Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

Yes. Christians are trying to conquer the world.

There have been Muslims in this country since inception.

I am ambivalent about America. What exactly is it I should love about it?

Well, you could love the fact that you don't get dragged out of your house at night and get hacked to bits.
As opposed to being lynched? I guess that would depend on which one hurt the most.

Don't evade his point. It's an important one.

You sound like an ingrate.

Do you realize just how fucking LUCKY you are to have been born in America???

Man, we all won the Birthplace Lotto!

Of all the shit holes in the world where we COULD have been born and raised and be stuck, we were born HERE! So what made US so worthy of these freedoms we enjoy (or take for granted...AHEM) here?

For THAT alone, every swingin dick in this country should get on his knees and thank God!

I addressed his point. I live in one of the most racist countries in the world. I could have been born a number of places in the world and been happy. Matter of fact I have friends from several different countries that live just fine and have zero desire to come here.

You're a freaking idiot.

How many black leaders are operating right now in Netherlands? Sweden? Germany? How about Britain? Ireland?

PS..we all wish you had been born somewhere else. You are an ingrate punk, and a disgrace not only to your gender, but your color as well, whatever it is.
bigotry at it's finest!
This morning when this story first broke, and the report stated a woman in Oklahoma was beheaded, the first thing that pops into any sane persons head, is that it was a Muslim. And even though, the Muslim population in Oklahoma is probably no more than 1%-2%, it of course turned out to be a Muslim.
And all liberals can do, is come up with the usual but, but, but, Christians...........

Fucking ignorant fools.
My guess is when he talks he'll say he did it for Islam. Then you libs will tell us how peaceful Islam is.
in general it is ..
Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.
you wanna stick with that?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Born Again Fundamentalist ChristianJeffrey Dahmer is the son of a Born Again Fundamentalist (Church of Christ) father. Jeffrey's Born Again Fundamentalist home life led him to feel he could not acknowledge his homosexuality to his Fundamentalist father, and instead he developed an intense hatred of himself and of other gay men.
Well Jeffrey has now come home. He has become a Born Again Fundamentalist, baptized by a minister of the Church of Christ.

The following 3 articles chronicle the story of Jeffrey Dahmer's pilgrimage of faith: from Born Again Fundamentalist home to Born Again Fundamentalist prison cell, from Church of Christ to Church of Christ.

"Anger at his homosexuality led Dahmer to kill, psychiatrist says"
[Milwaukee Sentinel, 7 Feb 92, by David Doege, Sentinel Staff Writer]

Serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer killed his victims out of anger at his homosexuality and kept body parts as trophies, like a hunter, a psychiatrist testified in Dahmer's sanity trial Thursday.

"I don't believe his behavior was sexually motivated," psychiatrist George Palermo said. "I believe Jeffrey Dahmer killed his victims because he hated homosexuality."

Palermo, the first mental health expert in Dahmer's trial to testify that he was sane and criminally responsible when he murdered, also said that Dahmer has lied for years and still lies today.

"He lied to the judge in 1989 (when Dahmer was sentenced for sexual assault)," Palermo said. "He lied to his lawyer.

"He lied to many doctors to get the (sleeping) pills. It is my feeling he has embellished a great deal in the things he has said he did."

Palermo was the first witness to testify after defense attorney Gerald P. Boyle rested his case. Appointed by Circuit Judge Laurence C. Gram, Jr. as an impartial examiner, Palermo put Boyle in the position of attacking a psychiatric opinion for the first time in the trial.

While Boyle could not get Palermo to back down on his opinion that Dahmer was criminally responsible for his killings, Boyle did get the psychiatrist to concede that Dahmer needed treatment to stop his killing spree.

"If he doesn't go for any help at all, he would have killed again, wouldn't he?" asked Boyle, who called the previous mental health experts to testify as defense witnesses.

"I would say so," Palermo acknowledged.

"Palermo's testimony Thursday came as Dahmer's trial on 15 counts of first-degree intentional homicide neared the halfway point. Dist. Atty. E. Michael McCann is to begin presenting the prosecution's case Friday.

Dahmer, 31, has pleaded guilty, but insane, to the homicide charges stemming from the slayings of 15 young men and boys in West Allis and Milwaukee.

A jury is hearing the case to determine whether Dahmer should be imprisoned because he was sane when he killed or if he should be committed to a mental health institution because he was criminally insane and could not conform his conduct to the law.

Jeffrey Dahmer Born Again Fundamentalist Christian

I missed the part where it says he
Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.
you wanna stick with that?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Born Again Fundamentalist ChristianJeffrey Dahmer is the son of a Born Again Fundamentalist (Church of Christ) father. Jeffrey's Born Again Fundamentalist home life led him to feel he could not acknowledge his homosexuality to his Fundamentalist father, and instead he developed an intense hatred of himself and of other gay men.
Well Jeffrey has now come home. He has become a Born Again Fundamentalist, baptized by a minister of the Church of Christ.

The following 3 articles chronicle the story of Jeffrey Dahmer's pilgrimage of faith: from Born Again Fundamentalist home to Born Again Fundamentalist prison cell, from Church of Christ to Church of Christ.

"Anger at his homosexuality led Dahmer to kill, psychiatrist says"
[Milwaukee Sentinel, 7 Feb 92, by David Doege, Sentinel Staff Writer]

Serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer killed his victims out of anger at his homosexuality and kept body parts as trophies, like a hunter, a psychiatrist testified in Dahmer's sanity trial Thursday.

"I don't believe his behavior was sexually motivated," psychiatrist George Palermo said. "I believe Jeffrey Dahmer killed his victims because he hated homosexuality."

Palermo, the first mental health expert in Dahmer's trial to testify that he was sane and criminally responsible when he murdered, also said that Dahmer has lied for years and still lies today.

"He lied to the judge in 1989 (when Dahmer was sentenced for sexual assault)," Palermo said. "He lied to his lawyer.

"He lied to many doctors to get the (sleeping) pills. It is my feeling he has embellished a great deal in the things he has said he did."

Palermo was the first witness to testify after defense attorney Gerald P. Boyle rested his case. Appointed by Circuit Judge Laurence C. Gram, Jr. as an impartial examiner, Palermo put Boyle in the position of attacking a psychiatric opinion for the first time in the trial.

While Boyle could not get Palermo to back down on his opinion that Dahmer was criminally responsible for his killings, Boyle did get the psychiatrist to concede that Dahmer needed treatment to stop his killing spree.

"If he doesn't go for any help at all, he would have killed again, wouldn't he?" asked Boyle, who called the previous mental health experts to testify as defense witnesses.

"I would say so," Palermo acknowledged.

"Palermo's testimony Thursday came as Dahmer's trial on 15 counts of first-degree intentional homicide neared the halfway point. Dist. Atty. E. Michael McCann is to begin presenting the prosecution's case Friday.

Dahmer, 31, has pleaded guilty, but insane, to the homicide charges stemming from the slayings of 15 young men and boys in West Allis and Milwaukee.

A jury is hearing the case to determine whether Dahmer should be imprisoned because he was sane when he killed or if he should be committed to a mental health institution because he was criminally insane and could not conform his conduct to the law.

Jeffrey Dahmer Born Again Fundamentalist Christian

I missed the part where it say Dahmer killed in the name of Christianity. And even if he did (which he didnt) that's only one case. There are millions of people killing in the name of Allah all over world.
just as the christian did in the name of god and if given the chance would do so again.
it's an old old story muslims kill christians ,christians kill muslims...

What do you mean if Christians we're given the chance? If they're as bad as Muslims! Why aren't they killing people now?
who says they're not..

Me for one.
Yes. Christians are trying to conquer the world.

There have been Muslims in this country since inception.

I am ambivalent about America. What exactly is it I should love about it?

Well, you could love the fact that you don't get dragged out of your house at night and get hacked to bits.
As opposed to being lynched? I guess that would depend on which one hurt the most.

Don't evade his point. It's an important one.

You sound like an ingrate.

Do you realize just how fucking LUCKY you are to have been born in America???

Man, we all won the Birthplace Lotto!

Of all the shit holes in the world where we COULD have been born and raised and be stuck, we were born HERE! So what made US so worthy of these freedoms we enjoy (or take for granted...AHEM) here?

For THAT alone, every swingin dick in this country should get on his knees and thank God!

I addressed his point. I live in one of the most racist countries in the world. I could have been born a number of places in the world and been happy. Matter of fact I have friends from several different countries that live just fine and have zero desire to come here.

You're a freaking idiot.

How many black leaders are operating right now in Netherlands? Sweden? Germany? How about Britain? Ireland?

PS..we all wish you had been born somewhere else. You are an ingrate punk, and a disgrace not only to your gender, but your color as well, whatever it is.
Whats with the retarded questions? What does the fact I could have been born in a number of different countries and been happy have to do with Black leaders in Sweden? Have you lost your effin mind?
Is it all Muslims are just the crazy ones that do the beheading? From what you are claiming my neighbor should have hacked my head off.
Nope, not taking the bait

Here I can 1) call you a liar 2) assume you think you're clever or 3) you're just dumb. I'm going with 2 but letting you know you fail.
IOW you cant intelligently answer the question without exposing the weakness in your position. Thanks for admitting that.
Nope. It was a bull shit question born of closed mindedness and conciet. Do you still beat your wife. ;)
No it was a question that made you think about how stupid you sound. Thats why you have to attempt distractions.
Full circle

You are dishonest and take a victory lap because I wont defend myself from the distortion of my posts you claim as my views. Not only me, just about everyone in the thread who see the truth for what it is.

You (progressives) need to lie about our stance to justify the fact you're better. Twisted.
You were the one that was dishonest. You were so desperate you even claimed I beat my wife. i didnt do a victory lap because making you look stupid is not worthy of celebrating. Its as easy as standing up.
This guys religion wasn't the motivating factor either. My guess is that he was pissed he got fired.
That's extremely dishonest. You think the beheading method was a coincidence? Phony.
Do you think the fact he got fired was not the reason?
This is why we have race quotas. Meritocracy would be futile for you.
You must have used up your intelligence quota for the day. You are delusional if you dont think the fact he was fired was more likely the probable cause of him beheading the woman he didnt even know.

Hey genius, don't you stop and think it's a bit strange someone would go to all the uneccessary trouble of hacking someones head off, instead of simply stabbing them ?
Think you might be able to grasp that for a second or two ?
Hey mental midget. Killing people is unnecessary too unless its for your protection. Obviously people do it because they have mental problems. Do you think you may able figure that out without me teaching you?
Sane people realize it happened right after getting fired.

This morning when this story first broke, and the report stated a woman in Oklahoma was beheaded, the first thing that pops into any sane persons head, is that it was a Muslim. And even though, the Muslim population in Oklahoma is probably no more than 1%-2%, it of course turned out to be a Muslim.
And all liberals can do, is come up with the usual but, but, but, Christians...........

Fucking ignorant fools.
Last edited:
You were the one that was dishonest. You were so desperate you even claimed I beat my wife. i didnt do a victory lap because making you look stupid is not worthy of celebrating. Its as easy as standing up.

Good grief. You do know you just outed yourself a total idiot, right?
The man had just been fired earlier that day. He came back shortly after with the same kind of knife they use in the plant. This wasn't a jihadist. He was a disgruntled employee.
Yet he BEHEADED the coworker, and I'll be darn he turns out to be a Muslim who was pissed off that other coworkers wouldn't convert.

Can you connect the dots ?
No dots to connect unless you are stupid. He got fired dimwit. Its a workplace violence issue. He happened to be Muslim. The next Christian that does this I'm sure you will crying for all Christians to be deported right?

Christians aren't trying to conquer the world.

Muslims are infiltrating our country, our government.

Do you love America or not???

My guess is when he talks he'll say he did it for Islam. Then you libs will tell us how peaceful Islam is.
in general it is ..
you wanna stick with that?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Born Again Fundamentalist ChristianJeffrey Dahmer is the son of a Born Again Fundamentalist (Church of Christ) father. Jeffrey's Born Again Fundamentalist home life led him to feel he could not acknowledge his homosexuality to his Fundamentalist father, and instead he developed an intense hatred of himself and of other gay men.
Well Jeffrey has now come home. He has become a Born Again Fundamentalist, baptized by a minister of the Church of Christ.

The following 3 articles chronicle the story of Jeffrey Dahmer's pilgrimage of faith: from Born Again Fundamentalist home to Born Again Fundamentalist prison cell, from Church of Christ to Church of Christ.

"Anger at his homosexuality led Dahmer to kill, psychiatrist says"
[Milwaukee Sentinel, 7 Feb 92, by David Doege, Sentinel Staff Writer]

Serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer killed his victims out of anger at his homosexuality and kept body parts as trophies, like a hunter, a psychiatrist testified in Dahmer's sanity trial Thursday.

"I don't believe his behavior was sexually motivated," psychiatrist George Palermo said. "I believe Jeffrey Dahmer killed his victims because he hated homosexuality."

Palermo, the first mental health expert in Dahmer's trial to testify that he was sane and criminally responsible when he murdered, also said that Dahmer has lied for years and still lies today.

"He lied to the judge in 1989 (when Dahmer was sentenced for sexual assault)," Palermo said. "He lied to his lawyer.

"He lied to many doctors to get the (sleeping) pills. It is my feeling he has embellished a great deal in the things he has said he did."

Palermo was the first witness to testify after defense attorney Gerald P. Boyle rested his case. Appointed by Circuit Judge Laurence C. Gram, Jr. as an impartial examiner, Palermo put Boyle in the position of attacking a psychiatric opinion for the first time in the trial.

While Boyle could not get Palermo to back down on his opinion that Dahmer was criminally responsible for his killings, Boyle did get the psychiatrist to concede that Dahmer needed treatment to stop his killing spree.

"If he doesn't go for any help at all, he would have killed again, wouldn't he?" asked Boyle, who called the previous mental health experts to testify as defense witnesses.

"I would say so," Palermo acknowledged.

"Palermo's testimony Thursday came as Dahmer's trial on 15 counts of first-degree intentional homicide neared the halfway point. Dist. Atty. E. Michael McCann is to begin presenting the prosecution's case Friday.

Dahmer, 31, has pleaded guilty, but insane, to the homicide charges stemming from the slayings of 15 young men and boys in West Allis and Milwaukee.

A jury is hearing the case to determine whether Dahmer should be imprisoned because he was sane when he killed or if he should be committed to a mental health institution because he was criminally insane and could not conform his conduct to the law.

Jeffrey Dahmer Born Again Fundamentalist Christian

I missed the part where it says he
you wanna stick with that?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Born Again Fundamentalist ChristianJeffrey Dahmer is the son of a Born Again Fundamentalist (Church of Christ) father. Jeffrey's Born Again Fundamentalist home life led him to feel he could not acknowledge his homosexuality to his Fundamentalist father, and instead he developed an intense hatred of himself and of other gay men.
Well Jeffrey has now come home. He has become a Born Again Fundamentalist, baptized by a minister of the Church of Christ.

The following 3 articles chronicle the story of Jeffrey Dahmer's pilgrimage of faith: from Born Again Fundamentalist home to Born Again Fundamentalist prison cell, from Church of Christ to Church of Christ.

"Anger at his homosexuality led Dahmer to kill, psychiatrist says"
[Milwaukee Sentinel, 7 Feb 92, by David Doege, Sentinel Staff Writer]

Serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer killed his victims out of anger at his homosexuality and kept body parts as trophies, like a hunter, a psychiatrist testified in Dahmer's sanity trial Thursday.

"I don't believe his behavior was sexually motivated," psychiatrist George Palermo said. "I believe Jeffrey Dahmer killed his victims because he hated homosexuality."

Palermo, the first mental health expert in Dahmer's trial to testify that he was sane and criminally responsible when he murdered, also said that Dahmer has lied for years and still lies today.

"He lied to the judge in 1989 (when Dahmer was sentenced for sexual assault)," Palermo said. "He lied to his lawyer.

"He lied to many doctors to get the (sleeping) pills. It is my feeling he has embellished a great deal in the things he has said he did."

Palermo was the first witness to testify after defense attorney Gerald P. Boyle rested his case. Appointed by Circuit Judge Laurence C. Gram, Jr. as an impartial examiner, Palermo put Boyle in the position of attacking a psychiatric opinion for the first time in the trial.

While Boyle could not get Palermo to back down on his opinion that Dahmer was criminally responsible for his killings, Boyle did get the psychiatrist to concede that Dahmer needed treatment to stop his killing spree.

"If he doesn't go for any help at all, he would have killed again, wouldn't he?" asked Boyle, who called the previous mental health experts to testify as defense witnesses.

"I would say so," Palermo acknowledged.

"Palermo's testimony Thursday came as Dahmer's trial on 15 counts of first-degree intentional homicide neared the halfway point. Dist. Atty. E. Michael McCann is to begin presenting the prosecution's case Friday.

Dahmer, 31, has pleaded guilty, but insane, to the homicide charges stemming from the slayings of 15 young men and boys in West Allis and Milwaukee.

A jury is hearing the case to determine whether Dahmer should be imprisoned because he was sane when he killed or if he should be committed to a mental health institution because he was criminally insane and could not conform his conduct to the law.

Jeffrey Dahmer Born Again Fundamentalist Christian

I missed the part where it say Dahmer killed in the name of Christianity. And even if he did (which he didnt) that's only one case. There are millions of people killing in the name of Allah all over world.
just as the christian did in the name of god and if given the chance would do so again.
it's an old old story muslims kill christians ,christians kill muslims...

What do you mean if Christians we're given the chance? If they're as bad as Muslims! Why aren't they killing people now?
who says they're not..

Me for one.
Youre not very knowledgeable which is apparent from your answer.
You were the one that was dishonest. You were so desperate you even claimed I beat my wife. i didnt do a victory lap because making you look stupid is not worthy of celebrating. Its as easy as standing up.

Good grief. You do know you just outed yourself a total idiot, right?

Good grief. You know you just outed yourself as an idiot in addition to being a liar right? Only an idiot would not realize that your claim is there for everyone to see.

Do you still beat your wife.
My guess is when he talks he'll say he did it for Islam. Then you libs will tell us how peaceful Islam is.
in general it is ..
I missed the part where it says he
I missed the part where it say Dahmer killed in the name of Christianity. And even if he did (which he didnt) that's only one case. There are millions of people killing in the name of Allah all over world.
just as the christian did in the name of god and if given the chance would do so again.
it's an old old story muslims kill christians ,christians kill muslims...

What do you mean if Christians we're given the chance? If they're as bad as Muslims! Why aren't they killing people now?
who says they're not..

Me for one.
Youre not very knowledgeable which is apparent from your answer.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?
My guess is when he talks he'll say he did it for Islam. Then you libs will tell us how peaceful Islam is.
in general it is ..
just as the christian did in the name of god and if given the chance would do so again.
it's an old old story muslims kill christians ,christians kill muslims...

What do you mean if Christians we're given the chance? If they're as bad as Muslims! Why aren't they killing people now?
who says they're not..

Me for one.
Youre not very knowledgeable which is apparent from your answer.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?
Sure. Whatcha got?
oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.
you wanna stick with that?
Jeffrey Dahmer: Born Again Fundamentalist ChristianJeffrey Dahmer is the son of a Born Again Fundamentalist (Church of Christ) father. Jeffrey's Born Again Fundamentalist home life led him to feel he could not acknowledge his homosexuality to his Fundamentalist father, and instead he developed an intense hatred of himself and of other gay men.
Well Jeffrey has now come home. He has become a Born Again Fundamentalist, baptized by a minister of the Church of Christ.

The following 3 articles chronicle the story of Jeffrey Dahmer's pilgrimage of faith: from Born Again Fundamentalist home to Born Again Fundamentalist prison cell, from Church of Christ to Church of Christ.

"Anger at his homosexuality led Dahmer to kill, psychiatrist says"
[Milwaukee Sentinel, 7 Feb 92, by David Doege, Sentinel Staff Writer]

Serial killer Jeffrey L. Dahmer killed his victims out of anger at his homosexuality and kept body parts as trophies, like a hunter, a psychiatrist testified in Dahmer's sanity trial Thursday.

"I don't believe his behavior was sexually motivated," psychiatrist George Palermo said. "I believe Jeffrey Dahmer killed his victims because he hated homosexuality."

Palermo, the first mental health expert in Dahmer's trial to testify that he was sane and criminally responsible when he murdered, also said that Dahmer has lied for years and still lies today.

"He lied to the judge in 1989 (when Dahmer was sentenced for sexual assault)," Palermo said. "He lied to his lawyer.

"He lied to many doctors to get the (sleeping) pills. It is my feeling he has embellished a great deal in the things he has said he did."

Palermo was the first witness to testify after defense attorney Gerald P. Boyle rested his case. Appointed by Circuit Judge Laurence C. Gram, Jr. as an impartial examiner, Palermo put Boyle in the position of attacking a psychiatric opinion for the first time in the trial.

While Boyle could not get Palermo to back down on his opinion that Dahmer was criminally responsible for his killings, Boyle did get the psychiatrist to concede that Dahmer needed treatment to stop his killing spree.

"If he doesn't go for any help at all, he would have killed again, wouldn't he?" asked Boyle, who called the previous mental health experts to testify as defense witnesses.

"I would say so," Palermo acknowledged.

"Palermo's testimony Thursday came as Dahmer's trial on 15 counts of first-degree intentional homicide neared the halfway point. Dist. Atty. E. Michael McCann is to begin presenting the prosecution's case Friday.

Dahmer, 31, has pleaded guilty, but insane, to the homicide charges stemming from the slayings of 15 young men and boys in West Allis and Milwaukee.

A jury is hearing the case to determine whether Dahmer should be imprisoned because he was sane when he killed or if he should be committed to a mental health institution because he was criminally insane and could not conform his conduct to the law.

Jeffrey Dahmer Born Again Fundamentalist Christian

Neither you nor this moronic shrink know anything about sexual psychopaths. Saying Dahmer did his deeds because of religion is like saying Ted Bundy or John Wayne Gacy were acting on a religious impetus. Stupid.
Jeffrey Dahmer was an atheist with at least an atheist mother. Dahmer once said that if there was no God there was nothing stopping him from being God. It wasn't religion. It wasn't even being gay and Dahmer was very gay. Jeffrey Dahmer was insane and subject to compulsions he could not control. While in prison Dahmer was heavily medicated. He still had those compulsions. With medication he was able to not act on them.
The reserve sherriff who shot this guy was also the Chief operating officer of the company and happened to be packing a gun. This would have been a lot worse had he not been. its a good statement for carry permits.
Well, you could love the fact that you don't get dragged out of your house at night and get hacked to bits.
As opposed to being lynched? I guess that would depend on which one hurt the most.

Don't evade his point. It's an important one.

You sound like an ingrate.

Do you realize just how fucking LUCKY you are to have been born in America???

Man, we all won the Birthplace Lotto!

Of all the shit holes in the world where we COULD have been born and raised and be stuck, we were born HERE! So what made US so worthy of these freedoms we enjoy (or take for granted...AHEM) here?

For THAT alone, every swingin dick in this country should get on his knees and thank God!

I addressed his point. I live in one of the most racist countries in the world. I could have been born a number of places in the world and been happy. Matter of fact I have friends from several different countries that live just fine and have zero desire to come here.

You're a freaking idiot.

How many black leaders are operating right now in Netherlands? Sweden? Germany? How about Britain? Ireland?

PS..we all wish you had been born somewhere else. You are an ingrate punk, and a disgrace not only to your gender, but your color as well, whatever it is.
Whats with the retarded questions? What does the fact I could have been born in a number of different countries and been happy have to do with Black leaders in Sweden? Have you lost your effin mind?

I'm sorry you can't follow your own train of thought.

Sucks to be you.

You made the point that the US was extremely racist.

I reminded you that we are, in fact, one of the least racist countries in the world.

PS..don't do drugs.
My guess is when he talks he'll say he did it for Islam. Then you libs will tell us how peaceful Islam is.
in general it is ..
just as the christian did in the name of god and if given the chance would do so again.
it's an old old story muslims kill christians ,christians kill muslims...

What do you mean if Christians we're given the chance? If they're as bad as Muslims! Why aren't they killing people now?
who says they're not..

Me for one.
Youre not very knowledgeable which is apparent from your answer.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?
Sure. How many people were beheaded for Jesus last week?
I would guess getting fired was motivating factor in this case.

oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.

What about all the other millions of cases where people kill in the name of Islam?
What about all the other millions of cases where people kill in the name of Christianity?

There aren't any. At least not in the name of Jesus or our God, in many centuries!
My guess is when he talks he'll say he did it for Islam. Then you libs will tell us how peaceful Islam is.
in general it is ..
What do you mean if Christians we're given the chance? If they're as bad as Muslims! Why aren't they killing people now?
who says they're not..

Me for one.
Youre not very knowledgeable which is apparent from your answer.

Really? Care to compair the violence in both religions?
Sure. Whatcha got?

For starters:

37 Muslim nations persecuting Christians
As opposed to being lynched? I guess that would depend on which one hurt the most.

Don't evade his point. It's an important one.

You sound like an ingrate.

Do you realize just how fucking LUCKY you are to have been born in America???

Man, we all won the Birthplace Lotto!

Of all the shit holes in the world where we COULD have been born and raised and be stuck, we were born HERE! So what made US so worthy of these freedoms we enjoy (or take for granted...AHEM) here?

For THAT alone, every swingin dick in this country should get on his knees and thank God!

I addressed his point. I live in one of the most racist countries in the world. I could have been born a number of places in the world and been happy. Matter of fact I have friends from several different countries that live just fine and have zero desire to come here.

You're a freaking idiot.

How many black leaders are operating right now in Netherlands? Sweden? Germany? How about Britain? Ireland?

PS..we all wish you had been born somewhere else. You are an ingrate punk, and a disgrace not only to your gender, but your color as well, whatever it is.
Whats with the retarded questions? What does the fact I could have been born in a number of different countries and been happy have to do with Black leaders in Sweden? Have you lost your effin mind?

I'm sorry you can't follow your own train of thought.

Sucks to be you.

You made the point that the US was extremely racist.

I reminded you that we are, in fact, one of the least racist countries in the world.

PS..don't do drugs.

You must be off your meds and your rocker. What does that have to do with Black leaders in Sweden?

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