BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid’s Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

No responsible parent would allow their child's records to be released for public mauling.
Hey CAIR girl, Obama's people don't have any problems releasing other people's sealed records to the public:slap:..

David Axelrod-- Gets Obama's opponent's sealed divorce records opened up
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

No responsible parent would allow their child's records to be released for public mauling.
Hey CAIR girl, Obama's people don't have any problems releasing other people's sealed records to the public:slap:..

David Axelrod-- Gets Obama's opponent's sealed divorce records opened up

Hey doofus - that has what to do with this?

Ans: nothing, just trolling.
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

No responsible parent would allow their child's records to be released for public mauling.
Hey CAIR girl, Obama's people don't have any problems releasing other people's sealed records to the public:slap:..

David Axelrod-- Gets Obama's opponent's sealed divorce records opened up

Hey doofus - that has what to do with this?

Ans: nothing, just trolling.

Reasonable parents don't let their kids take apart an old radio shack alarm clock, put it in a box, in an attempt to cause trouble, and stir up a fake discrimination, which you also push ..CAIR girl.
Aha, they're trained at the university of Pallywood in the art of manipulating the stupid naive Western media we have. What a surprise. The kid must be one of their honor students.
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BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

No responsible parent would allow their child's records to be released for public mauling.

Not "records" but rather the record of this particular incident and if it exonerated my child or explained a misunderstanding, I'd insist the record be made public ASAP.

Of course, if the record did neither, I'd act exactly as Ahmed's parents have.
BREAKING: Mayor of Bomb-Clock Kid's Town Reveals Startling TRUTH About Muslim Family

Media coverage on Ahmed “Bomb-Clock” Mohamed has been remarkably one-sided, with the Mohamed family and the media spinning a tale of Islamophobia and overreaction.

However, in an appearance on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze TV last night, the mayor of the city where Mohamed goes to school painted a starkly different picture. Among other revelations were her claims that the Mohamed family had stonewalled her and seemed more interested in talking with the Council on American-Islamic Relations and related groups than with city officials.

Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that, since Mohamed is a juvenile, they cannot release the records of what caused police to arrest him. She says that the family has refused to allow those records to be released, according to

“The (Irving) school district, a number of times, has asked the family to release the records, so that you can have the balanced story out there,” Van Duyne said. “The family is ignoring the request from the ISD.”

The mayor said the records would “help to describe why it progressed as it did.”

“Nobody is going to walk in and say, ‘Oh you’re a 14-year old child, you’re totally cooperating, we have all the answers we need, let’s arrest you,’” Van Duyne said, adding she had information that Mohamed was being “passive aggressive” and “non-responsive” when police questioned him.

Van Duyne also noted that the family seemed more interested in seeking press than resolving the issue.

“We had tried to reach out to the family a number of times; this was before it ever even hit the papers on Wednesday,” Van Duyne said. “At the exact same time they were supposed to be meeting with us, they were on their front lawn with a press conference.”

So now the truth comes out...

No responsible parent would allow their child's records to be released for public mauling.

Not "records" but rather the record of this particular incident and if it exonerated my child or explained a misunderstanding, I'd insist the record be made public ASAP.

Of course, if the record did neither, I'd act exactly as Ahmed's parents have.

I believe that in signing that particular release - any records can be discussed pertaining to that child. That is how it works where I work.
Hey CAIR girl, Obama's people don't have any problems releasing other people's sealed records to the public:slap:..

David Axelrod-- Gets Obama's opponent's sealed divorce records opened up

J'Roids lying again. and Free Republic? Seriously?

Okay, to set the record straight on this one. Blair Hull's divorce records were never sealed. Divorce records in IL are matters of public record. So the media did start digging into it, and discovered the guy slapped around his wife. Oh, yeah, and called her a word we can't use here on USMB. Bye-Bye Blair Hull.

Jack Ryan's situation was different in that he was divorced in CA, where they do seal records. However, the Media - not Obama - sued to open those files concerning his divorce from "actress" Jeri Ryan. (anyone who has watched an episode of Star Trek:Voyager get the scare quotes.)

Turns out he took old Seven of Double D Cup to Sex clubs, Mr. Family values.

So Obama was responsible for the media discovering his opponents were flaming hypocrites? Really?
Reasonable parents don't let their kids take apart an old radio shack alarm clock, put it in a box, in an attempt to cause trouble, and stir up a fake discrimination, which you also push

except that there's no evidence he did that.

Hey, unlike your beloved Zionist Entity, Muslims actually have rights in this country. I know this breaks your heart.
Article doesn't say he was suspended for long list of disciplinary issues. It specifically states kid was suspended for making pop tart gun and examiner supported that decision.

Your article was horseshit, mine was from a valid source.

The kid was suspended for beign a chronic disciplinary problem.

YOu know the ones who are going to jail at an early age. This kid is one of them.
Texas high school student suspended over American flag T-shirt

Hey, not that this should surprise anyone, but Jew-Roids is misrepresenting his own biased source by omission.

Jaegur was told his T-shirt violated the school dress code, and he was ordered to in-school suspension. At Seagoville High School, students must wear a solid color shirt; there are exceptions for school or college logo shirts or ones supporting the U.S. military, FOX 4 reported.

The school principal, who was not on campus the day of the T-shirt incident, said the administrator misinterpreted the dress code, and apologized to Goode via phone call on Tuesday.

“The fact that acknowledging it is huge, and the fact that they’re willing to stand by and see mistakes and grow from them, that means a lot,” Goode told The Washington Times.

The principal also told Goode that Jaegur’s in-school suspension will not be listed on his permanent record.

I guess someone told the principal this kid was white.

Silly Darkie, Rights are for White People!
Article doesn't say he was suspended for long list of disciplinary issues. It specifically states kid was suspended for making pop tart gun and examiner supported that decision.

Your article was horseshit, mine was from a valid source.

The kid was suspended for beign a chronic disciplinary problem.

YOu know the ones who are going to jail at an early age. This kid is one of them.

So, the article from CBSNews is horseshit. And yours is a valid source because... Oh, it fits your agenda.

You know for a fact that 2nd graders end up in jail at early age. Based on...?

And kid whose sister threatened to blow up the school and who brings in a clock that doesn't look like clock, but rather like a bomb (aka hoax bomb), is a poster boy. Riiiight.
So, the article from CBSNews is horseshit. And yours is a valid source because... Oh, it fits your agenda.

You know for a fact that 2nd graders end up in jail at early age. Based on...?

And kid whose sister threatened to blow up the school and who brings in a clock that doesn't look like clock, but rather like a bomb (aka hoax bomb), is a poster boy. Riiiight.

The one from CBS news didn't mention this kid was a chronic disciplinary problem, and the school had made a lot of efforts to work with him before suspending him.

Your reading comprehension sucks. I said we know which kids are going to end up in jail at an early age, not which age they go to jail. Dumbass.

No evidence this daughter blew up the school, or that this clock looked anything like a bomb. If it really looked like a bomb, why wasn't the bomb squad called? Why wasn't the school evacuated?

Nope, this is a bunch of stupid ass, red-state, Bubba-rednecks not like them there A-rabs living in their town, but they got caught being stupid and are now trying to cover their inbred asses.
Hey CAIR girl, Obama's people don't have any problems releasing other people's sealed records to the public:slap:..

David Axelrod-- Gets Obama's opponent's sealed divorce records opened up

J'Roids lying again. and Free Republic? Seriously?

Okay, to set the record straight on this one. Blair Hull's divorce records were never sealed. Divorce records in IL are matters of public record. So the media did start digging into it, and discovered the guy slapped around his wife. Oh, yeah, and called her a word we can't use here on USMB. Bye-Bye Blair Hull.

Jack Ryan's situation was different in that he was divorced in CA, where they do seal records. However, the Media - not Obama - sued to open those files concerning his divorce from "actress" Jeri Ryan. (anyone who has watched an episode of Star Trek:Voyager get the scare quotes.)

Turns out he took old Seven of Double D Cup to Sex clubs, Mr. Family values.

So Obama was responsible for the media discovering his opponents were flaming hypocrites? Really?
Oh no Obama's people had nothing to do with the releasing of sealed divorce records :lmao:Just like Obama never heard Rev Wright preach his vulgar, anti- American hatred, or thats Hillary's deleted emails where only about Yoga classes.:uhh: You do however, believe in the Jewish conspiracy to run the world behind the scenes:cuckoo: Keep um coming boy, you're a laugh a minute:slap:
Texas high school student suspended over American flag T-shirt

Hey, not that this should surprise anyone, but Jew-Roids is misrepresenting his own biased source by omission.

Jaegur was told his T-shirt violated the school dress code, and he was ordered to in-school suspension. At Seagoville High School, students must wear a solid color shirt; there are exceptions for school or college logo shirts or ones supporting the U.S. military, FOX 4 reported.

The school principal, who was not on campus the day of the T-shirt incident, said the administrator misinterpreted the dress code, and apologized to Goode via phone call on Tuesday.

“The fact that acknowledging it is huge, and the fact that they’re willing to stand by and see mistakes and grow from them, that means a lot,” Goode told The Washington Times.

The principal also told Goode that Jaegur’s in-school suspension will not be listed on his permanent record.

I guess someone told the principal this kid was white.

Silly Darkie, Rights are for White People!

So i guess the principle doesn't know the dress-code? the shirt was also under another shirt, get it straight boy. Does your medication cause you lack of comprehension problems? I also noticed you ignored the previous post in San Francisco

The school principal, who was not on campus the day of the T-shirt incident, said the administrator misinterpreted the dress code, and apologized to Goode via phone call on Tuesday.
Reasonable parents don't let their kids take apart an old radio shack alarm clock, put it in a box, in an attempt to cause trouble, and stir up a fake discrimination, which you also push

except that there's no evidence he did that.

Hey, unlike your beloved Zionist Entity, Muslims actually have rights in this country. I know this breaks your heart.
He didn't put an old disabled Radio Shack Clock in a box? Somebody put it there, and framed the kid:lol: That's why Obama invites him to the White House, because of the frame up.:lmao:
So i guess the principle doesn't know the dress-code? the shirt was also under another shirt, get it straight boy. Does your medication cause you lack of comprehension problems? I also noticed you ignored the previous post in San Francisco

Ignoring your stupidity is a full time job.

But point

Flag boy- Oops, we didn't really understand our own policy, please accept our fullest apologies.

He didn't put an old disabled Radio Shack Clock in a box? Somebody put it there, and framed the kid:lol: That's why Obama invites him to the White House, because of the frame up.

I think you are trying to have it both way, Jew-Roids. Did the Roids damage your brain?

Either it was a clock that any fool could clearly see was a clock.

Or it was an effective facsimile of a bomb.

Or it was just a bunch of racist assholes overreacting to something, and then trying to cover their asses against a national backlash.

I'm going with the third one.
So i guess the principle doesn't know the dress-code? the shirt was also under another shirt, get it straight boy. Does your medication cause you lack of comprehension problems? I also noticed you ignored the previous post in San Francisco

Ignoring your stupidity is a full time job.

But point

Flag boy- Oops, we didn't really understand our own policy, please accept our fullest apologies.

I have to say that you seem to be somewhat of an muslim loving idiot.
On one hand, the kid with the pop tart was rightfully suspended because of past history.
On the other hand, even though this ragheads family has been an issue of trouble and concern constantly in the past, father is radical, daughter was also suspended from school etc... when raghead Jr comes in testing to see if something that appears to be a timing device can get past school security, then and only then is it due to racism or fear of sand monkeys.

Jr deserved what he got, its what the family was looking for.
He didn't put an old disabled Radio Shack Clock in a box? Somebody put it there, and framed the kid:lol: That's why Obama invites him to the White House, because of the frame up.

I think you are trying to have it both way, Jew-Roids. Did the Roids damage your brain?

Either it was a clock that any fool could clearly see was a clock.

Or it was an effective facsimile of a bomb.

Or it was just a bunch of racist assholes overreacting to something, and then trying to cover their asses against a national backlash.

I'm going with the third one.
It was a bomb without explosives.
Oh no Obama's people had nothing to do with the releasing of sealed divorce records

NO, a judge released them because, they, there was a a right to know. Jack Ryan passed himself off as a family values kind of guy. Instead we found out he was a pervert who liked to visit sex clubs and hid behind his disabled son to hide that from the public.

But if you knew jack shit about Illinois politics, you know the person who really did in old Jack was Judy Barr Topinka, who wanted to eliminate a potential rival for her failed 2006 run for Governor.

Just like Obama never heard Rev Wright preach his vulgar, anti- American hatred, or thats Hillary's deleted emails where only about Yoga classes

what "vulgar anti-American hatred"? Frankly I thought Wright saying the Invisible Sky Pixie let 9/11 happen because of racism was kind of stupid, but I thought that Rev. Robertson saying it was because of the gays was pretty stupid, too. Religion is clearly a brain disease.

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