BREAKING: Kremlin says no chance of peace with Kiev after Zelensky's Washington performance

why doesn't Russia try joining NATO and the EU like everybody elseHardly, you simply call everyone who doesn't agree with a Russian meanie, you are such a child. All the while you support neo-nazis while calling everyone else a fascist. Pathetic really.

You would know about that, since you support Ukraine, a nation that celebrates Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera, and has thousands of neo-nazi terrorists fighting on their side. The ir


why doesn't Russia try joining NATO and the EU like everybody elseHardly, you simply call everyone who doesn't agree with a Russian meanie, you are such a child. All the while you support neo-nazis while calling everyone else a fascist. Pathetic really.

You would know about that, since you support Ukraine, a nation that celebrates Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera, and has thousands of neo-nazi terrorists fighting on their side. The ir

To join the Alliance, nations are expected to respect the values of the North Atlantic Treaty, and to meet certain political, economic and military criteria, set out in the Alliance’s 1995 Study on Enlargement. These criteria include a functioning democratic political system based on a market economy; fair treatment of minority populations; a commitment to resolve conflicts peacefully; an ability and willingness to make a military contribution to NATO operations; and a commitment to democratic civil-military relations and institutions.

Just like in the USA we have neo-nazis, there are fringes in ukraine that support stepan bandera; its not an official position.
Russia would need to first become a legit democracy before joining nato, and russia certainly wouldnt want to peacefully resolve conflicts. Cold day in hell before that.
To join the Alliance, nations are expected to respect the values of the North Atlantic Treaty, and to meet certain political, economic and military criteria, set out in the Alliance’s 1995 Study on Enlargement. These criteria include a functioning democratic political system based on a market economy; fair treatment of minority populations; a commitment to resolve conflicts peacefully; an ability and willingness to make a military contribution to NATO operations; and a commitment to democratic civil-military relations and institutions.

Just like in the USA we have neo-nazis, there are fringes in ukraine that support stepan bandera; its not an official position.
Russia would need to first become a legit democracy before joining nato, and russia certainly wouldnt want to peacefully resolve conflicts. Cold day in hell before that.
Well I know, but that was the idea before Putin went powermad....Medvedev etc,,,, and Putin might as well admit he was wrong totally about this war.... And the United States and the West could be a little more helpful this time than they were in the 90s....
Why not, are you afraid of democracy and the end of corruption... Putin should admit he was wrong and Ukraine is an actual country lol.
You ignored everything I said in my first response to you, why should I invest more time and energy in interacting with you? People like you should just be ignored.
Really, Bobo? You wanna run with that even as we have the proof in front of us now in B&W? Frank is 0-1.

Really, Ace? Not sure exactly what you mean by that, but the vaccine is clearly not a vaccine and Joe Biden just passed the mark as the president with the most Covid cases! See my article in Health how with Biden in office, we just passed 100 MILLION Covid cases! So again, we were lied to about Trump, lied to in 2020, lied about the vaccine, Fauci lied, and we never erradicated Covid by the 4th in 2021 as Biden promised. Frank is now 0-2.

Speaks for itself:
View attachment 741760
If the climate were REALLY warming, ice would have melted showing significant rise in sea-level in 90 years! Franko now 0-3.

Incoherent blabbering. Is this really all you got? This is it? Whatever taxes the rich pay is due to the TAX CODE afforded them by Congress, Asshat. But you are right, we pay far too much for college, the most, and the infrastructure is falling apart, job benefits suck. But who promised BUILD BACK BETTER? Who writes the tax code? Who keeps sending BILLIONS AND BILLIONS to fight a war that doesn't involve us that could be used to pay down schools and fix bridges? DEMOCRATS. They run everything. Poor Frank, you are now 0-4.

What a unique take on political systems and history by a fool who obviously understands neither! What an incredibly wrong statement. Socialism is just capitalism that works? Meantime, EVERYWHERE socialism has been tried throughout history, it has FAILED, moron. Europe has tried it and Europe is falling apart and going bankrupt now because of it. Frank is zooming to an 0-5.

Yes, change the damn channel. Biden and the democrats have proven far more successful and determined dictators just in the spying, attacks and even oppression of human rights, while Trump's business structure is not even a concern nor factor for Americans nor our economy! Asked to list America's top 500 problems or concerns, how Trump runs his private companies wouldn't even make the list! Another amazing total fail by the history moron! Congrats, Frank, you went a perfect 0-6.

And this was the best you got. :auiqs.jpg:
We are still doing Reagan give away to the rich tax rates. Under Eisenhower the top rate was 90%, Kennedy 70%, then Reagan made it 50% and had success, then going out the door in 1987 he made the top rate 28% and we haven't had enough money to invest in America and Americans since. You make it sound like God gave us these tax rates lol.

EU countries don't have our natural resources but they do just great until the GOP wrecks the world economy again with their corrupt deregulation, super duper. Every time the GOP gets eight years they wrecked the world economy 1929 1989 2008. And the little people pay for it. Yes the rich pay the same tax rate as you and that is a total screw job. Change the channel read something. Something not from Murdoch or Internet crazies. Everything you know is crap propaganda at this point.
We are still doing Reagan give away to the rich tax rates. Under Eisenhower the top rate was 90%, Kennedy 70%, then Reagan made it 50% and had success, then going out the door in 1987 he made the top rate 28% and we haven't had enough money to invest in America and Americans since. You make it sound like God gave us these tax rates lol.

EU countries don't have our natural resources but they do just great until the GOP wrecks the world economy again with their corrupt deregulation, super duper. Every time the GOP gets eight years they wrecked the world economy 1929 1989 2008. And the little people pay for it. Yes the rich pay the same tax rate as you and that is a total screw job. Change the channel read something. Something not from Murdoch or Internet crazies. Everything you know is crap propaganda at this point.
You're correct about the disastrous results of supply-side economics i.e. "Reaganomics", but you fail to grasp the fact that the Dems are also corrupt and engage in insider trading and serving the interests of corporations at the expense of the public. All of that is happening right now, as we flood Ukraine with more weapons. You're against neo-liberalism or supply-side economics, but then you support the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe and its deployment on Russia's border. You mentioned that Ukraine is its own country. Yes it is a country, but it can't threaten Russia's national security by joining NATO. Just like Mexico can't enter into a military alliance with Russia or China and expect the US to allow those two countries to deploy their militaries on its southern border. That would start a war, even though Mexico is a sovereign nation. Sovereignty doesn't give a country license to do whatever it wants, and that includes Ukraine.
We are still doing Reagan give away to the rich tax rates. Under Eisenhower the top rate was 90%, Kennedy 70%, then Reagan made it 50% and had success, then going out the door in 1987 he made the top rate 28% and we haven't had enough money to invest in America and Americans since. You make it sound like God gave us these tax rates lol.

Idiot, the House writes the tax code, these presidents merely sign it. Democrats control everything. If you don't like the tax code that the law requires they pay, quit your yapping to me, get off your fat ass, and call your representative and complain.
Idiot, the House writes the tax code, these presidents merely sign it. Democrats control everything. If you don't like the tax code that the law requires they pay, quit your yapping to me, get off your fat ass, and call your representative and complain.
Read what I wrote about the top tax rate, and you will at least know a little about the subject because at the moment you have no clue whatsoever. The Democrats are in charge of everything is the stupidest comment I've seen....
You're correct about the disastrous results of supply-side economics i.e. "Reaganomics", but you fail to grasp the fact that the Dems are also corrupt and engage in insider trading and serving the interests of corporations at the expense of the public. All of that is happening right now, as we flood Ukraine with more weapons. You're against neo-liberalism or supply-side economics, but then you support the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe and its deployment on Russia's border. You mentioned that Ukraine is its own country. Yes it is a country, but it can't threaten Russia's national security by joining NATO. Just like Mexico can't enter into a military alliance with Russia or China and expect the US to allow those two countries to deploy their militaries on its southern border. That would start a war, even though Mexico is a sovereign nation. Sovereignty doesn't give a country license to do whatever it wants, and that includes Ukraine.
Oh no, not democracy and fair capitalism! Russia is the only country attacking other countries....
Looks like Congress screwed up inviting that midget grifter to fleece the American taxpayers while that money could have completed the border wall, veterans, and homeless.
If you believe Putin actually needed a pretense to keep the war going you might be an ignorant dolt who is gullible enough to have voted for a pathologically lying conman who stole classified documents from the US.
Oh no, not democracy and fair capitalism! Russia is the only country attacking other countries....
Franco, you need to wake up because you're oblivious to the facts. Fair capitalism? What the hell is that? Do you think capitalism is fair in America or anywhere else? We're not a democracy i.e. "rule of the people", we're a plutocracy, rule of the big-money. Corporations and their cronies rule America, at the expense of the American people. As far as wars, we have 700+ military bases and installations around the world. The US government under the heel of our ruling elite has deployed our military multiple times just in the 21st century alone. We have troops right now deployed around the world, in places like Syria and in Africa. We've seized Syria's oil by force of arms.

We're not there with the consent of Syria's government. That's an invasion of Syria's sovereignty, deploying our troops there without permission and then taking their oil.

Not to mention our other wars, like Afghanistan, a country we invaded (for a good reason, after 9/11, I was in favor of that), then occupied for twenty years and didn't do shit to improve it. We spent trillions of dollars, filling the coffers of the "defense" industry/military-industrial complex and now we have nothing to show for the many sacrifices made by our sons and daughters deployed in that conflict. The Taliban is back in power and as usual, the people are living under a brutal totalitarian, radical Islamic regime.

WMD Bullshit:

Iraq, Libya, Syria, and our support of Saudi Arabia's destruction of Yemen. How can you ignore this? Are you living in Lalaland? What dimension are you living in that you feel you have the moral highground as an American, to point your crooked, feculent finger at Russia? Our invasion of Iraq was illegal and planned, for reasons other than WMDs. Over a million Iraqis died as a result of our illegal invasion. That doesn't even count the innocent people that died as a result of the 12 years of sanctions our government imposed upon the people of Iraq.

You have the gall, the audacity to pretend that you have the moral highground? You need to stop smoking that shit Franco. You're out of your mind.

The Russians are simply defending themselves against a hostile neighboring country that was going to become a NATO base and was nothing more than a well funded American puppet. The Ukrainian regime banned all opposition, including arresting the owners of TV stations that spoke against the government, and engaged in a terrorist campaign against its ethnic Russian population, resulting in the death of thousands of people. There's a video a couple of years old, of Zelensky on the battlefield, pleading with the Neo-Nazis, the ultra-nationalists, to stop firing their shells at the Donbas. I saw the video myself, I'm not lying to you Franco. The video was on Telegram. The Neo-Nazis, were debating with him (their supposed commander and chief/president), and they refused to stop. He wasn't in control of these Neo-Nazis. He couldn't stop them from engaging in their terrorist campaign against the Russo-Ukrainians.

The Western media was doing stories, one after another, of Ukraine's Neo-Nazi problem. You can google them, by searching for "Ukraine Neo-Nazis" and place the date of the search between 2014 and 2020, and see for yourself, all of the stories by the mainstream Western media. News outlets like CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS..etc, were admitting, that Ukraine has a serious Neo-Nazi problem. They very conveniently stopped admitting that after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, pretending Ukraine "doesn't really" have any Neo-Nazis. How can a supposedly "woke" social justice warrior/Dem like you be on the side of Neo-Nazis and American imperialism? Just because it's "American" doesn't mean that you have to support it as an American and patriot.

Genuine American patriots call out their government when it's wrong. They don't worship the US government or believe in "my country right or wrong", that's not the attitude of a real American patriot. What makes you an American patriot is when you defend good principles. You base your patriotism on principles and good practice, not sheepish, blind obedience to the government or the American ruling elite/imperialists who are destroying America, if not the whole world. They're plunging us into WW3 with Russia and China, which amounts to the destruction of all life on this planet. You're willing to sacrifice America and all life on this planet, for Zelensky? You need to stop smoking that funny stuff.
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Franco, you need to wake up because you're oblivious to the facts. Fair capitalism? What the hell is that? Do you think capitalism is fair in America or anywhere else? We're not a democracy i.e. "rule of the people", we're a plutocracy, rule of the big-money. Corporations and their cronies rule America, at the expense of the American people. As far as wars, we have 700+ military bases and installations around the world. The US government under the heel of our ruling elite has deployed our military multiple times just in the 21st century alone. We have troops right now deployed around the world, in places like Syria and in Africa. We've seized Syria's oil by force of arms.

We're not there with the consent of Syria's government. That's an invasion of Syria's sovereignty, deploying our troops there without permission and then taking their oil.

Not to mention our other wars, like Afghanistan, a country we invaded (for a good reason, after 9/11, I was in favor of that), then occupied for twenty years and didn't do shit to improve it. We spent trillions of dollars, filling the coffers of the "defense" industry/military-industrial complex and now we have nothing to show for the many sacrifices made by our sons and daughters deployed in that conflict. The Taliban is back in power and as usual, the people are living under a brutal totalitarian, radical Islamic regime.

WMD Bullshit:

Iraq, Libya, Syria, and our support of Saudi Arabia's destruction of Yemen. How can you ignore this? Are you living in Lalaland? What dimension are you living in that you feel you have the moral highground as an American, to point your crooked, feculent finger at Russia? Our invasion of Iraq was illegal and planned, for reasons other than WMDs. Over a million Iraqis died as a result of our illegal invasion. That doesn't even count the innocent people that died as a result of the 12 years of sanctions our government imposed upon the people of Iraq.

You have the gall, the audacity to pretend that you have the moral highground? You need to stop smoking that shit Franco. You're out of your mind.

The Russians are simply defending themselves against a hostile neighboring country that was going to become a NATO base and was nothing more than a well funded American puppet. The Ukrainian regime banned all opposition, including arresting the owners of TV stations that spoke against the government, and engaged in a terrorist campaign against its ethnic Russian population, resulting in the death of thousands of people. There's a video a couple of years old, of Zelensky on the battlefield, pleading with the Neo-Nazis, the ultra-nationalists, to stop firing their shells at the Donbas. I saw the video myself, I'm not lying to you Franco. The video was on Telegram. The Neo-Nazis, were debating with him (their supposed commander and chief/president), and they refused to stop. He wasn't in control of these Neo-Nazis. He couldn't stop them from engaging in their terrorist campaign against the Russo-Ukrainians.

The Western media was doing stories, one after another, of Ukraine's Neo-Nazi problem. You can google them, by searching for "Ukraine Neo-Nazis" and place the date of the search between 2014 and 2020, and see for yourself, all of the stories by the mainstream Western media. News outlets like CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS..etc, were admitting, that Ukraine has a serious Neo-Nazi problem. They very conveniently stopped admitting that after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, pretending Ukraine "doesn't really" have any Neo-Nazis. How can a supposedly "woke" social justice warrior/Dem like you be on the side of Neo-Nazis and American imperialism? Just because it's "American" doesn't mean that you have to support it as an American and patriot.

Genuine American patriots call out their government when it's wrong. They don't worship the US government or believe in "my country right or wrong", that's not the attitude of a real American patriot. What makes you an American patriot is when you defend good principles. You base your patriotism on principles and good practice, not sheepish, blind obedience to the government or the American ruling elite/imperialists who are destroying America, if not the whole world. They're plunging us into WW3 with Russia and China, which amounts to the destruction of all life on this planet. You're willing to sacrifice America and all life on this planet, for Zelensky? You need to stop smoking that funny stuff.

No the United states is a Reagan give away to the rich tax rates total mess. It is the only modern country that doesn't have healthcare for all a living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich again so we can invest in America. In other words we need socialism always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Which is called socialism everywhere but English speaking world, and is also JFK president Biden Democratic Party. Which wants all those things and is obstructed by the oligarchy BS propaganda Reagan GOP. At this point I don't believe anything the GOP or its media or Putin and his media say about anything and I believe anybody that does is a dupe.
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No the United states is a Reagan give away to the rich tax rates total mess. It is the only modern country that doesn't have healthcare for all a living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich again so we can invest in America. In other words we need socialism always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Which is called socialism everywhere but English speaking world, and is also JFK president Biden Democratic Party. Which wants all those things and is obstructed by the oligarchy BS propaganda Reagan GOP. At this point I don't believe anything the GOP or its media or Putin and his media say about anything and I believe anybody that does is a dupe.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying comrade, but why the hell are you for sending billions of dollars to Zelensky? That money could be used here in America, to build and modernize our infrastructure, provide healthcare, and education, get rid of homelessness..etc. Why are you serving the vested interests of American imperialists i.e. our wealthy ruling elite, who just want to make billions of dollars selling weapons to the US government, for its misguided, suicidal proxy war with Russia in Ukraine? Why are you for the expansion of NATO, a cold war dinosaur that costs America billions of dollars yearly and puts all of that money into the pockets of the oligarchs who you are supposedly against? What type of "leftist socialist" are you, man? Stop smoking the funny stuff comrade.
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Franco, you need to wake up because you're oblivious to the facts. Fair capitalism? What the hell is that? Do you think capitalism is fair in America or anywhere else? We're not a democracy i.e. "rule of the people", we're a plutocracy, rule of the big-money. Corporations and their cronies rule America, at the expense of the American people. As far as wars, we have 700+ military bases and installations around the world. The US government under the heel of our ruling elite has deployed our military multiple times just in the 21st century alone. We have troops right now deployed around the world, in places like Syria and in Africa. We've seized Syria's oil by force of arms.

We're not there with the consent of Syria's government. That's an invasion of Syria's sovereignty, deploying our troops there without permission and then taking their oil.

Not to mention our other wars, like Afghanistan, a country we invaded (for a good reason, after 9/11, I was in favor of that), then occupied for twenty years and didn't do shit to improve it. We spent trillions of dollars, filling the coffers of the "defense" industry/military-industrial complex and now we have nothing to show for the many sacrifices made by our sons and daughters deployed in that conflict. The Taliban is back in power and as usual, the people are living under a brutal totalitarian, radical Islamic regime.

WMD Bullshit:

Iraq, Libya, Syria, and our support of Saudi Arabia's destruction of Yemen. How can you ignore this? Are you living in Lalaland? What dimension are you living in that you feel you have the moral highground as an American, to point your crooked, feculent finger at Russia? Our invasion of Iraq was illegal and planned, for reasons other than WMDs. Over a million Iraqis died as a result of our illegal invasion. That doesn't even count the innocent people that died as a result of the 12 years of sanctions our government imposed upon the people of Iraq.

You have the gall, the audacity to pretend that you have the moral highground? You need to stop smoking that shit Franco. You're out of your mind.

The Russians are simply defending themselves against a hostile neighboring country that was going to become a NATO base and was nothing more than a well funded American puppet. The Ukrainian regime banned all opposition, including arresting the owners of TV stations that spoke against the government, and engaged in a terrorist campaign against its ethnic Russian population, resulting in the death of thousands of people. There's a video a couple of years old, of Zelensky on the battlefield, pleading with the Neo-Nazis, the ultra-nationalists, to stop firing their shells at the Donbas. I saw the video myself, I'm not lying to you Franco. The video was on Telegram. The Neo-Nazis, were debating with him (their supposed commander and chief/president), and they refused to stop. He wasn't in control of these Neo-Nazis. He couldn't stop them from engaging in their terrorist campaign against the Russo-Ukrainians.

The Western media was doing stories, one after another, of Ukraine's Neo-Nazi problem. You can google them, by searching for "Ukraine Neo-Nazis" and place the date of the search between 2014 and 2020, and see for yourself, all of the stories by the mainstream Western media. News outlets like CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS..etc, were admitting, that Ukraine has a serious Neo-Nazi problem. They very conveniently stopped admitting that after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, pretending Ukraine "doesn't really" have any Neo-Nazis. How can a supposedly "woke" social justice warrior/Dem like you be on the side of Neo-Nazis and American imperialism? Just because it's "American" doesn't mean that you have to support it as an American and patriot.

Genuine American patriots call out their government when it's wrong. They don't worship the US government or believe in "my country right or wrong", that's not the attitude of a real American patriot. What makes you an American patriot is when you defend good principles. You base your patriotism on principles and good practice, not sheepish, blind obedience to the government or the American ruling elite/imperialists who are destroying America, if not the whole world. They're plunging us into WW3 with Russia and China, which amounts to the destruction of all life on this planet. You're willing to sacrifice America and all life on this planet, for Zelensky? You need to stop smoking that funny stuff.

As to where fair capitalism is, I would say every modern country but the United states. We need health care for all and make it simpler for crying out loud, cheap college and training at least. The Franco in my name is for francophile. Number one in healthcare and quality of life and food and intelligent outlook on politics. They don't take any crap from the rich lol like the English and Americans. Also have a soft spot for New Zealand and Australia and Canada. But of course I am an American, which could easily be the best country in the world if Democrats were elected with power for a few years.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying comrade, but why the hell are you for sending billions of dollars to Zelensky? That money could be used here in America, to build and modernize our infrastructure, provide healthcare, and education, get rid of homelessness..etc. Why are you serving the vested interests of American imperialists i.e. our wealthy ruling elite, who just want to make billions of dollars selling weapons to the US government, in its misguided, suicidal proxy war with Russia in Ukraine? Why are you for the expansion of NATO, a cold war dinosaur that costs America billions of dollars yearly and puts all of that money into the pockets of the oligarchs that you are supposedly against? What type of "leftist socialist" are you, man? Stop smoking the funny stuff comrade.
We don't like swine totalitarians invading sovereign countries. That is out. End of story. I believe you are highly misinformed, it is hard to tell garbage GOP propaganda from garbage Putin Chinese Iran propaganda . NATO is no threat to anyone except invaders. Taxing the rich again is the United states problem. The new BS con man GOP is a disgrace. And they are the corrupt oligarchs you are talking about. That's why Putin and trump got along so well. Trump is dying to be a corrupt Russian oligarch lol with a casino and hotel....
As to where fair capitalism is, I would say every modern country but the United states. We need health care for all and make it simpler for crying out loud, cheap college and training at least. The Franco in my name is for francophile. Number one in healthcare and quality of life and food and intelligent outlook on politics. They don't take any crap from the rich lol like the English and Americans. Also have a soft spot for New Zealand and Australia and Canada. But of course I am an American, which could easily be the best country in the world if Democrats were elected with power for a few years.

I fly to Spain frequently, half of my family is there and is Spanish. You have some good ideas and I agree with much of what you're saying, but your support of the US government and NATO in this war in Ukraine is misguided. You're ignoring practically all of the points that I made in my posts and just keep repeating the same rhetoric against Russia without addressing anything I've said. I usually just ignore people that do that, but since you are saying a few good things, I've been giving you a chance to respond to the issues I've mentioned. If you keep ignoring them, I will just place you on ignore.
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I agree with a lot of what you're saying comrade, but why the hell are you for sending billions of dollars to Zelensky? That money could be used here in America, to build and modernize our infrastructure, provide healthcare, and education, get rid of homelessness..etc. Why are you serving the vested interests of American imperialists i.e. our wealthy ruling elite, who just want to make billions of dollars selling weapons to the US government, in its misguided, suicidal proxy war with Russia in Ukraine? Why are you for the expansion of NATO, a cold war dinosaur that costs America billions of dollars yearly and puts all of that money into the pockets of the oligarchs that you are supposedly against? What type of "leftist socialist" are you, man? Stop smoking the funny stuff comrade.
And don't call me comrade thank you please lol. I am a Francois Mitterrand socialist lol. At his funeral, a whole other wife and family showed up and nobody made a real big deal about it lol. They elect people based on policies and honesty, not the best liar like the United states does way too often. IE GOP....
I fly to Spain frequently, half of my family is there and is Spanish. You have some good ideas and I agree with much of what you're saying, but your support of the US and NATO in this war in Ukraine is misguided. You're ignoring practically all of the points that I made in my posts and just keep repeating the same rhetoric against Russia without addressing anything I've said. I usually just ignore people that do that, but since you are saying a few good things, I've been giving you a chance to respond to the issues I've mentioned. If you keep ignoring them, I will just place you on ignore.
I believe you are misinformed when you say that Ukraine is Nazi. Perhaps a few but those are mainly the Russian ones. They are a democracy and zelinsky is highly supported at least now thanks to putin's invasion. And the Russians don't seem to want to fight. Putin should be a hero and become a Democrat and go back to where he started. Not a totalitarian swine. That's the only way for him to survive except to be another Hitler for a while. Horrible person at the moment at least. I have been going to Fuengirola since the middle 60s. And I tried to open my late aunt's bar in the middle 90s but could not. Spain is lovely. But I knew I would have to come back to the United states quite a bit. I would be a dual citizen English except for when I was born. Learned to speak English drive drink etc in Europe....
And don't call me comrade thank you please lol. I am a Francois Mitterrand socialist lol. At his funeral, a whole other wife and family showed up and nobody made a real big deal about it lol. They elect people based on policies and honesty, not the best liar like the United states does way too often. IE GOP....
Franco was a dictator, what the heck are you on man? Franco was a fascist dictator and yes was a socialist in many of his economic policies, which was good. Franco's rule in Spain could in a way be compared to Putin's in Russia. Putin is more democratic than Franco. Putin and Franco share a lot of traits as strong leaders.

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