Breaking: Newly Released Podesta Emails Confirms Facebook Colluded With Hillary During Election

Well if that is true........Facebook doesn't have the ultimate influence they pretend to have, now do they.
Facebook Zoinkenberg pig is a piece of crap

A totalitarian at heart! he will be be damned ... scum!

Wow. Just wow. But the mother truckers are stuck on Russia Russia Russia collusion.
Another Update!

Russian Collusion

Russell Wiley @russellwiley
Mark Zuckerberg in coversation with the Development Manager for Russia and CIS Ekaterina Skorobogatova, in Red Square #FacebookLeaks
Zuckerberger actually has close set eyes and giant, hooked nose like Colon Kapernick. Prolly just a coincidence!

What is hilarious and consistent with the MSM/Democrat PROJECTION of themselves onto The Donald is they implied for a few weeks now Russia was working with Facebook. :p Folks, as a current resident of CT, I am so disgusted and embarrassed that Jewish Senator Blewmenthol who looks like death warmed over was on Jewish Zionist Wurf Blitzer's show yesterday saying Russian trolls from Florida did something or other on Facebook that meddled with advertising or something or other and suggested illegal alien invaders are hurting the countries they invade. We know savages from the middle east are raping and murdering folks in the countries they invade thanks to Liveleak and other video websites. The liars like Blewmenthol and others need to be brought to justice for undermining our democracy.
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I don't see anything "breaking". The Zuckerberg email is so vague that it reveals nothing, and Sandberg had been outspoken of her support for Hillary. She was even being considered for a cabinet position should Hillary have won.
none of which has been revealed yet...

Stay asleep you hypocritical jerk, preferably face down in a pool of water. You'd be singing a different tune if it was the Trump campaign colluding with facebook. Fact.
This is literally nothing nothing.

Its more something than all of the russian collusion "evidence" combined.
this is literally nothing...
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Zuckerberger actually has close set eyes and giant, hooked nose like Colon Kapernick. Prolly just a coincidence!

What is hilarious and consistent with the MSM/Democrat PROJECTION of themselves onto The Donald is they implied for a few weeks now Russia was working with Facebook. :p Folks, as a current resident of CT, I am so disgusted and embarrassed that Jewish Senator Blewmenthol who looks like death warmed over was on Jewish Zionist Wurf Blitzer's show yesterday saying Russian trolls from Florida did something or other on Facebook that meddled with advertising or something or other and suggested illegal alien invaders are hurting the countries they invade. We know savages from the middle east are raping and murdering folks in the countries they invade thanks to Liveleak and other video websites. The liars like Blewmenthol and others need to be brought to justice for undermining our democracy.

I haven't seen ANYTHING that says that Russia was working with Facebook. Russia was potentially using Facebook, but not sitting down with Zuckerburg and trying to figure things out.

Twisting things doesn't make them the truth.

Is there anything wrong with AN AMERICAN working with AN AMERICAN in AN AMERICAN election?

When the Russians do it, it's bad because they're not American. Don't you get that?
Zuckerberg is not just any American. He's a Jewish American. That's a big problem. Always beware the Jew because they always cry out in pain as they strike you. They've done it for thousands of years. It's why they've been kicked out of over a hundred countries.

Is there anything wrong with AN AMERICAN working with AN AMERICAN in AN AMERICAN election?

When the Russians do it, it's bad because they're not American. Don't you get that?
Zuckerberg is not just any American. He's a Jewish American. That's a big problem. Always beware the Jew because they always cry out in pain as they strike you. They've done it for thousands of years. It's why they've been kicked out of over a hundred countries.

Your religion doesn't matter. Being Jewish is not more a problem than being Christian. If you hate the US so much that you'd go against its principles, why don't you leave? (Taken from right wingers on a constant basis of, you don't like the country so fuck off)

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