Breaking: Navy SEAL Squad Being Deployed To Berkeley To Protect Steve Bannon And Milo From Antifa

Now this is going to be epic. These Antifa Bolsheviks are going to be in for one hell of a surprise if they attack these conservative speakers during free speech week. Like I said in a thread yesterday, these Antifa un-Americans need to be given a 1970 Kent State moment of reality.These SEALS are that capable of doing it like the Guard did in 1970.

Kent State University-1970

The advance..weapons loaded and ready

The battle with unAmerican hippies



MILO To Bring Navy SEAL Squad To Berkeley 'Free Speech Week' As Security Fears Mount

Posse Comitatus Act: Nothing more needs to be posted on this thread, the author is ignorant and a liar (those are his best character traits)!

I was hoping someone would point out the Posse Comitatus Act.
Then explain how the Ohio National Guard shot and killed Antifa like rioting hippies wrecking the campus property at Kent State University in 1970.
Actually, you're just uninformed. But gee, go figure? You are a loyal Democrat Fake News sycophant. It's actually quite common for ex-Navy SEALS to pursue private security positions.
But that's not what the OP said, shortbus. Looks like you got trolled by accident. The original targets have been too smart, but it revealed how gullible the Trumpistas can be!!! :p

Just bring it, ya radical Democrat nutters. The SEALS will handle ya. :)

So the claim is that US Navy SEALs are available for hire as private security??? WTF?

And Milo, if memory serves, is a citizen of the UK. Bannon is no longer an employee of the federal gov't. And yet, Milo claims to have HIRED a US Navy SEAL team for security? Against antifa?

Nope. I call bullshit.

Besides, the Posse Comitatus Act expressly forbids it.
Milo did not call the security detail a SEAL TEAM. That is being done by bloggers and other sources as embellishment the same way the OP used the term here. In fairness to Milo, it does not appear he tried to make it sound like he was getting official government deployed SEALs or an actual SEAL Team. That is being done by guys like the OP and the promoters of fake news.
There are security companies that advertise that they employ former Navy SEALs, but those are men who have left the TEAMS and are veterans, former SEALs.

I am not surprised. Thanks for the clarification.
Now this is going to be epic. These Antifa Bolsheviks are going to be in for one hell of a surprise if they attack these conservative speakers during free speech week. Like I said in a thread yesterday, these Antifa un-Americans need to be given a 1970 Kent State moment of reality.These SEALS are that capable of doing it like the Guard did in 1970.

Kent State University-1970

The advance..weapons loaded and ready

The battle with unAmerican hippies



MILO To Bring Navy SEAL Squad To Berkeley 'Free Speech Week' As Security Fears Mount

Posse Comitatus Act: Nothing more needs to be posted on this thread, the author is ignorant and a liar (those are his best character traits)!

I was hoping someone would point out the Posse Comitatus Act.
Then explain how the Ohio National Guard shot and killed Antifa like rioting hippies wrecking the campus property at Kent State University in 1970.

You might find the answer in your own post. "...the OHIO National Guard...".

The National Guard can be deployed by state governors. They are expressly allowed to operate within the US.
Liberals are fascists. If they don't like your political views, they'll label you as a Nazi, etc. and then claim that you're spreading "hate" speech and then attempt to ban you from speaking even if that means stomping your head into the curb.

Another idiot ^^^ looking for a new home after the demise of Stormfront.
It's so sad that some Americans are willing to resort to violence to silence fellow Americans. I'll pray for these folks' safety.

Liberals know that they're in the right and that you're evil and, therefore, violently suppressing your speech is not only acceptable, it's necessary and good.
It's so sad that some Americans are willing to resort to violence to silence fellow Americans. I'll pray for these folks' safety.

Liberals know that they're in the right and that you're evil and, therefore, violently suppressing your speech is not only acceptable, it's necessary and good.

Yes, many all throughout history have concocted all sorts of justifications for their violence. The Left/Democrats have proven they will resort to violence to silence others. So i hope these folks do have the best security possible. They'll need it.
It's so sad that some Americans are willing to resort to violence to silence fellow Americans. I'll pray for these folks' safety.

Liberals know that they're in the right and that you're evil and, therefore, violently suppressing your speech is not only acceptable, it's necessary and good.

Yes, many all throughout history have concocted all sorts of justifications for their violence. The Left/Democrats have proven they will resort to violence to silence others. So i hope these folks do have the best security possible. They'll need it.

Liberals won't be satisfied until America is a totalitarian state ruled by a despot like Jung-un.
Liberals are fascists. If they don't like your political views, they'll label you as a Nazi, etc. and then claim that you're spreading "hate" speech and then attempt to ban you from speaking even if that means stomping your head into the curb.

Another idiot ^^^ looking for a new home after the demise of Stormfront.

Truth hurts, eh? From sea to shining sea liberals are violently attacking those with whom they disagree. And for stating this obvious truth, you label me as a racist. Typical. Lose the argument and play the race card. Fucking pussy.
Navy SEALS are protecting a Nazi and a pedophile? We are living in sad days.
Protecting a nazi and pedophile from a group of treasonous, commie thug murderers trying to start a communist revolution, but failing miserably, because they are a group of naive, illogical ass lickers.

Anyway,you and I should stick to topics on which we agree. I hereby formally admit that, although I had no idea, W would start war with Iraq when I voted for him, I was wrong for doing so, and I accept responsibility for that vote. I apologize for voting for a warmongering narcissist who was willing to sacrifice the lives of our brave troops and a shit-ton of our money to carry out his personal vendetta against Sadam Hussain in retaliation for Sadam's assassination attempt on Daddy Bush.

Please accept my apologies (for real. not bullshitting)(sorry about W).

I will never vote for any GOP fucker unless said fucker is a non-interventionist, like Rand Paul. Otherwise, I pledge to vote L from now on. Here's to you and I building on common ground going forward.

But, fuck commies, okay?
This is illegal. Posse comitatus. look it up.
It was a lie by the OP....pure and simple.
I've noticed a lot of lying titles lately. Then the OP itself is more toned down. They do it to get people's attention, draw them to the thread.
clickbait cause there's no story.

girl sad at wedding - you won't believe what her dad did next!
man cries for hours, why will blow your mind!

it's the rage and people like to be trendy. :)
This is illegal. Posse comitatus. look it up.
It was a lie by the OP....pure and simple.
I've noticed a lot of lying titles lately. Then the OP itself is more toned down. They do it to get people's attention, draw them to the thread.
The OP just admitted that was his purpose. To me, the best part was all the trumpanzees who jumped in and immediately believed him and are still trying to spin away because they can't admit it was all bogus.
I never personally stated that was my purpose. I only stated a fact that so many liberals are triggered, and I'm right.
so you're a professional troll.

This is illegal. Posse comitatus. look it up.
It was a lie by the OP....pure and simple.
I've noticed a lot of lying titles lately. Then the OP itself is more toned down. They do it to get people's attention, draw them to the thread.
The OP just admitted that was his purpose. To me, the best part was all the trumpanzees who jumped in and immediately believed him and are still trying to spin away because they can't admit it was all bogus.
I never personally stated that was my purpose. I only stated a fact that so many liberals are triggered, and I'm right.
so you're a professional troll.


McGarrett has a habit of trolling, creating sensationalistic threads with misleading headlines, and posting outright lies.

Troll? Yes. Professional? No. No one would pay for such inept nonsense.
It was a lie by the OP....pure and simple.
I've noticed a lot of lying titles lately. Then the OP itself is more toned down. They do it to get people's attention, draw them to the thread.
The OP just admitted that was his purpose. To me, the best part was all the trumpanzees who jumped in and immediately believed him and are still trying to spin away because they can't admit it was all bogus.
I never personally stated that was my purpose. I only stated a fact that so many liberals are triggered, and I'm right.
so you're a professional troll.


McGarrett has a habit of trolling, creating sensationalistic threads with misleading headlines, and posting outright lies.

Troll? Yes. Professional? No. No one would pay for such inept nonsense.
i gave up and put him on ignore.
Now this is going to be epic. These Antifa Bolsheviks are going to be in for one hell of a surprise if they attack these conservative speakers during free speech week. Like I said in a thread yesterday, these Antifa un-Americans need to be given a 1970 Kent State moment of reality.These SEALS are that capable of doing it like the Guard did in 1970.

Kent State University-1970

The advance..weapons loaded and ready

The battle with unAmerican hippies



MILO To Bring Navy SEAL Squad To Berkeley 'Free Speech Week' As Security Fears Mount

Posse Comitatus Act: Nothing more needs to be posted on this thread, the author is ignorant and a liar (those are his best character traits)!

I was hoping someone would point out the Posse Comitatus Act.
Then explain how the Ohio National Guard shot and killed Antifa like rioting hippies wrecking the campus property at Kent State University in 1970.
How do you explain that at least two shot at Kent State were just bystanders?
It was a lie by the OP....pure and simple.
I've noticed a lot of lying titles lately. Then the OP itself is more toned down. They do it to get people's attention, draw them to the thread.
The OP just admitted that was his purpose. To me, the best part was all the trumpanzees who jumped in and immediately believed him and are still trying to spin away because they can't admit it was all bogus.
I never personally stated that was my purpose. I only stated a fact that so many liberals are triggered, and I'm right.
so you're a professional troll.


McGarrett has a habit of trolling, creating sensationalistic threads with misleading headlines, and posting outright lies.

Troll? Yes. Professional? No. No one would pay for such inept nonsense.
I only post patriotic threads exposing the treachery of Jews, Wetbacks, Muslims, Homosexuals, Commies, and the proto-human known as the Negro. It's all for making America great again. Speaking of making America great again, you and others can start out by reading or listening to this masterpiece!

Last edited:
I've noticed a lot of lying titles lately. Then the OP itself is more toned down. They do it to get people's attention, draw them to the thread.
The OP just admitted that was his purpose. To me, the best part was all the trumpanzees who jumped in and immediately believed him and are still trying to spin away because they can't admit it was all bogus.
I never personally stated that was my purpose. I only stated a fact that so many liberals are triggered, and I'm right.
so you're a professional troll.


McGarrett has a habit of trolling, creating sensationalistic threads with misleading headlines, and posting outright lies.

Troll? Yes. Professional? No. No one would pay for such inept nonsense.
I only post patriotic threads exposing the treachery of Jews, Wetbacks, Muslims, Homosexuals, Commies, and the entity known as the Negro. It's all for making America great again. Speaking of making America great again, you and others can start out by reading or listening to this masterpiece!

images want to "make America Great again" while hating over 50% of her citizens.

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