BREAKING NEWS: Arlen Specter switching parties to give Democrats 60 votes in Senate

Careful what you wish for ....

The Dems aren't going to have any excuses in 2010 and 2012 now.

I don't think they look scared.

The Republicans are going to sit back and let the Democrats run the country for the next 4 years... I wonder what would they will say when the GDP goes over +5% in a year, unemployment falls below 4% and we've managed to deal with every single major international crisis. Instead of saying "We worked with the Democrats and helped them improve the country and our standing in the world" they won't be able to say shit. They're going all in on a pair of deuces and the flop just showed a 10-J-Q.

Imagine when the Senate gets 2/3 Democrat majority. Then treaties and amendments can be passed without Republican support. :lol:

Yeah, it's going to be a great time for this great nation to become a socialized nation. Oh boy...can't wait.
DID YOU HEAR ARLIN SPECTOR ON THE RADIO! Unbelievable comment: He basically states--"if you the Republican electorat-- think you're going to throw me out of office after 29 years--you're out of you're minds & that is why I am changing NOW to the democrat party." Spector refuses to get FIRED! This same man on St. Patricks day declared he would not jump parties--because "he" believed in the two party system & did not want to give total power to democrats---ON THE RADIO TOO!

Spector is behind his republican opponent by 22 points in his state of Pennsylvania--& this is what he does to keep his job--while giving the middle finger to his constituents in Pennsylvania.

Hey--Arlin--take Olympia Snow, Susan Collins & John McCain with you PLEASE. Albeit that McCain being the only hammer on spending is very weak on other issues, like the closing of GITMO & enhanced interrogation technics. I want to see them all jump party. You people do not represent & never have represented the conservative base of the republican party. And you moderate republicans out there that have been on a spending spree--TAKE NOTICE--we're watching you too. Blue Dog democrats are more conservative than you have been.


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And :lol: at Willow's meltdown.

I think if you were really truthful and watched that film you would know it in no way reflects a Willow meltdown,, looked more like a bobo office,, see all those pansy assed people running from the bad guy? there were thirty of them and one of him and they stood around wailing and gave him time to find an axe.. yep,, honey bunny that's no Willow meltdown.. I'll let ya know when I'm having a meltdown..

I wasn't referring to Sarah's video, I was referring to your meltdown in this thread.
And :lol: at Willow's meltdown.

I think if you were really truthful and watched that film you would know it in no way reflects a Willow meltdown,, looked more like a bobo office,, see all those pansy assed people running from the bad guy? there were thirty of them and one of him and they stood around wailing and gave him time to find an axe.. yep,, honey bunny that's no Willow meltdown.. I'll let ya know when I'm having a meltdown..

I wasn't referring to Sarah's video, I was referring to your meltdown in this thread.

oh really? show me where I melted down? I'm interested.
what a pussy.

He just changed, because he knew he was going to get crushed by a far rightwing nutjob in the GOP primary in 2010.

A rightwing nut job who would then be crushed by a more populist democrat in the general election.

I'd rather Specter stay in the fucking GOP, lose to a wingnut, and have a real populist democrat win the state in 2010.

I never liked flip-floppers, especially those who would say or do anything to stay in power.

Too bad that Democrats need him for the majority in the Senat, otherwise they should never take him. Hope he lose next year election to anyone.
I think if you were really truthful and watched that film you would know it in no way reflects a Willow meltdown,, looked more like a bobo office,, see all those pansy assed people running from the bad guy? there were thirty of them and one of him and they stood around wailing and gave him time to find an axe.. yep,, honey bunny that's no Willow meltdown.. I'll let ya know when I'm having a meltdown..

I wasn't referring to Sarah's video, I was referring to your meltdown in this thread.

oh really? show me where I melted down? I'm interested.

You melted down by attrition. In case you didn't notice you have 10 more posts in this thread than the #2 to guy ... most of which are you bitching, moaning, whining, and flinging insults. That's a meltdown.
I wasn't referring to Sarah's video, I was referring to your meltdown in this thread.

oh really? show me where I melted down? I'm interested.

You melted down by attrition. In case you didn't notice you have 10 more posts in this thread than the #2 to guy ... most of which are you bitching, moaning, and whining. That's a meltdown.

Nope, as usual you are wrong.. you just took your little lefty friends word for it that I had a meltdown.. when in fact I was challenging her to put up or shut up,, you see this morning she accused me of repeating something the obamalama had said when in fact I had done no such thing.. she knows she lied but she won't back down,,she's gotta save a little face donchaya know? If you look what I posted early on it's entirely in agreement with what you have said.. "I have no problem with the democwats having a 60 seat majority,, it will force them off the blame Republican pill.: Thanks for listening.
specter is a hack. he switched from Dimmy to Repudican in the 60s for expediency and he is switching back now for the same reason.

nice to see his convictions haven't changed in all these years.
oh really? show me where I melted down? I'm interested.

You melted down by attrition. In case you didn't notice you have 10 more posts in this thread than the #2 to guy ... most of which are you bitching, moaning, and whining. That's a meltdown.

Nope, as usual you are wrong.. you just took your little lefty friends word for it that I had a meltdown.. when in fact I was challenging her to put up or shut up,, you see this morning she accused me of repeating something the obamalama had said when in fact I had done no such thing.. she knows she lied but she won't back down,,she's gotta save a little face donchaya know? If you look what I posted early on it's entirely in agreement with what you have said.. "I have no problem with the democwats having a 60 seat majority,, it will force them off the blame Republican pill.: Thanks for listening.

lol ...

Oh, I read the whole thread. You even resorted to giant bolded font at one point in the middle of your temper tantrum.

specter is a hack. he switched from Dimmy to Repudican in the 60s for expediency and he is switching back now for the same reason.

nice to see his convictions haven't changed in all these years.

he did? now this I did not know! makes it even funnier!
You melted down by attrition. In case you didn't notice you have 10 more posts in this thread than the #2 to guy ... most of which are you bitching, moaning, and whining. That's a meltdown.

Nope, as usual you are wrong.. you just took your little lefty friends word for it that I had a meltdown.. when in fact I was challenging her to put up or shut up,, you see this morning she accused me of repeating something the obamalama had said when in fact I had done no such thing.. she knows she lied but she won't back down,,she's gotta save a little face donchaya know? If you look what I posted early on it's entirely in agreement with what you have said.. "I have no problem with the democwats having a 60 seat majority,, it will force them off the blame Republican pill.: Thanks for listening.

lol ...

Oh, I read the whole thread. You even resorted to giant bolded font at one point in the middle of your temper tantrum.


okay,, at the wisk of hurting your little democwat feelings let me be the first to say you're right! I had a temper tantrum! Now be happy! BUT Sawah still lied.
Spector would do anything within his means to keep his seat, a man with no backbone.

why shouldn't he keep his seat?

the repub party wants everyone to be a radical right winger.... and they were going to stick it to him by giving him a primary.

when lieberman stuck it to the dems by running as an independent... no one on the repub side was much troubled by it because it kept us from dumping him.

Actually, I am nowhere near being a radical right winger. The Republican party may have a strong social conservative influence, but that does not mean more moderate fiscal conservatives cannot do well in the party. On the other hand, tell me how many fiscal conservatives there are in the Democratic party.

The Democrats didn't all of a sudden move closer to Specter's way of thinking. He moved closer to theirs in order to make a play on keeping his seat. This is not a move based on Specter all of a sudden being enlightened by the Dems to join their cause. Again, the man has no backbone.
Well he did it! Arlen Spector has become a Dem. and I for one welcome him.

To borrow an old Reagan line, Spector didn't leave the party, the party left him.

The question now is, when will Susan Collins and Olympia Snow of Maine make the switch?
Republican, Democrat - what the s***s the difference? 8 yrs of past corruption as oppose to corruption in the next four years maybe more - BFD!!! The country as we know it is doomed anyway. So relax and enjoy the show, folks. If the repubs and dems don't get you, the swine flu will.
Republican, Democrat - what the s***s the difference? 8 yrs of past corruption as oppose to corruption in the next four years maybe more - BFD!!! The country as we know it is doomed anyway. So relax and enjoy the show, folks. If the repubs and dems don't get you, the swine flu will.

Yeah that's right, there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs, just look at how the Repubs have agreed with everything the Dems are doing. Right?

Oh that's right the Repubs don't agree with anything that the Dems want to do, nevermind...

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