Breaking News: California Becomes First State To Ban Plastic Bags

The fact that Hawaii has done it statewide on a county basis should be significant to many. Why did they do it? Maybe because the beauty of where we live is more important.

Maui is my second home. I've been going there regularly since the 1980s.

The reason they banned plastic bags is the environment.

People aren't responsible with their trash. Plastic bags were all over the place. In trees, on the beach, on the roads. Especially close to the dump.

Hawaii gets a lot of tourists who don't really care about the environment.

They made plastic optional at first. Encouraging everyone to either use paper or bring their own bag. The locals did it but the tourists didn't. They couldn't bring their own bags. They're on vacation and no one brings shopping bags on vacation.

It got to be so bad that plastic bags were snagged in the trees everywhere.

So their only option was to ban those plastic bags.

I support that ban and have no problem with the paper bags. I save them while I'm there and reuse them when I go shopping.

When I'm on the mainland, I keep reusable bags in my car. I always have them when I go shopping and don't use those plastic or paper bags.

Several towns here have banned the plastic bags so I'm used to the ban. I've always supported it.
We should have never stopped using paper bags. They are more sturdy, can hold more, don't fall over when you put stuff in your car, and trees grow quite easily.

I actually agree with you. Paper bags decompose, too. Plastic does not. If we can have farms that grow nothing but Christmas trees, we can sure as hell have farms that grow nothing but future paper bags.
I thought they'd already done this.

Anyway, here in Oregon there are several cities that have done this. When you go shopping, you either bring your own bags, pay for a paper bag, or carry your purchases out in your arms.

A few weeks back, I was in a Home Depot, and I purchased about fifty or so sprinkler heads or repair parts. When I got up to the checkstand, naturally I needed a bag. The clerk discovered they were out of paper bags, so she had to stop her work, holding up the line, and track down a box somewhere in the store so I could place the parts in.
Mind you, this was Home Depot, not Joe's Hardware. I couldn't believe how unprofessional it was, but this is what liberals have brought us.
this is what 50 years of not giving a shit about what we do with our waste.has brought us ...

The interesting thing is tree hugging libs pushed plastic bags 30 years ago claiming we needed to save the trees. Now they turn around and claim plastic is horrible for the enviroment.

Trees are a renewable resource if given the priority.

Yes more trees can be planted.

The problem is that it takes hundreds of years for that tree to mature and be an old growth tree.

The importance of old growth trees is water.

The old growth trees are tall and form a loose canopy over the forest floor. When it snows that canopy protects the snow from the sun and evaporating. So that in the spring the snow can melt normally and the water be used by everyone.

With out that canopy, the sun melts the snow and it evaporates. Humans can't use that water and we end up with a water shortage. Rivers and lakes have low levels of water and it makes the body of water less healthy for the life that lives in the water. So streams can't incubate salmon eggs or eggs of any other fish or water life. Less water causes stilt and other contaminants to enter the water and the eggs die.

Less water causes river banks to cave in like what happened in the Nisqualie river several years ago. Twenty five miles of the river bank collapsed into the water and killed just about everything living in that water.

Eco Friendly Recycled and Compostable Shopping Bags Good Start Packaging
ill pay for plastic......i will not fall for the bullshit about why they are banning them....

What "bullshit" is that?
the bullshit about about grocery bags clogging up land fills,we got this on the news the other night,with no pictures of course.....what about Trash bags?.....i was at a land fill last month you realize that there are thousands of trash bags at land fills?.....thats what was most noticeable....TRASH BAGS.....piles of them.....why are they not being banned? there was a guy from your neck of the woods who showed on the news,plastic bio-degradable grocery bags.....he said these ones degrade by all the standards set for this type of thing by the Biodegradable Products Institute.....and yet no one would talk to the guy....the markets all told him they cant use plastic....must use those cheap canvas things or paper.....he said whats funny is these bags break down faster than paper...and they are cheaper than the canvas ones....

1. Maybe "this guy" needs to hire some lobbyists and an expert in marketing.
2. Our disposal company banned black bags of the type you posted. We have a large green reciptical for lawn clippings, pruning, etc; and three sizes (the larger the most costly) for traditional garbage (gray) and a large recepticle to recycle bottles, cans, paper, card board, metal, etc.
3, Plastic bags are on the sides of our highways and roads, the only paper bags there seem to be from McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc., a sign people who don't care about their health don't care about the health of our planet.
he had the plastic industry behind him....his company is one of the ones that makes the bags now.....he felt they were staying ahead of the much for progress i guess....and those black bags?....the ones im talking about are these kinds mostly.....

What ever happened to 'Save a tree. Use a plastic bag'

California Becomes First State to Ban Plastic Bags - ABC News


ahh that's single use plastic bags...
If you think these bags are single use, you are not very imaginative.

It is just a term given to the bags because the vast majority...or least a majority of them are used only once then dumped in the garbage. It is not an exact term in other words.
I thought they'd already done this.

Anyway, here in Oregon there are several cities that have done this. When you go shopping, you either bring your own bags, pay for a paper bag, or carry your purchases out in your arms.

A few weeks back, I was in a Home Depot, and I purchased about fifty or so sprinkler heads or repair parts. When I got up to the checkstand, naturally I needed a bag. The clerk discovered they were out of paper bags, so she had to stop her work, holding up the line, and track down a box somewhere in the store so I could place the parts in.
Mind you, this was Home Depot, not Joe's Hardware. I couldn't believe how unprofessional it was, but this is what liberals have brought us.
this is what 50 years of not giving a shit about what we do with our waste.has brought us ...

The interesting thing is tree hugging libs pushed plastic bags 30 years ago claiming we needed to save the trees. Now they turn around and claim plastic is horrible for the enviroment.

Trees are a renewable resource if given the priority.

Yes more trees can be planted.

The problem is that it takes hundreds of years for that tree to mature and be an old growth tree.

The importance of old growth trees is water.

The old growth trees are tall and form a loose canopy over the forest floor. When it snows that canopy protects the snow from the sun and evaporating. So that in the spring the snow can melt normally and the water be used by everyone.

With out that canopy, the sun melts the snow and it evaporates. Humans can't use that water and we end up with a water shortage. Rivers and lakes have low levels of water and it makes the body of water less healthy for the life that lives in the water. So streams can't incubate salmon eggs or eggs of any other fish or water life. Less water causes stilt and other contaminants to enter the water and the eggs die.

Less water causes river banks to cave in like what happened in the Nisqualie river several years ago. Twenty five miles of the river bank collapsed into the water and killed just about everything living in that water.

Yes, but I meant was they can be as aggressive as they want in replanting bare forest lands to provide further timber for as little as 25 years needed to grow to adequate size.

They have to do it anyway for other wood products like paper and building material.

4. Growing and harvesting the forest ndash Radiata pine ndash Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand

Story: Radiata pine
Page 4 – Growing and harvesting the forest


With a harvest age of 25–35 years, and final tree numbers of around 300 stems per hectare, two thirds of the trees planted are usually cut down during the early stages of the growing cycle to make more room for the others. The felled trees are either left on the ground to rot, or sometimes harvested as posts, poles or pulpwood.

It is the most widely planted pine in the world, valued for rapid growth and desirable lumber and pulp qualities.

Pinus radiata - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Those plastic milk jugs should be recycled but most people don't.

Therefore they should be banned and Californians should be given the choice of drinking their milk directly from the cow (or goat) OR carrying it home in a cupped hand.
These bags are trees, in lakes and streams, everywhere.
Better off without them.
So if the concern is about plastic bags ending up buried in landfills for millions of years and they are produced from oil that has been buried for millions of years what is the issue?
are you really this ignorant or do you practice?
You call me ignorant yet you couldn't rebut the point I made. That makes you ignorant and hypocritical.
how do you rebut nothing like you having no point.?
Another pointless loser post. What's the difference between oil under the ground and oil in another shape under the ground? Try really hard.
Another retard that doesnt know the difference between manufactured poison and something thats part of the earth.
Speak for yourself. Racist blacks are most likely to use an insensitive term like retard with impunity. Speaks to the culture.
To the point, there are lots of substances way more harmful than petro products that receive way less scrutiny from lefty extremists. Reconcile that hypocrisy, bigot.
are you really this ignorant or do you practice?
You call me ignorant yet you couldn't rebut the point I made. That makes you ignorant and hypocritical.
how do you rebut nothing like you having no point.?
Another pointless loser post. What's the difference between oil under the ground and oil in another shape under the ground? Try really hard.
Another retard that doesnt know the difference between manufactured poison and something thats part of the earth.
Speak for yourself. Racist blacks are most likely to use an insensitive term like retard with impunity. Speaks to the culture.
To the point, there are lots of substances way more harmful than petro products that receive way less scrutiny from lefty extremists. Reconcile that hypocrisy, bigot.

Sorry I hurt your feelings by not being sensitive retard. Stop whining.

Petro products, the chemicals used in the manufacturing and their waste are far more common than any other dangerous substance you moron.. Reconcile that.
The irony in all this is that it's the liberals that pushed plastic bags on us int he first place. I also told the clerks, "I support the loggers, I'll take paper". Libs turn everything they touch into shit.

In this county plastic bags were banned about 3 months ago. Which would be OK, EXCEPT the libtard government is making stores charge for paper bags now on top of it. Most people bring their germ encrusted canvas bags or do like I do and just use the cart to take shit out to the car.
I thought they'd already done this.

Anyway, here in Oregon there are several cities that have done this. When you go shopping, you either bring your own bags, pay for a paper bag, or carry your purchases out in your arms.

A few weeks back, I was in a Home Depot, and I purchased about fifty or so sprinkler heads or repair parts. When I got up to the checkstand, naturally I needed a bag. The clerk discovered they were out of paper bags, so she had to stop her work, holding up the line, and track down a box somewhere in the store so I could place the parts in.
Mind you, this was Home Depot, not Joe's Hardware. I couldn't believe how unprofessional it was, but this is what liberals have brought us.
Oh boo hoo.
I could not have been more spoiled by the convenience of plastic bags. More than a year ago, my town, Mountain View, CA, banned plastic bags, and I was not too happy about it, but every time I have tried to convince myself they were wrong to do that, I remember about the environment and how banning them prevents millions of bags over a short period of time from ending up mostly littered around ruining the beauty of our own habitat and harming wildlife. I guess it is worth it to tote reusable bags to the store and back.
When I am in Europe, and I have lived there for several years and still spend several months there every year, I have shopping bags to use when I shop. Stores will sell you a plastic bag, but most people bring their own bags. Many stores sell reusable bags, plastic or cloth as well. I have a bag that holds 6 bottles, for water or wine, which I got in Germany many years ago. It is cloth and strill in great shape. I have large and small shopping bags I take with me when I travel to Europe so I can use them for shopping. They don't take up much space in my luggage and make shopping convenient. I think people in places like America are just resistant to changing their ways. It is satisfying for me to avoid creating more pollution because of using a slew of plastic garbage bags every time I go shopping.
I don't care. I rarely shop for groceries. When i do, usually it's for 2 ribeyes, a slice of d'affinois, some dark chocolate, and a bottle of Caymus. I can carry all of that with my hands.....fuck these pinhead bureaucrats.....
I could not have been more spoiled by the convenience of plastic bags. More than a year ago, my town, Mountain View, CA, banned plastic bags, and I was not too happy about it, but every time I have tried to convince myself they were wrong to do that, I remember about the environment and how banning them prevents millions of bags over a short period of time from ending up mostly littered around ruining the beauty of our own habitat and harming wildlife. I guess it is worth it to tote reusable bags to the store and back.
When I am in Europe, and I have lived there for several years and still spend several months there every year, I have shopping bags to use when I shop. Stores will sell you a plastic bag, but most people bring their own bags. Many stores sell reusable bags, plastic or cloth as well. I have a bag that holds 6 bottles, for water or wine, which I got in Germany many years ago. It is cloth and strill in great shape. I have large and small shopping bags I take with me when I travel to Europe so I can use them for shopping. They don't take up much space in my luggage and make shopping convenient. I think people in places like America are just resistant to changing their ways. It is satisfying for me to avoid creating more pollution because of using a slew of plastic garbage bags every time I go shopping.

And lord knows we want to be ahead of the game like Europe always is.
The irony in all this is that it's the liberals that pushed plastic bags on us int he first place. I also told the clerks, "I support the loggers, I'll take paper". Libs turn everything they touch into shit.


The old-fashioned ways are sometimes the best.
So, what are they doing about those ginormous garbage bags that hold gallons of garbage?

They don't make it into landfills or pollute?

The entire law is infantile.

I'm amazed that so many jealous/haters/rightwingers of California's wealth and success are also so Google challenged that they can't find green alternatives to large trash bags, dog poop bags and etc, etc, etc.



300 bags on a single roll with dispensing box
Ultra Long 8 x 13 inches, so you or your sleeve never make unwanted contact
Fits standard outdoor dispensers
Scented with lavender so you won't mind holding on until you properly dispose it
I thought they'd already done this.

Anyway, here in Oregon there are several cities that have done this. When you go shopping, you either bring your own bags, pay for a paper bag, or carry your purchases out in your arms.

A few weeks back, I was in a Home Depot, and I purchased about fifty or so sprinkler heads or repair parts. When I got up to the checkstand, naturally I needed a bag. The clerk discovered they were out of paper bags, so she had to stop her work, holding up the line, and track down a box somewhere in the store so I could place the parts in.
Mind you, this was Home Depot, not Joe's Hardware. I couldn't believe how unprofessional it was, but this is what liberals have brought us.

amen brother
The irony in all this is that it's the liberals that pushed plastic bags on us int he first place. I also told the clerks, "I support the loggers, I'll take paper". Libs turn everything they touch into shit.


The old-fashioned ways are sometimes the best.
Exactly. I remember when the only thing we had was brown paper bags. And we used them for the garbage as well. We weren't suffering. But, mostly, I think using reusable cloth bags, for shopping, is the best thing to do.

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