BREAKING: Malaysian airliner shot down ?

BBC News - Malaysia Airline crash: 'Sophisticated system' needed to take down plane

Peter Felsted, the editor of Jane's Defence Weekly, said sophisticated weaponry would have been needed to take down a flight travelling at an altitude of 10,000m (33,000ft).

He told the BBC: "Those kind of systems are obviously in the Ukrainian inventory as much as the Russian inventory, but I would say it's much less likely that the Ukrainian rebels who would have had control of one of these systems."

With a story of this nature, unbiased reports are going to be the only reliable one.
Idiots will use this tragedy, totally ignoring the poor sods who were killed, to gain support for their cause.

I see it this way, fuck whoever shot this down, and fuck their supporters who are going to claim all sorts of shit, both politicians ... and forum members with an axe to grind.
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You forgot the U.S. was involved and ran a false flag for foreign policy reasons hypothesis. I believe that is a very remote possibility.

My guess is separatist dumb asses acted under the jurisdiction of Russian interests. This by no means suggests that the Russians order it but they'e still complicit because they're a part of the proxy war.

Somebody screwed up big time and everyone is going to blame everyone else. The most logical guess is an EPIC screw up by forces in the region.
Why the hell would ANY civilian airline fly one of their planes over a WAR ZONE, knowing that other aircraft have been shot down in the area they were flying into?

What the hell is wrong with Malaysia Airlines? First, they LOSE an airliner, and now they recklessly get another airliner shot down.

What's next? Are civilian airlines going to start flying over Iraq?

There is now AMPLE evidence that the so-called "Russian Separatists", who control that region, are 100% responsible for shooting down that civilian airliner.


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