Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

The muslim was practicing his religion. If he is prevented from exercising his first amendment rights to kill in the name of allah, America is just a Christian theocracy.
This is a completely ignorant assertion. There is nothing in Islam that calls for beheadings.

Are any of you aware that during the French Revolution, those Christians beheaded 20,000 to 40,000 people and that beheading (the guillotine) was the State's method of execution until the mid-1970s? These Christian people showed no hesitation to behead people, as recently as the 70s.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

you just want to sweep it under the rug for what reason? ok fine so theres only probably a couple million who would behead somebody , and thers a lot more who would stand around and do nothing about it
Can you even fathom living in Oklahoma, and end up being beheaded by a fucking Muslim ?
Just fucking amazing !
Hate to be the bearer of bad new, but he had a tattoo of Jesus Christ on his chest.

Oh, and some hero at the plant shot the scumbag with his pistol. That's not news either.
Workplace violence. Nothing to see here, certainly no need for 24/7 news coverage. Eric Holder resigned. Snooki had a new baby. Some Duck Dynasty kid is on Dancing With the Stars.


Yep, you watch, spineless Obama wont dare call it terrorism.
Oh, and some hero at the plant shot the scumbag with his pistol. That's not news either.

behaeding an unarmed woman isnt news....... but shooting an unarmed black kid is news
EVERYDAY, an average of 3 women in America are killed by their husbands or boyfriends, and this is also not news. Try to figure it out. You are focusing on any murder a Muslim commits, as if people of other faiths and backgrounds are not also killing people. It's stupid to damn Muslims and no one else.

RWs absolutely live for opportunities to go batshit crazy hysterical.

Three women a day killed by husbands/boyfriends, 30 people killed by guns every day. To them, that means we should ignore the women AND child beaters and give every nutter in the country a gun.

This is a horrible crime but the last thing we should do is kill every Muslim.

As was pointed out, the killer has a tat of jesus christ on her chest. How about we kill everyone who has a religious tattoo? Make sense?
The muslim was practicing his religion. If he is prevented from exercising his first amendment rights to kill in the name of allah, America is just a Christian theocracy.
This is a completely ignorant assertion. There is nothing in Islam that calls for beheadings.

Are any of you aware that during the French Revolution, those Christians beheaded 20,000 to 40,000 people and that beheading (the guillotine) was the State's method of execution until the mid-1970s? These Christian people showed no hesitation to behead people, as recently as the 70s.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

You really are trying to justify their behavior aren't you. The key here is a pattern. Muslim extremists use the Quaran as justification for their action, be it beheading, blowing things up, or treating their women like shit/property.

I just can't fathom the progressive disconnect going on in your mind. You get all upset when we equate this shit with issue in the Islamic Religion, yet the thing you bring up spousal abuse, is another HUGE problem in islam. From honor killings, at one end to relegating women to being in the house all the time or covered from head to toe when out of it, Islam is the WORST when it comes to female rights and needs.

Yet you can't criticize them, you defend them, and you go after the people who recognize this issue and attack THEM instead.

You are the perfect example of a progressive loon.
What do you propose we do?

Beat up some Muslims?

The first thing I would do, is find out which mosque this piece of excrement worshiped at, and find out what the fuck the congregation is being taught. Is there some radicalization being passed around ?

Next, if you have any Muslim coworkers, find out what they talk about at work. Are they preaching about their religion a lot ? If so, let your HR know about it.
This is a completely ignorant assertion. There is nothing in Islam that calls for beheadings.

Are any of you aware that during the French Revolution, those Christians beheaded 20,000 to 40,000 people and that beheading (the guillotine) was the State's method of execution until the mid-1970s? These Christian people showed no hesitation to behead people, as recently as the 70s.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

you just want to sweep it under the rug for what reason? ok fine so theres only probably a couple million who would behead somebody , and thers a lot more who would stand around and do nothing about it
As there are just as many Christians who would love to blow away innocent Muslims and who would stand around and do nothing about it. Duh.
No no no no....the generalization is the Muslims who, according to Islam, behead non believers.

Lucky for you, you still have your head for this to go over
Really? You believe they behead non believers? Really? I've lived and worked in Muslim countries for 7 years, am not a Muslim and still have my head. How do you work that out? In fact, millions of Christians, Hindis, and others, even Jews, live and work in Muslim countries and retain their heads. How do you work that out?
Well this woman does not. In fact many don't, by a muslims spreading Islam. You tell me, how many must be beheaded in the name of Islam for you to climb down of your pedestal and quit giving a defense to those who would gladly lob off your head?
You are a fucking idiot. No one in all of the hundreds of Muslim people I have worked with, had as neighbors and friends have been peoplw who would 'gladly lob off' my head. You are totally ignorant, totally. It's pathetic.

I don't doubt there are Muslims who don't want your head. Bragging about it is just weird.

Denying there are is just stupid. Sad. And agenda driven. I still don't know which one you are yet, or all three
I am not bragging about anything: what a fucking stupid statement. Are you so clouded with hate you cannot see reason? There are millions of Christians and those of other religions living and working in Muslim countries. No one is beheading them. Except for these extremist incidents, it is not part of Muslim culture. You are believeing in the sweeping generaliztion contrary to obvious reality.
No no no no....the generalization is the Muslims who, according to Islam, behead non believers.

Lucky for you, you still have your head for this to go over
Really? You believe they behead non believers? Really? I've lived and worked in Muslim countries for 7 years, am not a Muslim and still have my head. How do you work that out? In fact, millions of Christians, Hindis, and others, even Jews, live and work in Muslim countries and retain their heads. How do you work that out?
Well this woman does not. In fact many don't, by a muslims spreading Islam. You tell me, how many must be beheaded in the name of Islam for you to climb down of your pedestal and quit giving a defense to those who would gladly lob off your head?
You are a fucking idiot. No one in all of the hundreds of Muslim people I have worked with, had as neighbors and friends have been peoplw who would 'gladly lob off' my head. You are totally ignorant, totally. It's pathetic.

I don't doubt there are Muslims who don't want your head. Bragging about it is just weird.

Denying there are is just stupid. Sad. And agenda driven. I still don't know which one you are yet, or all three
I am not bragging about anything: what a fucking stupid statement. Are you so clouded with hate you cannot see reason? There are millions of Christians and those of other religions living and working in Muslim countries. No one is beheading them. Except for these extremist incidents, it is not part of Muslim culture. You are believeing in the sweeping generaliztion contrary to obvious reality.

Who should we believe, Esmeralda? the Former Muslim educated at University - holding Bachelors degree on subject - whose father was an IMAM in the mosque - or you? I believe Brother Rachid as he knows exactly what he is talking about. Using filthy language does not make your point any more valid. Just for your information.
From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

you just want to sweep it under the rug for what reason? ok fine so theres only probably a couple million who would behead somebody , and thers a lot more who would stand around and do nothing about it
As there are just as many Christians who would love to blow away innocent Muslims and who would stand around and do nothing about it. Duh.

That is not true and you know it. Please provide your source and link to prove it or retract the statement.
The muslim was practicing his religion. If he is prevented from exercising his first amendment rights to kill in the name of allah, America is just a Christian theocracy.
This is a completely ignorant assertion. There is nothing in Islam that calls for beheadings.

Are any of you aware that during the French Revolution, those Christians beheaded 20,000 to 40,000 people and that beheading (the guillotine) was the State's method of execution until the mid-1970s? These Christian people showed no hesitation to behead people, as recently as the 70s.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

The Bible doesnt instruct anyone to punish Muslims, but i believe the Koran has something to say about Jews and Christians. Think there is a little difference there. pretty easy for someone to miss use those verses.
Because there are men who kill their wives and girlfriends we should accept random beheadings by muslim jihadists. Has that been patiently explained to the people in Iraq and Syria?

Oh, and some hero at the plant shot the scumbag with his pistol. That's not news either.
Workplace violence. Nothing to see here, certainly no need for 24/7 news coverage. Eric Holder resigned. Snooki had a new baby. Some Duck Dynasty kid is on Dancing With the Stars.


Yep, you watch, spineless Obama wont dare call it terrorism.
Oh, and some hero at the plant shot the scumbag with his pistol. That's not news either.

behaeding an unarmed woman isnt news....... but shooting an unarmed black kid is news

It's called having an agenda. For an example, consider this scenario:

If someone is covering for Satanists and one comes out of the closet - you'll find the same type individual - publicly - trying to make the person sound as if they are just some deluded teenager going through a phase.

They willl never acknowledge the reality of Satanism because their agenda is to keep the truth from coming out. It is code to the young satanist to keep her mouth shut.

It is sad because people who operate in such craftiness are headed for sudden destruction according to the bible. They may be fooling some folks but not all. Definitely not all.

That's correct.
This is a completely ignorant assertion. There is nothing in Islam that calls for beheadings.

Are any of you aware that during the French Revolution, those Christians beheaded 20,000 to 40,000 people and that beheading (the guillotine) was the State's method of execution until the mid-1970s? These Christian people showed no hesitation to behead people, as recently as the 70s.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

You really are trying to justify their behavior aren't you. The key here is a pattern. Muslim extremists use the Quaran as justification for their action, be it beheading, blowing things up, or treating their women like shit/property.

I just can't fathom the progressive disconnect going on in your mind. You get all upset when we equate this shit with issue in the Islamic Religion, yet the thing you bring up spousal abuse, is another HUGE problem in islam. From honor killings, at one end to relegating women to being in the house all the time or covered from head to toe when out of it, Islam is the WORST when it comes to female rights and needs.

Yet you can't criticize them, you defend them, and you go after the people who recognize this issue and attack THEM instead.
You are the perfect example of a progressive loon.
You are the perfect example of a loon, quintessentially. Anyone who believes the acts of a few tell us the story of the whole is a fool and a bigot who is unable to reason with any correctness.
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

you just want to sweep it under the rug for what reason? ok fine so theres only probably a couple million who would behead somebody , and thers a lot more who would stand around and do nothing about it
As there are just as many Christians who would love to blow away innocent Muslims and who would stand around and do nothing about it. Duh.

That is not true and you know it. Please provide your source and link to prove it or retract the statement.
lol what? you expect the liar to be honest? lmao
How many Muslims are on the planet?>

Where are all of the beheadings? Why have only 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of Muslims beheaded someone? I demand answers.
From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

You really are trying to justify their behavior aren't you. The key here is a pattern. Muslim extremists use the Quaran as justification for their action, be it beheading, blowing things up, or treating their women like shit/property.

I just can't fathom the progressive disconnect going on in your mind. You get all upset when we equate this shit with issue in the Islamic Religion, yet the thing you bring up spousal abuse, is another HUGE problem in islam. From honor killings, at one end to relegating women to being in the house all the time or covered from head to toe when out of it, Islam is the WORST when it comes to female rights and needs.

Yet you can't criticize them, you defend them, and you go after the people who recognize this issue and attack THEM instead.
You are the perfect example of a progressive loon.
You are the perfect example of a loon, quintessentially. Anyone who believes the acts of a few tell us the story of the whole is a fool and a bigot who is unable to reason with any correctness.

I noticed you again dodged an actual response, and instead went on a bland attack on me. If you actually tried to refute some of my points, you might have had a shot of joining the discussion, but instead you meander on like the progressive Twat you are.
The muslim was practicing his religion. If he is prevented from exercising his first amendment rights to kill in the name of allah, America is just a Christian theocracy.
This is a completely ignorant assertion. There is nothing in Islam that calls for beheadings.

Are any of you aware that during the French Revolution, those Christians beheaded 20,000 to 40,000 people and that beheading (the guillotine) was the State's method of execution until the mid-1970s? These Christian people showed no hesitation to behead people, as recently as the 70s.

“When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.”

From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.

Except for Westboro, KKK - scum like that.

The bible has always been used as an for abuse and murder.
Workplace violence. Nothing to see here, certainly no need for 24/7 news coverage. Eric Holder resigned. Snooki had a new baby. Some Duck Dynasty kid is on Dancing With the Stars.

Is that all that means to you? Astonishing!
From Quaran 8:12
And the Bible has just as terrible things to say, yet people don't follow them anymore, except nuts, which is what these Muslims are who do beheadings. The vast, vast majority of the one and a half billion Muslims on the planet are not beheading anyone. So to assum that this nut case represents them is ludicrous. A sweeping generalization, as I have pointed out.

And in the US no one is using the bible as a reason for the validity of doing things like this.

And I refuted your statement, your Tu Quo Que retort confirms you were wrong.
How idiotic is this? Anyone can say anything. I can go out and kill someone and say I'm doing in on behalf of Christ. It only means I am saying that's why I'm doing it; saying it very obviously suggests, to any true Christian, that I am a nutcase. But you all want so deeply and desperately to believe all Muslims are in favor of beheadings and terrorism, that you put logic and reason aside. There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims on the planet. Only a tiny minority is beheading anyone. And AGAIN, up until the 1970s, the French government used beheading as their state method of execution. It isn't a Muslim thing.

you just want to sweep it under the rug for what reason? ok fine so theres only probably a couple million who would behead somebody , and thers a lot more who would stand around and do nothing about it
As there are just as many Christians who would love to blow away innocent Muslims and who would stand around and do nothing about it. Duh.

Your being pathetic, A woman just got her head cut off and another stabbed in Oklahoma, and you say its not a news story. Its just not a news story to you because it WAS a Muslim. You go right to protect mode just like people did after 911. Its all about your own fear and bias obviously
I BLAME...the off duty COP who shot this Muslim man. Another trigger happy pig who should be jailed for life!!! Innocent til proven guilty!

But seriously. ...can we find a way to blame the cop for it? Please??
Taqiyya the Liar will be able to find a way to blame the cop.

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