BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid’s Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

The only emotions that are real are the ones the right says are real. Reality bends to their will

I may agree with you here. Lefties decisions are mostly driven by emotions, not by common sense.

Sometimes you just have to draw the line and say, enough of whining and crying, grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Libtards don't do that. They have feelings.
The only emotions that are real are the ones the right says are real. Reality bends to their will

I may agree with you here. Lefties decisions are mostly driven by emotions, not by common sense.

Sometimes you just have to draw the line and say, enough of whining and crying, grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Libtards don't do that. They have feelings.

Obviously neither do you guys when you can come into a thread of rumor and emotions continued by the right and blame it on the left.

Great job being responsible there buddy
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

Second: if cops show up and wrongfully arrest my kid I'd tell the city to go to hell too when they asked if they could release his records.

Third: this is a pretty crappy thing for an elected official to do overall. "I can't release the records but if I could..." The whole conversation ought to be a criminal offense or grounds for a lawsuit. If you can't disclose you can't disclose. End of case. No hinting. Nothing.
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

Second: if cops show up and wrongfully arrest my kid I'd tell the city to go to hell too when they asked if they could release his records.

Third: this is a pretty crappy thing for an elected official to do overall. "I can't release the records but if I could..." The whole conversation ought to be a criminal offense or grounds for a lawsuit. If you can't disclose you can't disclose. End of case. No hinting. Nothing.
So in other words, just let the kid's parents railroad the officials by not even allowing the police to make ANY comments, right??
To you, everyone with an opposing view is a bigot. I see there are many that don't agree with you, so bigots most likely are not where you see them. Time for you to look in the mirror.

If this kid's name was Johnny Whitebread, they'd have never went to these extremes.

Even though angry white guys with guns kill more kids in schools than terrorists do.
Making hoax bomb is against the law. He is treated the way he suppose to be treated.

No need to evacuate the school for hoax bomb. No need to call the bomb squad neither. Only hoax bomb maker, in this case, how you call it "brown kid" needs to be held responsible for abusing everyone else.

Except he never said it was a bomb, hoax or otherwise. He said, 'Hey look at this clock I made."
This is a hoot, all the Whitey T Crackers shitting their pants and freaking out!!! Muslims to the right of them , Black people to the left of them , Latinos behind them
Making hoax bomb is against the law. He is treated the way he suppose to be treated.

No need to evacuate the school for hoax bomb. No need to call the bomb squad neither. Only hoax bomb maker, in this case, how you call it "brown kid" needs to be held responsible for abusing everyone else.

Except he never said it was a bomb, hoax or otherwise. He said, 'Hey look at this clock I made."
Let me see...

You know all about TS/NORFORN information after sorting dirty drawers in the military, and you even claim to be an expert on servers after handing out socks...

You even claimed you passed highly-classified information around the barracks like you would a Playboy magazine...

You have also claimed to be an expert on bombs, without realizing that you have to expose the wires to make a workable bomb timer (since a 1970's era clock doesn't have a jack marked "bomb")...

Is there any other wisdom you would like to share with us???
BTW clock boy didnt get enough there is a possible lawsuit for emotional trauma.... all lawyered up.......
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Let me see...

You know all about TS/NORFORN information after sorting dirty drawers in the military, and you even claim to be an expert on servers after handing out socks...

You even claimed you passed highly-classified information around the barracks like you would a Playboy magazine...

Well, i said nothing of the sort. But that's okay, guy. YOu just keep trying to pretend that a newsweek story became "classified" after it passed through Hillary's server.

You have also claimed to be an expert on bombs, without realizing that you have to expose the wires to make a workable bomb timer (since a 1970's era clock doesn't have a jack marked "bomb")...

Again, if they really thought it was a bomb, why didn't they evacuate the school? Or call in the bomb squad? Or alert homeland security?

Sometimes, things are EXACTLY what they look like, guy. It looks like some racists harrassed a brown kid, and then got shamed publically for doing it.
Let me see...

You know all about TS/NORFORN information after sorting dirty drawers in the military, and you even claim to be an expert on servers after handing out socks...

You even claimed you passed highly-classified information around the barracks like you would a Playboy magazine...

Well, i said nothing of the sort. But that's okay, guy. YOu just keep trying to pretend that a newsweek story became "classified" after it passed through Hillary's server.

You have also claimed to be an expert on bombs, without realizing that you have to expose the wires to make a workable bomb timer (since a 1970's era clock doesn't have a jack marked "bomb")...

Again, if they really thought it was a bomb, why didn't they evacuate the school? Or call in the bomb squad? Or alert homeland security?

Sometimes, things are EXACTLY what they look like, guy. It looks like some racists harrassed a brown kid, and then got shamed publically for doing it.
The main issue doesn't appear to be an actual bomb.. It appears to be the use of a "fake bomb", meant to install panic (much like a bomb threat)...

I know explosives, and even have an electronics degree, and you know what??? Two quick splices and push a button (probably under a minute), and I could have a detonator wired and fired...

Pre-wired, under a second to activate....

Sure, it was intimidating, but you are an Islamic apologist, so it's no use trying to explain it to you...
The main issue doesn't appear to be an actual bomb.. It appears to be the use of a "fake bomb", meant to install panic (much like a bomb threat)...

I know explosives, and even have an electronics degree, and you know what??? Two quick splices and push a button (probably under a minute), and I could have a detonator wired and fired...

Pre-wired, under a second to activate....

Sure, it was intimidating, but you are an Islamic apologist, so it's no use trying to explain it to you...

Except that there was no indication this kid had done that, and there was no explosive hooked to the clock...

But man, those scary brown people, they keep you up at night, don't they?
The main issue doesn't appear to be an actual bomb.. It appears to be the use of a "fake bomb", meant to install panic (much like a bomb threat)...

I know explosives, and even have an electronics degree, and you know what??? Two quick splices and push a button (probably under a minute), and I could have a detonator wired and fired...

Pre-wired, under a second to activate....

Sure, it was intimidating, but you are an Islamic apologist, so it's no use trying to explain it to you...

Except that there was no indication this kid had done that, and there was no explosive hooked to the clock...

But man, those scary brown people, they keep you up at night, don't they?

You're a fucken idiot.
Students Say Ahmed's Clock Looks Like Bomb
Making hoax bomb is against the law. He is treated the way he suppose to be treated.

No need to evacuate the school for hoax bomb. No need to call the bomb squad neither. Only hoax bomb maker, in this case, how you call it "brown kid" needs to be held responsible for abusing everyone else.

Except he never said it was a bomb, hoax or otherwise. He said, 'Hey look at this clock I made."

True, he never said it was a bomb. It's true that he never said it wasn't.

True, he said he made a clock. He also said it was his invention. Both proven to be lies.

Neither school nor police can release their versions of the story, but you somehow know all the details.

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