BREAKING: Kremlin says no chance of peace with Kiev after Zelensky's Washington performance

Franco was a dictator, what the heck are you on man? Franco was a fascist dictator and yes was a socialist in many of his economic policies, which was good. Franco's rule in Spain could in a way be compared to Putin's in Russia. Putin is more democratic than Franco. Putin and Franco share a lot of traits as strong leaders.
Franco was just like Hitler horrible. I never would say any different. Dictators are not my idea of strong leaders just insanely criminal ones. I said I was a francophile which means I like France a lot lol.
Franco was a dictator, what the heck are you on man? Franco was a fascist dictator and yes was a socialist in many of his economic policies, which was good. Franco's rule in Spain could in a way be compared to Putin's in Russia. Putin is more democratic than Franco. Putin and Franco share a lot of traits as strong leaders.
I'm not talking about Franco, I'm talking about Francois Mitterrand the leader of the socialists in France during the 80s a resistance fighter during World War Two who had two families going at the same time when he died... children everywhere. Lol. My brother and I drove across Spain several times under Franco. If you did something wrong there were always Guardia Civil with submachine guns to fine you. I guess the Spaniards did a lot worse than we did. We were hanging around with English expatriates in fuengirola, a lot of tennis players.
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Franco was just like Hitler horrible. I never would say any different. Dictators are not my idea of strong leaders just insanely criminal ones. I said I was a francophile which means I like France a lot lol.

Oh hehehe, I've heard people use that term who love Franco. Thanks for the correction.
Franco, you need to wake up because you're oblivious to the facts. Fair capitalism? What the hell is that? Do you think capitalism is fair in America or anywhere else? We're not a democracy i.e. "rule of the people", we're a plutocracy, rule of the big-money. Corporations and their cronies rule America, at the expense of the American people. As far as wars, we have 700+ military bases and installations around the world. The US government under the heel of our ruling elite has deployed our military multiple times just in the 21st century alone. We have troops right now deployed around the world, in places like Syria and in Africa. We've seized Syria's oil by force of arms.

We're not there with the consent of Syria's government. That's an invasion of Syria's sovereignty, deploying our troops there without permission and then taking their oil.

Not to mention our other wars, like Afghanistan, a country we invaded (for a good reason, after 9/11, I was in favor of that), then occupied for twenty years and didn't do shit to improve it. We spent trillions of dollars, filling the coffers of the "defense" industry/military-industrial complex and now we have nothing to show for the many sacrifices made by our sons and daughters deployed in that conflict. The Taliban is back in power and as usual, the people are living under a brutal totalitarian, radical Islamic regime.

WMD Bullshit:

Iraq, Libya, Syria, and our support of Saudi Arabia's destruction of Yemen. How can you ignore this? Are you living in Lalaland? What dimension are you living in that you feel you have the moral highground as an American, to point your crooked, feculent finger at Russia? Our invasion of Iraq was illegal and planned, for reasons other than WMDs. Over a million Iraqis died as a result of our illegal invasion. That doesn't even count the innocent people that died as a result of the 12 years of sanctions our government imposed upon the people of Iraq.

You have the gall, the audacity to pretend that you have the moral highground? You need to stop smoking that shit Franco. You're out of your mind.

The Russians are simply defending themselves against a hostile neighboring country that was going to become a NATO base and was nothing more than a well funded American puppet. The Ukrainian regime banned all opposition, including arresting the owners of TV stations that spoke against the government, and engaged in a terrorist campaign against its ethnic Russian population, resulting in the death of thousands of people. There's a video a couple of years old, of Zelensky on the battlefield, pleading with the Neo-Nazis, the ultra-nationalists, to stop firing their shells at the Donbas. I saw the video myself, I'm not lying to you Franco. The video was on Telegram. The Neo-Nazis, were debating with him (their supposed commander and chief/president), and they refused to stop. He wasn't in control of these Neo-Nazis. He couldn't stop them from engaging in their terrorist campaign against the Russo-Ukrainians.

The Western media was doing stories, one after another, of Ukraine's Neo-Nazi problem. You can google them, by searching for "Ukraine Neo-Nazis" and place the date of the search between 2014 and 2020, and see for yourself, all of the stories by the mainstream Western media. News outlets like CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS..etc, were admitting, that Ukraine has a serious Neo-Nazi problem. They very conveniently stopped admitting that after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, pretending Ukraine "doesn't really" have any Neo-Nazis. How can a supposedly "woke" social justice warrior/Dem like you be on the side of Neo-Nazis and American imperialism? Just because it's "American" doesn't mean that you have to support it as an American and patriot.

Genuine American patriots call out their government when it's wrong. They don't worship the US government or believe in "my country right or wrong", that's not the attitude of a real American patriot. What makes you an American patriot is when you defend good principles. You base your patriotism on principles and good practice, not sheepish, blind obedience to the government or the American ruling elite/imperialists who are destroying America, if not the whole world. They're plunging us into WW3 with Russia and China, which amounts to the destruction of all life on this planet. You're willing to sacrifice America and all life on this planet, for Zelensky? You need to stop smoking that funny stuff.

I was against the invasion of Iraq and staying on in Afghanistan. All GOP BS. Also against screwing with Venezuela Nicaragua Cuba Latin America Syria you name it. i defend only democrats not the god damn GOP. The GOP ruined the Treaty of Versailles the League of Nations the world economy isolationism virulent anti communism everywhere.... Covert crap overall... Iran... omg. Supporting Israel blindly against the poor Palestinians. All driven by the GOP....
I was against the invasion of Iraq and staying on in Afghanistan. All GOP BS. Also against screwing with Venezuela Nicaragua Cuba Latin America Syria you name it. i defend only democrats not the god damn GOP. The GOP ruined the Treaty of Versailles the League of Nations the world economy isolationism virulent anti communism everywhere.... Covert crap overall... Iran... omg. Supporting Israel blindly against the poor Palestinians. All driven by the GOP....

The Democrats aren't much better, if at all when it comes to foreign policy. Both parties are two sides of the same turd. They both serve the vested interests of the wealthy at the expense of the American public. Now the Democrats and many Republicans as well, are prolonging the conflict in Ukraine by flooding it with American weapons, placing all of us and our children at the precipice of a nuclear holocaust. Both parties are crap, at least the Republicans are more honest with their intentions. Democrats often hide behind a false liberal veneer of humanism, civility, and progressivism, portraying themselves as the supposed party of working-class people. They're a little bit better for the working-class. A tiny bit, but not much. Nothing worth bragging about.

The Republicans are less duplicitous and openly admit to being the party of the wealthy, serving big-money interests, while even denying the existence of socioeconomic classes. Democrats do the same thing, but they pretend not to. It's a complete farse with the Democrats and then when you add all of their crazy social values like their approval of the medical malpractice of injecting children with puberty blockers to "transition" them to the opposite gender, that makes them repulsive. Sick. I dislike the democrats even more than the Republicans for hurting children, with all of their LGBTQA+ lunacy. At least Republicans have enough sense not to do that.
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Looks like Congress screwed up inviting that midget grifter to fleece the American taxpayers while that money could have completed the border wall, veterans, and homeless.

Let’s go all the way then. Send in our Army. Let’s push the border of Russia back another hundred kilometers. Or more.

Better yet. Let’s bomb them. Launch the Nukes.
Let’s go all the way then. Send in our Army. Let’s push the border of Russia back another hundred kilometers. Or more.

Better yet. Let’s bomb them. Launch the Nukes.

Read what I wrote about the top tax rate, and you will at least know a little about the subject because at the moment you have no clue whatsoever. The Democrats are in charge of everything is the stupidest comment I've seen....

Hey idiot, the Democrats are in charge of everything, the House writes the tax code and determines the top tax rate. Thanks for once again indicting the Democrats who could change that tomorrow if they wanted! Instead, they are far more concerned with giving Zelensky billions more in weapons, and funding research into the tsetse fly.
The Democrats aren't much better, if at all when it comes to foreign policy. Both parties are two sides of the same turd. They both serve the vested interests of the wealthy at the expense of the American public. Now the Democrats and many Republicans as well, are prolonging the conflict in Ukraine by flooding it with American weapons, placing all of us and our children at the precipice of a nuclear holocaust. Both parties are crap, at least the Republicans are more honest with their intentions. Democrats often hide behind a false liberal veneer of humanism, civility, and progressivism, portraying themselves as the supposed party of working-class people. They're a little bit better for the working-class. A tiny bit, but not much. Nothing worth bragging about.

The Republicans are less duplicitous and openly admit to being the party of the wealthy, serving big-money interests, while even denying the existence of socioeconomic classes. Democrats do the same thing, but they pretend not to. It's a complete farse with the Democrats and then when you add all of their crazy social values like their approval of the medical malpractice of injecting children with puberty blockers to "transition" them to the opposite gender, that makes them repulsive. Sick. I dislike the democrats even more than the Republicans for hurting children, with all of their LGBTQA+ lunacy. At least Republicans have enough sense not to do that.
BS, the GOP sucks . these are GOP wars.... The GOP blocked the Democrats from LBJ until Biden except for Obamacare. And these bills by Biden are tiny. All that stuff about children is pure baloney. Absolutely hateful divisive garbage. Change the channel get off that algorithm.
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Hey idiot, the Democrats are in charge of everything, the House writes the tax code and determines the top tax rate. Thanks for once again indicting the Democrats who could change that tomorrow if they wanted! Instead, they are far more concerned with giving Zelensky billions more in weapons, and funding research into the tsetse fly.
That's the funked up thing about reconciliation gop rule.... And the **** GOP filibuster rule. You need only 51 votes to cut taxes on the rich, but sixty votes to raise taxes on the rich. Quite a scam period the problem is brainwashed functional moron GOP voters end of story.
BS, the GOP sucks . these are GOP wars.... The GOP blocked the Democrats from LBJ until Biden except for Obamacare. And these bills by Biden are tiny. All that stuff about children is pure baloney. Absolutely hateful divisive garbage. Change the channel get off that algorithm.
You're mentally ill.
You're mentally ill.
The GOP sucks anyway lol. Why are we the only modern country without health care daycare cheap College in training great infrastructure and vacations ID card two and illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich? Thanks for the stupidest wars ever and a corrupt bubble and bust every time you get eight years... All you know about is imaginary conspiracies.... And how to screw up a pandemic

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