Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

Hawaii's controlled by democrats go figure.

Jokes are not an adequate response to avoid responsibility for what you've said. You've claimed that the state of Hawaii makes a practice of issuing invalid documentation and records. That is a monumentally stupid thing to say.
Look at all the libs freaking out because their Messiah will have to SHOW LEGAL proof he's a US citizen and they KNOW he can't do it.. LMFAO!!!! Hahahahaha

How is that freaking out? He made a comment, nothing more.

Your response, however, seems a bit unhinged.

Perhaps you should seek help for that?

Just sayin

Oh look, it's the other half of the BITCH twinz. You and Hagitha need new lines.. your tired old ones are quite frankly like you: "Tired and Old." LOL Just sayin..;-)

did you actually say something in there?

didn't think so.
According to the long form BC I posted filed does not mean accepted.

But you insist on ignoring the explanation that has been given by the state of Hawaii itself, explaining that any document "filed" has been "accepted"?

file 1 (fl)
1. A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order.
2. A collection of papers or published materials kept or arranged in convenient order.
3. Computer Science A collection of related data or program records stored as a unit with a single name.
a. A line of persons, animals, or things positioned one behind the other.
b. A line of troops or military vehicles so positioned.
5. Games Any of the rows of squares that run forward and backward between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.
6. Archaic A list or roll.
v. filed, fil·ing, files
1. To put or keep (papers, for example) in useful order for storage or reference.
2. To enter (a legal document) on public official record.
3. To send or submit (copy) to a newspaper.
4. To carry out the first stage of (a lawsuit, for example): filed charges against my associate.
1. To march or walk in a line.
2. To put items in a file.
3. To make application; apply: filed for a job with the state; file for a divorce.
4. To enter one's name in a political contest: filed for Congress.

accepted [əkˈsɛptɪd]
commonly approved or recognized; customary; established
acceptedly adv
The conspiracy as you put it started in 2007. Not 1961

It must have started in 1961. That's when the birth certificate was filed, as the document clearly states, about a week after Obama was born. That means that if you are right, and Obama is not a citizen because he was born in Kenya, then a week old Obama was flown half way across the world by his mother, who then filed an illegitimate birth certificate with the state of Hawaii, who refused to accept it, but kept it on file anyway.
The conspiracy as you put it started in 2007. Not 1961

It must have started in 1961. That's when the birth certificate was filed, as the document clearly states, about a week after Obama was born. That means that if you are right, and Obama is not a citizen because he was born in Kenya, then a week old Obama was flown half way across the world by his mother, who then filed an illegitimate birth certificate with the state of Hawaii, who refused to accept it, but kept it on file anyway.

Nope started 2007
Absolutely incredible... the amount of sheer ignorance in this thread... people calling the questionable "CERTIFICATION" of live birth obama produced everything from a real birth certificate to a certificate of live birth, both of which are not the same, period. People saying fuck the constitution, we shouldn't care. People simply calling names and being jackasses because a good half the country questions whether or not obama legally qualifies as a "natural born citizen." Well I'll tell ya what folks, no matter how much people talk their nasty little shit here in obama's defense, and no matter how much people here say he's never proven where he was born, and he hasn't, there is none is existence, what's going to happen is going to happen. Harping about it here isn't going to change shit.

I'm on record saying he doesn't qualify as a natural born citizen purely on his father's British citizenship, which would have been passed on to obama, and that fact alone disqualifies him from being President. But I also believe that NO ONE in government is in any kind of hurry to open this can of worms. They all looked the other way while the kenyan was muscled in as the first black President so everyone could be proud and say, "look, America is no longer racist, we elected a black guy." But, the issue of whether or not he was eligible is turning out to be just a little bigger problem than they figured. There's too many people yet, and the number is still growing, that do NOT believe obama can legally hold the office of President, but they're going to put it off until he's out of office, so another sitting President can pardon him after they find out he fraudulently held the office.

The people that never believed he was legally able to be President will get the last laugh though. Mark my words. And I'm going to have some shit hot fun rubbing it in the faces of those morons that have been defending obama since this issue began... :lol:
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Why do you fear this bill?

Straw man. I never said I was afraid of it. I just wish that it didn't have a constitutional defect. I am really hoping for constitutional bills in many states that require birth certificates be presented by candidates. That way, when Obama runs in 2012 the birthers will finally have to accept the fact that Obama is a natural born citizen and that his birth certificate is just that, a birth certificate.
1 (fl)
1. A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order.
2. A collection of papers or published materials kept or arranged in convenient order.
3. Computer Science A collection of related data or program records stored as a unit with a single name.
a. A line of persons, animals, or things positioned one behind the other.
b. A line of troops or military vehicles so positioned.
5. Games Any of the rows of squares that run forward and backward between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.
6. Archaic A list or roll.
v. filed, fil·ing, files
1. To put or keep (papers, for example) in useful order for storage or reference.
2. To enter (a legal document) on public official record.
3. To send or submit (copy) to a newspaper.
4. To carry out the first stage of (a lawsuit, for example): filed charges against my associate.
1. To march or walk in a line.
2. To put items in a file.
3. To make application; apply: filed for a job with the state; file for a divorce.
4. To enter one's name in a political contest: filed for Congress.

accepted [əkˈsɛptɪd]
commonly approved or recognized; customary; established
acceptedly adv

Again, refusing to recognize it. You prefer to make up things as you go along.
Why do you fear this bill?

Straw man. I never said I was afraid of it. I just wish that it didn't have a constitutional defect. I am really hoping for constitutional bills in many states that require birth certificates be presented by candidates. That way, when Obama runs in 2012 the birthers will finally have to accept the fact that Obama is a natural born citizen and that his birth certificate is just that, a birth certificate.

Strawman? Thats becoming a worn out tatic. I asked you a question.
Why do you fear this bill?
Why do you fear this bill?

Straw man. I never said I was afraid of it. I just wish that it didn't have a constitutional defect. I am really hoping for constitutional bills in many states that require birth certificates be presented by candidates. That way, when Obama runs in 2012 the birthers will finally have to accept the fact that Obama is a natural born citizen and that his birth certificate is just that, a birth certificate.

Strawman? Thats becoming a worn out tatic. I asked you a question.
Why do you fear this bill?

Funny, I asked you a question also. Does the bill require Presidential candidates to submit a long form?

Care to answer?

Absolutely incredible... the amount of sheer ignorance in this thread... people calling the questionable "CERTIFICATION" of live birth obama produced everything from a real birth certificate to a certificate of live birth, both of which are not the same, period. People saying fuck the constitution, we shouldn't care. People simply calling names and being jackasses because a good half the country questions whether or not obama legally qualifies as a "natural born citizen." Well I'll tell ya what folks, no matter how much people talk their nasty little shit here in obama's defense, and no matter how much people here say he's never proven where he was born, and he hasn't, there is none is existence, what's going to happen is going to happen. Harping about it here isn't going to change shit.

I'm on record saying he doesn't qualify as a natural born citizen purely on his father's British citizenship, which would have been passed on to obama, and that fact alone disqualifies him from being President. But I also believe that NO ONE in government is in any kind of hurry to open this can of worms. They all looked the other way while the kenyan was muscled in as the first black President so everyone could be proud and say, "look, America is no longer racist, we elected a black guy." But, the issue of whether or not he was eligible is turning out to be just a little bigger problem than they figured. There's too many people yet, and the number is still growing, that do NOT believe obama can legally hold the office of President, but they're going to put it off until he's out of office, so another sitting President can pardon him after they find out he fraudulently held the office.

The people that never believed he was legally able to be President will get the last laugh though. Mark my words. And I'm going to have some shit hot fun rubbing it in the faces of those morons that have been defending obama since this issue began... :lol:

I'm going to mark your words with check marks in the boxes "insane" and "uninformed" and possibly "willfully ignorant."

I can't believe that you're really bringing up the issue of Obama's father's citizenship. That idea has been so thoroughly debunked based on a wide array of Supreme Court cases. Any person born in the US is a natural born citizen, regardless of the citizenship status of their parents. Citizenship cannot be deprived of any person born in the United States, simply because the person's parents hold citizenship in another country. The SCOTUS has been explicit on this matter for over a century.
1 (fl)
1. A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order.
2. A collection of papers or published materials kept or arranged in convenient order.
3. Computer Science A collection of related data or program records stored as a unit with a single name.
a. A line of persons, animals, or things positioned one behind the other.
b. A line of troops or military vehicles so positioned.
5. Games Any of the rows of squares that run forward and backward between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.
6. Archaic A list or roll.
v. filed, fil·ing, files
1. To put or keep (papers, for example) in useful order for storage or reference.
2. To enter (a legal document) on public official record.
3. To send or submit (copy) to a newspaper.
4. To carry out the first stage of (a lawsuit, for example): filed charges against my associate.
1. To march or walk in a line.
2. To put items in a file.
3. To make application; apply: filed for a job with the state; file for a divorce.
4. To enter one's name in a political contest: filed for Congress.

accepted [əkˈsɛptɪd]
commonly approved or recognized; customary; established
acceptedly adv

Again, refusing to recognize it. You prefer to make up things as you go along.

Who's refusing? I gave you the definition of the two words, you are the one who is refusing to ACCEPT the definitions of the words
Straw man. I never said I was afraid of it. I just wish that it didn't have a constitutional defect. I am really hoping for constitutional bills in many states that require birth certificates be presented by candidates. That way, when Obama runs in 2012 the birthers will finally have to accept the fact that Obama is a natural born citizen and that his birth certificate is just that, a birth certificate.

Strawman? Thats becoming a worn out tatic. I asked you a question.
Why do you fear this bill?

Funny, I asked you a question also. Does the bill require Presidential candidates to submit a long form?

Care to answer?


yes it does, and yes Arizona will recognize Hawaii's long form BC so there's no violation of any laws.
Strawman? Thats becoming a worn out tatic.

Then stop using straw men.

I asked you a question.
Why do you fear this bill?

It's an illogical question. Fallacy of the complex question. When a question is asked which presumes an answer to a hitherto unasked question. Your question presumes that I fear something about the AZ bill. I do not fear this bill.
Strawman? Thats becoming a worn out tatic.

Then stop using straw men.

I asked you a question.
Why do you fear this bill?

It's an illogical question. Fallacy of the complex question. When a question is asked which presumes an answer to a hitherto unasked question. Your question presumes that I fear something about the AZ bill. I do not fear this bill.

Since when did facts equal strawman?
Who's refusing? I gave you the definition of the two words, you are the one who is refusing to ACCEPT the definitions of the words

I accept the definitions of the words. I accept the explanation from the Hawaii government of how those words are used on copies of their birth records. Why can't you accept the information that the Hawaiian government has put forth?
Who's refusing? I gave you the definition of the two words, you are the one who is refusing to ACCEPT the definitions of the words

I accept the definitions of the words. I accept the explanation from the Hawaii government of how those words are used on copies of their birth records. Why can't you accept the information that the Hawaiian government has put forth?

File according to the definition does not mean accepted.
Since when did facts equal strawman?

Well there ya go. There's our problem, ladies and gentlemen. This guy doesn't know what a fact is. Apparently he thinks that tearing down arguments that have not bee made is "facts."

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