BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

If anyone takes the so-called president down with good solid investigation and facts, it will be Rachel Maddow. Good for her. She needs to keep digging. :clap:
Last night she gave him and the GOP a BIG assist.

She'll have to dig herself out of that hole first.
Pretty sure Trump trolled mad cow with his return. She looked like a distracted loon.
Sure.....It is a good thing that you take her lightly. :D
No one, outside of looney feminists, and diehard leftists take her seriously. She is a caricature of everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.

Exactly what Trump wants , to discredit her.. She has been getting some very good stories out these last few weeks on connecting the Dots to Russia...

Maddow is an excellent researcher. This isn't over by a long shot....anyone who things it is, is a simpleton of the Drumpfster variety.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

That's why it's clear from a common sense perspective that this was engineered by Trump and his cohorts.

Once a con man, always a con man.
So what you're saying is Trump fooled...

A prize winning journalist
An entire news division
A major network
And Rachael Madcow

And you guys call Trump stupid?

Your admiration and adoration of con artists is about all we need to know about your character.

You claim he is a clown. I play al9ng and say that clown just made the entire left look like fools based on YOUR assertions.

How is that admiration? Looks like simple math to me

Hitler was apparently quite savvy too.
You call Mac a hack & then imply Hitler = Trump.

Were you born this stupid?
Unauthorized Disclosure of Tax Returns:

26 U.S. Code § 7213 - Unauthorized disclosure of information

Sent from my iPhone using
Surely the MSNBC lawyers knew what they were doing in allowing this segment
Obamas paid effective tax rate of 18.7 percent in 2015
Oops! MSNBC Reveals Trump Paid 25% Tax Rate – Socialist Bernie Sanders Paid 13% Tax Rate
Corporate Tax Explorer | Comcast

The transgender that is Rachel(blinky) madcow does not even realize trumps critics pay far less than what he does percentage wise...
Now if all of the orange clown's tax data looks like that, why has he not released it? 25% is not as much as someone with an income like that should pay, but more than Romney paid. So what is the problem with releasing all his tax data?
There are winners and losers on both sides.

Maddow as winner: she got the big story.

Maddow as loser: Trump really did pay a lot in taxes -- $38 million for 2005.

Trump as winner: he looks rich and successful now, at least during 2005.

Trump as loser: all his $38 million taxes at the ETR of 25% were from Jimmy Carter's 1979 "alt min tax" which Trump is going to have a hard time getting repealed now, since this is the only tax he paid on his $150 million taxable income.

Still better than Romney's 14% on $20 million.
Last night she gave him and the GOP a BIG assist.

She'll have to dig herself out of that hole first.
Pretty sure Trump trolled mad cow with his return. She looked like a distracted loon.
Sure.....It is a good thing that you take her lightly. :D
No one, outside of looney feminists, and diehard leftists take her seriously. She is a caricature of everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.

Exactly what Trump wants , to discredit her.. She has been getting some very good stories out these last few weeks on connecting the Dots to Russia...

Maddow is an excellent researcher. This isn't over by a long shot....anyone who things it is, is a simpleton of the Drumpfster variety.

Have you been watching her Trumps Russian connection series these last few weeks? I am sure Trump has been too...
Since the goal of The Radical Fascist Left is "Resist Democracy" and since they are setting up a Confederate Government with Barak Jefferson Davis Obama as their confederate president, they will never admit the 15 felonies they have committed since he was sworn in, or the 1,000s of lies, and tens of thousands of FAKE News stories they foisted on the American Public.

The goal is a soft coup, and a Civil War if they can get their mules to fight one for them.

So the answer is never.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

That's why it's clear from a common sense perspective that this was engineered by Trump and his cohorts.

Once a con man, always a con man.
If it was engineered by Trump, then Maddow fell for it hook, line and sinker!
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

That's why it's clear from a common sense perspective that this was engineered by Trump and his cohorts.

Once a con man, always a con man.
If he did, it was a genius move!
I am sure he appreciates all of you guys compliments today :D
And if it's true, Maddow bit.

Tough shit. I love it when a partisan's zealotry bites them on the ass.

If you're going to play nasty, you can't whine the other guy does too.

And where was your outrage over the wikileaks publications? Cite me those threads and posts, maybe I can stand corrected for once this month,

but I'm guessing you were relatively quiet.
If you want folks to be outraged at whistle blowers drawing attention to corrupt politicians, you will be waiting a long time.
If anyone takes the so-called president down with good solid investigation and facts, it will be Rachel Maddow. Good for her. She needs to keep digging. :clap:
She had a nothing burger, mad cow is too stupid for her own good

Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg.... :biggrin:

Well where's the proof? Somewhere with the "Russian connection"? Fucking progressives need to fucking get a life. They don't know their ass from a hole in the ground
Some rumors are that Trump himself anonymously mailed the copies of pages 1 and 2 of his 2005 Form 1040 to the journalist.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

Ok, so what was the proper 'thing' to do, as far as MSNBC and Maddow are concerned?
I have no idea. Not my problem.

Partisan ideologues deserve whatever they get, I do know that.

So you're throwing a spit laden arm flailing pants pissing tantrum over what MSNBC and Maddow did,

but have no clue, not even the faintest idea, of what they SHOULD have done?

Goddam that's funny.

They probably should have looked at the returns, and if they had a partisan agenda and knew there was not a story, ignored them.
Unauthorized Disclosure of Tax Returns:

26 U.S. Code § 7213 - Unauthorized disclosure of information

Sent from my iPhone using
Surely the MSNBC lawyers knew what they were doing in allowing this segment
Obamas paid effective tax rate of 18.7 percent in 2015
Oops! MSNBC Reveals Trump Paid 25% Tax Rate – Socialist Bernie Sanders Paid 13% Tax Rate
Corporate Tax Explorer | Comcast

The transgender that is Rachel(blinky) madcow does not even realize trumps critics pay far less than what he does percentage wise...

Yeah, it didn't take long for Trumps son to get that out...Trump was quiet as a mouse last night.

BTW Trump is the one who said that he didn't pay taxes..
The transgender that is Rachel Madcow has shit for brains no doubt...
There are winners and losers on both sides.

Maddow as winner: she got the big story.

Maddow as loser: Trump really did pay a lot in taxes -- $38 million for 2005.

Trump as winner: he looks rich and successful now, at least during 2005.

Trump as loser: all his $38 million taxes at the ETR of 25% were from Jimmy Carter's 1979 "alt min tax" which Trump is going to have a hard time getting repealed now, since this is the only tax he paid on his $150 million taxable income.

Still better than Romney's 14% on $20 million.

What big story?
That she proved all the lefties crying Trump hasn't paid taxes in twenty years are complete buffoons?
So a journalist can release kiddie porn and be shielded?

I know this is an extreme example, but if the tax law states you cannot release someone's tax information without their knowledge (or a court order maybe) why does the journalists shield protect you?

Kiddie porn isn't the same thing. Kiddie porn isn't even in the same fucking galaxy as a tax return. Whomever sent out Trump's taxes broke the law, unless it was Trump or someone acting as his agent. Maddow and MSNBC did not pay for it and therefor as a journalist should could report on it without breaking the law. She also has Shield Laws that allow her to protect her source, though here those don't matter because the pages were mailed anonymously so she doesn't even know her source.

Both are illegal, one merely in the possession, the other to disseminate without the permission of the owner. Once they decided to release the information, they became part of the chain of release outside the limits imposed by the owner of said returns.

If the Tax returns actually showed something illegal, that would maybe give Maddow more of a shield from prosecution under the law, but the return shows nothing of the sort. How can she claim her actions were in the public interest when they show nothing but he paid taxes that year?

No. You are arguing against a law. Do you understand that? Have you taken the time to look up the law the entire time you have been arguing with me? Journalists do not have to follow the same rules that you and I do. They did not solicit the information in the same way Gawker pays for information and therefor are protected differently than the situation Gawker was. What they did was not illegal.

The New York Times reported on Trump's 1995 tax returns a long time ago... this is nothing new.

Who gave Trump’s taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.

They still have to follow basic rules, and if the law explicitly protects private citizen's tax returns, (as Trump was back in 2005) any shield they are claiming isn't exactly made of adamantium.


You do realize that your sides's obsession with Trumps tax return is far more exemplified by your meme response, right?

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