Breaking: Navy SEAL Squad Being Deployed To Berkeley To Protect Steve Bannon And Milo From Antifa

One kill. Open up on Antifa.
Ok...why aren't YOU taking the bull by the horns and doing it yourself? Or are you one of those creepy people who lives your violent sexual fantasies vicariously thru others?
people get paid to take out criminals.
They do? In 3rd world countries perhaps. They are called assassins. Are you calling our SEALS nothing more than assassins?
seems you just did. don't project your hate my way.
You are the one who thinks our SEALS are used to assassinate judge, no jury....just take them out. In the U.S. no less. How little you think of our military. How very little.
still projecting your hate.
they think of themselves as SEALs. period.
So someone who is a former or retired SEAL will introduce themselves as a SEAL? Is that what you are committing to?
when they are working you bet in the private sector you bet. Is George Bush still President Bush?
Former President Bush...

And no...former and retired SEALS do NOT identify themselves as SEALS...they identify themselves as former this guy:

Secretary Ryan Zinke
A fifth-generation Montanan and former U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, Ryan Zinke built one of the strongest track records in the 114th Congress on championing sportsmen’s access, conservation, regulatory relief, forest management, responsible energy development, and smart management of federal lands.

“As a former Navy SEAL, Ryan has incredible leadership skills and an attitude of doing whatever it takes to win,” President Donald Trump said in nominating the former congressman, who built an impressive portfolio on Interior issues ranging from federal mineral leases to tribal affairs to public lands conservation.
what do you call the word former in front of Navy SEAL? and adjective? what is an adjective?

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

Navy SEAL is the noun.

Just ignore her. She obsesses over minutia and likes to pretend it means something.

It doesn't. The fucking commander would piss herself if any of these guys stood behind her.
You should tell us more about what you know about the military, Allie. BTW...I'm forwarding this thread to a friend of mine...a retired Navy SEAL.....I'm sure he's gonna get quite the chuckle. He's a Rightie and I might use this to get a few good-hearted jabs at his political side tho.
So someone who is a former or retired SEAL will introduce themselves as a SEAL? Is that what you are committing to?
when they are working you bet in the private sector you bet. Is George Bush still President Bush?
Former President Bush...

And no...former and retired SEALS do NOT identify themselves as SEALS...they identify themselves as former this guy:

Secretary Ryan Zinke
A fifth-generation Montanan and former U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, Ryan Zinke built one of the strongest track records in the 114th Congress on championing sportsmen’s access, conservation, regulatory relief, forest management, responsible energy development, and smart management of federal lands.

“As a former Navy SEAL, Ryan has incredible leadership skills and an attitude of doing whatever it takes to win,” President Donald Trump said in nominating the former congressman, who built an impressive portfolio on Interior issues ranging from federal mineral leases to tribal affairs to public lands conservation.
what do you call the word former in front of Navy SEAL? and adjective? what is an adjective?

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

Navy SEAL is the noun.

Just ignore her. She obsesses over minutia and likes to pretend it means something.

It doesn't. The fucking commander would piss herself if any of these guys stood behind her.
You should tell us more about what you know about the military, Allie. BTW...I'm forwarding this thread to a friend of mine...a retired Navy SEAL.....I'm sure he's gonna get quite the chuckle. He's a Rightie and I might use this to get a few good-hearted jabs at his political side tho.
Sure you are lolol.
Ok...why aren't YOU taking the bull by the horns and doing it yourself? Or are you one of those creepy people who lives your violent sexual fantasies vicariously thru others?
people get paid to take out criminals.
They do? In 3rd world countries perhaps. They are called assassins. Are you calling our SEALS nothing more than assassins?
seems you just did. don't project your hate my way.
You are the one who thinks our SEALS are used to assassinate judge, no jury....just take them out. In the U.S. no less. How little you think of our military. How very little.
still projecting your hate.
So sad........:itsok: That's been the trademark of your posting history.....sadness.
when they are working you bet in the private sector you bet. Is George Bush still President Bush?
Former President Bush...

And no...former and retired SEALS do NOT identify themselves as SEALS...they identify themselves as former this guy:

Secretary Ryan Zinke
A fifth-generation Montanan and former U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, Ryan Zinke built one of the strongest track records in the 114th Congress on championing sportsmen’s access, conservation, regulatory relief, forest management, responsible energy development, and smart management of federal lands.

“As a former Navy SEAL, Ryan has incredible leadership skills and an attitude of doing whatever it takes to win,” President Donald Trump said in nominating the former congressman, who built an impressive portfolio on Interior issues ranging from federal mineral leases to tribal affairs to public lands conservation.
what do you call the word former in front of Navy SEAL? and adjective? what is an adjective?

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

Navy SEAL is the noun.

Just ignore her. She obsesses over minutia and likes to pretend it means something.

It doesn't. The fucking commander would piss herself if any of these guys stood behind her.
You should tell us more about what you know about the military, Allie. BTW...I'm forwarding this thread to a friend of mine...a retired Navy SEAL.....I'm sure he's gonna get quite the chuckle. He's a Rightie and I might use this to get a few good-hearted jabs at his political side tho.
Sure you are lolol. easy these days to keep in touch.
This is illegal. Posse comitatus. look it up.
It was a lie by the OP....pure and simple.
I've noticed a lot of lying titles lately. Then the OP itself is more toned down. They do it to get people's attention, draw them to the thread.
The OP just admitted that was his purpose. To me, the best part was all the trumpanzees who jumped in and immediately believed him and are still trying to spin away because they can't admit it was all bogus.
I never personally stated that was my purpose. I only stated a fact that so many liberals are triggered, and I'm right.
When I was in school black guys used to score with white girls by fucking with their stupid guilt. "It's because I'm black isn't it" was the hook line for a blow job. Now they have Ivy League white boys marching with Antifa. The white guilt cultural blow job by a suburban white boy.
Bode will now retire to converse with the *former Seal* she happens to know intimately..
And suddenly we will have a new member posting in this thread. A former Navy Seal.

Who coincidentally resembles....

So someone who is a former or retired SEAL will introduce themselves as a SEAL? Is that what you are committing to?
when they are working you bet in the private sector you bet. Is George Bush still President Bush?
Former President Bush...

And no...former and retired SEALS do NOT identify themselves as SEALS...they identify themselves as former this guy:

Secretary Ryan Zinke
A fifth-generation Montanan and former U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, Ryan Zinke built one of the strongest track records in the 114th Congress on championing sportsmen’s access, conservation, regulatory relief, forest management, responsible energy development, and smart management of federal lands.

“As a former Navy SEAL, Ryan has incredible leadership skills and an attitude of doing whatever it takes to win,” President Donald Trump said in nominating the former congressman, who built an impressive portfolio on Interior issues ranging from federal mineral leases to tribal affairs to public lands conservation.
what do you call the word former in front of Navy SEAL? and adjective? what is an adjective?

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

Navy SEAL is the noun.

Just ignore her. She obsesses over minutia and likes to pretend it means something.

It doesn't. The fucking commander would piss herself if any of these guys stood behind her.
You should tell us more about what you know about the military, Allie. BTW...I'm forwarding this thread to a friend of mine...a retired Navy SEAL.....I'm sure he's gonna get quite the chuckle. He's a Rightie and I might use this to get a few good-hearted jabs at his political side tho.
Former Marine and Former SEAL is the correct moniker. Never "ex" but warriors for "life."
when they are working you bet in the private sector you bet. Is George Bush still President Bush?
Former President Bush...

And no...former and retired SEALS do NOT identify themselves as SEALS...they identify themselves as former this guy:

Secretary Ryan Zinke
A fifth-generation Montanan and former U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, Ryan Zinke built one of the strongest track records in the 114th Congress on championing sportsmen’s access, conservation, regulatory relief, forest management, responsible energy development, and smart management of federal lands.

“As a former Navy SEAL, Ryan has incredible leadership skills and an attitude of doing whatever it takes to win,” President Donald Trump said in nominating the former congressman, who built an impressive portfolio on Interior issues ranging from federal mineral leases to tribal affairs to public lands conservation.
what do you call the word former in front of Navy SEAL? and adjective? what is an adjective?

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

Navy SEAL is the noun.

Just ignore her. She obsesses over minutia and likes to pretend it means something.

It doesn't. The fucking commander would piss herself if any of these guys stood behind her.
You should tell us more about what you know about the military, Allie. BTW...I'm forwarding this thread to a friend of mine...a retired Navy SEAL.....I'm sure he's gonna get quite the chuckle. He's a Rightie and I might use this to get a few good-hearted jabs at his political side tho.
Former Marine and Former SEAL is the correct moniker. Never "ex" but warriors for "life."

Shouldn't she know a COMMANDER?
Former President Bush...

And no...former and retired SEALS do NOT identify themselves as SEALS...they identify themselves as former this guy:

Secretary Ryan Zinke
what do you call the word former in front of Navy SEAL? and adjective? what is an adjective?

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

Navy SEAL is the noun.

Just ignore her. She obsesses over minutia and likes to pretend it means something.

It doesn't. The fucking commander would piss herself if any of these guys stood behind her.
You should tell us more about what you know about the military, Allie. BTW...I'm forwarding this thread to a friend of mine...a retired Navy SEAL.....I'm sure he's gonna get quite the chuckle. He's a Rightie and I might use this to get a few good-hearted jabs at his political side tho.
Former Marine and Former SEAL is the correct moniker. Never "ex" but warriors for "life."

Shouldn't she know a COMMANDER?
Of what? Star Trek video game?
Probably only take half a Seal team to stomp these punks.
probably only one of em

In a leg cast with only his bare hands.

And we can also add, blindfolded :2up:

Ohhhhh how I'd love to see that sort of confrontation..... :eusa_dance:

Yes while blindfolded, plus his right hand is still sore from punching an ISIS terrorist to death, just the one hand that's all that was required.

Gawd, I hope they report how many snowflakes have to go in for counseling to deal with this.

Because we don't want them within 10 miles of an opinion that they don't like.
A Navy SEAL security detail?

I was not aware that the US Navy had a Rent-A-Pig department.

I was also unaware that the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 had been repealed.

I must have missed the memo.

Ya learn sumfin' new every day !
When I was in school black guys used to score with white girls by fucking with their stupid guilt. "It's because I'm black isn't it" was the hook line for a blow job. Now they have Ivy League white boys marching with Antifa. The white guilt cultural blow job by a suburban white boy.
Is that your excuse for not getting any? Is that your deep seated anger these days?
Former President Bush...

And no...former and retired SEALS do NOT identify themselves as SEALS...they identify themselves as former this guy:

Secretary Ryan Zinke
what do you call the word former in front of Navy SEAL? and adjective? what is an adjective?

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

Navy SEAL is the noun.

Just ignore her. She obsesses over minutia and likes to pretend it means something.

It doesn't. The fucking commander would piss herself if any of these guys stood behind her.
You should tell us more about what you know about the military, Allie. BTW...I'm forwarding this thread to a friend of mine...a retired Navy SEAL.....I'm sure he's gonna get quite the chuckle. He's a Rightie and I might use this to get a few good-hearted jabs at his political side tho.
Former Marine and Former SEAL is the correct moniker. Never "ex" but warriors for "life."

Shouldn't she know a COMMANDER?
Of course....because that's what I said.....You aren't very bright, are you?
A Navy SEAL security detail?

I was not aware that the US Navy had a Rent-A-Pig department.

I was also unaware that the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 had been repealed.

I must have missed the memo.

Ya learn sumfin' new every day !
Oh stand many trumpanzees will school you on how it's real.

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