Breaking News and Confirmed: Arizona Senate Passes Presidential Eligibility Bill 21-9

And there isn't a THING the Federal Gubmint can do about it except try to sue...but par for the course? They will ask a Federal Judge to make it null and void...Just sit back and watch it happen...

First of all, that's not quite true Thomas, the requirement to be President is to be a Natural Born Citizen. To date there has been no law (except the 1790 Immigration and Naturalization Act) which has defined "Natural Born Citizen" and there has been no Supreme Court decision based on a case dealing with Presidential eligibility.

Secondly, the law requires that the birth certificate contain irrelevant information - such as the hospital born in and attending witnesses. The ONLY factor of relevance is the birth location under the 14th Amendment, requiring the hospital and witness statements is not a Constitutional requirement for President. Bascically Arizona is attempting to define in their laws what other States must include in their birth documents.

Third, Article IV Section 1 of the United States Costitution requires that one State recognize the public acts of other States (such as birth certificates, marriages, divorces, etc...) unless the United States Congress decrees otherwise under their Constitutional authority to define the "effect thereof" of such acts.

The result will be that if an individual presents a COLB which (IIRC) most State now issue, there will be a challenge to the law and (IMHO) it is likely to be successful on Constitutional grounds (mandating the actions of another state and lack of Full Faith and Credit).

Now personally I think we've screwed the pooch for hundreds of years. It should have ALWAYS been part of election law for ANY elected position (from Dog Catcher to President) that candidates should have to submit documented evidence they meet the qualifications of office and not just submit a signed affidavit that they do.


I was referring to what the State of Arizona did...Watch a Judge make their legislation Null and Void...

If the Arizona law violates the Constitution, it is null and void.

I'm not saying it does, I'm saying there are solid Constitutional arguments which should lead one to think it does.

Now if it was me writing the law, and if I was of the opinion that it required birth on soil and two citizen parents at the time of birth, I would have written it like this.

1. The candidate will submit their official record of birth issued by a State, county, or municipal authority bearing an official seal.
2. In addition the candidate will submit either the birth documents for each parent or documents showing they held United States citizenship at the time of the candidates birth.​

Two separate requirements, one showing birth location, meaning they accept all State documents and the second proving the citizenship of the parents. IMHO opinion that would withstand a Constitutional challenge based on Full Faith & Credit.

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Look at all the libs freaking out because their Messiah will have to SHOW LEGAL proof he's a US citizen and they KNOW he can't do it.. LMFAO!!!! Hahahahaha

How is that freaking out? He made a comment, nothing more.

Your response, however, seems a bit unhinged.

Perhaps you should seek help for that?

Just sayin
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I am pretty sure they did and that they had constitutional scholars look it over real good so it would pass. This has been on the books for over a year so it would be safe to assume legal minds did look over it. By the way...UPDATE:

Missouri's eligibility bill is set to pass this week. The bill finally passed the committees and is going to a full vote of the house this week or next week.

Apparently, they did not. Or they just ignored it. It is clearly unconstitutional as per the Article and sections mentioned in my recent posts.
If the Arizona law violates the Constitution, it is null and void.

I'm not saying it does, I'm saying there are solid Constitutional arguments which should lead one to think it does.

Now if it was me writing the law, and if I was of the opinion that it required birth on soil and two citizen parents at the time of birth, I would have written it like this.

1. The candidate will submit their official record of birth issued by a State, county, or municipal authority bearing an official seal.
2. In addition the candidate will submit either the birth documents for each parent or documents showing they held United States citizenship at the time of the candidates birth.​

Two separate requirements, one showing birth location, meaning they accept all State documents and the second proving the citizenship of the parents. IMHO opinion that would withstand a Constitutional challenge based on Full Faith & Credit.


There is no constitutional requirement that states that a citizens' parents held citizenship at the time of the citizen's birth, unless said person were born outside the US.
Good for them. You realize that this isnt going to keep Obama off the ballot because he was born in Hawaii right?

There's a poll going around on facebook. Does Obama deserve a second term? 7 to 1 says no. It's the American voting public who will get him out of office
Good for them. You realize that this isnt going to keep Obama off the ballot because he was born in Hawaii right?

There's a poll going around on facebook. Does Obama deserve a second term? 7 to 1 says no. It's the American voting public who will get him out of office

Ooooo! A Facebook poll. Well then, it's settled, isn't it? :lol::lol::lol:

Absolutely! Because there's absolutely no way a FaceBook poll could be wrong!
Good for them. You realize that this isnt going to keep Obama off the ballot because he was born in Hawaii right?

There's a poll going around on facebook. Does Obama deserve a second term? 7 to 1 says no. It's the American voting public who will get him out of office

Ooooo! A Facebook poll. Well then, it's settled, isn't it? :lol::lol::lol:

it's a great cross section of the american public. probably one of the least biased an broadest spectrums of opinion. Obama will be gone. We already saw the start of a quick shift in the pendulum last november. so laugh on :lol:
LMFAO!!! I read the comments there by the libs-- OMG, TOO FUNNY!! They're freaking out, spewing and cracked lips- worried their messiah is done~ Liberals would rather the Constitution be usurped than give up power.. Make no mistake about it. Oh well-- TOOO BAD! I'd say that's checkmate once the House passes it.. DingleBarry will HAVE to show a legal BC or not run. Hahahahahahahaha LOLOL Ohhh, it's just too good.

That's something.

The law won't stand up to the Constitution and you talk about usurped?

Where in the Constitution does it say a person doesn't have to show their BC to get vetted for possible run to be president?
There's a poll going around on facebook. Does Obama deserve a second term? 7 to 1 says no. It's the American voting public who will get him out of office

Ooooo! A Facebook poll. Well then, it's settled, isn't it? :lol::lol::lol:

it's a great cross section of the american public. probably one of the least biased an broadest spectrums of opinion. Obama will be gone. We already saw the start of a quick shift in the pendulum last november. so laugh on :lol:

So I guess you think the Facebook poll I saw last year is also a great cross section of the American Public....the one about "Would you be sad if Obama was assassinated".
Ooooo! A Facebook poll. Well then, it's settled, isn't it? :lol::lol::lol:

it's a great cross section of the american public. probably one of the least biased an broadest spectrums of opinion. Obama will be gone. We already saw the start of a quick shift in the pendulum last november. so laugh on :lol:

So I guess you think the Facebook poll I saw last year is also a great cross section of the American Public....the one about "Would you be sad if Obama was assassinated".

the responses would be pure public opinion. so absolutely the results woul be a fair representation.
it's a great cross section of the american public. probably one of the least biased an broadest spectrums of opinion. Obama will be gone. We already saw the start of a quick shift in the pendulum last november. so laugh on :lol:

So I guess you think the Facebook poll I saw last year is also a great cross section of the American Public....the one about "Would you be sad if Obama was assassinated".

the responses would be pure public opinion. so absolutely the results woul be a fair representation.

Where in the Constitution does it say a person doesn't have to show their BC to get vetted for possible run to be president?

Apparently you missed the part where he did show his Birth Certificate, and missed the part where he is recognized as a natural-born citizen in his home state of Hawaii.

One state cannot, according to the Constitution, refuse to recognize the citizenship status conferred onto him by his home state.

Thus, any attempt by ANY state to declare Mr Obama a non-citizen, unconstitutionally infringes upon the sovereign rights of the State of Hawaii, and is therefore illegal.
Dammit! Those fucktards in Arizona sprung the trap too early! Now the federal courts will quickly deem this bill illegal, which will automatically shut down all the other states who are trying to do this too!

This means we'll have to actually beat Obama in an election!

It's no fair if we can't cheat!
Where in the Constitution does it say a person doesn't have to show their BC to get vetted for possible run to be president?

Apparently you missed the part where he did show his Birth Certificate, and missed the part where he is recognized as a natural-born citizen in his home state of Hawaii.

One state cannot, according to the Constitution, refuse to recognize the citizenship status conferred onto him by his home state.

Thus, any attempt by ANY state to declare Mr Obama a non-citizen, unconstitutionally infringes upon the sovereign rights of the State of Hawaii, and is therefore illegal.

Do not get me started on that piece of toilet paper in this thread. It wasn't accepted by the state registrar back in 1961. It's worthless unless you can resurrect the dead and ask the state registrar why he did not accept it in 1961.
the responses would be pure public opinion. so absolutely the results woul be a fair representation.

OK... let me explain to you how facebook works, because apparently you lack even a basic understanding.

On facebook, friends generally contact other mostly like-minded friends, and ask their opinion or share their opinion in the form of posts or comments on those posts.

If you send a poll around on FaceBook, generally you are sending it to your friends, and they are sending it to their friends. For instance, I am on facebook, and I didn't receive any such poll, nor has anyone I know.

And you don't see any possible way that this might skew results of a FaceBook poll?
Now it heads to the Arizona republican dominated house and then to Governor Jan Brewers desk to be signed. This is going to make the White House implode over this as this is now mainstream thanks to Trump making this constitutional crisis come to light. Now since Arizona Senate has taken the first step in becoming the first state to pass a presidential eligibility bill to make sure a candidate produces more documentation to ensure that they are actually a natural born citizen, I think it will make other states like Texas go ahead and pass theirs with other states following. Obama is in trouble.

Arizona Senate Passes Proof of Eligibility Legislation; One Step Closer To... Got Papers!? | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

As reported, Montana, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Indiana, Connecticut, Missouri and Iowa are pursuing legislation that will require presidential and vice-presidential candidates prove they're Constitutionally Eligible. The Arizona legislation just passed HB 2177 in the Senate and it now moves on to the Arizona House and then to Gov. Brewer for her signature.

Psssst. let us know how this turns out.

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