BREAKING - Kathy Griffin FIRED by CNN

It's only June, (tomorrow)

anyone want to bet by Thanksgiving, she's back on the teak?
I do not agree with Kathy Griffin's bad taste image but.... after twenty five years of demonizing Hillary Clinton on Fox and other conservative media, and twelve years of questioning Pres Obama's love of country and qualification for president as well as all the racist images etc, the right wing getting their panties all in a bunch is kinda funny and grossly hypocritical.
sorry fried green tomatoes don't count.
I do not agree with Kathy Griffin's bad taste image but.... after twenty five years of demonizing Hillary Clinton on Fox and other conservative media, and twelve years of questioning Pres Obama's love of country and qualification for president as well as all the racist images etc, the right wing getting their panties all in a bunch is kinda funny and grossly hypocritical.
Right because you would have had a good chuckle over some one holding Obama's severed head.
LOS ANGELES - CNN said on Wednesday it has terminated comedian Kathy Griffin's deal to appear on the network's annual New Year's Eve broadcast in the wake of controversy over her posing in photographs with a likeness of President Donald Trump's head.

Kathy Griffin loses CNN deal over decapitated Trump photos

But she might pick up a gig regaling guests at Al Franken's birthday party with stories about assassinating presidents.

Seems she got the attention she was seeking, now she's learning about accountability.

I do not agree with Kathy Griffin's bad taste image but.... after twenty five years of demonizing Hillary Clinton on Fox and other conservative media, and twelve years of questioning Pres Obama's love of country and qualification for president as well as all the racist images etc, the right wing getting their panties all in a bunch is kinda funny and grossly hypocritical.

Can you name us one thing that a famous person on the right did that came anywhere near this? This is downright a threat to the President of the United States.

You must have been born yesterday! Here is one, a draft dodger to boot:

The right is mad over Kathy Griffin’s gruesome Trump video. The left asks: Remember Ted Nugent?

Google hate images of Hillary or Pres Obama while you are at it.
That reedy voice of hers is such a physical torture to listen to, it feels like an icicle stabbing directly into my brain. Is there any way to charge this bozo-the-redheaded-banshee with "disturbing the peace" every time it opens its mandible? It's an auditory abomination. The only reason I don't call her a whore is that I refuse to believe any guy is depraved enough to fuck that....that THING! It has all the appeal of a cigarette butt unraveling in a gas station toilet.
LOS ANGELES - CNN said on Wednesday it has terminated comedian Kathy Griffin's deal to appear on the network's annual New Year's Eve broadcast in the wake of controversy over her posing in photographs with a likeness of President Donald Trump's head.

Kathy Griffin loses CNN deal over decapitated Trump photos

But she might pick up a gig regaling guests at Al Franken's birthday party with stories about assassinating presidents.

Maybe a better image would be a woman with a bloody coat hanger because funds from Planned Parenthood were reduced. Or an elderly man spitting blood because his health insurance was cancelled thanks to the bullshit 'healthcare' bill being pushed by Trump and the Republicans. Or the REAL bloody heads of the two men killed while defending a Muslim woman from a racist right-wing loser.

No for cons it's the fake image of a fake Trump's head that is outrageous. They gravitate to the fake these days. What Kathy Griffin did wasn't real.
which left? when CNN cans you for being "too far left" you really have nowhere "left" to go.

They didn't want to fire her but the pressure was too great. A month from now when this scandal is old news, she'll get hired. That's a fact.
Do you not know what a fact is or are you just sht posting?

Who cares if she's fired? She's irrelevant. I submit that liberals on average don't care. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I do not agree with Kathy Griffin's bad taste image but.... after twenty five years of demonizing Hillary Clinton on Fox and other conservative media, and twelve years of questioning Pres Obama's love of country and qualification for president as well as all the racist images etc, the right wing getting their panties all in a bunch is kinda funny and grossly hypocritical.

If someone has a different political viewpoint from you, they are a bad person. That's what HIllary and Obama taught me.

Getting fired from CNN is like a badge of honor.... wouldn't it be more fitting for that pussy hat wearing skank to serve as a news anchor for their fake news or something?

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