BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid’s Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

you would still have to take the clock apart to blow people up.

Except no one actually was trying to blow anyone up. These were just bigots who panicked because an Arab scared them.

I'm typing and moving around quick boy.

Out scoring some more Steroids?

Is that best you got?:slap: Why does a atheist like you love muslims?

I don't. I just hate Zionists more than I hate Muslims.

THe Muslims would leave us alone if we left them alone. The Zionists are the ones manipulating our government into fighting over a part of the world we should have nothing to do with. And then you want us to panic over a clock.

Nobody treated him differently before the incident. He was already attending that school, remember. They thought he was smart kid. No trace of racism anywhere, then kid did something that raised eyebrows. Suddenly, it's racism. No, it's not because he's Muslim, but because of what he had done.

again, can't picture them going into a full panic because little Cletus Whitebread brought a clock to school.
you would still have to take the clock apart to blow people up.

Except no one actually was trying to blow anyone up. These were just bigots who panicked because an Arab scared them.

I'm typing and moving around quick boy.

Out scoring some more Steroids?

Is that best you got?:slap: Why does a atheist like you love muslims?

I don't. I just hate Zionists more than I hate Muslims.

THe Muslims would leave us alone if we left them alone. The Zionists are the ones manipulating our government into fighting over a part of the world we should have nothing to do with. And then you want us to panic over a clock.

Nobody treated him differently before the incident. He was already attending that school, remember. They thought he was smart kid. No trace of racism anywhere, then kid did something that raised eyebrows. Suddenly, it's racism. No, it's not because he's Muslim, but because of what he had done.

again, can't picture them going into a full panic because little Cletus Whitebread brought a clock to school.

I don't. I just hate Zionists more than I hate Muslims.

That's because you are as demented as they are:cuckoo:

Nobody treated him differently before the incident. He was already attending that school, remember. They thought he was smart kid. No trace of racism anywhere, then kid did something that raised eyebrows. Suddenly, it's racism. No, it's not because he's Muslim, but because of what he had done.

again, can't picture them going into a full panic because little Cletus Whitebread brought a clock to school.

Of course you can't. The pop tarts guns are much scarier.
Of course you can't. The pop tarts guns are much scarier.

Nobody was suspended for a pop tart gun. They suspended him because he was a disruptive little bastard and his parents wouldn't make him take his ritalin.
That's because you are as demented as they are

Not at all. We'd have no problems in that region if the Zionists weren't pissing people off on a daily basis.

You just don't get this or don't want to get this, I guess.
Of course you can't. The pop tarts guns are much scarier.

Nobody was suspended for a pop tart gun. They suspended him because he was a disruptive little bastard and his parents wouldn't make him take his ritalin.
and had his parents acted like the ragheads, the truth would have never come out.
See now how the ragheads are keeping the real store hidden from the public?
lets face it here is how this will go down.
the school will get sued and pay out. Other school systems will take notice and in order not to fall into the same trap, they will not check any suspicious package carried in by raghead students.
Who will the liberals blame when one of those ragheads blow up a classroom?
this was nothing more than a test to see if a bomb could make it in past any security in place, and to desensitize the school administration to the threat.
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...
Family is in fuck you mode to the school, police department and the town

These attack stories are just a sampling of what they would be subjected to from the rightwing hate media

The Blaze? Are you serious?
Over reactions on all sides. IF this kid had been White and named "Smith" : he would have gotten the same reaction. Secondly, that reaction came from the current climate of violence period. 9/11 or Columbine, please.
and had his parents acted like the ragheads, the truth would have never come out.

actually, his parents acted EXACTLY the same way. They made a stink on every media outlet that would listen to them.

the only difference here was that the school was in the right. This kid has serious problems, and the parents weren't addressing them.

lets face it here is how this will go down.
the school will get sued and pay out. Other school systems will take notice and in order not to fall into the same trap, they will not check any suspicious package carried in by raghead students.

Or they can just- get this- treat everyone's packages the same, and not go into hysterics because one kid brought in a clock.

Who will the liberals blame when one of those ragheads blow up a classroom?
this was nothing more than a test to see if a bomb could make it in past any security in place, and to desensitize the school administration to the threat.

Frankly, I'd be more worried about a white goth kid shooting up a school than a raghead with a bomb. Given that we've had something like 95 school shooting since Sandy Hook, almost all of them carried out by white people exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

If only you guys were as concerned with what IS happening as you are about what MIGHT happen.

Yeah, I debunked this pages ago.

The kid was not suspended for a pop-tart gun. He was suspended for months of disruptive behavior and ONLY after the school had tried other remedies.

But you guys love that "Pop Tart Gun" narrative. Who cares if it's true or not?

Aha, and you love that "suspended because he's Muslim" narrative.

He's not suspended because he's Muslim, but because he brought a clock that looks like a hoax bomb into the school.

Biting pop tart and shaping it to look like a gun is not illegal. Bringing hoax bomb into school is.

Btw, you haven't debunked shit. From the article:

A hearing examiner supported the decision of a Baltimore-area school principal to suspend a 7-year-old boy for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. But his family's attorney is reportedly vowing to take the case further if the decision is upheld.

Yeah, I debunked this pages ago.

The kid was not suspended for a pop-tart gun. He was suspended for months of disruptive behavior and ONLY after the school had tried other remedies.

But you guys love that "Pop Tart Gun" narrative. Who cares if it's true or not?

Aha, and you love that "suspended because he's Muslim" narrative.

He's not suspended because he's Muslim, but because he brought a clock that looks like a hoax bomb into the school.

Biting pop tart and shaping it to look like a gun is not illegal. Bringing hoax bomb into school is.

Btw, you haven't debunked shit. From the article:

A hearing examiner supported the decision of a Baltimore-area school principal to suspend a 7-year-old boy for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. But his family's attorney is reportedly vowing to take the case further if the decision is upheld.

He's always claiming he's debunked something....just laugh at him
Aha, and you love that "suspended because he's Muslim" narrative.

He's not suspended because he's Muslim, but because he brought a clock that looks like a hoax bomb into the school.

Biting pop tart and shaping it to look like a gun is not illegal. Bringing hoax bomb into school is.

Btw, you haven't debunked shit. From the article:

Uh, yeah, guy, I did. But I can do it again to make you happy.

Md. state board upholds boy’s suspension in pastry gun case

The student in this case had a long history of behavioral problems that were the subject of progressive intervention by the school,” the state board concluded. “He created a classroom disruption on March 1, 2013, which resulted in a suspension that was justified based on the incident in question and the student’s history.”

The child at the center of the case was 7 years old and in second grade in 2013, when he nibbled his breakfast pastry into a gun shape and exclaimed, “Look, I made a gun!” He aimed the pastry at other students at their desks and in a nearby hallway.

Bob Mosier, spokesman for Anne Arundel schools, described the state decision as “a validation of what we have said all along.”

“It’s been about a student with a long history of disciplinary issues and a school that has gone to every conceivable length to assist that student with those issues,” Mosier said.

Sorry, man, you guys are propping up a disturbed kid with bad parents as a Second Amendment Hero.
Aha, and you love that "suspended because he's Muslim" narrative.

He's not suspended because he's Muslim, but because he brought a clock that looks like a hoax bomb into the school.

Biting pop tart and shaping it to look like a gun is not illegal. Bringing hoax bomb into school is.

Btw, you haven't debunked shit. From the article:

Uh, yeah, guy, I did. But I can do it again to make you happy.

Md. state board upholds boy’s suspension in pastry gun case

The student in this case had a long history of behavioral problems that were the subject of progressive intervention by the school,” the state board concluded. “He created a classroom disruption on March 1, 2013, which resulted in a suspension that was justified based on the incident in question and the student’s history.”

The child at the center of the case was 7 years old and in second grade in 2013, when he nibbled his breakfast pastry into a gun shape and exclaimed, “Look, I made a gun!” He aimed the pastry at other students at their desks and in a nearby hallway.

Bob Mosier, spokesman for Anne Arundel schools, described the state decision as “a validation of what we have said all along.”

“It’s been about a student with a long history of disciplinary issues and a school that has gone to every conceivable length to assist that student with those issues,” Mosier said.

Sorry, man, you guys are propping up a disturbed kid with bad parents as a Second Amendment Hero.

None of those things he did on their "long list of disciplinary issues" got him suspended. They suspended him for making poptart gun.

Again, from the article:
A hearing examiner supported the decision of a Baltimore-area school principal to suspend a 7-year-old boy for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. But his family's attorney is reportedly vowing to take the case further if the decision is upheld.

Article doesn't say he was suspended for long list of disciplinary issues. It specifically states kid was suspended for making pop tart gun and examiner supported that decision.
Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees | NBC Bay Area

Texas high school student suspended over American flag T-shirt


A Texas high school student was punished with in-school suspension last Monday after a teacher discovered he was wearing an American flag T-shirt,FOX 4 reported.

The student, a junior whose name is Jaegur, was wearing the shirt -- which featured an American flag design with an eagle in the foreground -- at Seagoville High School in Dallas when an administrator determined the shirt violated the school dress code.

Jaegur’s mom, Shelly Goode, fears the suspension will show up as a permanent mark on his record, ruining any chance her son can earn a scholarship through the ROTC program.

“He wants to go into the military,” Goode said, according to FOX 4. “He wants to help people, and any bad marks doesn't look good.”

The T-shirt drama unfolded last Monday when a school administrator asked Jaegur to lift his hoodie, Goode said, according to the station.

Texas high school student suspended over American flag T-shirt
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

No responsible parent would allow their child's records to be released for public mauling.

Yeah, I debunked this pages ago.

The kid was not suspended for a pop-tart gun. He was suspended for months of disruptive behavior and ONLY after the school had tried other remedies.

But you guys love that "Pop Tart Gun" narrative. Who cares if it's true or not?

Aha, and you love that "suspended because he's Muslim" narrative.

He's not suspended because he's Muslim, but because he brought a clock that looks like a hoax bomb into the school.

Biting pop tart and shaping it to look like a gun is not illegal. Bringing hoax bomb into school is.

Btw, you haven't debunked shit. From the article:

A hearing examiner supported the decision of a Baltimore-area school principal to suspend a 7-year-old boy for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. But his family's attorney is reportedly vowing to take the case further if the decision is upheld.

The reason the kid was suspended for the "poptart" had nothing to do with the poptart - he had a history of disruptive behavior and failed attempts at addressing it - suspension was the last straw. However - the police didn't arrest him, take him away in handcuffs and interrogate him without his parents.

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