other conservative media, and twelve years of questioning Pres Obama's love of country and qualification for president as well as all the racist images etc, the right wing getting their panties all in a bunch is kinda funny and grossly hypocritical.

Can you name us one thing that a famous person on the right did that came anywhere near this? This is downright a threat to the President of the United States.

You must have been born yesterday! Here is one, a draft dodger to boot:

The right is mad over Kathy Griffin’s gruesome Trump video. The left asks: Remember Ted Nugent?

Google hate images of Hillary or Pres Obama while you are at it.

So what did Nugent do that was anything like she did? He ranted on about sucking on the end of his gun (a sexual reference) and said you would shoot coyotes if they were in your living room. Apples and oranges.

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which left? when CNN cans you for being "too far left" you really have nowhere "left" to go.

They didn't want to fire her but the pressure was too great. A month from now when this scandal is old news, she'll get hired. That's a fact.

I agree that left is proud of what she did.

I just don't agree that something that hasn't happened can be a fact.
In the press conference she claims the fallout would never have happened if she were a man.
Then she goes on to complain that it's old white men who are the ones who sign her checks.
What a bunch of bullshit!!
So she earnestly apologized the other day, then turns around and claims it's because shes a woman that people are mad.
Sounds to me like she's not sorry at all.
Make no mistake Kathy Griffin is exactly what CNN is about.

I’m going to be honest, he broke me,” Griffin said as she began to choke up.

Greatest. Moment. This Week.

It's so bizarre that she admits she was wrong - and then blames President Trump for all of her sponsors bailing on her. It's also bizarre to watch left-wing lunatics crying about something they created. They scream for the boycott of conservatives 24x7 and then they cry that it's "not fair" when they get boycotted.

Kathy Griffin in Tears at Press Conference: 'Trump Broke Me' (Video)
which left? when CNN cans you for being "too far left" you really have nowhere "left" to go.

They didn't want to fire her but the pressure was too great. A month from now when this scandal is old news, she'll get hired. That's a fact.
So the fuck what!!!! Kathy doesn't need CNN! Griffin is already worth over 15 million dollars. She will get other gigs and will continue to give the middle finger Red State America!!!!\

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