Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

Obama is not going to win Arizona anyway

Best thing for him to do is not challenge Arizona's silly law and submit his COLB anyway. Force their hand and make Arizona keep the existing President of the United States off their ballot while the other 49 states allow him

The backlash against the Republicans would be fierce. It would appear Republicans are trying to steal the election and that the Republicans are being run by the lunatic fringe.

Best thing that could happen to Obama
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Yes you are.

No I'm not, I do not support Obama. I'd love to see him out of office. You continue to make this claim about me and it is a lie.

Not the issue, of course a State can require a candidate submit records that document their birth. The issue is that they cannot mandate under the Constitution irrelevant information be required on another states document.

Citizenship at birth in the territory of the United States is determined by Date and Place of Birth under the 14th Amendment. Beyond that it would be a violation of Article IV Section 1 of the Constitution for a State to reject the official birth document of another state to establish that.

Dude - my insertion of those characters are at the end of my posts which have nothing to do with the Quote function. This is a deflection because you don't check your posts before hitting "Submit Replay" to see if you have messed up the quotes.

BTW - The ">>>>" comes from the old days of writing Naval Messages where "End of Transmission" characters were inserted at the end of each messages. Kind of like saying "Out" on a radio. What they do is allow me to use my browsers Find function to quickly locate my posts on a page since I keep the number of posts per page at the highest setting in the UserCP.

Let me repeat my previous reply to this inane statement:

"I support the fundamental concept that ALL candidates for elective office must provide documented evidence that they meet the requirements to hold that office as defined by the Federal Constitution, State Constitution, or applicable statutory law.

I do not support unConstitutional law simply because I don't like the current occupant of the Oval Office, which is what some people are doing."​


No I'm not, I do not support Obama. I'd love to see him out of office. You continue to make this claim about me and it is a lie.

Horse shit, I cannot see why you would object to this bill unless you think obama is hiding something.

"I support the fundamental concept that ALL candidates for elective office must provide documented evidence that they meet the requirements to hold that office as defined by the Federal Constitution, State Constitution, or applicable statutory law.

I do not support unConstitutional law simply because I don't like the current occupant of the Oval Office, which is what some people are doing."​

Blow it out your ass sparky the bill is constitutional. I like the way you talked about the Constitution and then insert:
I do not support unConstitutional law simply because I don't like the current occupant of the Oval Office, which is what some people are doing

There's you MO I guess, when faced with logic and reason you get insulting.

There are some that can see a larger issue beyond the nose on our faces. You oppose Obama (as do I) the difference is that you support violating the Constitution to achieve a goal. I don't.

You're only fooling yourself.

Nope, I'm reading the actual bill. The bill rejects an OFFICIAL birth document issued under the seal of a State of the Union yet allows a candidate to submit non-official records in substitute like baptism and circumcision records.

Obama is not going to win Arizona anyway

Best thing for him to do is not challenge Arizona's silly law and submit his COLB anyway. Force their hand and make Arizona keep the existing President of the United States off their ballot while the other 49 states allow him

The backlash against the Republicans would be fierce. It would appear Republicans are trying to steal the election and that te Republicans are being run by the lunatic fringe.

Best thing that could happen to Obama

Actually I think that is his plan. Submit the COLB, then challenge the law in court to make it look silly and to then be able to play the victim card.

None of which would have been possible if they had just written a Constitutional law to begin with. Citizenship at birth is determined by date and location, requiring irrelevant information be contained in another state's birth document will be an issue.

No I'm not, I do not support Obama. I'd love to see him out of office. You continue to make this claim about me and it is a lie.

Not the issue, of course a State can require a candidate submit records that document their birth. The issue is that they cannot mandate under the Constitution irrelevant information be required on another states document.

Citizenship at birth in the territory of the United States is determined by Date and Place of Birth under the 14th Amendment. Beyond that it would be a violation of Article IV Section 1 of the Constitution for a State to reject the official birth document of another state to establish that.

Dude - my insertion of those characters are at the end of my posts which have nothing to do with the Quote function. This is a deflection because you don't check your posts before hitting "Submit Replay" to see if you have messed up the quotes.

BTW - The ">>>>" comes from the old days of writing Naval Messages where "End of Transmission" characters were inserted at the end of each messages. Kind of like saying "Out" on a radio. What they do is allow me to use my browsers Find function to quickly locate my posts on a page since I keep the number of posts per page at the highest setting in the UserCP.

Let me repeat my previous reply to this inane statement:

"I support the fundamental concept that ALL candidates for elective office must provide documented evidence that they meet the requirements to hold that office as defined by the Federal Constitution, State Constitution, or applicable statutory law.

I do not support unConstitutional law simply because I don't like the current occupant of the Oval Office, which is what some people are doing."​


Horse shit, I cannot see why you would object to this bill unless you think obama is hiding something.

"I support the fundamental concept that ALL candidates for elective office must provide documented evidence that they meet the requirements to hold that office as defined by the Federal Constitution, State Constitution, or applicable statutory law.

I do not support unConstitutional law simply because I don't like the current occupant of the Oval Office, which is what some people are doing."​

Blow it out your ass sparky the bill is constitutional. I like the way you talked about the Constitution and then insert:

There's you MO I guess, when faced with logic and reason you get insulting.

There are some that can see a larger issue beyond the nose on our faces. You oppose Obama (as do I) the difference is that you support violating the Constitution to achieve a goal. I don't.

You're only fooling yourself.

Nope, I'm reading the actual bill. The bill rejects an OFFICIAL birth document issued under the seal of a State of the Union yet allows a candidate to submit non-official records in substitute like baptism and circumcision records.

How is this bill unconstitutional? There is no law that gives specific to how a state vets a person who is running for office.
Obama is not going to win Arizona anyway

Best thing for him to do is not challenge Arizona's silly law and submit his COLB anyway. Force their hand and make Arizona keep the existing President of the United States off their ballot while the other 49 states allow him

The backlash against the Republicans would be fierce. It would appear Republicans are trying to steal the election and that the Republicans are being run by the lunatic fringe.

Best thing that could happen to Obama

Yep I hope obama does not produce the long form and does not run on the Arizona ballot. People are not that stupid more people would start to question why he's not running in that state. and more people will not vote for him.
Horse shit, I cannot see why you would object to this bill unless you think obama is hiding something.

"I support the fundamental concept that ALL candidates for elective office must provide documented evidence that they meet the requirements to hold that office as defined by the Federal Constitution, State Constitution, or applicable statutory law.

I do not support unConstitutional law simply because I don't like the current occupant of the Oval Office, which is what some people are doing."​

Blow it out your ass sparky the bill is constitutional. I like the way you talked about the Constitution and then insert:

There's you MO I guess, when faced with logic and reason you get insulting.

There are some that can see a larger issue beyond the nose on our faces. You oppose Obama (as do I) the difference is that you support violating the Constitution to achieve a goal. I don't.

You're only fooling yourself.

Nope, I'm reading the actual bill. The bill rejects an OFFICIAL birth document issued under the seal of a State of the Union yet allows a candidate to submit non-official records in substitute like baptism and circumcision records.

How is this bill unconstitutional?

Two ways:

1. It has one state mandating irrelevant information be contained on another states official document. The State of Hawaii's official birth document issued under the Seal of the State is the COLB, issued to the public and which contains all relevant information under the 14th Amendment to determine citizenship at birth (Parents, Date, and Location). Arizona is requiring Hawaii to issue a non-standard document (under Hawaii law) and that it contain irrelevant information.

2. Under Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution and the United States Code, Arizona is required to accept records issued under the Seal of the State that provides the information relevant to the issue to be decided. Hawaii's COLB provides all relevant information and if Arizona were to reject that, then they are violating the Constitution.

Liability (who is a lawyer) btw, even pointed out earlier in this thread that citizenship of the child is pointed out in box 6a of the long form, what is that block? It's not the hospital, it's not the list of witnesses, it's certification of the LOCATION of birth.

There is no law that gives specific to how a state vets a person who is running for office.

The issue isn't about how Arizona vets their candidates, they can do it as they please within the confines of the Constitution. The issue will be Arizona choosing to attempt to vet candidates in an unConstitutional manner by (a) rejecting another states birth record, and/or (b) attempting to mandate irrelevant information be contained on records issued under the official seal of another state.

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Obama is not going to win Arizona anyway

Best thing for him to do is not challenge Arizona's silly law and submit his COLB anyway. Force their hand and make Arizona keep the existing President of the United States off their ballot while the other 49 states allow him

The backlash against the Republicans would be fierce. It would appear Republicans are trying to steal the election and that the Republicans are being run by the lunatic fringe.

Best thing that could happen to Obama

Yep I hope obama does not produce the long form and does not run on the Arizona ballot. People are not that stupid more people would start to question why he's not running in that state. and more people will not vote for him.

If I were a Dem strategist, what I'd do is get a 3rd or4th party candidate from a state that issues COLB's to apply to run as a candidate. If Arizona accepts the COLB from another state, then they will have to accept Hawaii's. On the other hand, if Arizona rejects it, then the 3rd party candidate can challenge the law and it's Constitutional issues in Federal Court and (IMHO) are likely to win. From a Dem strategy standpoint that process will insulate Obama from possible political damage because he's not the one challenging the law in court.

But again, I support all 50 States having laws on the books to required ALL candidates to hold elective office that they submit applicable records showing they meet all qualifications for office.

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Two ways:

1. It has one state mandating irrelevant information be contained on another states official document. The State of Hawaii's official birth document issued under the Seal of the State is the COLB, issued to the public and which contains all relevant information under the 14th Amendment to determine citizenship at birth (Parents, Date, and Location). Arizona is requiring Hawaii to issue a non-standard document (under Hawaii law) and that it contain irrelevant information.

2. Under Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution and the United States Code, Arizona is required to accept records issued under the Seal of the State that provides the information relevant to the issue to be decided. Hawaii's COLB provides all relevant information and if Arizona were to reject that, then they are violating the Constitution.

Liability (who is a lawyer) btw, even pointed out earlier in this thread that citizenship of the child is pointed out in box 6a of the long form, what is that block? It's not the hospital, it's not the list of witnesses, it's certification of the LOCATION of birth.

There is no law that gives specific to how a state vets a person who is running for office.

The issue isn't about how Arizona vets their candidates, they can do it as they please within the confines of the Constitution. The issue will be Arizona choosing to attempt to vet candidates in an unConstitutional manner by (a) rejecting another states birth record, and/or (b) attempting to mandate irrelevant information be contained on records issued under the official seal of another state.


Exactly. I not really sure why some people can't see beyond partisanhip, sometimes the issue is simply abiding by the law of the land.
There's you MO I guess, when faced with logic and reason you get insulting.

There are some that can see a larger issue beyond the nose on our faces. You oppose Obama (as do I) the difference is that you support violating the Constitution to achieve a goal. I don't.

Nope, I'm reading the actual bill. The bill rejects an OFFICIAL birth document issued under the seal of a State of the Union yet allows a candidate to submit non-official records in substitute like baptism and circumcision records.

How is this bill unconstitutional?

Two ways:

1. It has one state mandating irrelevant information be contained on another states official document. The State of Hawaii's official birth document issued under the Seal of the State is the COLB, issued to the public and which contains all relevant information under the 14th Amendment to determine citizenship at birth (Parents, Date, and Location). Arizona is requiring Hawaii to issue a non-standard document (under Hawaii law) and that it contain irrelevant information.

2. Under Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution and the United States Code, Arizona is required to accept records issued under the Seal of the State that provides the information relevant to the issue to be decided. Hawaii's COLB provides all relevant information and if Arizona were to reject that, then they are violating the Constitution.

There is no law that gives specific to how a state vets a person who is running for office.

The issue isn't about how Arizona vets their candidates, they can do it as they please within the confines of the Constitution. The issue will be Arizona choosing to attempt to vet candidates in an unConstitutional manner by (a) rejecting another states birth record, and/or (b) attempting to mandate irrelevant information be contained on records issued under the official seal of another state.


There is no law that gives specific to how a state vets a person who is running for office.

The issue isn't about how Arizona vets their candidates, they can do it as they please within the confines of the Constitution. The issue will be Arizona choosing to attempt to vet candidates in an unConstitutional manner by (a) rejecting another states birth record, and/or (b) attempting to mandate irrelevant information be contained on records issued under the official seal of another state.

The issue isn't about how Arizona vets their candidates, they can do it as they please within the confines of the Constitution.The issue will be Arizona choosing to attempt to vet candidates in an unConstitutional

I call this double talk, the talk of a democrat.
Are we talking about the same thing? This bill is to insure that anyone running on the ballot in Arizona has been vetted properly. Oh an Arizona will recognize Hawaii's long form BC nothing unconstitutional about that. And the information requested is relevant, it never would have been an issue if obama would have produced a long form as was asked of him.

2. Under Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution and the United States Code, Arizona is required to accept records issued under the Seal of the State that provides the information relevant to the issue to be decided. Hawaii's COLB provides all relevant information and if Arizona were to reject that, then they are violating the Constitution.

What has obama produced? a document that was never accepted by the state registrar of 1961.
Two ways:

1. It has one state mandating irrelevant information be contained on another states official document. The State of Hawaii's official birth document issued under the Seal of the State is the COLB, issued to the public and which contains all relevant information under the 14th Amendment to determine citizenship at birth (Parents, Date, and Location). Arizona is requiring Hawaii to issue a non-standard document (under Hawaii law) and that it contain irrelevant information.

2. Under Article IV Section 1 of the United States Constitution and the United States Code, Arizona is required to accept records issued under the Seal of the State that provides the information relevant to the issue to be decided. Hawaii's COLB provides all relevant information and if Arizona were to reject that, then they are violating the Constitution.

Liability (who is a lawyer) btw, even pointed out earlier in this thread that citizenship of the child is pointed out in box 6a of the long form, what is that block? It's not the hospital, it's not the list of witnesses, it's certification of the LOCATION of birth.

There is no law that gives specific to how a state vets a person who is running for office.

The issue isn't about how Arizona vets their candidates, they can do it as they please within the confines of the Constitution. The issue will be Arizona choosing to attempt to vet candidates in an unConstitutional manner by (a) rejecting another states birth record, and/or (b) attempting to mandate irrelevant information be contained on records issued under the official seal of another state.


Exactly. I not really sure why some people can't see beyond partisanhip, sometimes the issue is simply abiding by the law of the land.

What law? Arizona will recognize hawaii's long form BC CASE CLOSED.
Obama is not going to win Arizona anyway

Best thing for him to do is not challenge Arizona's silly law and submit his COLB anyway. Force their hand and make Arizona keep the existing President of the United States off their ballot while the other 49 states allow him

The backlash against the Republicans would be fierce. It would appear Republicans are trying to steal the election and that the Republicans are being run by the lunatic fringe.

Best thing that could happen to Obama

Yep I hope obama does not produce the long form and does not run on the Arizona ballot. People are not that stupid more people would start to question why he's not running in that state. and more people will not vote for him.

You need to pay attention to posts you reply to. Rightwinger said the best thing would be for Obama to submit his COLB to AZ and have them REJECT him based on that new law (unconstitutional).

AZ would supplant TX as the laughingstock of the U.S. states.
What law? Arizona will recognize hawaii's long form BC CASE CLOSED.

It doesn't matter if it's a piece of looseleaf paper with the words "Obama was born here" written on it in fingerpaint.

If the state of Hawaii affirms he was born there, and affirms that they have seen the supporting documentation, then Arizona simply cannot say otherwise.

The only governing bodies that have that power are the US Congress and the Supreme Court, both of which have already stated that they accept the existing documentation.

You're missing the point here. One state simply cannot overrule another state in this fashion. It is simply unconstitutional. Representatives of the state of Arizona can take the matter before the Congress, but other than that they just can't do anything about it.
Obama is not going to win Arizona anyway

Best thing for him to do is not challenge Arizona's silly law and submit his COLB anyway. Force their hand and make Arizona keep the existing President of the United States off their ballot while the other 49 states allow him

The backlash against the Republicans would be fierce. It would appear Republicans are trying to steal the election and that the Republicans are being run by the lunatic fringe.

Best thing that could happen to Obama

Yep I hope obama does not produce the long form and does not run on the Arizona ballot. People are not that stupid more people would start to question why he's not running in that state. and more people will not vote for him.


You are delusional. The majority of Americans look at birthers as raving lunatics and accept the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii. If Republicans in Arizona were to keep Obama off the ballot, there would be a nationwid backlash against the GOP as trying to steal the election and keep Democrats from voting

The voter would look at the Republicans and say..."Do we trust these guys?......they seem a little crazy"
What law? Arizona will recognize hawaii's long form BC CASE CLOSED.

If Arizona rejects Hawaii's Official birth record issued to the public, the COLB which contains all the information necessary to determine the citizenship status of a person born in the United States under the 14th Amendment in violation of the Constitutional Full Faith and Credit clause...

Then I predict the case will be open, in federal court.

I call this double talk, the talk of a democrat.

No, I'm a Republican and have been since my first federal election in 1978.

Are we talking about the same thing? This bill is to insure that anyone running on the ballot in Arizona has been vetted properly.

No it's not. The bill is about "Get Obama" and is poorly worded which results in a potential conflict with the United States Constitution.

Requiring irrelevant information to the question at hand is not "proper vetting".

Oh an Arizona will recognize Hawaii's long form BC nothing unconstitutional about that.

Not the point, the point is it requires information on the birth record in another state to contain information not relevant to the determination of birth location and date.

And the information requested is relevant,

No it's not. Under the 14th Amendment to the United States, the only information needed to determine the citizenship at birth of a child born in territories belonging to the United States are:
  1. Parents
  2. Date
  3. Location

All three of which are contained on the official birth document issued under the Seal of the State of Hawaii. Which hospital or who may or may not have been in attendance in the delivery room is irrelevant to the central question.

it never would have been an issue if obama would have produced a long form as was asked of him.

Probably not but then you all wouldn't appear to be rapid dogs out to "get him" which he will use to his advantage in the election to play the victim card.

Panic? I dunno, I thought we were just laughing at you like we laugh at troofers.

Yet it's you leftists who are convinced that Obama won't be able to produce a valid COLB. I figured he would be able to produce one.

I engaged due to the stupidity of your fellow leftist who in their panic made claims that "it's unconstitutional." Well no, it's specifically constitutional - so why are KOS and the other hate sites in such a panic? Why are they programming the drones with such stupid lines? What is it that the hate sites and their masters at the DNC know that we don't? Why does this warrant anything more than a yawn?

But there is always the possibility that this stupidity will lead to a national, maybe that is the "panic" you feel.

Or maybe they'll require ID to vote? If there was a national requirement to show ID, would a democrat ever be elected again? I mean, Sallow could only vote one time per election, no illegals... Damn...

I don't want to have our country be like Nazi Germany. Maybe you do?

Hey, you're the one who voted for Barack Obama, not me.
Panic? I dunno, I thought we were just laughing at you like we laugh at troofers.

Yet it's you leftists who are convinced that Obama won't be able to produce a valid COLB. I figured he would be able to produce one.

I engaged due to the stupidity of your fellow leftist who in their panic made claims that "it's unconstitutional." Well no, it's specifically constitutional - so why are KOS and the other hate sites in such a panic? Why are they programming the drones with such stupid lines? What is it that the hate sites and their masters at the DNC know that we don't? Why does this warrant anything more than a yawn?

But there is always the possibility that this stupidity will lead to a national, maybe that is the "panic" you feel.
Or maybe they'll require ID to vote? If there was a national requirement to show ID, would a democrat ever be elected again? I mean, Sallow could only vote one time per election, no illegals... Damn...

I don't want to have our country be like Nazi Germany. Maybe you do?
Hey, you're the one who voted for Barack Obama, not me.

He's already produced a valid birth certificate.

I don't understand the rightwingloons on this...always pretending to be for state's rights and against useless laws. As usual, your principles are dictated by your emotions.
Panic? I dunno, I thought we were just laughing at you like we laugh at troofers.

Yet it's you leftists who are convinced that Obama won't be able to produce a valid COLB. I figured he would be able to produce one.

I engaged due to the stupidity of your fellow leftist who in their panic made claims that "it's unconstitutional." Well no, it's specifically constitutional - so why are KOS and the other hate sites in such a panic? Why are they programming the drones with such stupid lines? What is it that the hate sites and their masters at the DNC know that we don't? Why does this warrant anything more than a yawn?

Or maybe they'll require ID to vote? If there was a national requirement to show ID, would a democrat ever be elected again? I mean, Sallow could only vote one time per election, no illegals... Damn...

I don't want to have our country be like Nazi Germany. Maybe you do?
Hey, you're the one who voted for Barack Obama, not me.

He's already produced a valid birth certificate.

I don't understand the rightwingloons on this...always pretending to be for state's rights and against useless laws. As usual, your principles are dictated by your emotions.

Did you know that the AP is a 'birther' organization???

This AP report refers to "Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful....."

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

"Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans."

Can ya' beat that??

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