BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid’s Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...
This is classic CAIR "strategy" Create straw man, fake, muslm discrimination claims that's what they do.

Yeah, because how many white kids have been arrested for taking clocks into school......?

They prefer pop tart guns.
you ever been shot with jelly?
didn't think so. that's some painful stuff right there, somebody could lose an eye
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...
This is classic CAIR "strategy" Create straw man, fake, muslm discrimination claims that's what they do.

Yeah, because how many white kids have been arrested for taking clocks into school......?

They prefer pop tart guns.
you ever been shot with jelly?
didn't think so. that's some painful stuff right there, somebody could lose an eye

Oh I dont know...I might let Sassy shoot me with some Jelly...just for research purposes of course.
True, he never said it was a bomb. It's true that he never said it wasn't.

True, he said he made a clock. He also said it was his invention. Both proven to be lies.

Neither school nor police can release their versions of the story, but you somehow know all the details.

Occam's Razor, buddy. Sometimes things are exactly what htey appear to be.

Case in point. We have a bunch of racists in Cletusland who saw a Middle Eastern kid with a clock and though, "OH MY GOD, A RAGHEAD WITH A BOMB!!!!"
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...
This is classic CAIR "strategy" Create straw man, fake, muslm discrimination claims that's what they do.

Yeah, because how many white kids have been arrested for taking clocks into school......?

That look like bombs? I wouldnt think many....because they're smart enough to know what would happen and they dont have an axe to grind.

Does a 14 year old who makes a clock know what a bomb looks like?
this is political and cultural jihad. they know exactly how to manipulate the useful idiots in this country and they are doing just that. The left are mentally ill....they suffer from "reality dyslexia." See....if a Christian kid had done this they would understand the problem......even though Christians aren't the problem around the world....but because of their reality dyslexia.....everything the left thinks about actually true about radical Islam......but their malady prevents them from seeing it.....and actually drives them to support radical jihadism......

the left should never be in control of anything........truth and reality are too far beyond them for our safety....
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...
This is classic CAIR "strategy" Create straw man, fake, muslm discrimination claims that's what they do.

Yeah, because how many white kids have been arrested for taking clocks into school......?

That look like bombs? I wouldnt think many....because they're smart enough to know what would happen and they dont have an axe to grind.

Does a 14 year old who makes a clock know what a bomb looks like?

His father and their radical Muslim allies do.....
Once "Hands up don't shoot"....the left is duped. What's the phrase...useful idiots?

Time after time and they still don't learn.

I dont know. I'm starting to have my doubts man. You see...they CAN'T BE this dumb. They just cant.

I think when frauds like this and Hands Up Don't Shoot pop up....the reason they bite on it so quick and they just agree with the narrative and purpose...true or not. Remember...first impressions are everything. If they can create a firestorm of anger....even if later it's debunked....the intended damage is done.

They aren't stupid...part of their brains is underdeveloped.....that is the only way to explain it.....they are fully functioning except in one the ability to see the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and every case they they choose wrong and defend evil.....every single time.....the only explanation is that that part of their brain never developed fully...or in some cases, at all.......

Evan Sayit gives a speech on this where he talks about why the left always chooses wrong over right, bad over good and the ugly over the beautiful......

his speech is "how modern liberals think"

you have probably already seen it...
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...
This is classic CAIR "strategy" Create straw man, fake, muslm discrimination claims that's what they do.

Yeah, because how many white kids have been arrested for taking clocks into school......?

If a non Muslim kid had done this he would have been suspended and not protected by the left....just like the pop tart kid...
this is political and cultural jihad. they know exactly how to manipulate the useful idiots in this country and they are doing just that. The left are mentally ill....they suffer from "reality dyslexia." See....if a Christian kid had done this they would understand the problem......even though Christians aren't the problem around the world....but because of their reality dyslexia.....everything the left thinks about actually true about radical Islam......but their malady prevents them from seeing it.....and actually drives them to support radical jihadism......

the left should never be in control of anything........truth and reality are too far beyond them for our safety....

A Christian Kid would have never had the cops called on him for something like this, and you know it.

Here's the thing. We've never had a Muslim involved in a school shooting. Christian kids shoot up schools all the time, because they were able to get guns easily and Founding Fathers or something.

I have no problem with the school officials seizing the clock until they figured out what it was. It was everything they did after that which was stupid.
To you, everyone with an opposing view is a bigot. I see there are many that don't agree with you, so bigots most likely are not where you see them. Time for you to look in the mirror.

If this kid's name was Johnny Whitebread, they'd have never went to these extremes.

Even though angry white guys with guns kill more kids in schools than terrorists do.

Ask the pop tart kid how that went........non Muslim kid would have been suspended and called a Christian extremist...and the same people defending this act of cultural jihad would be calling for the non Muslim kid to be kicked out of the school....
They aren't stupid...part of their brains is underdeveloped.....that is the only way to explain it.....they are fully functioning except in one the ability to see the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and every case they they choose wrong and defend evil.....every single time.....the only explanation is that that part of their brain never developed fully...or in some cases, at all.......

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. If anyone is brain damaged, its you right wingers clinging to your guns and bibles while the rich take away your middle class lifestyle.
Ask the pop tart kid how that went........non Muslim kid would have been suspended and called a Christian extremist...and the same people defending this act of cultural jihad would be calling for the non Muslim kid to be kicked out of the school....

Wow, you really think that kid was suspended over a pop-tart?

Boy should have been suspended for Pop-Tart gun: official

The incident, which is often called "the Pop-Tart case," happened at an Anne Arundel County school last year when the child was just 7 and in the second grade.

Andrew W. Nussbaum, the hearing examiner, rejected arguments from the boy's family that the school overreacted and reflected their anti-gun biases in the decision, the Washington Post reported.

He wrote a 30-page opinion, dated June 26, supporting the principal's stance that the suspension was based on a history of inappropriate behavior — not just the Pop-Tart incident.

"As much as the parents want this case to be about a 'gun,' it is, rather, a case about classroom disruption from a student who has had a long history of disruptive behavior and for whom the school had attempted a list of other strategies and interventions before resorting to a suspension," Nussbaum wrote.
They aren't stupid...part of their brains is underdeveloped.....that is the only way to explain it.....they are fully functioning except in one the ability to see the truth, reality, the difference between right and wrong and good and every case they they choose wrong and defend evil.....every single time.....the only explanation is that that part of their brain never developed fully...or in some cases, at all.......

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. If anyone is brain damaged, its you right wingers clinging to your guns and bibles while the rich take away your middle class lifestyle.

the rich aren't doing that....your high priests in government are doing that. Since you guys worship government you will allow it to take over every aspect of your lives.......and the priesthood...the politicians and bureaucrats will take every penny you earn and it will still not be enough tribute to appease your God....
the rich aren't doing that....your high priests in government are doing that. Since you guys worship government you will allow it to take over every aspect of your lives.......and the priesthood...the politicians and bureaucrats will take every penny you earn and it will still not be enough tribute to appease your God....

Uh, guy, the rich are totally doing that. The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. This is not an accident.

But you will mutter about the people who build the roads and keep the trains running on time. Because you think civilization happens with magic fairy dust.
The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

YOu mean he wasn't going to talk to crazy rednecks who h ad just racially profiled him until a lawyer showed up?

The school officials fucked this up.

It's like yelling Fire in a crowded theater. Obama should have taken the kid out in a drone strike
It's like yelling Fire in a crowded theater. Obama should have taken the kid out in a drone strike

Right. Because clearly being Muslim in a town of Inbred Bubba Rednecks is just like yelling "Fire".

I mean look how scary this kid is. You Bubbas were probably wetting yourselves.

BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...
This is classic CAIR "strategy" Create straw man, fake, muslm discrimination claims that's what they do.

Yeah, because how many white kids have been arrested for taking clocks into school......?

That look like bombs? I wouldnt think many....because they're smart enough to know what would happen and they dont have an axe to grind.

Does a 14 year old who makes a clock know what a bomb looks like?

He didn't make anything you moron:slap:

Two investigators who have studied the image of Mohamed’s device provided by Irving, Texas police have concluded that Mohamed did not make the clock. Both conclude that Mohamed disassembled a manufactured clock and installed it in a large pencil box without its casing. And both say it is possible it was done to provoke suspicion or to resemble a bomb.



Hoax Exposed: Muslim Student Ahmed Mohamed’s ‘Briefcase Clock’ is 1980s Digital Alarm Clock

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