Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?
Sure. Whatcha got?

For starters:

37 Muslim nations persecuting Christians
If Christianity and Judaism predated Islam how did the Muslims attain rulership of the Holy Lands unless THEY conquered it by force?

Islam is not the best side to be on.

You had better consider a reconciliation with Uncle Sugar because Islam is not gonna impress anyone seeing your resume.

Unless you want to work in a Halal butcher shop or something.
The same way violent Christians obtained rulership of the current world. That doesnt make all Christians violent nor does it make all Muslims violent. Your issue is with violent people not with the religion.
Retard thinks christians rule the world. What a dufus.
If Christianity and Judaism predated Islam how did the Muslims attain rulership of the Holy Lands unless THEY conquered it by force?

Islam is not the best side to be on.

You had better consider a reconciliation with Uncle Sugar because Islam is not gonna impress anyone seeing your resume.

Unless you want to work in a Halal butcher shop or something.
The same way violent Christians obtained rulership of the current world. That doesnt make all Christians violent nor does it make all Muslims violent. Your issue is with violent people not with the religion.
Retard thinks christians rule the world. What a dufus.

I thought that was the joos.
If Christianity and Judaism predated Islam how did the Muslims attain rulership of the Holy Lands unless THEY conquered it by force?

Islam is not the best side to be on.

You had better consider a reconciliation with Uncle Sugar because Islam is not gonna impress anyone seeing your resume.

Unless you want to work in a Halal butcher shop or something.
The same way violent Christians obtained rulership of the current world. That doesnt make all Christians violent nor does it make all Muslims violent. Your issue is with violent people not with the religion.
Retard thinks christians rule the world. What a dufus.
Retard thinks christians dont rule the world. What a moron.
It's time for Americans to take their country back.

Presidents called Hussein don't belong in the White house!

Rest in Peace Colleen Hufford.

It was a mistake in many ways, unfortunately roughly half of America would still vote for the pos.
That's where we're at today, and it's the same reason this story will not become anything more than just another workplace viloence story.

yeah the crusades, war for gold, power in the name of Christianity but not always so simple, Muslims conquered North Africa by and it was not so peaceful.Muslims tried to overtake Europe as well. But the thing is, Christians throughout history stood up and tried to reform what was wrong. there are historical figures throughout history who have done this. In Islam, If you make very strong condemnations, criticisims you run the risk of a fatwa against you whether you be muslim or non muslim.

Isis publicly executes leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq - Middle East - World - The Independent

Papal Bull by the Roman Catholic Church to go forth and enslave everyone and take their lands.

I told you that shit has nothing to do with keeping America free of typical Muslim extra baggage.

What do we do to keep America free of typical Christian extra baggage?

We were already dominant culture.

Muslims are the guests trying to rule the roost by means of stealth and threat of terrorism..

Islam is supposed to be trying to win us over and convince us they are no problem to us.

But your buddy in Oklahoma couldn't contain his Jihadist zeal.

Well, he fucked it up for you.

We KNOW their game.

But you are going to just continue on even though you know the future is cloudy for your choice of paths to follow.

I wonder what the American Jihadi's last thoughts were.

I'll bet it wasn't a Salaam Aleikum.

Probably more like. "Momma, what have I done??

Then nothingness.

Yeah, you were hoodwinked.

No virgins.

No paradise.
It's time for Americans to take their country back.

Presidents called Hussein don't belong in the White house!

Rest in Peace Colleen Hufford.
Too bad. There is a POTUS with that name there now. You dont have permission to take anything back until his term is up. I said so.
Fair enough.

Then again, there won't be another one with such a name, anytime soon, after January 20, 2017.

It'll be at least another century, if not more.
What do you propose we do?

Beat up some Muslims?

That's you're first reaction towards hearing this??

My first reaction, how special the US has our own special beheading now. Personally if true, which I doubt, it was done a lone sicko.

What do you mean if true? You think this didn't happen?

I seriously question it yes. He may of stabbed them ,and they added the beheading part, just a nutcase going berserk. Also we have had it crammed down our throats that ISIS is probably in the US, I question the beheading part was really done, I will not concern myself with it.
Obama and Holder don't give a shit.

I'm guessing the victims were white liberals don't give a shit.

Now, if a skinhead cut the head off a black person....well hell there would be riots, marches, political shakedowns and Holder would charge him with hate crimes.
You were the one that was dishonest. You were so desperate you even claimed I beat my wife. i didnt do a victory lap because making you look stupid is not worthy of celebrating. Its as easy as standing up.

Good grief. You do know you just outed yourself a total idiot, right?

Good grief. You know you just outed yourself as an idiot in addition to being a liar right? Only an idiot would not realize that your claim is there for everyone to see.

Do you still beat your wife.
:lmao: :lmao:
I must have poked your heart for you to resort to lying. I apologize. :lol:
No, and I apologize

It's been brought to my attention (again) that your debating skills are so lacking you have no idea what a generally understood common fallacy that silly loaded question represents. That I used it in response to your loaded question to me, unaware how dumb you are was my bad.

Do I think you beat your wife? No. Do I think you're stupid? Yes.

yeah the crusades, war for gold, power in the name of Christianity but not always so simple, Muslims conquered North Africa by and it was not so peaceful.Muslims tried to overtake Europe as well. But the thing is, Christians throughout history stood up and tried to reform what was wrong. there are historical figures throughout history who have done this. In Islam, If you make very strong condemnations, criticisims you run the risk of a fatwa against you whether you be muslim or non muslim.

Isis publicly executes leading lawyer and human rights activist in Iraq - Middle East - World - The Independent

Papal Bull by the Roman Catholic Church to go forth and enslave everyone and take their lands.

I told you that shit has nothing to do with keeping America free of typical Muslim extra baggage.

What do we do to keep America free of typical Christian extra baggage?

We were already dominant culture.

Muslims are the guests trying to rule the roost by means of stealth and threat of terrorism..

Islam is supposed to be trying to win us over and convince us they are no problem to us.

But your buddy in Oklahoma couldn't contain his Jihadist zeal.

Well, he fucked it up for you.

We KNOW their game.

But you are going to just continue on even though you know the future is cloudy for your choice of paths to follow.

I wonder what the American Jihadi's last thoughts were.

I'll bet it wasn't a Salaam Aleikum.

Probably more like. "Momma, what have I done??

Then nothingness.

Yeah, you were hoodwinked.

No virgins.

No paradise.
We? I'm not a christian and no where in the constitution does it say I am required to be one. Matter of fact this country was founded because of religious prosecution in England. You would think people would know these facts. The guy in Oklahoma didnt mess anything up for me. I don't know him nor does what he did effect anything in my life. Your future may be fraught with peril but I dont live like that. Your going to have an aneurysm before you get to official retirement age if you are worried about Muslims taking over the country.
Obama and Holder don't give a shit.

I'm guessing the victims were white liberals don't give a shit.

Now, if a skinhead cut the head off a black person....well hell there would be riots, marches, political shakedowns and Holder would charge him with hate crimes.
Thats because we would know it was a hate crime since he was skin head dummy.
The muslim was practicing his religion. If he is prevented from exercising his first amendment rights to kill in the name of allah, America is just a Christian theocracy.

I wonder when the Dems are going to start yelling "War On Women" over this beheading.

Shitbag....uh a black muslim cutting off heads is a hate crime.

If muslims target non-muslims...that is a fucking hate crime.

Too bad he didn't get his hands on you.

Obama and Holder don't give a shit.

I'm guessing the victims were white liberals don't give a shit.

Now, if a skinhead cut the head off a black person....well hell there would be riots, marches, political shakedowns and Holder would charge him with hate crimes.
Thats because we would know it was a hate crime since he was skin head dummy.
If Christianity and Judaism predated Islam how did the Muslims attain rulership of the Holy Lands unless THEY conquered it by force?

Islam is not the best side to be on.

You had better consider a reconciliation with Uncle Sugar because Islam is not gonna impress anyone seeing your resume.

Unless you want to work in a Halal butcher shop or something.
The same way violent Christians obtained rulership of the current world. That doesnt make all Christians violent nor does it make all Muslims violent. Your issue is with violent people not with the religion.
Retard thinks christians rule the world. What a dufus.

I thought that was the joos.
If Christianity and Judaism predated Islam how did the Muslims attain rulership of the Holy Lands unless THEY conquered it by force?

Islam is not the best side to be on.

You had better consider a reconciliation with Uncle Sugar because Islam is not gonna impress anyone seeing your resume.

Unless you want to work in a Halal butcher shop or something.
The same way violent Christians obtained rulership of the current world. That doesnt make all Christians violent nor does it make all Muslims violent. Your issue is with violent people not with the religion.
Retard thinks christians rule the world. What a dufus.
It's time for Americans to take their country back.

Presidents called Hussein don't belong in the White house!

Rest in Peace Colleen Hufford.
Too bad. There is a POTUS with that name there now. You dont have permission to take anything back until his term is up. I said so.
Fair enough.

Then again, there won't be another one with such a name, anytime soon, after January 20, 2017.

It'll be at least another century, if not more.

I think America will be REALLY weary of any of the more exotic or what some might consider, "novelty" candidates like Hillary with her Muslim Brotherhood personal assistant.

America will want someone qualified. A male with a strong character and traditional values.

Almost Vanilla flavored or of the White bread variety of candidate.

No fast talkers or big grins while they lie to your face types, please!

No Blacks.

No Women. (especially Hildebeast!)

Only plain ol Americans need apply for the job this time, thank you!

And for the remainder of the Republic

No Muslims.
What do you propose we do?

Beat up some Muslims?

That's you're first reaction towards hearing this??

My first reaction, how special the US has our own special beheading now. Personally if true, which I doubt, it was done a lone sicko.

What do you mean if true? You think this didn't happen?

I seriously question it yes. He may of stabbed them ,and they added the beheading part, just a nutcase going berserk. Also we have had it crammed down our throats that ISIS is probably in the US, I question the beheading part was really done, I will not concern myself with it.

Um...suspect is alive. There will be a trial. Crime scene photos will be presented. Kinda hard to fake a beheading.

OH...unless...yes, the COPS did it, and blamed this peaceful, innocent, God loving black Muslim!

YES! I knew "blame the cops" was coming!
It sums it up when a black muslim cuts off someone's head here in the US and liberal scum bend over backwards to defend the piece of shit in addition to downplaying him being a black muslim (like Boko Haram), ISIS calling for these acts worldwide and even downplaying the beheading as if that doesn't matter.
Like I said.....imagine if some neo-Nazi convert took up the call for beheadings of non-whites worldwide and cut off a black woman's head in a parking lot.

All hell would break loose.....

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