Breaking: NBC reporting Trump on the way to Walter Reed

Looking for link now.

It's on Twitter, CNN:

You like other POS WANT The Donald to die. I am SURE that hearing this news gave you a sexual reaction, you sick POS. Remember: KARMA is a BITCH.

Let them show their asses. I love it. Mods had better not censor matter what they say. Make them own it forever. Free speech.

The ENTIRE Leftist Cabal are literally WISHING that The Donald dies, this below one hour after The Donald Tweeted that he and Melania tested Positive for COVID-19, The Washington Compost Tweeted the BELOW:

View attachment 396222

it's bullshit and hateful to the core and those who do it should be ashamed.

but the right went nuts on ruth died also. just par for the course these days. we've lost the value behind life itself.

You do NOT place nice with this crowd. That time is over.

not for me. i will only compromise the middle so far and not going to abandon basic human compassion along the way.

So the other side has NO human compassion for you because you are not a Leftist, so what are you going to do? Offer to "Lets Try And Be Friends" with them? The Rubicon was crossed some time ago, there is no being friends or attempting to be friends anymore.

I cant disagree. If your “friend” tells you they hope Trump dies, you have to reconsider that “friend”. Do you want them around your family?
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Then you've already lost Dave. You will be among the first to go. These people have declared war on you, they have stated plainly their intent to destroy you, they just haven't come at you with tanks and planes like Hitler, yet. Adolf disagreed with a lot of people, too, but if you didn't kill him, he was just going to keep coming until he killed you first.
there's a difference in being willing and able to defend myself vs. being an asshole to a generalization.

They have already taken 80% of your territory. How long do you think you can keep defending yourself before your arm tires or they get in a lucky fatal blow?

"Defending yourself" is just a nice way of rationalizing settling for the status quo, and hoping you don't lose any more ground.

In a war, no one wins by settling for just trying not to lose, you either fight to win decisively, or you lose.

If you are not willing to fight to win, then you've already been defeated.

No one ever won a war on principles. Especially when the other side has none.
I cant disagree. If your “friend” tells you they hope Trump dies, you have to reconsider that “friend”. Do you want them around your family?
Do you want to see the result of the search on how many people here were wishing for the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.

Goddamn RIght. The Reich Wing 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Facist is getting what he so fucking richly deserve.

Fuck Him. He has killed over 200,000 Innocent Men, Women and Children with his Indifference, and his Ineptitude. Let that Son of Fucking Whore Die.
You're retarded.

No not retarded, just consumed by evil. Notice though that POS did NOT mention that the Democrat Governor of New York has been responsible for a MASSIVE percentage of the COVID-19 deaths by putting HOSPITAL PATIENTS who had COVID-19 in Care Homes with the ELDERLY who did NOT have COVID-19.

You see their HATE of The Donald is insane and unhinged and everything else, this crowd are NOT to be considered HUMAN anymore and so remember that when the TIME arrives, they are not HUMAN, they are OBJECTS to be eradicated by ANY means.
Eradicating them?

No. That's dropping to their level.

Just keep them out of political power.

But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Do what makes you feel better then. You know All About The Feels. Muh Feelings.
No, I am not a leftist. I don't make decisions based on emotion.

I would kill without hesitation anyone threatening me, my family, or my property. I'm not interested in a hugfest or talking to them about why society failed them. If there is civil war, I will fight on the side of the Constitution, just as I swore to God to do 29 years ago.

It looks to me, however, like you're being driven by hatred.

Hatred makes you do stupid things.
I am giving that fucking Russian Loving Scum Sucking Traitor the same amount of respect he gave to children he locked in cages. Fuck him.

Better he should die and decrease the surplus population.
Ummmm, the "children in cages" thing was Obama's program. Dumbass.
Separating them from their families they came with? No, ya whiny bitch. Wrong.
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Then you've already lost Dave. You will be among the first to go. These people have declared war on you, they have stated plainly their intent to destroy you, they just haven't come at you with tanks and planes like Hitler, yet. Adolf disagreed with a lot of people, too, but if you didn't kill him, he was just going to keep coming until he killed you first.
Fear-mongering is stupid when leftists do it. It's stupid no matter who does it.

I know full well what leftists would like: The destruction of the United States.

If you believe I would not fight for America, you're badly mistaken.

But you know one thing that makes America great? Freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought. People are free to say and think what they want. If they act to harm others, they get what they deserve.

I am not a pacifist. I am an American Airman.
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.

You don't make peace with a snake by feeding it mice, a snake is always a snake and the only sure way of living with one is to either throw it in a cage or pit, or just cut its head off.

Exactly, please explain this to daveman because he's lost in Muh Feelings and so is Iceman wrapped up in Muh Human Compassion for a crowd who given the chance would happily support Off To The Gulag v2.
You're reading a lot of things I haven't written. Might wanna cut that shit out.
Well, after the news today, we now know that hydroxychloroquine isn't very useful in preventing COVID 19. Matter of fact, damn near everything Trump did (rallies in closed in spaces, no social distancing, no mask wearing, promoting hydroxycholoroquine, etc.) are things you don't want to do in this day and age.

Maintain your distance, wear a mask and try to keep your hands clean. Those are the things that work.
Russia put a bounty on U.S. Military Personnel and that jack hole did nothing. Fuck him

He took children at gunpoint from their parents and locked them in cages. Fuck him.

He called the Marines who died for their country at Bellau Wood. Fuck him.

Fuck that Russian Loving, Five Deferment Draft Dodging Fuck Was Orange Shit Stain.

Let him die.
Good Gaea, you're a gullible idiot.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.

Hardly, we will wondering why conservatives are still there dancing on Ruth Bader Ginsberg‘a passing.
Is anyone ever going to point any of those out, other than the handful of idiots in that one thread?
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Then you've already lost Dave. You will be among the first to go. These people have declared war on you, they have stated plainly their intent to destroy you, they just haven't come at you with tanks and planes like Hitler, yet. Adolf disagreed with a lot of people, too, but if you didn't kill him, he was just going to keep coming until he killed you first.
Fear-mongering is stupid when leftists do it. It's stupid no matter who does it.

I know full well what leftists would like: The destruction of the United States.

If you believe I would not fight for America, you're badly mistaken.

But you know one thing that makes America great? Freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought. People are free to say and think what they want. If they act to harm others, they get what they deserve.

I am not a pacifist. I am an American Airman.

Pretty broad bush you're using to paint the leftists with. There are many of you on this board who consider me a "leftist", because I don't like Trump or the way a lot of the GOP has been doing stuff. That doesn't mean I hate America. Spent over 20 years of my life in the Navy, serving the needs of this country.

And, if there actually WAS some type of civil war, I'd be siding with the people who support and defend the Constitution, just like the oath I swore over 5 times said.
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Then you've already lost Dave. You will be among the first to go. These people have declared war on you, they have stated plainly their intent to destroy you, they just haven't come at you with tanks and planes like Hitler, yet. Adolf disagreed with a lot of people, too, but if you didn't kill him, he was just going to keep coming until he killed you first.
Fear-mongering is stupid when leftists do it. It's stupid no matter who does it.

I know full well what leftists would like: The destruction of the United States.

If you believe I would not fight for America, you're badly mistaken.

But you know one thing that makes America great? Freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought. People are free to say and think what they want. If they act to harm others, they get what they deserve.

I am not a pacifist. I am an American Airman.

That's fine Dave. But consider: can you name a single nation that would let you freely set up camp in their country plotting to overthrow them? There is freedom, and then there is freedom. Freedom to live differently as one chooses is great, but allowing someone freedom to invade, take over and overthrow you and plot your destruction isn't freedom, it is just plain foolishness. Naive idealism.

That isn't fear-mongering, I have no fear. Just resolute determination not to let a scurrilous enemy invading me like a creeping virus to kill me before I can stop it first.
I am giving that fucking Russian Loving Scum Sucking Traitor the same amount of respect he gave to children he locked in cages. Fuck him.

Better he should die and decrease the surplus population.
Ummmm, the "children in cages" thing was Obama's program. Dumbass.
Separating them from their families they came with? No, ya whiny bitch. Wrong.
Moving the goalposts? Weak.

Fact check: Obama administration approved, built temporary holding enclosures at southern border

In a 2019 interview with nonpartisan think tank The Aspen Institute, Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama's Homeland Security secretary, told NPR's Mary Louise Kelly that the "cages" predate the Trump administration.

"Chain-link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them were not invented on January 20, 2017," Johnson said.​
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Then you've already lost Dave. You will be among the first to go. These people have declared war on you, they have stated plainly their intent to destroy you, they just haven't come at you with tanks and planes like Hitler, yet. Adolf disagreed with a lot of people, too, but if you didn't kill him, he was just going to keep coming until he killed you first.
Fear-mongering is stupid when leftists do it. It's stupid no matter who does it.

I know full well what leftists would like: The destruction of the United States.

If you believe I would not fight for America, you're badly mistaken.

But you know one thing that makes America great? Freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought. People are free to say and think what they want. If they act to harm others, they get what they deserve.

I am not a pacifist. I am an American Airman.

Pretty broad bush you're using to paint the leftists with. There are many of you on this board who consider me a "leftist", because I don't like Trump or the way a lot of the GOP has been doing stuff. That doesn't mean I hate America. Spent over 20 years of my life in the Navy, serving the needs of this country.

And, if there actually WAS some type of civil war, I'd be siding with the people who support and defend the Constitution, just like the oath I swore over 5 times said.
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Then you've already lost Dave. You will be among the first to go. These people have declared war on you, they have stated plainly their intent to destroy you, they just haven't come at you with tanks and planes like Hitler, yet. Adolf disagreed with a lot of people, too, but if you didn't kill him, he was just going to keep coming until he killed you first.
Fear-mongering is stupid when leftists do it. It's stupid no matter who does it.

I know full well what leftists would like: The destruction of the United States.

If you believe I would not fight for America, you're badly mistaken.

But you know one thing that makes America great? Freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought. People are free to say and think what they want. If they act to harm others, they get what they deserve.

I am not a pacifist. I am an American Airman.

That's fine Dave. But consider: can you name a single nation that would let you freely set up camp in their country plotting to overthrow them? There is freedom, and then there is freedom. Freedom to live differently as one chooses is great, but allowing someone freedom to invade, take over and overthrow you and plot your destruction isn't freedom, it is just plain foolishness. Naive idealism.

That isn't fear-mongering, I have no fear. Just resolute determination not to let a scurrilous enemy invading me like a creeping virus to kill me before I can stop it first.
When are you opening fire?
In a 2019 interview with nonpartisan think tank The Aspen Institute, Jeh Johnson, Barack Obama's Homeland Security secretary, told NPR's Mary Louise Kelly that the "cages" predate the Trump administration.​
"Chain-link barriers, partitions, fences, cages, whatever you want to call them were not invented on January 20, 2017," Johnson said.​
It's not when they were invented, but when they started using them for family separation. Obama actually got cited for keeping families together too long.
But in order to win you HAVE to DROP to their LEVEL, you don't win by playing nice, you win by HATING MORE than they HATE YOU, they would soon CELEBRATE YOU being thrown into a mass grave, so just remember that.
Nope. I refuse to give up my humanity. I'm not going to kill anyone for disagreeing with me.

Then you've already lost Dave. You will be among the first to go. These people have declared war on you, they have stated plainly their intent to destroy you, they just haven't come at you with tanks and planes like Hitler, yet. Adolf disagreed with a lot of people, too, but if you didn't kill him, he was just going to keep coming until he killed you first.
Fear-mongering is stupid when leftists do it. It's stupid no matter who does it.

I know full well what leftists would like: The destruction of the United States.

If you believe I would not fight for America, you're badly mistaken.

But you know one thing that makes America great? Freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of thought. People are free to say and think what they want. If they act to harm others, they get what they deserve.

I am not a pacifist. I am an American Airman.

That's fine Dave. But consider: can you name a single nation that would let you freely set up camp in their country plotting to overthrow them? There is freedom, and then there is freedom. Freedom to live differently as one chooses is great, but allowing someone freedom to invade, take over and overthrow you and plot your destruction isn't freedom, it is just plain foolishness. Naive idealism.

That isn't fear-mongering, I have no fear. Just resolute determination not to let a scurrilous enemy invading me like a creeping virus to kill me before I can stop it first.
When are you opening fire?

Like I said, since you are unwilling to fight, or at least don't see an imminent enemy, you'll be one of the first to go. War comes in many forms, it no longer necessarily comes on a battlefield with guns, tanks and planes.

Sometimes all it takes is words, contracts and ideas.

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