BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

How is it legal to get another person's tax returns? If someone had gotten their hands on Obama's personal documents, such as school records, they would face charges.

What's the big deal? The cheeto said he would release all of his tax returns and surely, he wouldn't lie ....



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Nobody ever said that the hackers shouldn't go to jail, nimrod.

Did you not just read the post I responded to? He said the Tax returns were a crime and the hacks weren't.
You were the only one talking about hacking.

He was talking about leaking.

The emails wren't leaked, they were hacked. Jesus Christ please tell me you aren't still denying that. Trump himself said they were hacked by Russia. So is Trump a liar?
On servers that were not secured? What was found that was so damaging to hillary?

Have a list of stuff?


It doesn't fucking matter. If you leave a bicycle on your front porch and someone walks up and steals it even though it wasn't locked up, it's still theft.

So is Trump a liar or did Russia hack the DNC? End of story.

Leaks were good all campaign long for Trump and his followers, now the worm turns and leaks are the worst thing to ever happen to this country. It's fucking pathetic. It's absolutely why I hate political parties, it gives rise to people ignoring their morals as long it fits their political agenda. Either you believe the Ends justify the means... or you believe doing something wrong to expose corruption is wrong, regardless of what political party does it.

If you change your view based on if it hurts or helps your political party and it's people, then you are nothing but a piece of shit hack job.
Is that a no?

Fucking liar
How is it legal to get another person's tax returns? If someone had gotten their hands on Obama's personal documents, such as school records, they would face charges.

Nice deflection but you've played this too many times for it to mean anything.
isn't that the idiot who cried when Trump kicked Hillary' ass? lol
Someone in the IRS must have leaked them specifically to her. Probably a fan of hers that wants to see her get the credit. Hopefully Trump gets his lawyers going on this right away.

Actually, if she releases them that is DOJ fodder.

It is a felony for her to possess his tax returns.

No. She is protected as a journalist. She has special rights that you and I do not have.

Really? Show us the law that protects her.

It's called Reporter's Privilege and Shield Laws. Maddow possessing the information does not make her a criminal, and sharing it as a journalist as long as it is real does not either. One of the few times this can be over turned is if the information could create a national security problem.

Again, just look at Woodward and Bernstien.
Now that's funny. He just deflated her like a balloon! Haha!
White House statement about Maddow...

A Russian bought a house from Trump in 2004.

A down-payment for the Trump presidency obviously!

If that's the same story I read about, the Russian used Trump to launder money through that purchase. Trump bought the house one year, and 4 years later sold it to the Russian for almost twice the amount?

" "What do I have to do with Russia? You know the closest I came to Russia, I bought a house a number of years ago in Palm Beach, Florida... for $40 million and I sold it to a Russian for $100 million including brokerage commissions.""

That time a Russian billionaire paid Trump $95 million for a mansion

You don't find it odd to make $55 million on a property in just 4 years???
No one seemed to give a shit about leaked emails from the dnc .

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