BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid’s Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

I have to say that you seem to be somewhat of an muslim loving idiot.
On one hand, the kid with the pop tart was rightfully suspended because of past history.

yes, that is what a review found. Not me, but a reivew by the school board.

On the other hand, even though this ragheads family has been an issue of trouble and concern constantly in the past, father is radical, daughter was also suspended from school etc... when raghead Jr comes in testing to see if something that appears to be a timing device can get past school security, then and only then is it due to racism or fear of sand monkeys.

So you use terms like "Ragheads" and "Sand monkeys", and you pretend this isn't about racism?
He didn't put an old disabled Radio Shack Clock in a box? Somebody put it there, and framed the kid:lol: That's why Obama invites him to the White House, because of the frame up.

I think you are trying to have it both way, Jew-Roids. Did the Roids damage your brain?

Either it was a clock that any fool could clearly see was a clock.

Or it was an effective facsimile of a bomb.

Or it was just a bunch of racist assholes overreacting to something, and then trying to cover their asses against a national backlash.

I'm going with the third one.

School Inquisitor: So your son thought placing a clock in a pencil case would be evidence of his scientific creativity?

Dad: Yes.

School Inquisitor: Did he fix the clock before putting it in the pencil case?

Dad: Yes ... he changed the battery.

School Inquisitor: Seems like a science fair winner! I'll call President Obama and set the White House visit!

Dad: That's fine but I want the record sealed ... we may need to sue someone.
I have to say that you seem to be somewhat of an muslim loving idiot.
On one hand, the kid with the pop tart was rightfully suspended because of past history.

yes, that is what a review found. Not me, but a reivew by the school board.

On the other hand, even though this ragheads family has been an issue of trouble and concern constantly in the past, father is radical, daughter was also suspended from school etc... when raghead Jr comes in testing to see if something that appears to be a timing device can get past school security, then and only then is it due to racism or fear of sand monkeys.

So you use terms like "Ragheads" and "Sand monkeys", and you pretend this isn't about racism?

And one who uses the term "Jew-Roids" has room to talk?
I have to say that you seem to be somewhat of an muslim loving idiot.
On one hand, the kid with the pop tart was rightfully suspended because of past history.

yes, that is what a review found. Not me, but a reivew by the school board.

On the other hand, even though this ragheads family has been an issue of trouble and concern constantly in the past, father is radical, daughter was also suspended from school etc... when raghead Jr comes in testing to see if something that appears to be a timing device can get past school security, then and only then is it due to racism or fear of sand monkeys.

So you use terms like "Ragheads" and "Sand monkeys", and you pretend this isn't about racism?
you evidently mistake me for someone that has something to do with this case.
my personal opinion of them does not in any way alter the facts.
The one from CBS news didn't mention this kid was a chronic disciplinary problem, and the school had made a lot of efforts to work with him before suspending him.

Actually, IF you read it, the article is mentioning exactly that, as it comes from the school lawyer. Only problem is, he wasn't suspended for past problems, he was suspended for making a pop tart gun.

Your reading comprehension sucks. I said we know which kids are going to end up in jail at an early age, not which age they go to jail. Dumbass.

Can't beat the argument, resort to insults. Is that how it goes, shitstain?

No evidence this daughter blew up the school, or that this clock looked anything like a bomb. If it really looked like a bomb, why wasn't the bomb squad called? Why wasn't the school evacuated?

Who said she blew up the school?

You don't call the bomb squad for hoax bomb. Yo don't evacuate school for hoax bomb neither. What you do is, call the law enforcement and let them look into it. And that's exactly what school did.

Nope, this is a bunch of stupid ass, red-state, Bubba-rednecks not like them there A-rabs living in their town, but they got caught being stupid and are now trying to cover their inbred asses.

And that exactly what your overlords wants you to think. Just like with "the skittles boy", and with "the gentle giant", you fell in trap and you can't get out. But that's fine, it's fun and amusing to watch you leftards crying.
School Inquisitor: So your son thought placing a clock in a pencil case would be evidence of his scientific creativity?

Dad: Yes.

School Inquisitor: Did he fix the clock before putting it in the pencil case?

Dad: Yes ... he changed the battery.

School Inquisitor: Seems like a science fair winner! I'll call President Obama and set the White House visit!

Dad: That's fine but I want the record sealed ... we may need to sue someone.

Again, guy, Principal Cleetus and Vice Prinicpal Billy Bob Bubba screwed up here.

Trying to say, "Well it wasn't htat clever!"" doesn't get them off the hook.

Maybe we need to stop pissing ourselves over scary Arabs. We've had 95 School shootings since Sandy Hook, most of them committed by white kids.
School Inquisitor: So your son thought placing a clock in a pencil case would be evidence of his scientific creativity?

Dad: Yes.

School Inquisitor: Did he fix the clock before putting it in the pencil case?

Dad: Yes ... he changed the battery.

School Inquisitor: Seems like a science fair winner! I'll call President Obama and set the White House visit!

Dad: That's fine but I want the record sealed ... we may need to sue someone.

Again, guy, Principal Cleetus and Vice Prinicpal Billy Bob Bubba screwed up here.

Trying to say, "Well it wasn't htat clever!"" doesn't get them off the hook.

Maybe we need to stop pissing ourselves over scary Arabs. We've had 95 School shootings since Sandy Hook, most of them committed by white kids.
and most of them from liberal families.
maybe we should just make our schools no bomb zones and everything will be ok.
Actually, IF you read it, the article is mentioning exactly that, as it comes from the school lawyer. Only problem is, he wasn't suspended for past problems, he was suspended for making a pop tart gun.

Guy, your article was crap. The one I posted stated an independent review found the school was in the right after MULTIPLE disciplinary issues with this


You don't call the bomb squad for hoax bomb. Yo don't evacuate school for hoax bomb neither. What you do is, call the law enforcement and let them look into it. And that's exactly what school did.

And that was excessive. Because it wasn't a Hoax bomb. A hoax bomb is something that is made up to LOOK LIKE A BOMB. This clearly wasn't. THis is a bunch of rednecks in Texas panicking, and then trying to cover their asses.

And that exactly what your overlords wants you to think. Just like with "the skittles boy", and with "the gentle giant", you fell in trap and you can't get out. But that's fine, it's fun and amusing to watch you leftards crying.

Actually, it's amusing watching you wingnuts trying to polish turds.

How many times have the cops been called in on Zimmerman since his acquittal? Still trying to claim this isn't a g uy with a propensity towards violence.
Guy, your article was crap. The one I posted stated an independent review found the school was in the right after MULTIPLE disciplinary issues with this


CBSNews wrote crap article. Washington Post wrote great article.

They both reported the same story, said pretty much the same thing, citing the same independent review.

None says he was suspended for past issues, all says he was suspended after chewing pop tart into shape of gun.


And that was excessive. Because it wasn't a Hoax bomb. A hoax bomb is something that is made up to LOOK LIKE A BOMB. This clearly wasn't. THis is a bunch of rednecks in Texas panicking, and then trying to cover their asses.

And you know better what bomb looks like then let's say police officers that took the kid away. You keep repeating they cuffed him because he's Muslim. If police arrest people just because they're Muslim, how do they let them go to school at all?

Actually, it's amusing watching you wingnuts trying to polish turds.

How many times have the cops been called in on Zimmerman since his acquittal? Still trying to claim this isn't a g uy with a propensity towards violence.

People call cops for any reason. Some call cops they they lock themselves inside their own car, some call cops after seeing an UFO, some call cops if husband doesn't wanna eat burned dinner.

So, if Zimmerman is still free, then they have nothing on him. What is, by the way, pricetag on Zimmerman's head?
Reasonable parents don't let their kids take apart an old radio shack alarm clock, put it in a box, in an attempt to cause trouble, and stir up a fake discrimination, which you also push

except that there's no evidence he did that.

Hey, unlike your beloved Zionist Entity, Muslims actually have rights in this country. I know this breaks your heart.
He didn't put an old disabled Radio Shack Clock in a box? Somebody put it there, and framed the kid:lol: That's why Obama invites him to the White House, because of the frame up.:lmao:

Sounds like Joehammad is on a roll. Let's give him the floor and enjoy the comedy. :clap2:
CBSNews wrote crap article. Washington Post wrote great article.

They both reported the same story, said pretty much the same thing, citing the same independent review.

Except WaPo got it right. The kid was a serious disciplinary problem and the teachers were sick of putting up with his shit. Maybe his parents will finally get him to take his ritalin.

And you know better what bomb looks like then let's say police officers that took the kid away. You keep repeating they cuffed him because he's Muslim. If police arrest people just because they're Muslim, how do they let them go to school at all?

The police apologized for their part in this fiasco.... they relied on what the school said.

But you keep pissing yourself at the thought of an Arab under your bed.
People call cops for any reason. Some call cops they they lock themselves inside their own car, some call cops after seeing an UFO, some call cops if husband doesn't wanna eat burned dinner.

So, if Zimmerman is still free, then they have nothing on him. What is, by the way, pricetag on Zimmerman's head?

And some people call the cops because the white trash asshole is beating on their wife or girlfriend and the guy has a history of shooting people.

ONly a matter of time before he goes to jail, or ends up dead. And won't you all look silly when he does.

I just hope he doesn't kill anyone else in the process.
He didn't put an old disabled Radio Shack Clock in a box? Somebody put it there, and framed the kid:lol: That's why Obama invites him to the White House, because of the frame up.

I think you are trying to have it both way, Jew-Roids. Did the Roids damage your brain?

Either it was a clock that any fool could clearly see was a clock.

Or it was an effective facsimile of a bomb.

Or it was just a bunch of racist assholes overreacting to something, and then trying to cover their asses against a national backlash.

I'm going with the third one.

School Inquisitor: So your son thought placing a clock in a pencil case would be evidence of his scientific creativity?

Dad: Yes.

School Inquisitor: Did he fix the clock before putting it in the pencil case?

Dad: Yes ... he changed the battery.

School Inquisitor: Seems like a science fair winner! I'll call President Obama and set the White House visit!

Dad: That's fine but I want the record sealed ... we may need to sue someone.

I'm tellin' yous, we gots a Moooslem Einstien here in dis Ahmed!

He actually took a working clock out of its plastic case and put it into a suitcase, just to make people think it's a bomb! Or maybe he was just practicing? I'm sure Obama would love to hear his story about how those evil white people oppressed this poor Muskim kid, simply practicing the art of making a suitcase bomb. What every young Muslim has the constitutional right to do!
Have you noticed how Obama is always on the wrong side of issues and history, and how he always chooses to speak up about issues that further divide Americans? What a fuckup of a president he is. I pray that Ben Carson becomes the next president to unite this country once again, and prove to America and the world that not all black politicians are bullshit artists and radical America hating ideologues with a chip on their shoulder.
Except WaPo got it right. The kid was a serious disciplinary problem and the teachers were sick of putting up with his shit. Maybe his parents will finally get him to take his ritalin.

Riiigt... they always got it right. They got right "skittles boy" and gentle giant" too. Have they?

The police apologized for their part in this fiasco.... they relied on what the school said.
Chief Larry Boyd still saying police did nothing wrong at the time the arrest is made.
Chief Boyd was given the opportunity by MSNBC host Chris Hayes to admit the officers’ mistake, and apologize to the youth.

But Hayes doubled down on the arrest, saying “I think it’s hard for folks watching this from the outside, seeing this all link up, seeing this kid — who seems like a tremendously poised, bright, genuine kid — be put through this. To not hear from anyone in officialdom down there that ‘Yeah, we didn’t get this one right."

But you keep pissing yourself at the thought of an Arab under your bed.

Is that what you do when you're afraid?

You know, you really shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

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