BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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Intellectual equal? Geezus H. Kryst, that's hilarious!

Really? You can't even spell and you have never made a coherent argument the entire time I have been here. You are "small time". What you lack in quality of posts? You lamely attempt to compensate with quantity. You are a non-entity here and if you had ANY common sense? You would have vacated this forum a long time ago....but you seem to enjoy looking stupid and seem to take pride in it. SMH.

Can't spell what?

You can't spell and your punctuation skills are equally pathetic...and I am not talking about typos...we all make them, but you are illiterate.

Yup, I was waiting for her to slip up

The leftard clown posse couldn't debate their way out of a wet paper bag with a box knife, a sack lunch and about people that suffer from arrested's like they have some kind of disease that prevents them from maturing. It's the damnedest thing I have ever had the misfortune to witness.
Yup, it gets kind of boring..
Oh look - mature discussion of important issues facing the country we all love!

Ha ha - nope, just more Beavis/Butthead/Trump mentality. That's why I don't waste much time here, but rather post online where grown ups - of all political persuasions - gather. This place, sadly, is mostly a middle-school intellect level circle jerk of rabid reactionary tea party political 'thought'.

I am more than your intellectual equal........a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge and I am more than willing to give you a shot at impressing me....thus far you have ignored my questions.....all valid and legit....having a tough time with "Google" search to find the answers???

Intellectual equal? Geezus H. Kryst, that's hilarious!

Really? You can't even spell and you have never made a coherent argument the entire time I have been here. You are "small time". What you lack in quality of posts? You lamely attempt to compensate with quantity. You are a non-entity here and if you had ANY common sense? You would have vacated this forum a long time ago....but you seem to enjoy looking stupid and seem to take pride in it. SMH.
And you are the wacko conspiracy nut job that writes reams of babble that no one even bothers to read because they know it is always tin foil hat nonsense.

Bring some game, Camp....let's debate and discuss where you believe that I have erred in my postings here. I can make a very cognizant you think you have something other than the "Uh-uh" defense? I will listen to you and weigh your problem with that at all.
You are a crude, rude, wanna be bully Dale, and not a very successful one, hence, the wanna be tag. Bitch slapping you is way to easy.
I am more than your intellectual equal........a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge and I am more than willing to give you a shot at impressing me....thus far you have ignored my questions.....all valid and legit....having a tough time with "Google" search to find the answers???

Intellectual equal? Geezus H. Kryst, that's hilarious!

Really? You can't even spell and you have never made a coherent argument the entire time I have been here. You are "small time". What you lack in quality of posts? You lamely attempt to compensate with quantity. You are a non-entity here and if you had ANY common sense? You would have vacated this forum a long time ago....but you seem to enjoy looking stupid and seem to take pride in it. SMH.
And you are the wacko conspiracy nut job that writes reams of babble that no one even bothers to read because they know it is always tin foil hat nonsense.

Bring some game, Camp....let's debate and discuss where you believe that I have erred in my postings here. I can make a very cognizant you think you have something other than the "Uh-uh" defense? I will listen to you and weigh your problem with that at all.
You are a crude, rude, wanna be bully Dale, and not a very successful one, hence, the wanna be tag. Bitch slapping you is way to easy.
Good excuse for not taking him on directly in a debate based on facts..."You're SOOOOOOOOOOO Mean!".
Really? You can't even spell and you have never made a coherent argument the entire time I have been here. You are "small time". What you lack in quality of posts? You lamely attempt to compensate with quantity. You are a non-entity here and if you had ANY common sense? You would have vacated this forum a long time ago....but you seem to enjoy looking stupid and seem to take pride in it. SMH.

Can't spell what?

You can't spell and your punctuation skills are equally pathetic...and I am not talking about typos...we all make them, but you are illiterate.

Really? Please give me some examples.

"Geezus H. Kryst".........there ya go, moron.

Gee, I thought maybe you didn't think I could spell Lakhota correctly.

The only way you could spell Lakhota right is this

American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

Am I the only one who graduated from 8 th grade here?

Only two factions can over ride a E. O.
The Supreme Court or congress
You may have graduated 8th grade, but I graduated law school and passed a Bar exam to obtain licensure and am sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution.

And everything you've posted as of page 8 of this thread about executive orders is, uh, WRONG.

Curious timing of an appearance, two years six months 80 posts, Sock much?

bigskygalActive Member
Jul 1, 2014

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Nope, I'm a genuine person and I don't lie about who I am or what I've done in this life, good & bad. Also I was really busy for several years upholding & defending the Constitution, mostly by prosecuting criminals and protecting the rights of individuals within our legal system.

I'm not the smartest lawyer in the Bar, but I know shitloads more than most of you about the way the judiciary operates and how judicial oversight of the other two branches of government actually functions. I consider it my civic duty to attempt to assist you now and then to understand what is happening as your equally clueless Drumpffuhrer attempts to undermine our constitutional rights.

I don't post here much because most of you are too closed-minded to bother replying to; you'd rather wallow in your fantastical ignorance than have actual dialogue with people who hold different opinions but are no less patriotic than you.

And for what it's worth, my maternal line traces back to the Mayflower, I'm a Bradford descendant and a DAR, my family shed blood to secure the founding of this country and preserve it through every military action since the Revolution. We were immigrants who found safe haven here, and I will fight for that opportunity for others to my dying breath.

You're a girl.

Carry on.
A giant intellectual leap you just made there, congrats.

Guess what? Whether *you're* a girl or not, you're only here because of one. So I'm not sure what your point is, but *I'll* make a giant leap and assume it was entirely void of adult value.
Am I the only one who graduated from 8 th grade here?

Only two factions can over ride a E. O.
The Supreme Court or congress
You may have graduated 8th grade, but I graduated law school and passed a Bar exam to obtain licensure and am sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution.

And everything you've posted as of page 8 of this thread about executive orders is, uh, WRONG.

Curious timing of an appearance, two years six months 80 posts, Sock much?

bigskygalActive Member
Jul 1, 2014

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Nope, I'm a genuine person and I don't lie about who I am or what I've done in this life, good & bad. Also I was really busy for several years upholding & defending the Constitution, mostly by prosecuting criminals and protecting the rights of individuals within our legal system.

I'm not the smartest lawyer in the Bar, but I know shitloads more than most of you about the way the judiciary operates and how judicial oversight of the other two branches of government actually functions. I consider it my civic duty to attempt to assist you now and then to understand what is happening as your equally clueless Drumpffuhrer attempts to undermine our constitutional rights.

I don't post here much because most of you are too closed-minded to bother replying to; you'd rather wallow in your fantastical ignorance than have actual dialogue with people who hold different opinions but are no less patriotic than you.

And for what it's worth, my maternal line traces back to the Mayflower, I'm a Bradford descendant and a DAR, my family shed blood to secure the founding of this country and preserve it through every military action since the Revolution. We were immigrants who found safe haven here, and I will fight for that opportunity for others to my dying breath.

So, you know all about the original 13th amendment....right????? Because if you are an alleged "blue blood"? This should be easy pickings for ya......and how, what, where was the original 13th amendment displaced and kicked to the dustbin of history and how does it tie into the charter of the first central bank? This should be child's play for you and shouldn't take any time for you to research, no "Google" search necessary....right????

FAUX news is on 24/7 at your house, isn't it? And you sit at your computer in the glow of the monitor reading Breitbart and watching Alex Jones videos and posting obsessively about chem trails?

C'mon, I'm close, aren't I?

I haven't owned a television since April of 2012...what I am, is a dogged researcher and reader. I listen to 10 to 12 hours of documentaries a day from accredited researchers including the opposition like globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski. I have read the Carroll Quigley book "Tragedy and Hope" where he wrote a detailed account of sitting in on meetings of the CFR (which was just an extension of Chatham House/ Royal Institute For International Affairs) and many other "think tank" groups" and was allowed to review their white papers......debate me...let's see what you've got......thus far, I remain unimpressed.
I know lawyers who graduated from Harvard and Yale and half the time they don't know WTF they're talking about.
Oh yeah, they're kind of OK at theory but they suck at ad libbing any realm of law in which they aren't immersed.

Suuuuuure you know lawyers who graduated Harvard & Yale and don't know what they're talking about . . .

Indeed, public free tuition law schools taught by communists and ACLU types to ramp up their public service time don't count as legit law scools. And doc review is hardly a prestigeious law career. I kid I kid.

Not sure who you're trying to burn with this post, but 'scools' doesn't assist much with expressing your intellectual superiority.

I went to Georgetown myself, owe shitloads of student loans that I'll be paying until I die. I turned down a six figure law firm salary to work in legal aid, then as a public defender, then ultimately as a prosecutor for several years before opening a private practice - wherein I represented mostly blue collar working people for whom I made payment arrangements and/or did pro bono work because they needed the help and I had the skills to provide it.

Yes, I'm liberal. I was raised in a Republican household back when the Republican Party was sane. Reagan is rolling in his grave over the hideousness that is Donald J. Trump.

I was kidding. I said as much. But obviously someone enjoys talking about their personal life on an Internet forum. Must be a busy lawyer.

I don't practice law anymore, except pro bono - I'll be actively volunteering in the resistance to Donald J. Trump's agenda, for instance. Along with thousands of my brethren.

I'm just responding to allegations with facts. And I didn't talk about my personal life, I referred to my professional education & experience, which is relevant to the questions raised about the content of my posts. I referred to my family history insomuch as it's highly relevant to explaining why I am so particularly disgusted by Drumpffuhrer's stance on immigration, especially re: refugees from war-torn countries.

I see. A victim of economics. The only thing more prevelant than lawyers in the legal system is the giant dung heap of failed lawyers. Indeed there are so many lawyers in the legal profession that if you aren't shit hot then you will surely fail in your chosen career choice. I don't blame you though. I didn't want to put forth the time an effort required to compeat on such a scale so I opted for a Masters in Military History instead. Nevertheless, your reasoning in why you feel so passionate is ideologically grounded which is my way of saying it is devoid of reason. And your ancestors did not find safe haven in either their country of origin nor their destination whereas they had to fight for their safe haven.

Today we benefit from your ancestors understanding of freedom and individual liberty. We do not benefit by importing those who believe in neither, i.e. those who have a culture of sanctioned rape, violence, oppression, and theocracy. The Somali refugees in Minnesota are an excellent example why we should not import those who neither know our concept of liberty nor want our concept of liberty. But they're poor, dependant, and vote democrat, so no matter how they present themselves I'm sure they're ok with you.
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I am more than your intellectual equal........a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge and I am more than willing to give you a shot at impressing me....thus far you have ignored my questions.....all valid and legit....having a tough time with "Google" search to find the answers???

Intellectual equal? Geezus H. Kryst, that's hilarious!

Really? You can't even spell and you have never made a coherent argument the entire time I have been here. You are "small time". What you lack in quality of posts? You lamely attempt to compensate with quantity. You are a non-entity here and if you had ANY common sense? You would have vacated this forum a long time ago....but you seem to enjoy looking stupid and seem to take pride in it. SMH.
And you are the wacko conspiracy nut job that writes reams of babble that no one even bothers to read because they know it is always tin foil hat nonsense.

Bring some game, Camp....let's debate and discuss where you believe that I have erred in my postings here. I can make a very cognizant you think you have something other than the "Uh-uh" defense? I will listen to you and weigh your problem with that at all.
You are a crude, rude, wanna be bully Dale, and not a very successful one, hence, the wanna be tag. Bitch slapping you is way to easy.

"Bitch slapping you is way to easy."

The Leftist Moonbat Maniacs have been repeatedly bitch slapped throughout this thread, only they're now too moronic and far gone to even realise it.

Mr. Dale possesses more intelligence in his little finger than you do in your entire body. You are completely unable to refute or even argue any of the points Mr. Dale comments.

That your type has to resort to name calling on Mr,. Dale illustrates the point.

If you want to Funny this post, that's great as it only adds to my already incredible ratings darling :smoke:
You may have graduated 8th grade, but I graduated law school and passed a Bar exam to obtain licensure and am sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution.

And everything you've posted as of page 8 of this thread about executive orders is, uh, WRONG.

Curious timing of an appearance, two years six months 80 posts, Sock much?

bigskygalActive Member
Jul 1, 2014

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Nope, I'm a genuine person and I don't lie about who I am or what I've done in this life, good & bad. Also I was really busy for several years upholding & defending the Constitution, mostly by prosecuting criminals and protecting the rights of individuals within our legal system.

I'm not the smartest lawyer in the Bar, but I know shitloads more than most of you about the way the judiciary operates and how judicial oversight of the other two branches of government actually functions. I consider it my civic duty to attempt to assist you now and then to understand what is happening as your equally clueless Drumpffuhrer attempts to undermine our constitutional rights.

I don't post here much because most of you are too closed-minded to bother replying to; you'd rather wallow in your fantastical ignorance than have actual dialogue with people who hold different opinions but are no less patriotic than you.

And for what it's worth, my maternal line traces back to the Mayflower, I'm a Bradford descendant and a DAR, my family shed blood to secure the founding of this country and preserve it through every military action since the Revolution. We were immigrants who found safe haven here, and I will fight for that opportunity for others to my dying breath.

So, you know all about the original 13th amendment....right????? Because if you are an alleged "blue blood"? This should be easy pickings for ya......and how, what, where was the original 13th amendment displaced and kicked to the dustbin of history and how does it tie into the charter of the first central bank? This should be child's play for you and shouldn't take any time for you to research, no "Google" search necessary....right????

FAUX news is on 24/7 at your house, isn't it? And you sit at your computer in the glow of the monitor reading Breitbart and watching Alex Jones videos and posting obsessively about chem trails?

C'mon, I'm close, aren't I?

I haven't owned a television since April of 2012...what I am, is a dogged researcher and reader. I listen to 10 to 12 hours of documentaries a day from accredited researchers including the opposition like globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski. I have read the Carroll Quigley book "Tragedy and Hope" where he wrote a detailed account of sitting in on meetings of the CFR (which was just an extension of Chatham House/ Royal Institute For International Affairs) and many other "think tank" groups" and was allowed to review their white papers......debate me...let's see what you've got......thus far, I remain unimpressed.
I remain entirely unconcerned that you are unimpressed, dear.


The stay appears to apply nationwide, which means it can’t be implemented until further court action.


The Ruling is great news.

DJT exceeded its authority in a discriminatory manner.

I voted for him but it does NOT mean that I will support all his decisions. I dissented from the ban. Glad we prevailed.


that isnt what the order says at all
Am I the only one who graduated from 8 th grade here?

Only two factions can over ride a E. O.
The Supreme Court or congress
You may have graduated 8th grade, but I graduated law school and passed a Bar exam to obtain licensure and am sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution.

And everything you've posted as of page 8 of this thread about executive orders is, uh, WRONG.

Curious timing of an appearance, two years six months 80 posts, Sock much?

bigskygalActive Member
Jul 1, 2014

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Trophy Points:


Nope, I'm a genuine person and I don't lie about who I am or what I've done in this life, good & bad. Also I was really busy for several years upholding & defending the Constitution, mostly by prosecuting criminals and protecting the rights of individuals within our legal system.

I'm not the smartest lawyer in the Bar, but I know shitloads more than most of you about the way the judiciary operates and how judicial oversight of the other two branches of government actually functions. I consider it my civic duty to attempt to assist you now and then to understand what is happening as your equally clueless Drumpffuhrer attempts to undermine our constitutional rights.

I don't post here much because most of you are too closed-minded to bother replying to; you'd rather wallow in your fantastical ignorance than have actual dialogue with people who hold different opinions but are no less patriotic than you.

And for what it's worth, my maternal line traces back to the Mayflower, I'm a Bradford descendant and a DAR, my family shed blood to secure the founding of this country and preserve it through every military action since the Revolution. We were immigrants who found safe haven here, and I will fight for that opportunity for others to my dying breath.

So, you know all about the original 13th amendment....right????? Because if you are an alleged "blue blood"? This should be easy pickings for ya......and how, what, where was the original 13th amendment displaced and kicked to the dustbin of history and how does it tie into the charter of the first central bank? This should be child's play for you and shouldn't take any time for you to research, no "Google" search necessary....right????

FAUX news is on 24/7 at your house, isn't it? And you sit at your computer in the glow of the monitor reading Breitbart and watching Alex Jones videos and posting obsessively about chem trails?

C'mon, I'm close, aren't I?

"FAUX news is on 24/7 at your house, isn't it? And you sit at your computer in the glow of the monitor reading Breitbart and watching Alex Jones videos and posting obsessively about chem trails?

C'mon, I'm close, aren't I?"

For someone with so few posts, you seem to know a lot about Mr. Dale, in the way of commenting the exact same things that others who are obsessed with him comment on a daily basis.

We must get a betting Pool up and running to determine the other name you post here with on a daily basis, not this bigskygal, but the other one :popcorn:
Can't spell what?

You can't spell and your punctuation skills are equally pathetic...and I am not talking about typos...we all make them, but you are illiterate.

Really? Please give me some examples.

"Geezus H. Kryst".........there ya go, moron.

Gee, I thought maybe you didn't think I could spell Lakhota correctly.

The only way you could spell Lakhota right is this


That was mean pal.. I take that back

But It was funny.
I don't "funny" posters. I don't much care for insult posters either. I find them annoying. I occasionally throw back some insult at posters like Dale just for personal fun.
Can't spell what?

You can't spell and your punctuation skills are equally pathetic...and I am not talking about typos...we all make them, but you are illiterate.

Really? Please give me some examples.

"Geezus H. Kryst".........there ya go, moron.

Gee, I thought maybe you didn't think I could spell Lakhota correctly.

The only way you could spell Lakhota right is this


You better keep the white mans fire water away from Lakhota. Not a good history there.
I don't "funny" posters. I don't much care for insult posters either. I find them annoying. I occasionally throw back some insult at posters like Dale just for personal fun.
You couldn't throw an insult if wanted to..
You're to nice
I am more than your intellectual equal........a walking, talking encyclopedia of knowledge and I am more than willing to give you a shot at impressing me....thus far you have ignored my questions.....all valid and legit....having a tough time with "Google" search to find the answers???

Intellectual equal? Geezus H. Kryst, that's hilarious!

Really? You can't even spell and you have never made a coherent argument the entire time I have been here. You are "small time". What you lack in quality of posts? You lamely attempt to compensate with quantity. You are a non-entity here and if you had ANY common sense? You would have vacated this forum a long time ago....but you seem to enjoy looking stupid and seem to take pride in it. SMH.
And you are the wacko conspiracy nut job that writes reams of babble that no one even bothers to read because they know it is always tin foil hat nonsense.

Bring some game, Camp....let's debate and discuss where you believe that I have erred in my postings here. I can make a very cognizant you think you have something other than the "Uh-uh" defense? I will listen to you and weigh your problem with that at all.
You are a crude, rude, wanna be bully Dale, and not a very successful one, hence, the wanna be tag. Bitch slapping you is way to easy.

Amen! He definitely rode the short bus.

Last edited:
You can't spell and your punctuation skills are equally pathetic...and I am not talking about typos...we all make them, but you are illiterate.

Really? Please give me some examples.

"Geezus H. Kryst".........there ya go, moron.

Gee, I thought maybe you didn't think I could spell Lakhota correctly.

The only way you could spell Lakhota right is this


You better keep the white mans fire water away from Lakhota. Not a good history there.

No give Lakhota Tequila instead :smoke:
Suuuuuure you know lawyers who graduated Harvard & Yale and don't know what they're talking about . . .

Indeed, public free tuition law schools taught by communists and ACLU types to ramp up their public service time don't count as legit law scools. And doc review is hardly a prestigeious law career. I kid I kid.

Not sure who you're trying to burn with this post, but 'scools' doesn't assist much with expressing your intellectual superiority.

I went to Georgetown myself, owe shitloads of student loans that I'll be paying until I die. I turned down a six figure law firm salary to work in legal aid, then as a public defender, then ultimately as a prosecutor for several years before opening a private practice - wherein I represented mostly blue collar working people for whom I made payment arrangements and/or did pro bono work because they needed the help and I had the skills to provide it.

Yes, I'm liberal. I was raised in a Republican household back when the Republican Party was sane. Reagan is rolling in his grave over the hideousness that is Donald J. Trump.

I was kidding. I said as much. But obviously someone enjoys talking about their personal life on an Internet forum. Must be a busy lawyer.

I don't practice law anymore, except pro bono - I'll be actively volunteering in the resistance to Donald J. Trump's agenda, for instance. Along with thousands of my brethren.

I'm just responding to allegations with facts. And I didn't talk about my personal life, I referred to my professional education & experience, which is relevant to the questions raised about the content of my posts. I referred to my family history insomuch as it's highly relevant to explaining why I am so particularly disgusted by Drumpffuhrer's stance on immigration, especially re: refugees from war-torn countries.

I see. A victim of economics. The only thing more prevelant than lawyers in the legal system is the giant dung heap of failed lawyers. Indeed there are so many lawyers in the legal profession that if you aren't shit hot then you will surely fail in your chosen career choice. I don't blame you though. I didn't want to put fourth the time an effort required to compeat on such a scale so I opted for a Masters in Military History instead. Nevertheless, your reasoning in why you feel so passionate is ideologically grounded which is my way of saying it is devoid of reason. And your ancestors did not find safe haven in either their country of origin nor their destination whereas they had to fight for their safe haven.

Today we benefit from your ancestors understanding of freedom and individual liberty. We do not benefit by importing those who believe in neither, i.e. those who have a culture of sanctioned rape, violence, oppression, and theocracy. The Somali refugees in Minnesota are an excellent example why we should not import those who neither know our concept of liberty nor want our concept of liberty. But they vote democrat so no matter how they present themselves I'm sure they're ok with you.

The very little you have presented in this and your other post has me terribly concerned about the value for dollar of your education. You are clearly not terribly familiar with the history of the Massachusetts Bay Colony; my greatx7 grandfather wrote much of it, so I am.

On another note - it's just sad when the best rhetorical device a debater can rely on is baseless personal attack. I am in no way a failed attorney; there are many attorneys who change careers despite enjoying success in the traditional use of their J.D.

Since you probably salivate over Kelleyanne Conway, you should already know that.
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