Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

Even if Arizona passes this lame legislation, Obama can still provide his COLB and they will accept it as proof

They are too big pussies to do otherwise

"Pussy" got nothing to do with it.

The LAW stipulates that they MUST accept a certified original copy of the COLB.

The abstract on the internet ain't going to cut it, though. Obama will have to produce the real one.

What will they do if he provides that Hawaii certified COLB?

Does Arizona have the balls to keep him off the ballot?
If they do......what will be the nationwide retaliation against the GOP?
I don't care who agrees with what. The document obama has was never accepted by the state registrar of 1961.

It doesn't matter if all Obama has is a piece of paper with "Obama was born" in crayon on it.

As long as it's officially accepted by the State of Hawaii as adequate proof, Arizona can't say shit about it. Period.

Only Congress and the Supreme Court have the right to overturn the judgement of Hawaii, and they won't, so Arizona can "suck it".

It doesn't matter if all Obama has is a piece of paper with "Obama was born" in crayon on it.

Truth be known thats all he does have, and thats the reason you and others like you are afraid that he will be forced to produce the long form.

So you agree. Burfers are stupid. They actually believe Clinton, McCain, the white house etc did not think of something the burfers think they have.

This is amazingly stupid. It really is. Didnt billO spend some of his own money investigating this crap and even he, a fox staple, couldnt find anything?

But burfers just know there is something wrong here. They just know it. Wow. By the way, how goes the Donald investigation?

stilll no proof?
Not even close pal. If one state says he was born in that state and certifies that fact......another state can't annul it


What does that have to do with the bill or the discussion?

Secondly, Arizona needs tp prove in court that the additional info in the long form is needed to prove eligibility (35 yrs and natural born citizen)

Fail on both points

No they don't.

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
What will they do if he provides that Hawaii certified COLB?

Accept it.

That's what the law stipulates.

Does Arizona have the balls to keep him off the ballot?
If they do......what will be the nationwide retaliation against the GOP?

If Obama can't provide a valid COLB? Why wouldn't he be able to? That's what you Fabians can't seem to answer - what is it that makes you so certain that he won't just produce one?
We are afraid you'll find out he is actually the love child of Adolf Hitler and Elvis Presley.


I always knew that Elvis was secretly black......

Seriously though, why are the leftists in full blown panic over this? It doesn't seem like a big deal, unless there is a problem with Obama....
Panic? I dunno, I thought we were just laughing at you like we laugh at troofers.

But there is always the possibility that this stupidity will lead to a national, maybe that is the "panic" you feel.

I don't want to have our country be like Nazi Germany. Maybe you do? I'm perfectly happy with taking the word of Hawaii.
What will they do if he provides that Hawaii certified COLB?

Accept it.

That's what the law stipulates.

Does Arizona have the balls to keep him off the ballot?
If they do......what will be the nationwide retaliation against the GOP?

If Obama can't provide a valid COLB? Why wouldn't he be able to? That's what you Fabians can't seem to answer - what is it that makes you so certain that he won't just produce one?

Who knows? Maybe it was destroyed in a fire. Maybe someone misplaced it while moving records in the 70's. The point is, IT DOESN'T MATTER.

Until you "Birthers" either convince Congress or the Supreme Court to reverse the decision of the state of Hawaii, you have no case.

Arizona's law is illegal. End of Story.

And if Arizona trumps up some other BS and takes Obama off the ballot anyway, all the Democrats in the state will then have the ability to sue the State for disenfranchisement, not to mention the fact that Hawaii and any other state that chose to do so could then turn around and take whoever Arizona favored off their ballots.

What some are missing is the fact that the law does not require a Presidential candidate to submit a long form birth certificate to establish their citizenship at birth.

It doesn't matter if all Obama has is a piece of paper with "Obama was born" in crayon on it.

As long as it's officially accepted by the State of Hawaii as adequate proof, Arizona can't say shit about it. Period.

Only Congress and the Supreme Court have the right to overturn the judgement of Hawaii, and they won't, so Arizona can "suck it".

It doesn't matter if all Obama has is a piece of paper with "Obama was born" in crayon on it.

Truth be known thats all he does have, and thats the reason you and others like you are afraid that he will be forced to produce the long form.

So you agree. Burfers are stupid. They actually believe Clinton, McCain, the white house etc did not think of something the burfers think they have.

This is amazingly stupid. It really is. Didnt billO spend some of his own money investigating this crap and even he, a fox staple, couldnt find anything?

But burfers just know there is something wrong here. They just know it. Wow. By the way, how goes the Donald investigation?

stilll no proof?

All I'm doing is stating the facts. The document shows that it was not accepted by the state registrar in 1961.
Aren't you the one that mentioned the Full Faith and Credit Clause?.
The Full Faith and Credit Clause—Article IV, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution—provides that the various states must recognize legislative acts, public records, and judicial decisions of the other states within the United States.

Aren't gun laws legislative acts?

I find it difficult to believe that you would actually be so stupid as to believe the things you are saying. But just in case, maybe you'd be well to hear what the Supreme Court has to say about your theory.

Pacific Employers Insurance v. Industrial Accident

The full faith and credit clause does not require a State to substitute for its own statute, applicable to persons and events within it, the conflicting statute of another State.
Aren't you the one that mentioned the Full Faith and Credit Clause?.
The Full Faith and Credit Clause—Article IV, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution—provides that the various states must recognize legislative acts, public records, and judicial decisions of the other states within the United States.

Aren't gun laws legislative acts?

I find it difficult to believe that you would actually be so stupid as to believe the things you are saying. But just in case, maybe you'd be well to hear what the Supreme Court has to say about your theory.

Pacific Employers Insurance v. Industrial Accident

The full faith and credit clause does not require a State to substitute for its own statute, applicable to persons and events within it, the conflicting statute of another State.

I repeat without asking this time gun laws are legislative acts, therefore no constitutional violation or should every state have the same gun laws? I'm not going to let you cherry pick this.

What some are missing is the fact that the law does not require a Presidential candidate to submit a long form birth certificate to establish their citizenship at birth.


Every state has it's on rules for deciding the electoral process.

Your response has nothing to do with the statement. Care to address what I said?


It has everything to do with the electoral process. thats what this bill is about.This is Arizona's electorial process, obama doesn't have to run on the ballot in Arizona. No one will be forcing him to not run in that STATE. SO DEAL WITH THAT.

What some are missing is the fact that the law does not require a Presidential candidate to submit a long form birth certificate to establish their citizenship at birth.


Every state has it's on rules for deciding the electoral process.

Your response has nothing to do with the statement. Care to address what I said?


It has everything to do with the electoral process. thats what this bill is about.This is Arizona's electorial process, obama doesn't have to run on the ballot in Arizona. No one will be forcing him to not run in that STATE. SO DEAL WITH THAT.

The statement wasn't about the electoral process, it was about the requirements of the bill to appear as a Candidate. Now you can run away from the question or you can answer it. Your choice.

Does the bill require all candidates to submit a long form birth certificate or not?

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What I want to see is when the the 1961 state registrar accepted the birth certificate that would be on the long form.

You've already seen the date on which the records were filed. But you don't want to acknowledge it. You want to instead present an entirely made up procedural process and insist that the process was not completed in Obama's case, as if it even mattered.
What I want to see is when the the 1961 state registrar accepted the birth certificate that would be on the long form.

You've already seen the date on which the records were filed. But you don't want to acknowledge it. You want to instead present an entirely made up procedural process and insist that the process was not completed in Obama's case, as if it even mattered.

According to the long form BC I posted filed does not mean accepted.
obam's original document never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar. It was filed but never accepted. Maybe there was an error on the original appilcation maybe there wasn't enough proof of his birth place back in 1961. For what ever reason it never was accepted by the 1961 state registrar.

And yet, you continue to refuse to offer any evidence that would suggest that a state registrar will "refuse" birth records (which would be against state law), or that they will keep on file records to which they will not certify as true.

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