Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

Whats with the retarded questions? What does the fact I could have been born in a number of different countries and been happy have to do with Black leaders in Sweden? Have you lost your effin mind?

I'm sorry you can't follow your own train of thought.

Sucks to be you.

You made the point that the US was extremely racist.

I reminded you that we are, in fact, one of the least racist countries in the world.

PS..don't do drugs.

You must be off your meds and your rocker. What does that have to do with Black leaders in Sweden?


Thats what I thought when I say your distracted out of left field post. OMG! is this person high or punking me?

Sorry, I said you were under the influence first. Stop copying, and stop saying stupid things, then trying to pretend you meant something different than the stupidity you actually aired. So share..what is your drug of choice? Or is it alcohol?

You have him dead to rights.
Whats with the retarded questions? What does the fact I could have been born in a number of different countries and been happy have to do with Black leaders in Sweden? Have you lost your effin mind?

I'm sorry you can't follow your own train of thought.

Sucks to be you.

You made the point that the US was extremely racist.

I reminded you that we are, in fact, one of the least racist countries in the world.

PS..don't do drugs.

You must be off your meds and your rocker. What does that have to do with Black leaders in Sweden?


Thats what I thought when I say your distracted out of left field post. OMG! is this person high or punking me?

Sorry, I said you were under the influence first. Stop copying, and stop saying stupid things, then trying to pretend you meant something different than the stupidity you actually aired. So share..what is your drug of choice? Or is it alcohol?
Go take a nap and try again.
I'm sorry you can't follow your own train of thought.

Sucks to be you.

You made the point that the US was extremely racist.

I reminded you that we are, in fact, one of the least racist countries in the world.

PS..don't do drugs.

You must be off your meds and your rocker. What does that have to do with Black leaders in Sweden?


Thats what I thought when I say your distracted out of left field post. OMG! is this person high or punking me?

Sorry, I said you were under the influence first. Stop copying, and stop saying stupid things, then trying to pretend you meant something different than the stupidity you actually aired. So share..what is your drug of choice? Or is it alcohol?

I suspect he is a Glue Sniffer.

I'm sorry you can't follow your own train of thought.

Sucks to be you.

You made the point that the US was extremely racist.

I reminded you that we are, in fact, one of the least racist countries in the world.

PS..don't do drugs.

You must be off your meds and your rocker. What does that have to do with Black leaders in Sweden?


Thats what I thought when I say your distracted out of left field post. OMG! is this person high or punking me?

Sorry, I said you were under the influence first. Stop copying, and stop saying stupid things, then trying to pretend you meant something different than the stupidity you actually aired. So share..what is your drug of choice? Or is it alcohol?
Go take a nap and try again.

That's a druggie thing. Those of us who live life and work and sechlike don't take naps when we're overcome by the immediacy of life. I take a nap when I go to bed for the night.
Youre not very knowledgeable which is apparent from your answer.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?
Sure. Whatcha got?

For starters:

37 Muslim nations persecuting Christians

yeah the crusades, war for gold, power in the name of Christianity but not always so simple, Muslims conquered North Africa by and it was not so peaceful.Muslims tried to overtake Europe as well. But the thing is, Christians throughout history stood up and tried to reform what was wrong. there are historical figures throughout history who have done this. In Islam, If you make very strong condemnations, criticisims you run the risk of a fatwa against you whether you be muslim or non muslim.

Isis publicly executes leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq - Middle East - World - The Independent

Papal Bull by the Roman Catholic Church to go forth and enslave everyone and take their lands.
You must be off your meds and your rocker. What does that have to do with Black leaders in Sweden?


Thats what I thought when I say your distracted out of left field post. OMG! is this person high or punking me?

Sorry, I said you were under the influence first. Stop copying, and stop saying stupid things, then trying to pretend you meant something different than the stupidity you actually aired. So share..what is your drug of choice? Or is it alcohol?
Go take a nap and try again.

That's a druggie thing. Those of us who live life and work and sechlike don't take naps when we're overcome by the immediacy of life. I take a nap when I go to bed for the night.
You dont work or live life. You are a druggie. Thats why I told you to go take a nap and try again. You still havent explained what Black leaders in Sweden have to do with rascim here in the states and why that's even relevant to me saying I live in a rascist country.

The claim was Christians are killing people in the name of God today. Go back and read it.

sorry bud. This was your challenge.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?

You want to be honest and define my quote in the context of the conversation? I mean I don't expect you to, it's not your MO.
Why would I define your quote for you? Its not hard to see you said specifcally you wanted to compare violence. Did you mean something else? If so you need to clarify your position. Be advised you dont get to dictate what examples I draw from.

Another poster claimed Christians are killing people in the name of Christianity today. I challenged that, you said I was ignorant, then I challenged you to compare the violence both religions are engaged in. People can easily read what was said, you know.
You were the one that was dishonest. You were so desperate you even claimed I beat my wife. i didnt do a victory lap because making you look stupid is not worthy of celebrating. Its as easy as standing up.

Good grief. You do know you just outed yourself a total idiot, right?

Good grief. You know you just outed yourself as an idiot in addition to being a liar right? Only an idiot would not realize that your claim is there for everyone to see.

Do you still beat your wife.
:lmao: :lmao:

The claim was Christians are killing people in the name of God today. Go back and read it.

sorry bud. This was your challenge.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?

You want to be honest and define my quote in the context of the conversation? I mean I don't expect you to, it's not your MO.
Why would I define your quote for you? Its not hard to see you said specifcally you wanted to compare violence. Did you mean something else? If so you need to clarify your position. Be advised you dont get to dictate what examples I draw from.

Another poster claimed Christians are killing people in the name of Christianity today. I challenged that, you said I was ignorant, then I challenged you to compare the violence both religions are engaged in. People can easily read what was said, you know.
You are ignorant. You just said you challenged me to compare the violence in both religions however you tried to slip in the "are engaged in" part that was not there before. You must be retarded if you think I didnt see that.
I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.
I suggest vigilantism and an attack against Muslims to send them a message that the common US citizens will not tolerate their actions and their religious dogma...and to stifle 5th column activities by Muslims....
The claim was Christians are killing people in the name of God today. Go back and read it.

sorry bud. This was your challenge.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?

You want to be honest and define my quote in the context of the conversation? I mean I don't expect you to, it's not your MO.
Why would I define your quote for you? Its not hard to see you said specifcally you wanted to compare violence. Did you mean something else? If so you need to clarify your position. Be advised you dont get to dictate what examples I draw from.

Another poster claimed Christians are killing people in the name of Christianity today. I challenged that, you said I was ignorant, then I challenged you to compare the violence both religions are engaged in. People can easily read what was said, you know.
You are ignorant. You just said you challenged me to compare the violence in both religions however you tried to slip in the "are engaged in" part that was not there before. You must be retarded if you think I didnt see that.
I gave the proper context of the conversation.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

you just want to sweep it under the rug for what reason? ok fine so theres only probably a couple million who would behead somebody , and thers a lot more who would stand around and do nothing about it
As there are just as many Christians who would love to blow away innocent Muslims and who would stand around and do nothing about it. Duh.

That is not true and you know it. Please provide your source and link to prove it or retract the statement.
lol what? you expect the liar to be honest? lmao

I expect people who make such claims to provide evidence to back them up or admit they spoke rashly in the heat of the moment. People say foolish things sometimes, Max, in order to vent their anger or support a losing argument. I understand that.

It is still necessary however to admit that what was said in the heat of the moment was not the truth. If you cannot prove something you've stated is true - it should be retracted. I believe that is the right thing to do. The adult thing to do. I'll leave it at that.

You mean like you have posted proof in the HORRIBLE Sandy Hook hoax threads.
sorry bud. This was your challenge.

You want to be honest and define my quote in the context of the conversation? I mean I don't expect you to, it's not your MO.
Why would I define your quote for you? Its not hard to see you said specifcally you wanted to compare violence. Did you mean something else? If so you need to clarify your position. Be advised you dont get to dictate what examples I draw from.

Another poster claimed Christians are killing people in the name of Christianity today. I challenged that, you said I was ignorant, then I challenged you to compare the violence both religions are engaged in. People can easily read what was said, you know.
You are ignorant. You just said you challenged me to compare the violence in both religions however you tried to slip in the "are engaged in" part that was not there before. You must be retarded if you think I didnt see that.
I gave the proper context of the conversation.
No you tried to change the parameters of your challenge. Sorry bud.
You want to be honest and define my quote in the context of the conversation? I mean I don't expect you to, it's not your MO.
Why would I define your quote for you? Its not hard to see you said specifcally you wanted to compare violence. Did you mean something else? If so you need to clarify your position. Be advised you dont get to dictate what examples I draw from.

Another poster claimed Christians are killing people in the name of Christianity today. I challenged that, you said I was ignorant, then I challenged you to compare the violence both religions are engaged in. People can easily read what was said, you know.
You are ignorant. You just said you challenged me to compare the violence in both religions however you tried to slip in the "are engaged in" part that was not there before. You must be retarded if you think I didnt see that.
I gave the proper context of the conversation.
No you tried to change the parameters of your challenge. Sorry bud.

Let the readers be the judge of that.
You were the one that was dishonest. You were so desperate you even claimed I beat my wife. i didnt do a victory lap because making you look stupid is not worthy of celebrating. Its as easy as standing up.

Good grief. You do know you just outed yourself a total idiot, right?

Good grief. You know you just outed yourself as an idiot in addition to being a liar right? Only an idiot would not realize that your claim is there for everyone to see.

Do you still beat your wife.
:lmao: :lmao:
I must have poked your heart for you to resort to lying. I apologize. :lol:
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Why would I define your quote for you? Its not hard to see you said specifcally you wanted to compare violence. Did you mean something else? If so you need to clarify your position. Be advised you dont get to dictate what examples I draw from.

Another poster claimed Christians are killing people in the name of Christianity today. I challenged that, you said I was ignorant, then I challenged you to compare the violence both religions are engaged in. People can easily read what was said, you know.
You are ignorant. You just said you challenged me to compare the violence in both religions however you tried to slip in the "are engaged in" part that was not there before. You must be retarded if you think I didnt see that.
I gave the proper context of the conversation.
No you tried to change the parameters of your challenge. Sorry bud.

Let the readers be the judge of that.

I dont let anyone judge anything for me. You may think its ok for people to tell you what to think but I was always taught to make my own decisions.
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The man had just been fired earlier that day. He came back shortly after with the same kind of knife they use in the plant. This wasn't a jihadist. He was a disgruntled employee.
Yet he BEHEADED the coworker, and I'll be darn he turns out to be a Muslim who was pissed off that other coworkers wouldn't convert.

Can you connect the dots ?
No dots to connect unless you are stupid. He got fired dimwit. Its a workplace violence issue. He happened to be Muslim. The next Christian that does this I'm sure you will crying for all Christians to be deported right?

You don't believe what you just wrote. You may be somewhat delusional on the black crime problem, but you are not this obtuse.

He's a Muslim and he just happens to behead someone. Nah, nothing to do with his lessons.

The utter stupidity, or derangement due to fear of NOT being politically correct by liberals who refuse or are unable to acknowledge a problem with Islamic fundamentalism is breathtaking.

That only works if I didnt know plenty of Muslims that wouldnt harm a fly. Must be awkard walking around with someone leading you with their fingers in you nose.

I posted a video where Brigitte Gabriel explained that there are moderate Muslims who aren't active or violent Jihadists and are very peaceful.

She says they are IRRELEVANT.

Just as the good Germans who had nothing to do with the Nazi regime who were irrelevant to the Holocaust. They didn't help Hitler, they didn't try to stop Hitler. They were just there.

Same as for the irrelevant Russian people during Stalin's rise and reign. And Mao's moderate Chinese who did nothing.

Only 10% - 15% of all Americans served in uniform during WWII.

Of the 300,000,000 estimated fundamentalist Muslims who support the quest to make Allah's order come true there are more than enough warm bodies to do the shooting and bombing and beheading without them relying on your associates to cut off heads.

That's not to say your friends might not want to become active, too!

Think of it this way.

You know there are hundreds of thousands of American troops in the deserts and mountains of the mid and far East. Millions of Americans have served in the wars there over the years.

How many have you ever seen?

How many have you ever known?

How many have you ever seen IN THEIR UNIFORMS?

Millions of American servicemembers and you haven't seen ONE.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

All the Jihadists fighting to conquer the world and dominate America and you haven't met a one.

Hmmm... could it be they do not exist merely because you haven't seen them?

Or is it actually, that these things take place without your knowledge?

Brother, I'm trying to pull your coat but you make it difficult.

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