BREAKING: Missouri House Committee Passes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

What is in the womb is not a human by any measure.
What is it if it isn’t human? Didn’t two humans create it? Or are they not human either? Hey, one more question, what kind of dna do they look for in a rape case? Human dna?
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So libs want to kill black babies through abortion

And in your mind that makes them good?

while you mock conservatives for not playing politics with the issue?
Tell us who is FORCING any woman of any race to have abortions.
You Leftards love killing black babies.
You slander innocent people by calling them racists but we all know the systemic butchering of millions of black babies is totally preventable.
Again, who is FORCING black women to get abortions? Name names.
What is it if it isn’t human? Didn’t two humans create it? Or are they not human either? Hey, one more question, what kind of dna do they look for in a rape case? Human dna?

If never conscious and sentient, then it is not a human being.
Just like with Terri Schiavo, where her brain died and turned to mush, so was no longer a human being.
DNA is not human.
All cells have DNA, like a blood cell, and they don't live more than a few weeks.
So we need to have thousands of funerals ever month for dead blood cells that have human DNA?
Living tissue with human DNA is not a sentient and conscious human being.
This probably would never happen, but

if Planned Parenthood kept all of the help/programs they currently have but NEVER performed another abortion, would you support PP?
If never conscious and sentient, then it is not a human being.
Just like with Terri Schiavo, where her brain died and turned to mush, so was no longer a human being.
DNA is not human.
All cells have DNA, like a blood cell, and they don't live more than a few weeks.
So we need to have thousands of funerals ever month for death blood cells that have human DNA?
Living tissue with human DNA is not a sentient and conscious human being.
Do you know what the word "conception" means. Once anything is conceived it exists, whether it is an idea or a human being.
You should go for a nice waddle from time to time.
That's your schtick, isn't it Chubs?
I do not really think the libs want to kill black babies through abortion and if they did that would not make them good in my mind. Not sure where you got that idea from. not from anything I have posted

You've never heard of Hillary Clinton's hero, Margaret Sanger?

The pro-life Republican legislature has advanced several bills already this January to protect children, born and unborn, including one to defund the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood of tax dollars and another to create nurseries in women’s prisons to help mothers choose life for their babies.

Both bills passed committee votes in the state House this week.

State House Bill 1854, sponsored by state Rep. Nick Schroer, R-O’Fallon, would strip tax dollars from the largest abortion chain in the nation. Planned Parenthood reports billion-dollar revenues while aborting more than 350,000 unborn babies a year.

On Thursday, the House Committee on Government Oversight approved the bill in a party-line vote, Newstalk KZRG reports. It now moves to a second committee for consideration.

The legislation would disqualify abortion groups and their affiliates from receiving state Medicaid funds through the state Department of Health and Senior Services. The bill also would disqualify entities from the taxpayer-funded program if there is a “conviction of crimes related to fraud and patient care” or if they show “patterns of discrimination,” according to the bill summary.

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How is PP funded by Missouri? Link it for us.

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