BREAKING: Kremlin says no chance of peace with Kiev after Zelensky's Washington performance

Unnecessarily starting a nuclear war with Russia and destroying all life on this planet? Are you sane?
No you stop the scumbag dictator with a huge alliance of everyone and don't start a war. It is kind of fun to remark that US weapons are so much better that we can dictate the course of the war basically.
No you stop the scumbag dictator with a huge alliance of everyone and don't start a war. It is kind of fun to remark that US weapons are so much better that we can dictate the course of the war basically.
How about we stop NATO from poking the bear? Stop Ukraine from murdering ethnic Russians in Ukraine, that would be better. Stop flooding Ukraine with American weapons and let Zelensky come to reasonable terms with Russia through a peace agreement.
You're mentally ill.
80% of the country and 99% of the world will tell you that the GOP base is insane technically. Brainwashed functionally insane. That would be you. And you have to be pretty ignorant to be that gullible.
How about we stop NATO from poking the bear? Stop Ukraine from murdering ethnic Russians in Ukraine, that would be better. Stop flooding Ukraine with American weapons and let Zelensky come to reasonable terms with Russia through a peace agreement.
Screw Putin and screw his propaganda that you swallow... Along with the GOP BS. And that's all it is. stop murdering Ukrainians for crying out loud that might help lol
Screw Putin and screw his propaganda that you swallow... Along with the GOP BS. And that's all it is. stop murdering Ukrainians for crying out loud that might help lol

So the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea had to accept Poroshenko, the new president installed by the violent coup in 2014, who hates everything Russian? Why should Russia allow NATO to turn Ukraine into its base and launching pad? I thought you were for democracy. People deciding if they're going to accept or reject a government, right? The Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea rejected Poroshenko and wanted Yanukovych to remain in power. So you're against their decision to reject the coup government?
80% of the country and 99% of the world will tell you that the GOP base is insane technically. Brainwashed functionally insane. That would be you. And you have to be pretty ignorant to be that gullible.

It's mostly liberals that are pushing for WW3 with Russia in Ukraine while injecting children with puberty blockers. I would say they're even worse than most MAGA Republicans. Most of the MAGAS are against flooding Ukraine with weapons and fighting a nuclear war with Russia to save Zelensky. They also don't inject children with puberty blockers or cut the beasts off of 14-year-old girls to turn them into "boys". They can tell you what a woman is, whereas many liberals can't.
So the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea had to accept Poroshenko, the new president installed by the violent coup in 2014, who hates everything Russian? Why should Russia allow NATO to turn Ukraine into its base and launching pad? I thought you were for democracy. People deciding if they're going to accept or reject a government, right? The Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea rejected Poroshenko and wanted Yanukovych to remain in power. So you're against their decision to reject the coup government?
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz all that became moot when the Russians invaded nine months ago... Everyone including the Russians seem to be sick of this war and Zelensky has incredible support. Get the hell out of Ukraine and STFU with the BS trivia.
^^^ If THIS is what you get with a Masters in History, then I'm afraid you got GYPPED. :auiqs.jpg:
Obviously I am slumming down here with you crumb bums lol period end of story change the damn channel, you get nothing but pure crap and become insane technically. Everything you know is crap.
It's mostly liberals that are pushing for WW3 with Russia in Ukraine while injecting children with puberty blockers. I would say they're even worse than most MAGA Republicans. Most of the MAGAS are against flooding Ukraine with weapons and fighting a nuclear war with Russia to save Zelensky. They also don't inject children with puberty blockers or cut the beasts off of 14-year-old girls to turn them into "boys". They can tell you what a woman is, whereas many liberals can't.
No one is pushing for World War three with Russia except brainwashed functional morons from the GOP slash Russian propaganda machine..... Ditto the idea that Russia itself has anything to fear from NATO just get inside your own borders and work on your mess of a society....
I was against the invasion of Iraq and staying on in Afghanistan. All GOP BS. Also against screwing with Venezuela Nicaragua Cuba Latin America Syria you name it. i defend only democrats not the god damn GOP. The GOP ruined the Treaty of Versailles the League of Nations the world economy isolationism virulent anti communism everywhere.... Covert crap overall... Iran... omg. Supporting Israel blindly against the poor Palestinians. All driven by the GOP....
Do you support David Duke?
Do you support David Duke?
Lol. I am a total Democrat, what the hell do you think? We fight against racism and bigotry, even our own. We try to be our best as opposed to the GOP base hateful divisive anti American bigot brainwashed functional moron disgrace...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz all that became moot when the Russians invaded nine months ago... Everyone including the Russians seem to be sick of this war and Zelensky has incredible support. Get the hell out of Ukraine and STFU with the BS trivia.
Franco, you're delusional, irrational, and hypocritical. Supposedly, according to you the Western Ukrainians have the right to violently oust the democratically elected president of their country and then impose their new coup regime on the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea. Well, they don't. The ethnic Russians of Eastern Ukraine want nothing to do with Kyiv. They also have the right to fight and defend themselves against the Kyiv government, which they refuse to recognize as a legitimate authority.

NATO can do whatever it wants, but Russia considers it exactly what it is, a cold war military alliance, that is inherently hostile to its interests and security, in every way. NATO is strategically, operationally, doctrinally, and historically Russia's adversary and just as America wouldn't allow Russia to deploy its military on its border with Mexico or Canada, Russia isn't going to allow the further expansion of NATO on its border. It got away with it in the past, after the collapse of the Soviet Union when Russia was weak and being raped by oligarchs, but not now after 20 years of development with Putin. People that think and behave like you start wars. The only language your ilk understands is violence. That's the only cure for your illness.
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Lol. I am a total Democrat, what the hell do you think? We fight against racism and bigotry, even our own. We try to be our best as opposed to the GOP base hateful divisive anti American bigot brainwashed functional moron disgrace...
Democrats play the social justice warrior while committing their own bigotry and violence. Flooding Zelensky with American weapons, and fighting a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine is really stupid. Trump with all of his flaws, has enough sense not to do that and has expressed that we shouldn't be involved in this conflict. Trump is smarter than the vast majority of you hypocrite democrats. Oh and of course, I forgot to mention, Republicans aren't injecting their children with puberty blockers to transition them to the opposite gender or cutting the breasts off of 14-year-old girls to turn them into "boys". They don't take their children to drag queen shows or fill their children's heads with LGBTQ crap. Grooming children into homosexuality (or gender dysphoric confusion) or sexualizing them, is the worse thing anyone could ever do and that's what you Democrap liberals are doing.
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Obviously I am slumming down here with you crumb bums lol period end of story change the damn channel, you get nothing but pure crap and become insane technically. Everything you know is crap.

:cuckoo: :TH_WAY~113: :banghead:
:bang3: :TH_WAY~113: :cuckoo:

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