BREAKING: Mindy McCready dead at 37

She's still dead, but there are plenty to take her place. Celebrity rehab doesn't lack for participants.

The world is rid of another drug addict. That should make everyone happy. We are just too degenerate to realize that. shouldn't make everyone happy....what a dummbass fucking thing to say~
I happen to have a daughter who has a serious drug problem.....while I have tried to get her doesn't always work like I hope it will.
Do I want her to die?? No......but she is a drug addict.......I have a heart, a lot of compassion...not just for my own child.....but for everyone going thru a bad time.
Jesus don't sound human.

The barber down the street from me had a son who died with a serious drug problem. I went by his shop to show my "compassion". He told me that instead of feeling sorry for him, I should be happy that he was finally relieved of a terrible burden and all the pain his son inflicted was now at an end. He had suffered enough from his son's addiction. The death was a blessing that the man's last years would now be peaceful.

It changed my mind. Yes I was happy for him. I had no idea what this son was like, how much money he took from his father, trying to scrape out a living in a barber shop in his late 70s. An elderly father trying to deal with addictions, diseases, mysterious absences. It probably was a blessing to have him gone.

Now there is Mindy McCready, never married, two kids from different fathers, trying her best to prevent her mother from giving these kids any chance at all. In and out of scrapes with the law, given every chance and kills her boyfriend's dog at the end. It's a blessing, to the mother who now doesn't have to spend her last dime trying to protect two children from a drug addict mother, and a blessing to the children who don't have to grow up watching their mother's existence and disgrace. So yes, her death is a very good thing. It's time to break out the champaigne.

I guess if it was your own child you wouldn't be sitting there saying how good it is that they died. So don't assume that someone else should be rejoicing over the death of a child they loved dearly.
Just because your life is so rosy, doesn't mean the lives of others are the same.
Nonsense. We give these low life losers accolades in death that they never deserved in life. Which, incidentally, encourages other losers to do the same thing. If they were forgotten, buried in unmarked graves with no one to shed a tear, it would go further to discouraging such behavior than all this fake compassion.

Shut it.

Don't sweat it, Delia. Karma is a Law.

Regards from Rosie
And? So? Apparently you learned nothing from having such people in your life.

Compassion: Look it up.

Compassion is misplaced. The death of another drug addict should bring joy not compassion. Compassion belongs to the people left behind. Now they won't have to suffer from the addict anymore.

You have no idea what her life was like, and its unfair to judge a person whose life circumstances you have no knowledge of. I also think it cruel to applaud the death of a person in tragic circumstances.

Noomi, you're one of the foremost cheer leaders for abortion...but you expect compassion for drug addicts who off themselves?
I have compassion for addicts..i feel for them. Trust me, nobody wants to be that way. For whatever reason, they're unable to get out from under the yoke of substance abuse, and it destroys them.

I also feel compassion for suicides and their families. Again, for whatever reason, they don't see any other way speaks to the fact that they feel they are without value. Most suicides are mortified by their lives and see suicide as a favor they're doing for others, I think. Of course they're wrong, but that's what they believe.

People can always turn their lives around. So long as you're breathing, there's a chance to improve your life, and the lives of those around you. But for some that is impossible to internalize.
Compassion is misplaced. The death of another drug addict should bring joy not compassion. Compassion belongs to the people left behind. Now they won't have to suffer from the addict anymore.

You have no idea what her life was like, and its unfair to judge a person whose life circumstances you have no knowledge of. I also think it cruel to applaud the death of a person in tragic circumstances.

Noomi, you're one of the foremost cheer leaders for abortion...but you expect compassion for drug addicts who off themselves?

I hate drug addicts. I loathe them with a passion. But I think this woman had other things going on in her life, things that led her to drugs. I hate to see talented people throw their lives away.
From what I can tell she's a country western Britney Spears.

Only had a couple of hits and then got into drugs and spent time getting thrown in jail and put on probation. Was engaged to Dean Cain at one time and dated Roger Clemens.

If only she'd stuck with shooting Roger's steroids, she might still be alive now.

Almost sounds like a delayed suicide pact between her and her boyfriend. Two suicides a little over a month apart. Bizarre.

I suspect that is what pushed her over the edge.
There's no evidence of her boyfriend having committed suicide other than her own website. The police were investigating her in his death.

She also killed his dog before she killed herself.
If McCready's mother had not been smart enough to take those children away, there would be two dead children right along with McCready and her dog.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Mindy McCready was just another slutty drug addict. Her death should be an example to other drug addicts. Not one person should mourn her death. She got what she deserved, just not soon enough.

How psychotic. The world will be a better place when you assume room temperature. Please never breed.
If McCready's mother had not been smart enough to take those children away, there would be two dead children right along with McCready and her dog. Her ex-husband didn't kill himself. There was no ex husband. McCready wasn't married to the fathers of either of her children.

Mindy McCready was just another slutty drug addict. Her death should be an example to other drug addicts. Not one person should mourn her death. She got what she deserved, just not soon enough.

You have too much anger.

No, he has severe mental problems.
What I want to know is why she felt the need to kill her dog. If she hadn't shot herself she would be up on some very serious animal cruelty charges.

If her kids had been there she would have killed them too.

And you are absolutely positively sure about this??
How the fuck so??
What makes you so damn sure, she would have killed her children??

He is psychotic and projecting!
The world is rid of another drug addict. That should make everyone happy. We are just too degenerate to realize that. shouldn't make everyone happy....what a dummbass fucking thing to say~
I happen to have a daughter who has a serious drug problem.....while I have tried to get her doesn't always work like I hope it will.
Do I want her to die?? No......but she is a drug addict.......I have a heart, a lot of compassion...not just for my own child.....but for everyone going thru a bad time.
Jesus don't sound human.

The barber down the street from me had a son who died with a serious drug problem. I went by his shop to show my "compassion". He told me that instead of feeling sorry for him, I should be happy that he was finally relieved of a terrible burden and all the pain his son inflicted was now at an end. He had suffered enough from his son's addiction. The death was a blessing that the man's last years would now be peaceful.

It changed my mind. Yes I was happy for him. I had no idea what this son was like, how much money he took from his father, trying to scrape out a living in a barber shop in his late 70s. An elderly father trying to deal with addictions, diseases, mysterious absences. It probably was a blessing to have him gone.

Now there is Mindy McCready, never married, two kids from different fathers, trying her best to prevent her mother from giving these kids any chance at all. In and out of scrapes with the law, given every chance and kills her boyfriend's dog at the end. It's a blessing, to the mother who now doesn't have to spend her last dime trying to protect two children from a drug addict mother, and a blessing to the children who don't have to grow up watching their mother's existence and disgrace. So yes, her death is a very good thing. It's time to break out the champaigne.

You are lying, or he was as psychotic as you.

Or both, psycho-boy. shouldn't make everyone happy....what a dummbass fucking thing to say~
I happen to have a daughter who has a serious drug problem.....while I have tried to get her doesn't always work like I hope it will.
Do I want her to die?? No......but she is a drug addict.......I have a heart, a lot of compassion...not just for my own child.....but for everyone going thru a bad time.
Jesus don't sound human.

The barber down the street from me had a son who died with a serious drug problem. I went by his shop to show my "compassion". He told me that instead of feeling sorry for him, I should be happy that he was finally relieved of a terrible burden and all the pain his son inflicted was now at an end. He had suffered enough from his son's addiction. The death was a blessing that the man's last years would now be peaceful.

It changed my mind. Yes I was happy for him. I had no idea what this son was like, how much money he took from his father, trying to scrape out a living in a barber shop in his late 70s. An elderly father trying to deal with addictions, diseases, mysterious absences. It probably was a blessing to have him gone.

Now there is Mindy McCready, never married, two kids from different fathers, trying her best to prevent her mother from giving these kids any chance at all. In and out of scrapes with the law, given every chance and kills her boyfriend's dog at the end. It's a blessing, to the mother who now doesn't have to spend her last dime trying to protect two children from a drug addict mother, and a blessing to the children who don't have to grow up watching their mother's existence and disgrace. So yes, her death is a very good thing. It's time to break out the champaigne.

Swallow carefully...we wouldn't want you to choke to death.

Speak for yourself...the sooner he assumes room temperature, the better!
The barber down the street from me had a son who died with a serious drug problem. I went by his shop to show my "compassion". He told me that instead of feeling sorry for him, I should be happy that he was finally relieved of a terrible burden and all the pain his son inflicted was now at an end. He had suffered enough from his son's addiction. The death was a blessing that the man's last years would now be peaceful.

It changed my mind. Yes I was happy for him. I had no idea what this son was like, how much money he took from his father, trying to scrape out a living in a barber shop in his late 70s. An elderly father trying to deal with addictions, diseases, mysterious absences. It probably was a blessing to have him gone.

Now there is Mindy McCready, never married, two kids from different fathers, trying her best to prevent her mother from giving these kids any chance at all. In and out of scrapes with the law, given every chance and kills her boyfriend's dog at the end. It's a blessing, to the mother who now doesn't have to spend her last dime trying to protect two children from a drug addict mother, and a blessing to the children who don't have to grow up watching their mother's existence and disgrace. So yes, her death is a very good thing. It's time to break out the champaigne.

I guess if it was your own child you wouldn't be sitting there saying how good it is that they died. So don't assume that someone else should be rejoicing over the death of a child they loved dearly.
Just because your life is so rosy, doesn't mean the lives of others are the same.

Actually, I suspect he would...because I suspect he is THAT BATSHIT INSANE.

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