BREAKING: Kremlin says no chance of peace with Kiev after Zelensky's Washington performance

Wow. Are you ignorant or an actual Russian bot?

Putin is a murdering dictator
Keep repeating that like an automaton and ignore all of the points I made in my previous posts. No one should be surprised by American "woke" liberals, supporting American imperialism and its orchestrated coups and expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe. etc, because your support for Western imperialism and hegemony, is based on your irrational hatred of Russia. You don't like the fact that there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin, no LGBTQ pride parades, no children being injected with puberty blockers, no 14-year-old girls getting their breasts cut off to "transition" them to males, gays can't adopt children, no transgender bathrooms, no rabid feminism, no no no no. None of that liberal, "woke" lunacy is tolerated in Russia, and that's the reason so many American "leftists" (MSNBC "woke" liberals aren't really leftists), HATE Russia.. You're not "woke", you're comatose.
You anti-American scumbags
You're not pro-America, you're for the American ruling elite, the wealthy imperialists, who are destroying America and the whole world to make a buck $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. They have our country and the whole world on the precipice of fighting WW3 with Russia, over Ukraine. The American military-industrial complex loves it when the US government buys weapons from them and floods Ukraine with their weapons. Whatever the consequences of that may be, is of no concern to these war profiteers. You are the enemy of the American people, not those who know the truth and stand against American imperialism. I stand against American street thugs. I stand against American serial killers. I stand against American "woke" loonies who inject children with puberty blockers. I stand against the cabal of corrupt American politicians who are in the pockets of the military-industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry, big pharma, wall street, the bankers..etc. I stand against American traitors, like you and your ilk.
Keep repeating that like an automaton and ignore all of the points I made in my previous posts. No one should be surprised by American "woke" liberals, supporting American imperialism and its orchestrated coups and expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe. etc, because your support for Western imperialism and hegemony, is based on your irrational hatred of Russia. You don't like the fact that there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin, no LGBTQ pride parades, no children being injected with puberty blockers, no 14-year-old girls getting their breasts cut off to "transition" them to males, gays can't adopt children, no transgender bathrooms, no rabid feminism, no no no no. None of that liberal, "woke" lunacy is tolerated in Russia, and that's the reason so many American "leftists" (MSNBC "woke" liberals aren't really leftists), HATE Russia.. You're not "woke", you're comatose.
Fuck a bunch of Russian bots

No one is fooled. Putin is a murder if dictator
Zelensky the human laundromat.....with a turtle by his side.

Yeah, it's called democracy. Putin was elected and he's now the legitimate Russian head of state. Leaders are supposed to "drive the bus", It's called governing, leading a nation that elected you into that position of authority.
Putin is a corrupt dictator at this point. The elections are fraud and so are you.
How are things in the Austrian Nazi party?
You would know about that, since you support Ukraine, a nation that celebrates Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera, and has thousands of neo-nazi terrorists fighting on their side. The irony.

Hardly, you simply call everyone who doesn't agree with a Russian meanie, you are such a child. All the while you support neo-nazis while calling everyone else a fascist. Pathetic really.

You would know about that, since you support Ukraine, a nation that celebrates Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera, and has thousands of neo-nazi terrorists fighting on their side. The irony.

You would know about that, since you support Ukraine, a nation that celebrates Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera, and has thousands of neo-nazi terrorists fighting on their side. The irony.

why doesn't Russia try joining NATO and the EU like everybody elseHardly, you simply call everyone who doesn't agree with a Russian meanie, you are such a child. All the while you support neo-nazis while calling everyone else a fascist. Pathetic really.

You would know about that, since you support Ukraine, a nation that celebrates Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera, and has thousands of neo-nazi terrorists fighting on their side. The ir

Ignoring all of my points and not addressing them renders your negative opinions worthless.
It's too bad Putin has made so much money off of corruption that Russia can't join the EU... The best journalists say Ukraine is a democracy and he has great following and support. You appear to believe a mountain of pure crap propaganda or have to make a living....
It's too bad Putin has made so much money off of corruption that Russia can't join the EU... The best journalists say Ukraine is a democracy and he has great following and support. You appear to believe a mountain of pure crap propaganda or have to make a living....

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