Breaking: Nbc News Cameraman Diagnosed With Ebola

What is eerie about this is I was listening to the Chris Matthews show yesterday where he was doing a phone interview with one of this guy's colleagues over in Liberia. She was going on and on about how it isn't a problem like most think and how she wasn't worried about it....and chiding people who were....Matthews to his credit was grilling her, expressing concerns that she was being too conservative. She assured Matthews over and over how people cannot get this disease from others who don't show symptoms. I guess she didn't know about or want to discuss how animals carry it too?

Just hours later on Maddow's show, Maddow says "breaking news" about this topic. And then she had the same woman on her show whose entire demeanor had shifted to basically [paraphrased] "oh shit! oh shit!....shit!...crap...oh my, it's OK...crap!". She probably shared a latte with him that morning. They worked side by side daily apparently.

And so most beautifully illustrated why the ignorant should not be dispensing information about this epidemic. And on that note, ebola, if it is like pretty much any other virus, CAN be transmitted by asymptomatic people. So in addition to those 100 being traced in Dallas TX, they'd better track down all the people on that plane, the baggage handlers, the airport staff, anyone sharing any number of bathrooms with that guy etc. etc. etc.

Check out post #3 at this thread: Epidemic Ebola Spread To More Mobile Cosmopolitan Nigeria US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What is eerie about this is I was listening to the Chris Matthews show yesterday where he was doing a phone interview with one of this guy's colleagues over in Liberia. She was going on and on about how it isn't a problem like most think and how she wasn't worried about it....and chiding people who were....Matthews to his credit was grilling her, expressing concerns that she was being too conservative. She assured Matthews over and over how people cannot get this disease from others who don't show symptoms. I guess she didn't know about or want to discuss how animals carry it too?

Just hours later on Maddow's show, Maddow says "breaking news" about this topic. And then she had the same woman on her show whose entire demeanor had shifted to basically [paraphrased] "oh shit! oh shit!....shit!...crap...oh my, it's OK...crap!". She probably shared a latte with him that morning. They worked side by side daily apparently.

And so most beautifully illustrated why the ignorant should not be dispensing information about this epidemic.

The great Rachel Maddow — "ignorant"???

Nawwwwwwww, surely not.

She's her very own agency of truth, the savior of traditional media — according to her. :badgrin:

So we bring these folks back to the US of A, they survive. Those that came into the USA all survive, but those in Africa die at a rate of over 50%.

Do ya think this might cause them folks to try to get into our country?
The great Rachel Maddow — "ignorant"???

Nawwwwwwww, surely not.

She's her very own agency of truth, the savior of traditional media — according to her. :badgrin:

No, Maddow isn't one of my favorites politically at least, but to her credit she was being pretty grilling of this OTHER female reporter calling in from Liberia. One of the daily colleagues of this guy who got sick. Maddow and Matthews both had a stance of "oh shit, this is serious, we need to get honest with the people ASAP about what we do know and what we don't know".

So we bring these folks back to the US of A, they survive. Those that came into the USA all survive, but those in Africa die at a rate of over 50%.

Do ya think this might cause them folks to try to get into our country?

I can think of a few libbies whom it'd be really fun to send over there for a coupla weeks. :badgrin:

How To Protect Yourself Against Ebola

This week saw the first confirmed case of Ebola virus within the United States, the latest development in an outbreak that has already claimed over 3,000 lives. Here are some ways you can protect yourself against this deadly disease:

  • Boil all bodily fluids before consumption.
  • Regularly examine your DNA under an electron microscope for any indication that Ebola has attached itself to your cell membranes.
  • Recognize the symptoms of Ebola, which include fever, chills, and developing symptoms too late to do anything about them.
  • Cover the nose and mouth of Ebola patients when they sneeze to avoid spreading germs.
  • Avoid eating bat soup, which is actually pretty sound advice whether there’s an ongoing Ebola outbreak or not.
  • Ebola can only be spread once patients are symptomatic, so if you believe you’ve been exposed, get all your errands and public trips out of the way before your symptoms start showing.
  • Be sure to stay up to date on developments by signing up for the official CDC phone tree.
  • Try being born one of the 15 percent of rural Gabonese citizens with natural immunity to the virus.
  • Give billions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies.
  • If you see a suspicious-looking filamentous virus particle roughly one micron in length, stay away.
  • Continue following lifelong plan of avoiding Dallas, TX at all costs.

How To Protect Yourself Against Ebola The Onion - America s Finest News Source
What is eerie about this is I was listening to the Chris Matthews show yesterday where he was doing a phone interview with one of this guy's colleagues over in Liberia. She was going on and on about how it isn't a problem like most think and how she wasn't worried about it....and chiding people who were....Matthews to his credit was grilling her, expressing concerns that she was being too conservative. She assured Matthews over and over how people cannot get this disease from others who don't show symptoms. I guess she didn't know about or want to discuss how animals carry it too?

Just hours later on Maddow's show, Maddow says "breaking news" about this topic. And then she had the same woman on her show whose entire demeanor had shifted to basically [paraphrased] "oh shit! oh shit!....shit!...crap...oh my, it's OK...crap!". She probably shared a latte with him that morning. They worked side by side daily apparently.

And so most beautifully illustrated why the ignorant should not be dispensing information about this epidemic. And on that note, ebola, if it is like pretty much any other virus, CAN be transmitted by asymptomatic people. So in addition to those 100 being traced in Dallas TX, they'd better track down all the people on that plane, the baggage handlers, the airport staff, anyone sharing any number of bathrooms with that guy etc. etc. etc.

Check out post #3 at this thread: Epidemic Ebola Spread To More Mobile Cosmopolitan Nigeria US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
That woman was Dr. Nancy Snyderman who has been working with Ebola patients in Liberia. She is a surgeon, as well. She is quarantined for 21 days.
What is eerie about this is I was listening to the Chris Matthews show yesterday where he was doing a phone interview with one of this guy's colleagues over in Liberia. She was going on and on about how it isn't a problem like most think and how she wasn't worried about it....and chiding people who were....Matthews to his credit was grilling her, expressing concerns that she was being too conservative. She assured Matthews over and over how people cannot get this disease from others who don't show symptoms. I guess she didn't know about or want to discuss how animals carry it too?

Just hours later on Maddow's show, Maddow says "breaking news" about this topic. And then she had the same woman on her show whose entire demeanor had shifted to basically [paraphrased] "oh shit! oh shit!....shit!...crap...oh my, it's OK...crap!". She probably shared a latte with him that morning. They worked side by side daily apparently.

And so most beautifully illustrated why the ignorant should not be dispensing information about this epidemic. And on that note, ebola, if it is like pretty much any other virus, CAN be transmitted by asymptomatic people. So in addition to those 100 being traced in Dallas TX, they'd better track down all the people on that plane, the baggage handlers, the airport staff, anyone sharing any number of bathrooms with that guy etc. etc. etc.

Check out post #3 at this thread: Epidemic Ebola Spread To More Mobile Cosmopolitan Nigeria US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
That woman was Dr. Nancy Snyderman who has been working with Ebola patients in Liberia. She is a surgeon, as well. She is quarantined for 21 days.
Thanks. Yep, that was the name I heard. Bet she's a wee bit nervous. I think it was very reckless of her and anyone else who is spreading the unproven theory that ebola isn't contagious when people are asymptomatic.
If I were a Jihadist...

I would look for creative ways to bring Ebola into the United States.
What is eerie about this is I was listening to the Chris Matthews show yesterday where he was doing a phone interview with one of this guy's colleagues over in Liberia. She was going on and on about how it isn't a problem like most think and how she wasn't worried about it....and chiding people who were....Matthews to his credit was grilling her, expressing concerns that she was being too conservative. She assured Matthews over and over how people cannot get this disease from others who don't show symptoms. I guess she didn't know about or want to discuss how animals carry it too?

Just hours later on Maddow's show, Maddow says "breaking news" about this topic. And then she had the same woman on her show whose entire demeanor had shifted to basically [paraphrased] "oh shit! oh shit!....shit!...crap...oh my, it's OK...crap!". She probably shared a latte with him that morning. They worked side by side daily apparently.

And so most beautifully illustrated why the ignorant should not be dispensing information about this epidemic. And on that note, ebola, if it is like pretty much any other virus, CAN be transmitted by asymptomatic people. So in addition to those 100 being traced in Dallas TX, they'd better track down all the people on that plane, the baggage handlers, the airport staff, anyone sharing any number of bathrooms with that guy etc. etc. etc.

Check out post #3 at this thread: Epidemic Ebola Spread To More Mobile Cosmopolitan Nigeria US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

People sometimes feel safe when they remain ignorant.
The "if I don't know it, it won't happen to me" thing.
Now is not the time to allow ourselves to remain ignorant on the ebola thing.

But what I am curious about is really......... what did that cameraman do to come into contact with ebola-laden body fluids? How many fluids are lying around (like vomit in parking lots)? It would be helpful for us to know what he did to get it and it might be life-saving for other journalists or camera-holders to know exactly, not reportedly, but EXACTLY how easy it is to catch ebola.
Jeff Kuhner, filled in for Savage on Friday. He said no more flights from West Africa to USA and vice versa. He also said that crazy Muslims will get the virus on purpose than come to the US and spread it. Makes sense.

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