I think we all know the Obama WH, which has always taken a negative view of robust American leadership in the world, has decided to allow Afghanistan to end in debacle, and is now only working on how to escape responsibility for it.

When things looked grim in Iraq, the Bush WH was hard at work looking for a strategy to win with, and now, as conditions deteriorate in Afghanistan, the Obama WH is hard at work looking for a slogan to lose with.
Obama is showing himself to be a true leader.

He is listening to both sides and not rushing to make a hasty decision on Afghanistan.

All Americans should be grateful we have been blessed with such a wise Commander-in-Cheif

He is setingthe stage for much worse shit to rain down on us.

Grateful? Bull shit.

He should be impeached.

He is every bit the disgrace I knew he would be.

He is an utter embarassment and I have never been so ashamed of a President.

I prefer dictator with a yellow streak down his back.

I think we all know the Obama WH, which has always taken a negative view of robust American leadership in the world, has decided to allow Afghanistan to end in debacle, and is now only working on how to escape responsibility for it.

When things looked grim in Iraq, the Bush WH was hard at work looking for a strategy to win with, and now, as conditions deteriorate in Afghanistan, the Obama WH is hard at work looking for a slogan to lose with.
IMO, there's no other way for it to end.
What diminished intellect you demonstrate, Soggy. One goes into a war know exactly what the goals are

Really? And a keen intellect enters a war with the goal of "how do I get out of this war"?

The goals are pretty clear... keep the insurgents on their heels... Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. all told us it was going to be a long, possibly generational battle without clear victories. The objective is clear.. or WAS clear.. keep killing them thus decimating their will to fight. At worst, leeping them occupied in Afghanistan and at bay.

Now all we seem to be worried about is "exit strategies" If this is Obama's preoccupation (ratherthan what candidiate Obama's strategy was) then he needs to strap on a set and call in the dogs. It ain't worth one more troop death.
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Wasn't it Obama who said that Iraq doesn't matter, that's it's Afghanistan that truely matters?

The commander told him that conditions have deteriorated, so he is now putting our soldiers' lives in jeopardy.

Exit strategy? Hello? This is a war, you can't guarantee how things will unfold on any given day. We are already in the war, we are not deciding whether to enter the war or not. Our troops are now committed.

Obama's exit strategy is clear? Surrender. Then the Taliban will take over again, and Al Qaida will have their bases back operating with the consent of the government.

What a douche bag.

I guess he will get another peace prize now, huh?

He is an embarassment.

May G-D help America. We need it with him as president.
we've been in afghanistan since 2001. wouldn't someone who was "aiding the insurgent motherfuckers in iraq" then be opposing saddam hussein?

we went there 8 years ago to avenge ourselves against bin laden.

if it hasn't been done by now, it ain't gonna get done.

it would have helped, of course, if it had been a priority for the previous administration, rather than an excuse to go off on a nation building adventure in iraq.

No. Hussein was just one enemy. When he got his ass kicked by the U.S., the follow-up in Iraq was directed primarily against the scumsuckers who were aiding the inurgency.

Your quips are cute talking points, but they miss the real point of the concern. We are going to get a re-solidified international reputation as the roaring lion which quits early, turns tail and runs when things get hard and messy.

It does not bode well for us.

we should have thought of that before we went then, eh?
there was no upside nor reason to go into iraq. zero.

That's your opinion based on the left wing goggles you wear.

If you look at the big picture you would see that Bush actually made a brilliant decision by invading Iraq. Everyone hated Saddam, he shot at American planes daily patrolling the No Fly Zones, EVERY single intelligence agency on the planet said Saddam had WMD and Saddam violated an untold number of UN sanctions. What more could any wannabe terrorist have placed in their lap than 150,000 American troops just a short distance from their respective country's.......and they flocked to Iraq in droves...and were slaughtered like the pigs they are. The terrain was flat, easily accessed by superior air power, fairly decent weather year around, easily resupplied by sea routes. Afghanistan on the other hand is NOT easily resupplied, troops must fight at extremely high altitudes and in bitter cold temperatures which requires specialized training and air power cannot be used in many cases year around.

No offense but..... That's why you are here and others plan war strategies.

The Democrat Senate went right along with the war in Iraq back in 2002...and continually funded it throughout it's entire tenure.
we've been in afghanistan since 2001. wouldn't someone who was "aiding the insurgent motherfuckers in iraq" then be opposing saddam hussein?

we went there 8 years ago to avenge ourselves against bin laden.

if it hasn't been done by now, it ain't gonna get done.

it would have helped, of course, if it had been a priority for the previous administration, rather than an excuse to go off on a nation building adventure in iraq.

No. Hussein was just one enemy. When he got his ass kicked by the U.S., the follow-up in Iraq was directed primarily against the scumsuckers who were aiding the inurgency.

Your quips are cute talking points, but they miss the real point of the concern. We are going to get a re-solidified international reputation as the roaring lion which quits early, turns tail and runs when things get hard and messy.

It does not bode well for us.

we should have thought of that before we went then, eh?
there was no upside nor reason to go into iraq. zero.

Nonsense. There was HUGE (albeit largely just potential) value to entering into Iraq, FIRST. For the value to be realized, however, it would have been necessary to take the much much larger war against international terrorists to them in a more coherent way. The problem was that President Bush failed to include in his calculations the ultimate perfidy of the liberal Democratics and their endless willingness to place cheap-ass politics over and above national interest.

And sure. President Bush did make other blunders, too. But the other blunders were minor compared to his trust in the willingness of liberal Democratics to place a higher value in our nation's interest than in cheesey temporary politics and his failure to properly articulate the broader designs of how we were going to fight the long hard war against international terrorists.

When Presidntn Reagan pulled out after the attacks on the Marine barracks during his Administration, the enemy quickly derived the "lesson" about the US military.

Why anyone would believe that we are not just reinforcing this view THEY have of us, now, is a mystery.

We proceed, now, according to the Obama Administration "plan" at our urgent peril.
Sending more troops isn't strategy, he is asking for strategic options. Makes sense.

Of course it is a very smart move. If he has to send more troops in the end, fine but they'd better have an exit strategy.
Obama got a military strategy for a military situation from McChrystal, a military man, on Labor Day. Read it - the strategy is there.

Let me remind you again, that the US Ambassador --Karl Eikenberry-- is a Retired General who was the Commander in Afghanistan for several years. He has advised the Prez not to send in more troops.


I presume the reason that he is a US ambassador now is because he is a politician who is telling the great nobel peace prize winner what he wants to hear.
If Obama could figure out how to free America from supporting Israel and the Zionists

He will go down in history as our greatest President.
Del isn't left wing.

I hate to agree with Ravi on almost anything, but in this case, she is (imho) at least partly correct.

Del is not so easily pigeon-holed as either "left wing" or "right wing." At least not pigeon-holed with any particular accuracy.
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I think it's time to bring the troops home from Afganistan. Without a strategy of a victory, or an end game, this will end up like Viet Nam, with a lot of our military becoming statistics. I don't want to see that again.....ever.

I agree. If they can't come up with cogent plan to get the entire job done then the best thing to do is get the hell out.

Hard to know what to think. If you think about it, doing it right all the way probably would require some major nation building. The middle east simply is not ready for democracy. Elections of any type in that part of the world are a joke considering the level of corruption and fraud. It would be great if the middle east was transformed into a bunch of democratic nations. But it just isn't something that is worth the lives of this many troops.

The problem I have with Obama on this is not that he won't send a whole bunch of troops. It's that he wont do anything at all. We had the worst month on record in Afghanistan for troop deaths due in no small part from a military standpoint that we don't have enough troops on the ground there to stay safe. Thus the options are either put a lot more in or get them all out and rethink how we combat terrorists. I vote for the later.
What diminished intellect you demonstrate, Soggy. One goes into a war know exactly what the goals are, how to accomplish them, dedicate the signficant resources necessary, and have an exit strategy. The last administration failed miserably on how to successfully manage the initial military victories.

And you want to blame this administration for the failures of the previous administration?

No wonder you have no relevance when you post.

Please.....this isn't "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" .....

When one goes to war one does have a set of goals, it's called winning....but one must adapt, change and plan new strategies along the way as the big picture changes. Right now the "how" from Obama's grandiose strategy speech in March of 2009 was a dismal failure. Right now our troops have no clear cut strategy, no leadership from the White House and no support outside their military chain of command. An exit strategy, at this point, appears to be a general retreat into the cities and then to leave once the American public is bamboozled into thinking the Taliban has been eradicated. This will result in us having to go back there again.

What exactly was the failure of the last Administration in Afghanistan? Explain in detail.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

any more blindingly stupid questions you'd like to pose?

Nice try...

President Bush Says Usama Bin Laden May Not Be Captured During His Time in Office - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -

Capturing Usama bin Laden has been one of President Bush's top priorities during his time in office, but the president now seems to doubt the Al Qaeda mastermind will be found before his term ends next January.

Speaking about his goals for his last year in the White House, Bush tells FOX News in an exclusive interview to air this weekend that if U.S. military and intelligence knew where bin Laden was, they would have apprehended him already.

"If we could find the cave he is in, I promise you — he would be brought to justice or wherever he's hiding," he tells FOX News in "George W. Bush: Fighting to the Finish," a documentary scheduled to air Sunday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. ET.

The president adds: "I will have left behind a mechanism — and a structure for the next president to better protect America."

During interviews conducted on Air Force One, in the Oval Office and at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, the nation's commander-in-chief opens up about his first seven years in office and the final one to come, which he hopes to finish strong.

Bush insists that finding bin Laden, who is believed to be hiding in the Pakistan-Afghan border region, remains a priority.

"For the country, it's a matter of closure in many ways for those who suffered under the attacks," Bush said. "He's hiding. He's isolated. He's not out there leading any parades."

Bush says he is briefed at least once a week on bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders.

His former Homeland Security Adviser, Fran Townsend, who left the White House in November, told FOX News:

"The president has made perfectly clear that he wants bin Laden brought to justice before he leaves office. That's the objective: To ... bring bin Laden to justice before the end of the administration. And we have organized ourselves to try and achieve that objective."
Bush says in the interview he's confident bin Laden ultimately will be found.

"He'll be gotten by a president," Bush says.

And to critics who say he hasn't done enough to find bin Laden, Bush is blunt:

"They don't know what they're talking about," he says.
If you look at the big picture you would see that Bush actually made a brilliant decision by invading Iraq.

Surely you post is sarcasm or a joke??? :eek:

I think Pres. Bush was spot on. He did somethign never done before. He took the fight to the terrorists, rather than the terrorists continuously attacking the US and then go and hide in their safe haven countries.
No. Hussein was just one enemy. When he got his ass kicked by the U.S., the follow-up in Iraq was directed primarily against the scumsuckers who were aiding the inurgency.

Your quips are cute talking points, but they miss the real point of the concern. We are going to get a re-solidified international reputation as the roaring lion which quits early, turns tail and runs when things get hard and messy.

It does not bode well for us.

we should have thought of that before we went then, eh?
there was no upside nor reason to go into iraq. zero.

That's your opinion based on the left wing goggles you wear.

If you look at the big picture you would see that Bush actually made a brilliant decision by invading Iraq. Everyone hated Saddam, he shot at American planes daily patrolling the No Fly Zones, EVERY single intelligence agency on the planet said Saddam had WMD and Saddam violated an untold number of UN sanctions. What more could any wannabe terrorist have placed in their lap than 150,000 American troops just a short distance from their respective country's.......and they flocked to Iraq in droves...and were slaughtered like the pigs they are. The terrain was flat, easily accessed by superior air power, fairly decent weather year around, easily resupplied by sea routes. Afghanistan on the other hand is NOT easily resupplied, troops must fight at extremely high altitudes and in bitter cold temperatures which requires specialized training and air power cannot be used in many cases year around.

No offense but..... That's why you are here and others plan war strategies.

The Democrat Senate went right along with the war in Iraq back in 2002...and continually funded it throughout it's entire tenure.


yeah, that must be it.


del, staunch defender of the left.

let me type this slowly, so you'll understand. saddam hussein was a clear and present danger to no one but his own citizens. while i regret that, they aren't worth one american life, period.
If you look at the big picture you would see that Bush actually made a brilliant decision by invading Iraq.

Surely you post is sarcasm or a joke??? :eek:

I think Pres. Bush was spot on. He did somethign never done before. He took the fight to the terrorists, rather than the terrorists continuously attacking the US and then go and hide in their safe haven countries.
Bush attacking Iraq after 9/11 was idiotic

As someone once said: It was like attacking Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor
we should have thought of that before we went then, eh?
there was no upside nor reason to go into iraq. zero.

That's your opinion based on the left wing goggles you wear.

If you look at the big picture you would see that Bush actually made a brilliant decision by invading Iraq. Everyone hated Saddam, he shot at American planes daily patrolling the No Fly Zones, EVERY single intelligence agency on the planet said Saddam had WMD and Saddam violated an untold number of UN sanctions. What more could any wannabe terrorist have placed in their lap than 150,000 American troops just a short distance from their respective country's.......and they flocked to Iraq in droves...and were slaughtered like the pigs they are. The terrain was flat, easily accessed by superior air power, fairly decent weather year around, easily resupplied by sea routes. Afghanistan on the other hand is NOT easily resupplied, troops must fight at extremely high altitudes and in bitter cold temperatures which requires specialized training and air power cannot be used in many cases year around.

No offense but..... That's why you are here and others plan war strategies.

The Democrat Senate went right along with the war in Iraq back in 2002...and continually funded it throughout it's entire tenure.


yeah, that must be it.


del, staunch defender of the left.

let me type this slowly, so you'll understand. saddam hussein was a clear and present danger to no one but his own citizens. while i regret that, they aren't worth one american life, period.

and you certainly entitled to that belief....but there are other reasons for what our government they right or wrong...history will judge.
Surely you post is sarcasm or a joke??? :eek:

I think Pres. Bush was spot on. He did somethign never done before. He took the fight to the terrorists, rather than the terrorists continuously attacking the US and then go and hide in their safe haven countries.
Bush attacking Iraq after 9/11 was idiotic

As someone once said: It was like attacking Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor

Yeah...then how come so many Al Qaida leaders were killed/captured in Iraq? Vacations?
That's your opinion based on the left wing goggles you wear.

If you look at the big picture you would see that Bush actually made a brilliant decision by invading Iraq. Everyone hated Saddam, he shot at American planes daily patrolling the No Fly Zones, EVERY single intelligence agency on the planet said Saddam had WMD and Saddam violated an untold number of UN sanctions. What more could any wannabe terrorist have placed in their lap than 150,000 American troops just a short distance from their respective country's.......and they flocked to Iraq in droves...and were slaughtered like the pigs they are. The terrain was flat, easily accessed by superior air power, fairly decent weather year around, easily resupplied by sea routes. Afghanistan on the other hand is NOT easily resupplied, troops must fight at extremely high altitudes and in bitter cold temperatures which requires specialized training and air power cannot be used in many cases year around.

No offense but..... That's why you are here and others plan war strategies.

The Democrat Senate went right along with the war in Iraq back in 2002...and continually funded it throughout it's entire tenure.


yeah, that must be it.


del, staunch defender of the left.

let me type this slowly, so you'll understand. saddam hussein was a clear and present danger to no one but his own citizens. while i regret that, they aren't worth one american life, period.

and you certainly entitled to that belief....but there are other reasons for what our government they right or wrong...history will judge.

and those reasons would be?

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