BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

So a journalist can release kiddie porn and be shielded?

I know this is an extreme example, but if the tax law states you cannot release someone's tax information without their knowledge (or a court order maybe) why does the journalists shield protect you?

Kiddie porn isn't the same thing. Kiddie porn isn't even in the same fucking galaxy as a tax return. Whomever sent out Trump's taxes broke the law, unless it was Trump or someone acting as his agent. Maddow and MSNBC did not pay for it and therefor as a journalist should could report on it without breaking the law. She also has Shield Laws that allow her to protect her source, though here those don't matter because the pages were mailed anonymously so she doesn't even know her source.

Both are illegal, one merely in the possession, the other to disseminate without the permission of the owner. Once they decided to release the information, they became part of the chain of release outside the limits imposed by the owner of said returns.

If the Tax returns actually showed something illegal, that would maybe give Maddow more of a shield from prosecution under the law, but the return shows nothing of the sort. How can she claim her actions were in the public interest when they show nothing but he paid taxes that year?
Are you either a tax lawyer or tax attorney? I am sure the real lawyers at NBC know what they are doing

Just like the lawyers at CBS approved the Dan Rather Bush National Guard Memo?

Nothing is

He wants the headlines on this , just like it worked on Jeff Sessions and his lying wire tapping tweets..

I note your non-answer, you cheap, dime store hack.
lol, meanwhile, in real news, Trump's approval rating on Gallup sinks to 39%. This administration is in the real death spiral that the GOP is falsely trying to pin on Obamacare.

Oh yeah, he's really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really done now!

He won't ever get the nomination now!
The DUMS cant help themselves........any time a story gets a bit of traction, they shoot themselves in the face with shotgun with some other story trying to get Trump.........the earlier story goes bye-bye........been happening damn near close to 2 years now. Every single one has fizzled out in spectacular fashion and Trump standing with a big old smile on his face ready for the next tweet pwning somebody else!!:2up:
Big difference between a sex tape they PAID for...which is solicitation, and what happened last night. Insert another quarter and please try again.

So a journalist can release kiddie porn and be shielded?

I know this is an extreme example, but if the tax law states you cannot release someone's tax information without their knowledge (or a court order maybe) why does the journalists shield protect you?

Kiddie porn isn't the same thing. Kiddie porn isn't even in the same fucking galaxy as a tax return. Whomever sent out Trump's taxes broke the law, unless it was Trump or someone acting as his agent. Maddow and MSNBC did not pay for it and therefor as a journalist should could report on it without breaking the law. She also has Shield Laws that allow her to protect her source, though here those don't matter because the pages were mailed anonymously so she doesn't even know her source.

Both are illegal, one merely in the possession, the other to disseminate without the permission of the owner. Once they decided to release the information, they became part of the chain of release outside the limits imposed by the owner of said returns.

If the Tax returns actually showed something illegal, that would maybe give Maddow more of a shield from prosecution under the law, but the return shows nothing of the sort. How can she claim her actions were in the public interest when they show nothing but he paid taxes that year?

No. You are arguing against a law. Do you understand that? Have you taken the time to look up the law the entire time you have been arguing with me? Journalists do not have to follow the same rules that you and I do. They did not solicit the information in the same way Gawker pays for information and therefor are protected differently than the situation Gawker was. What they did was not illegal.

The New York Times reported on Trump's 1995 tax returns a long time ago... this is nothing new.

Who gave Trump’s taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.

They still have to follow basic rules, and if the law explicitly protects private citizen's tax returns, (as Trump was back in 2005) any shield they are claiming isn't exactly made of adamantium.

If anyone takes the so-called president down with good solid investigation and facts, it will be Rachel Maddow. Good for her. She needs to keep digging. :clap:
Last night she gave him and the GOP a BIG assist.

She'll have to dig herself out of that hole first.
Pretty sure Trump trolled mad cow with his return. She looked like a distracted loon.
Sure.....It is a good thing that you take her lightly. :D
It's fairly obvious the Trump administration leaked the the partial tax return, of one year, with Trump's blessing.
Is that why he is saying whoever leaked it broke the law? Do you think he wants to arrest himself?
Please don't be so NAIVE!

Trump had those 2 pages released.....just like he had his State tax returns released during the campaign.....

For goodness sake, wake up....this is simply Trump shenanigans, to change the's Trump`s M/O!
Loony conspiracy theorists :rolleyes:
It isn't a conspiracy, it's evident, plain as daylight who leaked these returns, and only the first 2 pages, showing us nothing about his foreign dealings because he only showed us the first two pages, showing simply his earnings and taxes paid....



Anyone, taking the risk to steal them, would steal the whole tax return, with the nitty gritty details WE ALL WANT TO KNOW......

Exactly....And to then have your son tweet about the democrats hating on Trump for not paying his

Funny how that year came out too..

Trump leaked them....
Why do people keep arguing this? As a journalist who was given the information anonymously she did not break any laws. Holy shit you people need to learn the laws before starting 5 million threads and posts about this.

It's called Journalistic Privilege. She did not solicit the information and therefor broke no laws.

How can you sit and say it was a "nothing burger" in one breath and then ask for her to be arrested in the next... you're having a mental meltdown.

I think this may be helpful:

Under traditional criminal law principles, both Sheehan and Vopper knowingly received “stolen” property. Nonetheless, because the information in both cases involved matters of public concern, both Sheehan and Vopper were protected by the First Amendment. As the Court explained in Bartnicki, when a journalist receives information “from a source who has obtained it unlawfully,” the journalist may not be punished for the receipt or publication of the information, “absent a need . . . of the highest order.”

HLPR: Can Journalists Be Prosecuted for Publishing Classified Information? | ACS

It is receiving stolen property by the way. Just protected by this case. What is interesting in this case is, no law was broken by Trump, just a privacy violation by a journalist. It may fall outside the protections.


Why do we care what his tax return was like 12 years ago?
Big f-ing deal.

Strange.....6 months ago it was a big deal. Now that you know the media was blowing air up your skirt it doesn't matter.:biggrin:
I personally never thought it was a big deal, because Trump pretty much TOLD us he paid as little as possible--hinted he paid basically nothing--and I believe him. It was after 2005 when he took that huge loss writeoff and it is the tax returns in the last five years that interest me.
Shouldn't that audit be about finished by now?
Is the Deep State not working in the IRS? Will no one leak it when that audit is complete?
The funny thing is he paid more than the people criticizing him, no doubt he paid far too much because the federal government does not deserve what it gets.
It's fairly obvious the Trump administration leaked the the partial tax return, of one year, with Trump's blessing.
Is that why he is saying whoever leaked it broke the law? Do you think he wants to arrest himself?
Please don't be so NAIVE!

Trump had those 2 pages released.....just like he had his State tax returns released during the campaign.....

For goodness sake, wake up....this is simply Trump shenanigans, to change the's Trump`s M/O!
Loony conspiracy theorists :rolleyes:
It isn't a conspiracy, it's evident, plain as daylight who leaked these returns, and only the first 2 pages, showing us nothing about his foreign dealings because he only showed us the first two pages, showing simply his earnings and taxes paid....



Anyone, taking the risk to steal them, would steal the whole tax return, with the nitty gritty details WE ALL WANT TO KNOW......

NO one?

Not his accountant, not his tax lawyers, etc?

The man is a billionaire, and does his own taxes?
It's fairly obvious the Trump administration leaked the the partial tax return, of one year, with Trump's blessing.
Is that why he is saying whoever leaked it broke the law? Do you think he wants to arrest himself?
Please don't be so NAIVE!

Trump had those 2 pages released.....just like he had his State tax returns released during the campaign.....

For goodness sake, wake up....this is simply Trump shenanigans, to change the's Trump`s M/O!
Loony conspiracy theorists :rolleyes:
It isn't a conspiracy, it's evident, plain as daylight who leaked these returns, and only the first 2 pages, showing us nothing about his foreign dealings because he only showed us the first two pages, showing simply his earnings and taxes paid....



Anyone, taking the risk to steal them, would steal the whole tax return, with the nitty gritty details WE ALL WANT TO KNOW......
LOL its like grampas post was MADE for you
So what you're saying is Trump fooled...
A prize winning journalist
An entire news division
A major network
And Rachael Madcow
And you guys call Trump stupid?
The Donald paid $38, 435.451.00 in Taxes in 2005.

There is NOTHING in the illegally obtained return to discredit DJT. NOTHING

Are you happy now, BITCH.



Yeah, he paid 24% tax rate.

Well that certainly proves the Russians colluded with him to steal the election

So you want your cake and eat it too? If someone showed you records that Trump just started dealing big time with the Russians in 2014 you'd say it was no big deal because Trump didn't have deep enough connections for them to want him as President. Then if you show he has connections with Russians going back several years you say it is no big deal because why didn't they get him to run for President way back then?

You've just got excuses for all occasions right?

Till you have some evidence to believe otherwise, why should we accept this conspiracy nonsense?

It doesn't matter if there is 5 railroad cars full of evidence, Trumpbots will never turn on him.
How about just coming up with a shoe box full of "evidence"? HAAA HAAAAA! Fucking dummy!
The fuming far right and alt right regressives are having a hissy fit ^^^ because the reporter and Maddow forced Trump to release his returns.

More returns to come.
Maddow forced Trump to comply to her demands for his returns. Good on her.
It's fairly obvious the Trump administration leaked the the partial tax return, of one year, with Trump's blessing.
Is that why he is saying whoever leaked it broke the law? Do you think he wants to arrest himself?
Please don't be so NAIVE!

Trump had those 2 pages released.....just like he had his State tax returns released during the campaign.....

For goodness sake, wake up....this is simply Trump shenanigans, to change the's Trump`s M/O!
Loony conspiracy theorists :rolleyes:
It isn't a conspiracy, it's evident, plain as daylight who leaked these returns, and only the first 2 pages, showing us nothing about his foreign dealings because he only showed us the first two pages, showing simply his earnings and taxes paid....



Anyone, taking the risk to steal them, would steal the whole tax return, with the nitty gritty details WE ALL WANT TO KNOW......

Exactly....And to then have your son tweet about the democrats hating on Trump for not paying his

Funny how that year came out too..

Trump leaked them....
and you :D
So what you're saying is Trump fooled...
A prize winning journalist
An entire news division
A major network
And Rachael Madcow
And you guys call Trump stupid?
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

That's why it's clear from a common sense perspective that this was engineered by Trump and his cohorts.

Once a con man, always a con man.
So what you're saying is Trump fooled...

A prize winning journalist
An entire news division
A major network
And Rachael Madcow

And you guys call Trump stupid?

Your admiration and adoration of con artists is about all we need to know about your character.
Regardless of which end of the spectrum you occupy, it really is okay to lower your fists now and then and admit a screwup, or a weakness, or anything negative.

Left wing Slate does it here: Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump’s Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle

Are there any Progressives who think this big tax revelation didn't go very well? That it may have actually helped Trump and the GOP?

That's why it's clear from a common sense perspective that this was engineered by Trump and his cohorts.

Once a con man, always a con man.
If he did, it was a genius move!
I am sure he appreciates all of you guys compliments today :D
And if it's true, Maddow bit.

Tough shit. I love it when a partisan's zealotry bites them on the ass.

If you're going to play nasty, you can't whine the other guy does too.

And where was your outrage over the wikileaks publications? Cite me those threads and posts, maybe I can stand corrected for once this month,

but I'm guessing you were relatively quiet.
I'm guessing you don't understand the difference. But the left rarely are nuanced.

However, without stipulation on any of this, I do want to quote a famous Democrat.

"It worked didn't it?"

Enjoy and have a nice day.

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