BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid’s Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Yep. His sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up earlier this year. His dad had a long running Islam based fued with the mayor and local . government.

And they send their 14 year old junior jihadist in to pull this stunt. And because he's 14....records of the incident can't be released because he's a juvenile.

The left got duped? Hardly. THE LEFTIES are completely willing to go along with it. They know exactly what we all know....they're just going along with the story because they agree with its root purpose.
Again I ask...where is the police report on that?

Can you not read? It has been stated in this thread that the family refuses to release the reports.
Gee I wonder why?
Can you not read? It has been stated in this thread that the family refuses to release the reports.
Gee I wonder why?

why should they? They've got an excellent case for abuse of their civil rights. No need to confuse the issue because Cletusville Texas got outed as a b unch of bigots.
Can you not read? It has been stated in this thread that the family refuses to release the reports.
Gee I wonder why?

why should they? They've got an excellent case for abuse of their civil rights. No need to confuse the issue because Cletusville Texas got outed as a b unch of bigots.

If this goes to court do the records come out regardless if he's a minor?
If so they're fucked.
If this goes to court do the records come out regardless if he's a minor?
If so they're fucked.

the School district will settle with this family long before it ever gets to a court, dumbass.

You stupid fuck.
Your words "They've got an excellent case for abuse of their civil rights"

Yeah, when you pick on a kid for the color of his skin, that's an abuse of his civil rights. Sorry no one explained that to you, but these assholes fucked up.

They should be issuing a profound apology. INstead they are playing to the Fox News bigots.

So, this far into the thread, has it yet been established that the story in the OP is correct?

Serious question, just curious.
If this goes to court do the records come out regardless if he's a minor?
If so they're fucked.

the School district will settle with this family long before it ever gets to a court, dumbass.

You stupid fuck.
Your words "They've got an excellent case for abuse of their civil rights"

Yeah, when you pick on a kid for the color of his skin, that's an abuse of his civil rights. Sorry no one explained that to you, but these assholes fucked up.

They should be issuing a profound apology. INstead they are playing to the Fox News bigots.


No,they should be prosecuting the old man and telling the kid if he ever pulls a stunt like this again he'll be spending some time in juvy.
No,they should be prosecuting the old man and telling the kid if he ever pulls a stunt like this again he'll be spending some time in juvy.

Uh. NO.

They should apologize to the family for their gross overreaction. They knew it wasn't a bomb, but they treated this kid like a criminal, anyway.

That's the point. They didn't evacuate the school, they didn't call in the bomb squad. They just decided to abuse the brown kid.

And they'll pay out a fairly big settlment for doing so.
No,they should be prosecuting the old man and telling the kid if he ever pulls a stunt like this again he'll be spending some time in juvy.

Uh. NO.

They should apologize to the family for their gross overreaction. They knew it wasn't a bomb, but they treated this kid like a criminal, anyway.

That's the point. They didn't evacuate the school, they didn't call in the bomb squad. They just decided to abuse the brown kid.

And they'll pay out a fairly big settlment for doing so.

And here we have it folks,yet another example of the progressive affliction of constantly repeating the same statements that have been debunked over and over again.
Do you really believe this is an effective tactic or are you just a dumbass?
Yep. His sister was suspended for threatening to blow the school up earlier this year. His dad had a long running Islam based fued with the mayor and local . government.

And they send their 14 year old junior jihadist in to pull this stunt. And because he's 14....records of the incident can't be released because he's a juvenile.

The left got duped? Hardly. THE LEFTIES are completely willing to go along with it. They know exactly what we all know....they're just going along with the story because they agree with its root purpose.
Again I ask...where is the police report on that?

Can you not read? It has been stated in this thread that the family refuses to release the reports.
Gee I wonder why?

She committed murder last year too! Proof? I DONT HAVE ANY~!!!!
Great reporting in that article.

Starts with feelings, followed by suspicion and ended with my favorite..."now the truth comes out"

What truth? Dont worry about all sounds good tho, doesnt it.

Follow that with the righties high fiving each others comments as proof and support

Just like "Hands up don't shoot" right?

People saw that....This article feels stuff. Both are senses so maybe you're right :spinner:

The truth is....the details of the police investgation CAN'T be made public because he's a juvenile. Only parental consent can't open the file publicly....and who would guessed....CAIR lawyers have advised the family not to consent.

There's a reason the family sent the youngest sibling on this mission. He's a juvenile...and he looks so sweet and innocent.

And you idiots took the bait.

Any lawyer would advise not to allow the cops to open up your kids files to the public. Even the non muslim ones.

Great article tho....Its like Benghazi, we dont have anything but let us go through your stuff anyway.

Not the kids files. THIS case file. The full report on THIS incident. Not all the kids files (although...I'd bet money on it this isn't his first brush with school discipline).
Pretty much the basis of everything you and others like you have got in the way of facts. What you are too stupid to realize is that mind set is EXACTLY what got this kid treated the way he was treated.....muslim...sneaky...planned it...can't trust them...they are hiding something...fake clock....sister in on it...I'll bet not his first brush with school discipline...not talking to mayor....we feel he's not truthful....sent on a mission...Bill Maher is on our side...pop-tart kid....really just like a bomb....IED without the explosives....really store bought....size of suitcase...ticking....beeping....posed photo...

If those words were used about you and your family by people who don't know you...aren't even from around you...would YOU open up?

If it would exonerate my kid and make clear this was just a misunderstanding?


On the other hand, if it did neither or if I was planning to make a big deal of it, I probably wouldn't.
Here is the thing...

According to Ahmed in an interview he gave, he put the wire on the clasp so it would look less suspicious.

Let that sink in. Less suspicious.

At 1:30 mark.

Why would a clock be suspicious at all? Unless he knew...

Because he's a smart enough kid to know the adults in that town. Let THAT sink in. They didn't disappoint.

Or because he was being coached.
Bill Maher is on OUR side and says it looked like a fucking bomb, so screw you.

Bill Maher is an Islamophobic bigot. That gets you kind of nothing.

The point is, the school officials didn't evacuate the school or call the bomb squad. They knew it wasn't a bomb from the get-go. They just played, "Let's pick on the raghead" and got caught.

To you, everyone with an opposing view is a bigot. I see there are many that don't agree with you, so bigots most likely are not where you see them. Time for you to look in the mirror.
If this goes to court do the records come out regardless if he's a minor?
If so they're fucked.

the School district will settle with this family long before it ever gets to a court, dumbass.

You stupid fuck.
Your words "They've got an excellent case for abuse of their civil rights"

Yeah, when you pick on a kid for the color of his skin, that's an abuse of his civil rights. Sorry no one explained that to you, but these assholes fucked up.

They should be issuing a profound apology. INstead they are playing to the Fox News bigots.

What civil rights?
No,they should be prosecuting the old man and telling the kid if he ever pulls a stunt like this again he'll be spending some time in juvy.

Uh. NO.

They should apologize to the family for their gross overreaction. They knew it wasn't a bomb, but they treated this kid like a criminal, anyway.

That's the point. They didn't evacuate the school, they didn't call in the bomb squad. They just decided to abuse the brown kid.

And they'll pay out a fairly big settlment for doing so.

Making hoax bomb is against the law. He is treated the way he suppose to be treated.

No need to evacuate the school for hoax bomb. No need to call the bomb squad neither. Only hoax bomb maker, in this case, how you call it "brown kid" needs to be held responsible for abusing everyone else.
The only emotions that are real are the ones the right says are real. Reality bends to their will

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