Breaking: NBC reporting Trump on the way to Walter Reed

If its any comfort to my American friends.
Not much will change. It was shit when Johnson went in. It was shit when he was in and shit when he came out.
yeah. htf can he get away with intentionally breaking the agreement. why even negotiate for years..
Politics is just a game of frogger to him. He will carry on till he runs out of rocks to land on.
You reap what you sow. Trump has been the most dishonest person--president or otherwise--to ever enter the public eye in terms of the continual and diversity of his lies and hyperbole.

I'm going to defend Orange Jesus for just a minute.

I don't disagree with you. But his supporters will - rightly - say that all politicians lie. Hillary was as big of a liar as they come, they will tell you.

But Trump lies "honestly," meaning that his lies are so blatant, it's obvious. You get what you see.

Most politicians lie much more duplicitly. They aren't obvious liars. You don't know what their motives are.

Just sayin'.


These are (or should be) obvious lies;

  • Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
  • TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)

Saying that we'd have close to zero cases of Covid.... do you put that in the same category?

Are you guys posting in the wrong thread?

Yes I think so, obviously The Bot Farm is malfunctioning or whatever and the Central Bot System is posting the wrong shit in the wrong thread.

Sorry, I couldn't hear you...I was cashing my checks from working on the troll farm.

I like that response!
Do you see anyone laughing, you petulant child?
The rest of the world, you blind ass.

Do us a favor and start a thread with links to all the places around the world laughing cause Trump is in the hospital? You can start here by posting just one.
i am here in germany having a good time.

Gee, I can't think of many things more comforting than your being 10,000 miles away.
shows either your lack of imagination, or that you are truly afraid of me. is it because i repeatedly laughed at you for not being able to understand percent increase? i can do this again. from germany. lol

No, I just like my trash far enough out of sight that I can't smell it.
how does that work on an internet message board, hero?

yeah, people all over the world laugh at you and your clown in chief.
Pissing ourselves in Wales.

The same wankers who were dancing in the street when RBG died now want consideration for the fat pig who killed 200000 citizens.
Right wing empathy only works one way.

Harsh...but true.

I remember one poster here put into the title of the post, "I'm glad she is dead"

...There it sits in the Politics section. It wasn't moved to the basement where shit like that belongs. It was liked by many and the sentiment was echoed for several days.

That is ONE poster.

The OP was liked by more than one poster, true?
The sentiment was (and continues to be) repeated, true?

Who cares about RBG, she's worm food already, she was already worm food when that OP was posted. This is a totally different situation this is someone who at this moment is still alive but in the hospital.

And I rest my case....

Right wing hatred for the deceased then (and just now) makes right wing outrage pretty funny.
trumptards trying to claim some kind of moral high ground is always super amusing.
You reap what you sow. Trump has been the most dishonest person--president or otherwise--to ever enter the public eye in terms of the continual and diversity of his lies and hyperbole.

I'm going to defend Orange Jesus for just a minute.

I don't disagree with you. But his supporters will - rightly - say that all politicians lie. Hillary was as big of a liar as they come, they will tell you.

But Trump lies "honestly," meaning that his lies are so blatant, it's obvious. You get what you see.

Most politicians lie much more duplicitly. They aren't obvious liars. You don't know what their motives are.

Just sayin'.


These are (or should be) obvious lies;

  • Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
  • TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)

Saying that we'd have close to zero cases of Covid.... do you put that in the same category?

Are you guys posting in the wrong thread?

Yes I think so, obviously The Bot Farm is malfunctioning or whatever and the Central Bot System is posting the wrong shit in the wrong thread.

Sorry, I couldn't hear you...I was cashing my checks from working on the troll farm.

I like that response!

I like rattling your cage. Its fun watching you flail around like a moron.
Do you see anyone laughing, you petulant child?
The rest of the world, you blind ass.

Do us a favor and start a thread with links to all the places around the world laughing cause Trump is in the hospital? You can start here by posting just one.
i am here in germany having a good time.

Gee, I can't think of many things more comforting than your being 10,000 miles away.
shows either your lack of imagination, or that you are truly afraid of me. is it because i repeatedly laughed at you for not being able to understand percent increase? i can do this again. from germany. lol

No, I just like my trash far enough out of sight that I can't smell it.
how does that work on an internet message board, hero?

yeah, people all over the world laugh at you and your clown in chief.
Pissing ourselves in Wales.

The same wankers who were dancing in the street when RBG died now want consideration for the fat pig who killed 200000 citizens.
Right wing empathy only works one way.

Harsh...but true.

I remember one poster here put into the title of the post, "I'm glad she is dead"

...There it sits in the Politics section. It wasn't moved to the basement where shit like that belongs. It was liked by many and the sentiment was echoed for several days.

That is ONE poster.

The OP was liked by more than one poster, true?
The sentiment was (and continues to be) repeated, true?

Who cares about RBG, she's worm food already, she was already worm food when that OP was posted. This is a totally different situation this is someone who at this moment is still alive but in the hospital.

And I rest my case....

Right wing hatred for the deceased then (and just now) makes right wing outrage pretty funny.

No actually RBG supported and vote to keep active Abortion on Demand and so via Proxy she was responsible for continuing to allow TENS of MILLIONS of the unborn to be killed as they slumbered in the womb.

All the Hate Trump Hope He Dies Crowd are saying oh but 200 thousand COVID-19 deaths.

200 THOUSAND against TENS of MILLIONS of the unborn? Not that Leftists give a SHIT about the COVID-19 deaths Leftists are just USING COVID-19 as a means to continue Economy Destroying Job Destroying Lockdowns so you hope the Western Economy collapses and you then hope you can destroy and replace The Capitalist System.
You reap what you sow. Trump has been the most dishonest person--president or otherwise--to ever enter the public eye in terms of the continual and diversity of his lies and hyperbole.

I'm going to defend Orange Jesus for just a minute.

I don't disagree with you. But his supporters will - rightly - say that all politicians lie. Hillary was as big of a liar as they come, they will tell you.

But Trump lies "honestly," meaning that his lies are so blatant, it's obvious. You get what you see.

Most politicians lie much more duplicitly. They aren't obvious liars. You don't know what their motives are.

Just sayin'.


These are (or should be) obvious lies;

  • Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
  • TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)

Saying that we'd have close to zero cases of Covid.... do you put that in the same category?

Are you guys posting in the wrong thread?

Yes I think so, obviously The Bot Farm is malfunctioning or whatever and the Central Bot System is posting the wrong shit in the wrong thread.

Sorry, I couldn't hear you...I was cashing my checks from working on the troll farm.

I like that response!

I like rattling your cage. Its fun watching you flail around like a moron.

No actually you are NOT rattling my cage, but keep thinking you are because then we can all enjoy your stupid responses.
Last edited:
Looking for link now.

It's on Twitter, CNN:

You like other POS WANT The Donald to die. I am SURE that hearing this news gave you a sexual reaction, you sick POS. Remember: KARMA is a BITCH.

Let them show their asses. I love it. Mods had better not censor matter what they say. Make them own it forever. Free speech.

The ENTIRE Leftist Cabal are literally WISHING that The Donald dies, this below one hour after The Donald Tweeted that he and Melania tested Positive for COVID-19, The Washington Compost Tweeted the BELOW:

View attachment 396222

it's bullshit and hateful to the core and those who do it should be ashamed.

but the right went nuts on ruth died also. just par for the course these days. we've lost the value behind life itself.
All the networks are running special reports right now saying that Trump is heading to Walter Reed. Marine 1 just landed on the WH lawn to take him there.

Most of the current reports are saying that he's going to Walter Reed just to make sure he can be closely monitored. Apparently, he's not in serious condition yet, but they are being cautious.

There isn't really any reason to worry about him (yet), but the doctors on the news said that if he ends up being put on oxygen, THEN it will be time to worry. They also said the morbidity rate for someone Trump's age is around 15 percent.
We saw how close Boris Johnson was to dying, let's get him going on Hydroxy and bleach pronto! JK it's early enough, they'll get ahead of it.
They're cleaning the White House for the next President. Even if he survives he's not going to be healthy enough to continue.
You're so full of shit your breath stinks.
You reap what you sow. Trump has been the most dishonest person--president or otherwise--to ever enter the public eye in terms of the continual and diversity of his lies and hyperbole.

I'm going to defend Orange Jesus for just a minute.

I don't disagree with you. But his supporters will - rightly - say that all politicians lie. Hillary was as big of a liar as they come, they will tell you.

But Trump lies "honestly," meaning that his lies are so blatant, it's obvious. You get what you see.

Most politicians lie much more duplicitly. They aren't obvious liars. You don't know what their motives are.

Just sayin'.


These are (or should be) obvious lies;

  • Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
  • TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)

Saying that we'd have close to zero cases of Covid.... do you put that in the same category?

Are you guys posting in the wrong thread?

Yes I think so, obviously The Bot Farm is malfunctioning or whatever and the Central Bot System is posting the wrong shit in the wrong thread.

Sorry, I couldn't hear you...I was cashing my checks from working on the troll farm.

Makes a change from how you usually make your money standing on a street corner waiting to pick up diseased Third World Shithole cock.
All the networks are running special reports right now saying that Trump is heading to Walter Reed. Marine 1 just landed on the WH lawn to take him there.

Most of the current reports are saying that he's going to Walter Reed just to make sure he can be closely monitored. Apparently, he's not in serious condition yet, but they are being cautious.

There isn't really any reason to worry about him (yet), but the doctors on the news said that if he ends up being put on oxygen, THEN it will be time to worry. They also said the morbidity rate for someone Trump's age is around 15 percent.
We saw how close Boris Johnson was to dying, let's get him going on Hydroxy and bleach pronto! JK it's early enough, they'll get ahead of it.
They're cleaning the White House for the next President. Even if he survives he's not going to be healthy enough to continue.
You're so full of shit your breath stinks.

Their breath also stinks because they spend half the day with diseased Third World Shithole cock in their mouths.
Looking for link now.

It's on Twitter, CNN:

You like other POS WANT The Donald to die. I am SURE that hearing this news gave you a sexual reaction, you sick POS. Remember: KARMA is a BITCH.

Let them show their asses. I love it. Mods had better not censor matter what they say. Make them own it forever. Free speech.

The ENTIRE Leftist Cabal are literally WISHING that The Donald dies, this below one hour after The Donald Tweeted that he and Melania tested Positive for COVID-19, The Washington Compost Tweeted the BELOW:

View attachment 396222

it's bullshit and hateful to the core and those who do it should be ashamed.

but the right went nuts on ruth died also. just par for the course these days. we've lost the value behind life itself.

You do NOT place nice with this crowd. That time is over.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.

Goddamn RIght. The Reich Wing 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Facist is getting what he so fucking richly deserve.

Fuck Him. He has killed over 200,000 Innocent Men, Women and Children with his Indifference, and his Ineptitude. Let that Son of Fucking Whore Die.
You're retarded.

No not retarded, just consumed by evil. Notice though that POS did NOT mention that the Democrat Governor of New York has been responsible for a MASSIVE percentage of the COVID-19 deaths by putting HOSPITAL PATIENTS who had COVID-19 in Care Homes with the ELDERLY who did NOT have COVID-19.

You see their HATE of The Donald is insane and unhinged and everything else, this crowd are NOT to be considered HUMAN anymore and so remember that when the TIME arrives, they are not HUMAN, they are OBJECTS to be eradicated by ANY means.
Eradicating them?

No. That's dropping to their level.

Just keep them out of political power.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.

Goddamn RIght. The Reich Wing 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Facist is getting what he so fucking richly deserve.

Fuck Him. He has killed over 200,000 Innocent Men, Women and Children with his Indifference, and his Ineptitude. Let that Son of Fucking Whore Die.
You're retarded.

No not retarded, just consumed by evil. Notice though that POS did NOT mention that the Democrat Governor of New York has been responsible for a MASSIVE percentage of the COVID-19 deaths by putting HOSPITAL PATIENTS who had COVID-19 in Care Homes with the ELDERLY who did NOT have COVID-19.

You see their HATE of The Donald is insane and unhinged and everything else, this crowd are NOT to be considered HUMAN anymore and so remember that when the TIME arrives, they are not HUMAN, they are OBJECTS to be eradicated by ANY means.
Eradicating them?

No. That's dropping to their level.

Just keep them out of political power.

You keep them out of political power how? Voting them out? They have that covered already, why do you think ONLY the Left demand that unlimited amounts of Third World Shitholers are imported, you know Muh Refugees? These are their New Voters, low IQ Third World Shitholers, easy to TELL WHO to mark their X next to.

You have only several choices on how to stop all of this and voting is not one of them.
Do you see anyone laughing, you petulant child?
The rest of the world, you blind ass.

Do us a favor and start a thread with links to all the places around the world laughing cause Trump is in the hospital? You can start here by posting just one.
i am here in germany having a good time.

Gee, I can't think of many things more comforting than your being 10,000 miles away.
shows either your lack of imagination, or that you are truly afraid of me. is it because i repeatedly laughed at you for not being able to understand percent increase? i can do this again. from germany. lol

No, I just like my trash far enough out of sight that I can't smell it.
how does that work on an internet message board, hero?

yeah, people all over the world laugh at you and your clown in chief.
Pissing ourselves in Wales.

The same wankers who were dancing in the street when RBG died now want consideration for the fat pig who killed 200000 citizens.
Right wing empathy only works one way.

Harsh...but true.

I remember one poster here put into the title of the post, "I'm glad she is dead"

...There it sits in the Politics section. It wasn't moved to the basement where shit like that belongs. It was liked by many and the sentiment was echoed for several days.
You'll understand if I don't hold my breath waiting for you to condemn those who are wishing for the President's death.
You reap what you sow. Trump has been the most dishonest person--president or otherwise--to ever enter the public eye in terms of the continual and diversity of his lies and hyperbole.

I'm going to defend Orange Jesus for just a minute.

I don't disagree with you. But his supporters will - rightly - say that all politicians lie. Hillary was as big of a liar as they come, they will tell you.

But Trump lies "honestly," meaning that his lies are so blatant, it's obvious. You get what you see.

Most politicians lie much more duplicitly. They aren't obvious liars. You don't know what their motives are.

Just sayin'.


These are (or should be) obvious lies;

  • Campaign finance: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do, because I'm the biggest contributor." (1999.)
  • TV ratings: "I know more about people who get ratings than anyone." (October 2012.)
  • ISIS: "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." (November 2015.)
  • Social media: "I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" (November 2015.)
  • Courts: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." (November 2015.)
  • Lawsuits: "[W]ho knows more about lawsuits than I do? I'm the king." (January 2016.)
  • Politicians: "I understand politicians better than anybody."
  • The visa system: "[N]obody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. ... Nobody else on this dais knows how to change it like I do, believe me." (March 2016.)
  • Trade: "Nobody knows more about trade than me." (March 2016.)
  • The U.S. government system: "[N]obody knows the system better than I do." (April 2016.)
  • Renewable energy: "I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." (April 2016.)
  • Taxes: "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." (May 2016.)
  • Debt: "I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me." (June 2016.)
  • Money: "I understand money better than anybody." (June 2016.)
  • Infrastructure: "[L]ook, as a builder, nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." (July 2016.)
  • Sen. Cory Booker: "I know more about Cory than he knows about himself." (July 2016.)
  • Borders: Trump said in 2016 that Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he was endorsing him for president because "you know more about this stuff than anybody."
  • Democrats: "I think I know more about the other side than almost anybody." (November 2016.)
  • Construction: "[N]obody knows more about construction than I do." (May 2018.)
  • The economy: "I think I know about it better than [the Federal Reserve]." (October 2018.)
  • Technology: "Technology — nobody knows more about technology than me." (December 2018.)
  • Drones: "I know more about drones than anybody. I know about every form of safety that you can have." (January 2019.)
  • Drone technology: "Having a drone fly overhead — and I think nobody knows much more about technology, this type of technology certainly, than I do." (January 2019.)

Saying that we'd have close to zero cases of Covid.... do you put that in the same category?

Are you guys posting in the wrong thread?

Yes I think so, obviously The Bot Farm is malfunctioning or whatever and the Central Bot System is posting the wrong shit in the wrong thread.
Socks actually.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.

Goddamn RIght. The Reich Wing 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Facist is getting what he so fucking richly deserve.

Fuck Him. He has killed over 200,000 Innocent Men, Women and Children with his Indifference, and his Ineptitude. Let that Son of Fucking Whore Die.
You're retarded.

No not retarded, just consumed by evil. Notice though that POS did NOT mention that the Democrat Governor of New York has been responsible for a MASSIVE percentage of the COVID-19 deaths by putting HOSPITAL PATIENTS who had COVID-19 in Care Homes with the ELDERLY who did NOT have COVID-19.

You see their HATE of The Donald is insane and unhinged and everything else, this crowd are NOT to be considered HUMAN anymore and so remember that when the TIME arrives, they are not HUMAN, they are OBJECTS to be eradicated by ANY means.
Eradicating them?

No. That's dropping to their level.

Just keep them out of political power.

But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.

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